Picture it..I had to drive The Mother Thing to the emergency room because my brother was admitted there from the care facility. They said on the phone he was "ill." Yeah, thanks for the heads up, bitches, he was stark raving out of his mind. I got there ahead of the ambulance and waited an hour and a half for them to get off their ass's and go get him. There were two ambulances parked outside and I have no idea what the hold up was. I offered twice to go get him myself but they said it was against the rules. Okay, that was enough to irritate me right there, but, then they finally fetched his crazy ass and wheeled him in on a stretcher. He was angry and said he'd been overdosed. I went up and put my hand on his shoulder and said, do you hurt anywhere? Are you sick? (There was no doctor there at this time) He sat up and looked at our mom and then yelled at me. He screamed "You got me on drugs! You're the one who started me on drugs and made me this way!!" He acted like he was going to punch me. I'm like, whoa, I assure you I'm not in charge of your medication. He said "No, when we were kids, you got me hooked on drugs!" Then he starts crying for his mommy. The mother thing gave me a look that would kill and rushed to his side. I said, fuck this family and left the room.
I can tell you truthfully I have never in my life shared drugs with my brother..I never liked him that much when we were kids. We have never even shared a joint or a beer, much less whatever he was ranting about. I went out of the room, but, I stood outside the door and listened. You could hear him all over the first floor. Boo hoo, drugs were his downfall. Yeah, right. Then he said "Patty went to Woodstock and saw Janice Joplin! She did! She snuck out of the house and went to Woodstock!!" I peeked around the door and saw the mother thing patting his back as he sobbed. Jesus Christ. She was asking him to tell her all about it and what did I do and how did I get there? He obliged and then yelled "She got to go to Woodstock and I didn't! It aint fair!!"
An hour later the doctor finally walks in and my brother is still going on about Woodstock and he's also narcing off all his old buddies from the sixties and seventies. This one got him high and that one sold him drugs. He told the doctor to write down their names and call the feds. I thought to myself "That right there is why you didn't go to Woodstock, you big narc." Oh, did I mention he was 12 years old when Woodstock was held? No matter, I was sick of him by now. I am sick of this whole family. None of this made any sense. It kind of reminded me of the TP boys except Bubbles had that cool puppet. I told the mother thing I was leaving..but, I didn't.
An hour later the doctor finally walks in and my brother is still going on about Woodstock and he's also narcing off all his old buddies from the sixties and seventies. This one got him high and that one sold him drugs. He told the doctor to write down their names and call the feds. I thought to myself "That right there is why you didn't go to Woodstock, you big narc." Oh, did I mention he was 12 years old when Woodstock was held? No matter, I was sick of him by now. I am sick of this whole family. None of this made any sense. It kind of reminded me of the TP boys except Bubbles had that cool puppet. I told the mother thing I was leaving..but, I didn't.
The doctor looked at his chart and said Bob had been unmedicated for three days. He had nothing in his system at all. Then my brother yelled that his doctor thinks he's a homo. The ER doc says "So, you're upset because your doctor thinks your gay and you aren't? Bob says no, he knows he's queerer than a three dollar bill most of the time. He also thinks he needs his head examined. The ER doc says he thinks that can be arranged. I had a chuckle.
Then they started an IV, I have no idea why and I doubt they did either. They had to do something, I guess. The old lady is shaking her head and telling the doctor he's not gay. The doctor ignored her and she went over to him and pointed at his clipboard and said he needed to write that down. He..is..not..GAY. Well, she laid down the law about that, huu?
