So last night I heard this banging and growing and I knew the Raccoon was fighting with something, I didn't know what. I jumped out of bed and tried to figure out where the sound was coming from. I really couldn't figure it out..it sounded like it was in the room with me. In the walls, in the attic, under the floor? And what was it fighting? There was no barking, so it wasn't a dog. All of a sudden the room filled with what can only be described as a combination of swamp gas, monster fart and a propane leak right before an explosion. Jesus Chriiiiiiiiiist. I recognized the smell..but, only because I've smelled it faintly in the wild or on nosey dogs. OMG, this was like...I don't know what to call it....it was so bad! My eyes watered, my throat closed and I ran for the door, gagging, with my bathrobe over my face. Well, now I knew what the Raccoon pissed off.
So last night I heard this banging and growing and I knew the Raccoon was fighting with something, I didn't know what. I jumped out of bed and tried to figure out where the sound was coming from. I really couldn't figure it out..it sounded like it was in the room with me. In the walls, in the attic, under the floor? And what was it fighting? There was no barking, so it wasn't a dog. All of a sudden the room filled with what can only be described as a combination of swamp gas, monster fart and a propane leak right before an explosion. Jesus Chriiiiiiiiiist. I recognized the smell..but, only because I've smelled it faintly in the wild or on nosey dogs. OMG, this was like...I don't know what to call it....it was so bad! My eyes watered, my throat closed and I ran for the door, gagging, with my bathrobe over my face. Well, now I knew what the Raccoon pissed off.
I spent the night here at my desk, with the door open. It was cold, rainy and windy last night. I usually hate the wind, but, man, I was glad for it last night. You couldn't even enter the room where the deadly deed happened for hours. The house seems to have aired out, the door is still open. I'm not gagging anymore and my eyes stopped watering. I've been smelling it too long and I can't tell if my entire closet got skunked. I'll have to ask someone else to sniff my clothes. I still don't know where the skunk was, but, it had to be right next to me.
I spent the night here at my desk, with the door open. It was cold, rainy and windy last night. I usually hate the wind, but, man, I was glad for it last night. You couldn't even enter the room where the deadly deed happened for hours. The house seems to have aired out, the door is still open. I'm not gagging anymore and my eyes stopped watering. I've been smelling it too long and I can't tell if my entire closet got skunked. I'll have to ask someone else to sniff my clothes. I still don't know where the skunk was, but, it had to be right next to me.
I still think the Skunk is not the real problem, it's that damn insane Raccoon. I hate that critter! I'm not real fond of any critter this morning.
I still think the Skunk is not the real problem, it's that damn insane Raccoon. I hate that critter! I'm not real fond of any critter this morning.
Oh yeah you clothes got skunked. That smell permeates everything. I have had more then one dog come in after getting it in the face.
Takes a couple weeks to really get rid of it. You are gonna stink. Make sure to wash anything you are going to wear..even your hair!
If you can find what the skunk sprayed you can spray it with this stuff:
1 quart (or liter) of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2.
Use fresh (unopened) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide eventually turns into water (H2O).
1/4 cup (50 ml.) of Baking Soda
1 teaspoon (5 ml.) of Liquid Soap
I've used this on my cat when he was sprayed 3 nights in a row (cat doesn't learn quickly and wants to play with the black and white kitty). This will get rid of the source pretty quickly and help air things out.
I don't think I can smell anything anymore. It was like a nuclear explosion.
A skunk was trying to pull my garbage bag through a crack in the bottom of the can the other day. I just left him alone. I didn't say it was an interesting skunk story, I just said it was a story involving a skunk.
I am guessing the skunk has been hiding somewhere around/under your house? The raccoon didnt like that and was fighting with him to get out. Thats probably what the racket has been. Just call the animal control. They will come out & snare them around the neck & haul them out in the country. We had raccoons invade our garage once. 3 of them. They came right out & got them. They just dump them out on a country road. Most skunks have rabies. be careful. & remember what happened to that old lady that tried to shoo those raccoons off her place? They attacked her & almost killed her. Be careful.
PS: If you had a dog, those critters wouldnt come around.
Oh, really, anon? Then how come I have to rescue the neighbors German Shep from it every night?
Umm, call animal control? LMAO! Yeah, right. Have I mentioned I live in Bumfuck?
At first I was worried you having to keep your door wide open might invite some not-so-welcome family visitors, but if your house smells as bad as you say hopefully that will keep 'em away!
Skunks FREAK ME OUT....a couple of weeks ago when I was walking into my work (i go in very early and its still dark) there was a giant skunk rubbing up against the door where I go in, kind of looked like a cat..now I shake my keys when I walk to the door to scare him away if he is out there, but someone told me its not good to make noise, so Im confused...Do I let them know Im there or not???? snowbunnie
The smell of skunk close up is nothing like the whiff of skunk from afar. It's totally nuclear! It has an intensely malodorous chemical-like smell to it and it burns your eyes and nasal passages and you sure as hell don't want to breathe it in through your mouth.
