I can only imagine how many drugs it would take to put you in a state where you could forget these parents for a few hours. There is no place on Earth Lindsay can go to get away from them, because of her, they can fly anywhere now. If Lindsay kills herself, she still won't escape them. They would have a big public funeral and charge people to attend and sell the story of "Lindsay's last days" over and over again. The whole thing is so depressing it makes ME want drugs.
Use her, use her, use her. Michael's "get on my page or it will fail" stance is such a classic. Classic controlling abuser. And, of course, "it's for her own good" and both him and Dina have god on their side. You'd think there would be one crazed Lohan fan out there who would off these two.
Her little sister Ali is already in the spotlight and being home schooled (Yikes!)-I'm sure she knows every way to divide an ounce and can cook meth in the bathtub with great skill.
Lindsay looks like shit. Her skin is thin and flat, and she reminds me of Courtney Love (gross). She's got a movie coming out with Steven Seagal! WTF!? Steven, you can do better.
Dina will do anything to make a buck, and Michael is beyond pathetic in airing his daughter's laundry for his benefit. That whole family seems desperate to land any spot in the Hollywood chuck-wagon.
There are so many rich assholes in the world.
Rich assholes with kids. Ugh!!
With the 'Gosselin Two' running amok and with apparent impunity ruining the lives of EIGHT truly innocent kids-- you're worried about Lindsay LOHAN?
That's a ship that's already sailed.
Read the title. The G's are the same.
Michael Lohan is an idiot. I hate people who say they are right because "God is on my side". How the hell do you know which side God is on? If there even is a God at all.
I feel much more sorry for Ali than for Lindsay. Ali had obvious breast implants by the time she was about 14. What a fucked up plastic surgeon, giving a young teenager new boobs, and what a fucked-up mother to let her get them at that age. Also, Dina yanked her out of school under the guise of homeschooling her, when I'm sure the real reason was so Ali can have more time to pursue fame by showing up at Hollywood parties in skanky outfits. She is way too young for this crap and I feel bad for her.
I have a harder time feeling sorry for Lindsay. She's made a ton of money and she chose to blow it all. She is also given multiple chances in Hollywood even though her movies keep bombing and she keeps ditching work because she's "sick". Most actors would kill for the kind of chances Lindsay's had and she keeps pissing it all away. Yeah, she has shitty parents, but so do a lot of people who never get half the oppportunities Lindsay's gotten.
Behold the future, Gosselin 8. So terribly sad what some parents will do to their own children.
We need a license to fish.
License to drive.
License to practice law.
License to be a physician or nurse.
License to wed.
But any yahoo with a penis and vagina can be a parent.
Uh oh .
Someones back to bloggin about celebs again. I KNEW you couldn't stop!
Hey, Michael! Is that the same God who allows grow men to stick their penises in little children and then kill them when they're done?
God, my ass! There ain't no big bad voodoo daddy up there flying around in the sky, looking down on you and your intervention, doucebag!
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