Finally, I left and went down to the waiting room and got coffee. I could hear him ranting all the way down the hall. That went on for two hours. The doctor disappeared and I could hear the mother thing following all the nurses asking when they were going to admit him to a room? Finally she started telling them she was old and had arthritis and it hurt a lot. She was in terrible pain and she was so tired. It got more interesting for them, I'm sure, when she heard the doctor say the man in the next room had a perforated bowel. She told them all about her bathroom habits. She ended up with "I'm just an old lady, I'm tired and I think Dancing With The Stars is on tonight!" They finally gave him a room and wheeled his ass off, still ranting. About this time some bitch dressed as the Avon lady walked into the waiting room and said "I can see your family is giving you a hard time. There's someone you can talk to, you know." I looked up, mildly interested and said, oh? She said, yes, and picked up a bible from the side table and tried to hand it to me. Yes, you can talk to Jesus, she smiled. My head was pounding and I said "Jesus sucks." She was mad now, she said "Shame on you, it certainly doesn't say that in the good book!" I grabbed her bible and a marker from the kids table and wrote JESUS SUCKS! ASS! right on the front page, then I handed it back to her. (It does now, twat.) She stormed off and said she was going to report me. To who, bitch? The Mormons? The janitor?
Finally, I left and went down to the waiting room and got coffee. I could hear him ranting all the way down the hall. That went on for two hours. The doctor disappeared and I could hear the mother thing following all the nurses asking when they were going to admit him to a room? Finally she started telling them she was old and had arthritis and it hurt a lot. She was in terrible pain and she was so tired. It got more interesting for them, I'm sure, when she heard the doctor say the man in the next room had a perforated bowel. She told them all about her bathroom habits. She ended up with "I'm just an old lady, I'm tired and I think Dancing With The Stars is on tonight!" They finally gave him a room and wheeled his ass off, still ranting. About this time some bitch dressed as the Avon lady walked into the waiting room and said "I can see your family is giving you a hard time. There's someone you can talk to, you know." I looked up, mildly interested and said, oh? She said, yes, and picked up a bible from the side table and tried to hand it to me. Yes, you can talk to Jesus, she smiled. My head was pounding and I said "Jesus sucks." She was mad now, she said "Shame on you, it certainly doesn't say that in the good book!" I grabbed her bible and a marker from the kids table and wrote JESUS SUCKS! ASS! right on the front page, then I handed it back to her. (It does now, twat.) She stormed off and said she was going to report me. To who, bitch? The Mormons? The janitor?
The mother thing came in and told me we could leave now. I put down the two year old copy of Good Housekeeping I'd been engrossed in and I guess I will never know how to make my own shabby chic lemonade container. She told me that Bob's problem was an overdose and it was a mistake made by bad medical staff where he lives. She was going to sue! I said, that's not what he said, he said he's not medicated at all. She yelled at me to shut up, it was an overdose! Then she demanded to know if I was at this Woodstick. I told her it was Woodstock and what was she going to do, ground me? What an idiot.
The mother thing came in and told me we could leave now. I put down the two year old copy of Good Housekeeping I'd been engrossed in and I guess I will never know how to make my own shabby chic lemonade container. She told me that Bob's problem was an overdose and it was a mistake made by bad medical staff where he lives. She was going to sue! I said, that's not what he said, he said he's not medicated at all. She yelled at me to shut up, it was an overdose! Then she demanded to know if I was at this Woodstick. I told her it was Woodstock and what was she going to do, ground me? What an idiot.
She was still mad when we drove off and I said she should worry about her crazy son and she said "My poor boy." And I muttered "Your poor big old gay boy." She screamed "He is not gay!!!!" I said, he IS gay, he's always been gay, he is fruit salad, homo picnic, pink tutu dancing on rainbow bridge GAY! And nothing she says will make him not gay. She told me she was fed up with me and that she was going to get ME a psychiatric evaluation. (Like everyone on here couldn't diagnose me.) I think she even lied about Dancing With The Stars. Everything she says is a big fat lie. And as soon as she got home she was telling whoppers to the family in the driveway. She said that Bob got an overdose and it was all "their" fault, but, he's better now. And I don't think my brother is going to survive this one. I really don't.
That was my day..and night. How was yours?
That was my day..and night. How was yours?
Did you really go to Woodstock? You lucky fart!! And if you did, no one missed you for three days?
Wild move with the Bible! Wish I could have been there to see it.
Sorry you have to put up with this shit. Life defintely is not fair!!!
Pat, you and me are the same age and there's no way you went to Woodstick! DWTS is on tonight. Go cut her cable connection.
My night? All you can eat wings at Docs and home to Broncos football.
