The show is over, TLC says they will cobble together some episodes with existing footage and end Jon and Kate plus 8 in November..unless Jon and Kate can work it out. Jon and Kate continue on their endless tour of tearing each other apart on TV. At this point it doesn't matter who stole what money, they both stole from each other and unless someone has a shitload of cash stashed that we don't know about, these two losers blew the wad on grown up toys, plastic surgery, and designer everything. Their McMansion isn't even paid for. Neither one of them is qualified for anything. TLC says they're working on projects with Kate, wouldn't that be "projeks?" Who gives a shit? Everyone hates her ignorant ass. Is there going to be a show where she invents diagonal bread cutting, shows us how to use a cardboard box to pack and instructs us on the proper way to store 700 free jugs of detergent? Yeah, that'd be a hit. And yes, I will enjoy Kate getting her come uppance. I can't wait until she has to use those oh so complicated cardboard thingamajigs to pack her shit and move out of the mansion she can't pay for. Hell, that could be televised on pair per view...I'd buy it. Shove that lable maker up your ass, Kate. I hope you DO have to work at McDonalds.
I personally cannot wait until there is a foreclosure and a bankruptcy for these two scammers. I wish I could say how could these people have spent all this money is such a short time, but it happens so often with new lottery winners. No self control. Do these kids have any money saved for them? I bet thats a big NO.
I really hope this show is over and that these kids can finally have a normal life. I hope that Jon & Kate are finally offf of tv and STFU already.
The kids will never have a normal life, they have Kate for a mom. She'll make their life hell forever. But, at least now their classmates won't see them poop on camera, except in reruns.
Agree, DD. But one can hope.
Kate was a RN beofre all this stuff happened. She would probably be able to find work. But seeing as that would be beneath her now, thats doubtful. Jon is the biggest loser there is. So, he will probably show up with K-Fed on Celebrity Fit Club next! No joke. Havent you ever noticed, once ppl get on the gravy train, they wont get off? MTV has the same losers on those Road Rage competition shows as it had on Real World 10 years ago! Go away! New people please. New life please! Not new/old reality TV. Same old-Same old...
Yes, agreed. Someone should definitely document their fall from favor. But you know, dammit, as well as I do. Jon is gonna cave and let them film. He's just that ruthless. But its his loss so he will do it. And to hell with the kids. Its always been to hell with the the kids, I come 1st!!! He's totally gonna cave. Let the filming begin! I am so serious. Just wait. Even if its just to film them moving or w/e. He'll do it. He wont work and the money will be good. I hate that slanty eyed bastard liar!!!
Maybe this announcement was just an attention-grabber for TLC. Maybe they're ending the original show but planning an offshoot. Surely they WON'T drop such a cash cow. Gotta wait and see.
I wish Kate's parents (or Aunt Jodi or someone else familiar and qualified) would get the kids. Kate loses the house and moves back into a trailer. John becomes the shining example of weed being "the gateway" drug and gets super strung out. Then when the kids grow up, go to school, graduate college, live a normal (as much as possible) existence, then become advocates for childrens rights. Oh and collaborate on a tell all.
Those kids will disown her just as she disowned her own parents.
I would watch it if she went insane. Minus the kids.. Kate living in a cardboard box with 8 cats. She thinks they are her kids. She still thinks she is living in the mcmansion. Calls out peoples names to bring her things, clean and cook for her. Her adventures are dumpster diving, penny pinching, pawning, and begging..
Oh what a show.. Jon ran away on the other side of the earth.. He is exploring his jobs as well.. No worry beef curry restaurant chain.
There's no use hoping that the kids will sue J&K's asses off when they grow up b/c the Gosselin $$ will be long gone. Next best would be the eight of them suing TLC into oblivion.
I don't think she'll be getting her "comeuppance" for a while anyway. There's no question that they've got a ton of money stashed (they might be ignorant assholes but they're not entirely stupid and they do have financial advisors on the payroll). Don't forget, these two don't say "boo" on camera without getting paid so unfortunately the gravy train will continue to roll as long as there are people interested in the story.
THE SOONER WE FORGET THEM, the sooner the sherrif will be at their door with an eviction notice.
I don't think Kate Gosselin is smart enough to be a nurse. She must have cheated on the exams.
I agree with rox-Jon and Kate will be on crappy reality shows forever. It seems these people who go on reality shows are a special breed (of stupid, that is)-they can't seem to do anything else with their lives. They just keep jumping from one shitty reality show after another. It's at the point now where a reality show can consist entirely of "stars" from another reality show! Not even C-list actors who were actually famous once, but just off-shoots from other shit reality shows. It's so pathetic. I was hoping the whole disgusting mess with the guy from "Megan Wants A Millionaire" who killed his wife and pulled out her teeth and cut off her fingers would finally put a halt to reality TV, but even that could not do it.
Look for Jon on one of those "I'm a fat celebrity, get me back into shape!!" shows while Kate will probably get a show called "Single Moms of Multiples" or something.
I'm not the first to say this, and I won't be the last, but fuck those people.
DD, Kate will not have to work at Mickey's cause the sheeple will be sending her love offerings.
It can't be too soon when these idiots get out of my screen.
DD why is it you are so harsh on Kate but not on Jon. I understand the women in your life (mother) have been downright horrible to you, but you can`t project that on Kate just because you think you see a couple similarities between her and your mother.
Both Jon and Kate have been absolutely horrible to their children yet you are more forgiving of Jon`s assholishness.
You know DD khates new show should be
where they put her on a rocket ship and launch
her off into space ie send her to mars one way
of course and let her have her own F-N
planet she can rule and be the kween of.
No1 would miss her possum overinflated
ego fat head 321 WE HAVE LIFT OFF
1:15:00 AM, I hate Kate, I can think any way I want.
I agree with rox and alison - these two fame-whores won't be disappearing anytime soon. All of the "reality" shows seem to spawn new reality "stars". Aubrey from Rock of Love became shop manager at LA Ink, Punkin from Flavor of Love has been on several dating shows, and now the father of the "balloon boy" in Colorado has been on not 1, but 2 Wife Swaps!
(That guy creeps me out! I can't figure out why anyone would marry him, let alone reproduce with him! Ugh.)
Jon & Kate are here to stay, unfortunately. They, and Nancy Grace, are the grim future of American TV. No wonder the rest of the world thinks poorly of the US!!!
I read somewhere that Kate was a nurse prior to having her babies. In order to maintain a nursing license, you must work a minimum number of hours as a nurse, in an approved location (hospital, care center, public health clinic, private clinic, etc.) per year. It is a condition that must be met to maintain licensure, and I am fairly certain that she has not met that qualification. So. . . basically we are back to no skills for either one of them.
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