Monday, October 19, 2009

Choo choo, caption this..

I have nothing to say. The world is still full of stupid.


Brig said...

I have no caption for that picture. It is stupid. I have issues tough because I had a relative and her friend who committed suicide by walking in front of a train. What is the picture suppose to promote, anything?

Dirty Disher said...

No,it just summed up my general dismay with the world today.

miss tia said...

no Lissa updates lately! what have you 2 been up too??

i think that looks like shauna sand from the back and i am ashamed of myself that i know who shauna sand is....

Anonymous said...

Im disappointed in humanity. I really am.

Race said...

she's braggin' cuz she's really doin' a train. weird. who set this up and thought it was hot? does make one wonder.

miss tia said...

hey DD did you get the link i sent you with updates on the girl in florida? sent it to your new email addy....the bald truth website link....

Anonymous said...

i hope the train hit her

Anonymous said...

Well...that's one way to get plowed.

How's Lissa been?? How's school going???

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong? Something is very wrong in Iowa. Hope you & yours are all ok.

Angie said...


Anonymous said...

Finally a trainwreck nobody will want to slow down for. And nobody's sorry about either...

I second the inquires about you & Lissa. Just wantedtto give the caption task a try.

TVsnark said...

There has got to be a Sigmond Freud Joke in here somewhere????

Anonymous said...

That's just plain sick anyway you look at it !!!!!!!!!

TeaTime said...

"Overcompensation" Obviously a male photog with serious issues concerning women and sex set up this shot. Bet his "train" is 2 inches long.

Dan Zinski said...

The train, having seen Madonna in a similar position, was not impressed.

Major Majormajor said...

I guess she took the lyrics of that Psychedelic Furs song, "Into You Like A Train," literally.

Unknown said...

"And the Darwin Award goes to..."

Anonymous said...

I saw a girl standing on a train track when I was kid, she didnt move either. You dont wanna know what that looked like after the train hit her. I still have nightmares!

Minnesota said...

That's sad...poor silly, stupid girl.

Anonymous said...

taking your picture on a railroad track is unlucky
just any picture dont pose in one by one , near one look at all those bands who pose on railroad tracks for their albums their album careers fizz out

Anonymous said...

Hollywood auditions.


Matilda said...

Yeah, DD, the world is full of stupid people. No doubt about that.

Frimmy said...

"The world is still full of stupid" is inadvertently a good enough caption for me

Anonymous said...

Choo-choo train uterus.

mondo trasho said...

Anon 5:28 -
Well said, I couldn't agree more. Thank you for one of the more thought-provoking posts of the day!

Corina said...

gross. i doubt that was an actual shoot though. Someone probably took 2 shots and photoshopped them together. still retarded...

bored said...

Whats wrong with pictures like this, is that it makes it look like women will have sex with any thing. Which brings me to the crazies, who literally think that all women love having sex with foreign objects.
No wonder many men are completely fucked in the head...hello sexual sadists anyone?

Dirty Disher said...

Bored, man, did you hit the nail on the head.

Dirty Disher said...

I am also shocked that there are other people on here who have known or seen people hit by a train.

Alison said...

My mom went to high school with a guy who killed himself by parking his car on the railroad tracks and sitting inside of it while a train was coming. This picture is sad and stupid.

Anonymous said...

"The Kardashian sisters, tired of choco loving, looked for so choo choo loving"


Anonymous said...




bored said...

DD, I watch Wicked Attraction and it showed a few men who believed this.

I have never known anyone who got hurt by a train. What a horrible way to go.

Anonymous said...

4 or is 12 people a DAY are hit by trains