I think my brother is physically sick and if we don't get him to a real hospital soon, I don't think he'll make it. Everyone here is acting like it's just mental illness. It's very scary and upsetting right now.
Escrow, I was out on my own at 14 and went where I wanted.
How far away is a real hospital? Is that an option? Who can legally make those decisions? Im sad for you dish, really...family sucks...
How do I explain to Mini-snark why I'm laughing?
The Bible thing floors me. I wonder how much hate mail you will get for admitting that. Please, post them.
This is what made me spit dietcoke all over my screen.
he's always been gay, he is fruit salad, homo picnic, pink tutu dancing on rainbow bridge GAY!
Holy crap, what a horrible day! I think most of your brother's problem is the craziness that your mother-thing brings to him. I wish I had to guts to do something like that with the bible. Sometimes people need to learn when not to stick their noses in other people's issues.
I KNOW the bible thing was awful, but, so was that jesus pushing cunt hospital stalker from hell. A real hospital is 80 miles away.
One of my favorite scenes from the movie Parenthood. It never fails to crack me up:
Helen: No, no, no, no. I'm too young to be a grandmother. Grandmothers are old. They bake, and they sew, and they tell you stories about the Depression.
Helen: [shouting] I was at Woodstock, for Christ's sake! I peed in a field! I hung onto The Who's helicopter as it flew away!
George Bowman: I was at Woodstock.
Helen: [shouting] Oh yeah? I thought you looked familiar!
DD, I was at Woodstock, too. And I thought you looked familiar ;)
Hope I made you smile a little. What a horrendous day you've had.
Damn what a night you had. What physical symptoms is he having Pat? You can request to have him transferred to a larger hospital. Have you shared your concerns about his physical health with his doctor? Sorry you had a big ball of suck however I love how you put the pushy bible beater in their place
How do you do it? When I read your interactions with the skanky lying bitch who bore you or with your (yes, I feel sorry for him) brother, my first thought is whether you can stay sane. I'm glad you snapped a little and wrote in the bible - it made ME feel better reading it, at least.
Well, i'm kind of homeless and sleeping in my car at the moment. It's sort of voluntary. But i can't find an affordable place to live. As trying as it is, it can be peaceful and maybe YOU should take a vacation in your car, or any car, for a few weeks. I wonder how many other people have wound up doing this to get away from a stressful situation. There seem to be quite a few.
Must be hard to be gay in your neck of the woods.
How do you do it? When I read your interactions with the skanky lying bitch who bore you or with your (yes, I feel sorry for him) brother, my first thought is whether you can stay sane. I'm glad you snapped a little and wrote in the bible - it made ME feel better reading it, at least.
Well, i'm kind of homeless and sleeping in my car at the moment. It's sort of voluntary. But i can't find an affordable place to live. As trying as it is, it can be peaceful and maybe YOU should take a vacation in your car, or any car, for a few weeks. I wonder how many other people have wound up doing this to get away from a stressful situation. There seem to be quite a few.
Must be hard to be gay in your neck of the woods.
Kuddos with the bible. Jesus does suck. Hope everything turns out fine.
TV Snark,
That was my favorite line too!
I actually really, LOL'd on that line.
I'm sorry pat you had such a difficult night........
Oh, how I hate people who try to foist their religions on other people. I wish I could take the Bible of every holier-than-thous Jesus freak and write in it what you wrote in this woman's. Good job, I love it!
It sounds like part of the reason your brother got into drugs in the first place is because he's had a hard time with being gay and not able to admit it. Obviously he could never admit it to your homophobic mother, judging from her reaction.
I hear you on the shitty hospital thing, the local hospital around here is the pits. The doctors and nurses there are all stupid as hell. One of them wrecked my grandma's new knee by making her walk up and down stairs over and over and over right after the operation (my grandmother went along with it because she didn't know any better). I drive a hour-and-a-half out of my way when I need to go to the hospital because I will NOT go to the local one, it fucking sucks.