Never heard of the peroxide solution for getting rid of the smell. I hope it works for you.
lol @ Crabbie
Raccoons are mean. They make me nervous. I think they are cute, looks-wise, though. We have raccoons around our house sometimes. Once my brother came home at night and saw two giant raccoons sitting there on our step. He was too scared to get out of the car so he called me on his cell phone and told me. I brought our dogs downstairs and let them bark at the raccoons through the door and the raccoons ran away. (My dogs bark like crazy when they are allowed to which of course is not very often. They sound possessed by the devil. It'd scare anybody, trust me.)
A skunk sprayed in the general area of my neighborhood the other night and it smelled soooo bad.
snowbunnie, I'd say shake your keys, sing, make noise as you walk to let the Skunk know your there. You definitely don't want to surprise a Skunk. A Skunk rubbing on your door is bizarre. WTF? I know why we have Skunks and Coons, it's because the old ladies have cat food out constantly, but, I love the Skunkies, they never spray..
till now. That GD Coon has to go!
Still waiting for bear pics, crabbie. Still waiting.
Thanks Dish,
My instincts told me not to scare him, and I have no experience with wild animals. (Except backing away from it and almost peeing my pants) Will they stay out all winter, or do they hibernate? I dont want to be freaked out all winter looking for it to get me again....
Phew!!! makes my nose twitch just thinking about it.
unfortunately skunk spray contains skunk oil...if you need a cleaning/washing solution after all:
1 quart white vinegar OR 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 c. Baking soda.
1 tsp. dish detergent as a de-greaser
Hoping the smell is gone and you don't need this !!
One night, very early last summer, it was HOT! We didn't have the screens in yet, and my hubby had propped open the front door, both the inside door (opens in) and the storm door (opens out). I was in the kitchen, and he was watching TV. Suddenly he leaps off the couch, sprints over, and slams the inner door!
I'm like "WTF is wrong with you?!?" kinda laughing at him. He looks at me and says that there was a skunk coming in the front door. Again, I laughed, and didn't believe him, teasing him about being afraid of our cat (black and white kitty cat).
So he flips on the porch light, and we peer out the window of the inside door. And there is a damn skunk, its front paws up on the door, sniffing around the door jamb. He said when he looked up from the couch, it was halfway through the door into the house, on the threshold, which is when he jumped up and slammed the door.
He sprayed out there on the porch, and it stunk to high heaven. We used a mixture similar to the Hydrogen Peroxide recipe "anonymous" recommended, to scrub the porch off with. Thank goodness my black & white cat didn't notice the skunk, and one or the other of them decided to play "Pepe` le Pew" of looney tunes fame.
I wish I had taken a picture, I've never before or since seen any wild creature attempting to break into my house. It's funny now, but can you imagine if it had got inside???
Yuck! That is bad some stinking bad luck!
Frimmy described it best, it is really BAD. But, I was just outside doing some things and when I came in all I smelled was bleach. The back room still smells faintly. I guess it will go away eventually.
As far as I know, skunks don't hibernate. I had pet skunk I fed on the porch for years, she was wild and never sprayed. Skunks are sweet natured critters and usually won't spray unless they're threatened. That one last night must have been pretty scared. I've seen her a lot ever since I've lived here and she hasn't been a problem. It's that DAMN coon's fault. That coon is nuts.
I no sooner posted that comment, than that damn coon is back..screaming outside the window. It's only 8:30 pm here. There is something wrong with that animal. GAWD.
Poison that damn coon
Poison that damn coon
Next time you're in the "big city", go to an animal shelter and ask to use a "live trap". It may take a while, but it doesn't look like the coon's going anywhere. I have a feeling you are not the animal poisoning type.
My dad used to hunt coons at night. And if you know what a coon dog is, you know it's a pretty big dog. A coon would jump on one of his dogs and tear them up. You really don't want to fool around with a coon. Also, when they would get sprayed, daddy would bath in tomato juice or tomato sauce. That seemed to help. He had to do it a couple of times though. But he had to sleep on the sofa anyway.
You live in "Gun Town".
'nuff said.
(and for those of you who have a problem with that option, I'd say that under the circumstances at some point it's going to be either the coon.............or PAT.)
If the coon is acting like that, maybe it has rabies. Would animal control come out for a potentially rabid animal?
Coons are a huge nuisance to a lot of people. I have chickens, and we have built our run and coop like Fort Knox, but the stories I hear about coons just curl my toes. They can and will tear through roofing, etc. if they are determined enough. Please be careful.
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