Sunday, October 11, 2009

Birthday orbs

This was a party for Christy's boy friend's mother. Interesting aren't they? They're very pretty in the close up. He has a nice looking family, Chrissy.


miss tia said...

i see the orbs but i am more focused on that chocolate frosting!!!

ckarakidesign said...

Thanks for posting DD!! :D

Unknown said...

My recent vacation pics were like that and it turned out to be spots on my lens. I believe in orbs, but I don't think those are it.

Corina said...

very cool - i've never seen oblong ones in pics before...

Anonymous said...

Always check photos shot during family celebrations for orbs or other irregularities. Orbs are quite common in such photos because departed loved ones sometimes return to share in the fun (as best they can ;-)

While as many as 50-90 percent of orb photos are nothing more than the conditions at the time of the flash, there are certain factors to help us determine the legitimately paranormal from those which are merely dust or moisture-- the most obvious being very bright orbs as well as orbs which show a vibrating effect within the photo. Orbs thought to be authentic have also been known to show a slight "trailing" effect.

Thanks for sharing these! Always a treat when you post on the paranormal, DD... especially this month!