Holy Fuck. Some family, eh? Love love love the part about the Avon lady and her bible. Thats going to keep be smiling for days.
yep, jesus sucks and that avon lady bible pusher and her tactics would make that sucky baby jesus cry!
sorry about your day!
i think alison is right with why your brother probably turned to drugs.....
you are a scorpio are you not DD? usually people's life get low and drained before their birthday.....especially peoples who are close to the 'universe' if you know what i mean--in tune with the moon, nature, etc....
Homeless Anonymous, How are you posting on the internet at this hour? Are you cold? Are you okay?
DD, I'm surprised and happy that you haven't been run out of town for writing in that lady's bible. I'm an atheist but I don't think I'd have that kind of nerve.
Lastly, Dancing with the stars was on tonight. I saw it on the TV channel guide (I promise I've never watched it).
DD... Both your mom and your brother live in their own little fantasy world. Seems like there's no sense in trying to get through to either one of them.
I have relatives who are like that. They only believe what they want to believe. I've given up on the whole lot of them.
Dayumm...you know, you get to be about 50 years old...you kinda hope the shit is all behind you and you shouldnt be dealing with crazy relatives anymore. It's like you feel like you are old now and shouldnt have to, let the crazies deal with each other & leave me alone. But no, they always seek out the not-crazy ones to make us crazy as well. Pat, I have to tell you something. I have been hiding from my damn family for almost 30 years and it's worked so far. I've never had a listed phone, I have no relatives near me that know where I live either. A select few have my phone #. I dont even have a lanline anymore, all the better. Cells are better to keep away the crap. My family literally made me go crazy. It was always some faked car fire that someone was supposed to have died in out in Colorado or some BS,that we would all fall for. Then we got wise, no more BS! You crazy people. Stay away. It actually worked for a long time. Then a few years ago someone called a relative & told them my mom had died. Ok...then again last year I got another call that my mom had died. Ok...again. Dayum...but she really did die that time. It's always like that. And if they know wher you live, they think they can move right in with you! Thats whay I cant be around them. They are crazy. So far, I am no longer crazy. I plan to keep it that way. Sorry for your shitty mess. It makes you want to disappear doesnt it? I know.
PS: My idiot brother, another one I stay hid from used to bore holes in the bathroom wall to peek at me. He'd slide a mirror under the door to see what he could see. I hate him. He's not right, but I still hate him. I cant be around that shit and he & my sister used to & maybe still do have a sexual realtionship. She had to get a restraining order against him even when they lived in the same house and they still do! But just to get him to leave her alone & she didnt want to "play house" anymore. Pat, I think our families are from some alternate universe. I cannot deal with mine, so I just dont. It has kept me somewhat sane. My family is totally f'd. I think yours might be the same. I totally sympathise.
Rox... Nice to know there's others who have to stay away from family members in order to keep their sanity. Like you, I made a complete split from my family many years ago. I have not seen or spoken to any of them (except for my children who made the escape with me).
Family comes in all forms and just because they're blood doesn't mean you have to suffer and be miserable. My children and I have a new family with people who really do care about us. Life's too short to put up with bullshit.
agreed Matilda! i cut off my family like 14 years ago or so....best thing i ever did!
Holy shit, Pat. One thing struck me with all this. You really handled yourself pretty calmly with all this, other than the bible incident. I think you've turned a corner with your mother and that is huge. I hope your brother gets the care he needs.
Matilda, I have my kids and thats enough for me. My kids have never met any of my immediate family. My family never wanted to meet them either. Thats fine. I guess they figured they couldnt get anything from kids so why bother. My family is always about them & how they can benefit from anything. Like about 6 or 7 years ago they called a relative and asked if I was dead, they had heard I was. How would they hear that? They were fishing, thats all it was. They thought they could cash in. See? I cannot deal with that shit. I feel bad when they call relatives that feel the need to relay the msg's to me. But thankfully none of them have ratted me out! They know them too. Thank gawd! LOL
Okay, here's what happened so far. The old lady came over about 3 am and said he was being life flighted to the city. According to her the doc says he has some disease which is causing brain damage and has to have surgery. She lies so much I have no idea what the truth is. Now I'm just here waiting to see what she wants to do.
Pat, I know what you mean. It only stops when they die. Your brother is ill, for that I am sorry. But the crazies are the thing that is getting to you. I would be in prison for killing someone if I was around my family, or I would have offed myself. Either way, I win. I cant handle them. My bro & sister both have aspergers, my sister has Addisons disease too. The aspergers makes them impossible to be around. They have no filter between their brain & their mouth. Among other things. I don't know. They are older then me and I know they will die w/o my knowing. But you won't believe how many times they have called someone & told them that one of them has died, repeatedly. You only get to die once! Not them! Its insanity. I hope your brother gets his needed surgery and can recover. It sounds kind of bad. Your mom is old but seems to thrive with conflict. I totally know about ppl like that too. I hate it. They never want peace for anybody. They keep things stirred up for any reason, it's about them. Always getting someones attention, good or bad. It pains my ass. Take care girl. xo
And PS: Your mom is getting lots of attention from your brothers illness. Trust me, she is loving all of that! She probably couldnt wait to get on the phone & call everybody to tell them about it, so they would feel sorry for HER! I know!!! Grrr
Shit, there were little kids and babies at Woodstock anyways. There was no age limit to admittance. Entire hippie familys congregated there. It was a muddy love feast man! DD could totally have been there. And was. If you were alive then, you could have been there. The last Woodstock was a disaster. & was all about making cash. It sucked ass.
Keep us posted.
mom... please call me if anything is happening that I should be driving there for!
I will Casey. Right now he is heavily sedated and in a private room in intensive care. He has specialists working on his case. I knew it wasn't all in his head.
good god. you have mental issues- seek help.
Pat, I know I speak for a multitude when I say you (and your brother) are in our thoughts today.
Hang in there. We Love You.
if you need anything....
I have the feeling that when your brother dies your mother is gonna blame it on you. You must truly feel you are in the twilight zone. I had a hard weekend myself but I feel it is so small compared to what you are going through. (hugs)
You sure got her back for fucking up your pumpkins, huh? That's one of the best stories I've ever read!! Thanks for a FAB-U-LOUS (most certainly your brother's favorite word!) laugh!!!
Wow Linda. I hope that made you feel good.
Meanwhile, DD, your family is toxic and the lot of them are mentally ill. It's going to make you crazy too if you stay around it. Sell what you can, move, and leave no forwarding address. Get a new life and get help. I fear that anon 7:14 might be right.
Oh Pat...That really was a bad day. I'm having a lot of those bad days too.
your life is insane, awesome, and just like mine, only you put it down with so much more artistic pizzaz.
good on you!
i love the way you describe your mother as 'the mother thing' now i know how to refer to mine.
lotsa love to you and.......
i can only hope for one thing for you, and its the same thing that i hope for myself, that we outlive the fukkers and get a life of our own someday
think we will miss our mother things?
i'm kinda hoping to recreate mine into something better
I think we all have "issues" of some sort and considering the circumstances, I think Pat/DD is doing a remarkable job in staying sane. *** With that said, I do worry along with everyone else about what your family will end up doing to your mental health. I would be glad to see you leave the lot of them but somehow I don't think that will happen. Please take care of yourself.
I don't even know what to say, aside from, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hope that things improve for you.
Pat, life changing events occur to you and yours on a daily basis, and on top of that you don't even believe in Jesus!!!! (JK on the Jesus comment)! I know you have an inner stregnth, faith that is not based on Christianity and a lot of "crazy", that has to be the only way you are getting through all this! Your brother will get through this or "move on" to the next level/phase of his life; don't stress over it, he is in a hospital and those folks do try their best to help people, even if they are driven by big pharma and insurance companies! I had not touched base with your blog in 2 weeks and it has taken me an hour to see what all is going on!
keep it together, have a glass of wine or a beer and some smokes and watch whatever takes your mind off of this madness for a while!
big hug and shot of tequila for you!
About the bible bitch...why can't people just mind their own damn business? Such arrogant asses. I can't stand it.
P.S. After I flip through a two year old Good Housekeeping, in a hospital,I always reach for the hand sanitizer.
I'm still wondering about the homeless person that posted on here days ago.
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