I went to Josh and Anna Duggars official
website to see pics of the new baby (what can I say, I'm a sucker for babies) and the front page had that photo on it. And only that photo. If you want to see Anna with her baby you can watch TLC (I did) and see Anna's swollen legs in the air being held apart by Josh as he peers into her crotch and yells "Push, baby! Push!"..while she labors at home to bring their child into the world. Anna can't wear pants or knee length skirts, because that's immodest, but, Josh can okay her grunting a human out of her privates for the camera. Public birth on reality TV pays a whole lot better than the used car business.
I have to say I think she was very brave. I don't suppose there's any hope that Anna will take that baby and run far far away from those Duggar people? And the TLC crew. Nice baby, Josh, so did it hurt? Anna will be pregnant again by Jesus's birthday..betcha.
Josh is such a tool. Poor Anna has a life of drudgery and misery ahead of her, but she is too naive and ignorant to realize it.
Sweet baby. I know they shouldn't but the whole Duggar family freaks me out:/
The baby is very cute.
Anna should not have let camera's in the delivery room. Giving birth is hard enough without having even more strangers looking at you while you are in pain. Josh is an idiot for letting it happen. I'm sure he is enjoying all the attention.
The delivery room was their bedroom at home. Anna was in the hard stages of labor and Josh was still trying to decide on a hospital or home. Great plan.
what a fucking pig....i mean, that pix should be of all THREE of them, not HIM and the baby....it's THEIR baby, not HIS.....
Gawd! so young and starting on a path already to a huge family. So, when this dumbass show (that I have NEVER watched) goes away, how do they support all those people? I mean, thats a shitload of mouths to feed. I agree, this poor girl will be pregnant every year that she is alive. As soon as she is cleared for sex, she will be pregnant. Whats wrong with people? Do they just not know about birth control? Does this young man have a damn job? This worries me. Reality TV is fucking up peoples minds & perceptions of right & wrong and whats normal. Normal = working to support your family. Thats getting lost.
All the work we do as parents to ensure that our daughters demand respect is completely undone by shows like these. It makes me sick. Although in all honesty, I've probably gone far in the other direction, my girls won't give a guy the time of day unless she's confident he's going to worship her...LOL
I can't stand him. There are already bets she will be pregnant again by Valentines Day. Poor girl. He is a pompous asshole. I would have turned Linda Blair in that room (cue projectile vomiting and head turning). They would have heard curse words that were not invented yet.
The Duggars' lifestyle is so frightening to me. All those kids. All those long skirts. All that hair.
Simply frightening.
I hope Anna speaks up and is not used as a kid breeder.
I think Josh Duggar is a Twaffle.
Poor Anna. I really feel for her being married to Josh & his ego.
Their baby is really cute though.
I cannot stand Josh. He has a pompous ignorant mentality and is a complete asshole. Josh is using this poor girl for publicity. I believe that he does not truly love Anna, just the idea of marriage and following his dad’s footsteps. Any girl could be in Anna’s shoes. She is going to be pregnant again soon and will be living a life full of dirty diapers with a controlling husband. Anna is such a naïve young girl who will wakeup one day with 10 kids realizing that this fairytale life she thought she would have never existed. She will be unhappy, tired and miserable with a loser husband who still sells used cars and a damaged body. What type of so-called man lets film crews tape is poor wife in pain for ratings? I feel so sorry for Anna. She will be pregnant every year for the rest of her life. Hello, where was her mom, her family? Did I miss something? Every girl wants their mom there. Seriously who the fuck wants their MIL with them while giving birth?
Man, I can go on and on with this one.
Valentines Day? Really? My OBGYN told me he walked into a hospital room to check on a new mother only to find her husband screwing her...again!!!! Still in the maternity ward! & yes, she was back in his office pregnant asap. & he pointed out that it may have happened before she even went home. Thats how soon she was pregnant. Its not impossible. Like cats, keep 'em coming. Men like that are animals & pigs. Women that allow it need to be deprogrammed & helped to escape. So, she wont be waitng till V-Day. V-Day for them is Vagina Day & thats every day!!!
The little I've seen/read of this guy, he strikes me as a pompous fame-whore. It's pretty obvious that he's been told his whole life that his poop doesn't stink - it'll be interesting to see if the other boys in the family turn out the same way, or if he was just 'special' because he's the eldest boy. Blech.
Kinda off topic but does Josh dad, Jim Bob wear a toupee?? He has really thick hair and so does the mother but Josh seems to have less hair every time he's on tv.
Talk about gross. What type of loser does this? Sounds like the interview I heard with Pam and Tommy Lee where they said they had sex 1 week after she gave birth to their first son. Did the doctor say what he said to the couple?
Pregnant by Jesus' birthday sounds about right. I also bet you that he will start hitting her soon. The photo of him and the baby tells it all, "mine, my property, and you are worthless".
dear bored. My OBgyn was explaining that sometimes his talks with new parents fall on deaf ears. He was emphasizing the need to be patient & wait.No problem here!!LOL. When he caught them he had a little talk with them about the new moms bodys need to heal & she needs rest. Which forget about it, obviously. He was not very happy with the husband & told him so. There's no talking sense to some people. Baby factories will never change. Can you imagine even thinking about doing that to a woman that just had a baby hours ago? Gawd! I'd kill the guy. He'd never touch me again. How selfish is that. This boy is the same. Its all about the man satisfying his own needs in a religion like theirs. The woman has no voice. She isn't even allowed to make herself pretty. It's totally effed.
That poor brainwashed girl.
What the fuck is wrong with
people like this? I work with a woman of similar religion/faith.
Long skirts, long hair etc.
I can't stand here. She tries to come off from her appearance as meek and wholesome but she is the
biggest gossip around. Always talking about someone. Fucking
Vickie: word
Anon 6:30, yes, I know. Don't care
today. Wish Pat had a rant
Besides the camera, how do you guys feel about the home birth thing? I think it is kind of dangerous, as one who has had 2 emergency c-sections....Why did he get to make that call?
Those Duggars are like hoarders when it comes to children. Got one? Okay, need two now. Got two? Okay, gotta have a third. Three? Need a fourth! And so on. They lose interest in each baby as soon as the next baby comes along. It's sickening. I'm sure that right after that picture was taken, Josh got bored with the baby, put her down, went to Anna, and said, "Let's make another one!"
The *only* good thing I can say about this situation is that the baby didn't get another J name. Now we'll wait and see if their next baby has an M name.
That was truly disgraceful for Josh to do that to that poor, dumb Anna. He literally took her modesty away from her. Something that is so important to her. I would be so pissed if I were Anna.
What's sad is that that would actually be a sweet father/daughter picture if they'd included pictures of Anna witht he baby on the website. I don't object to the picture, but I really object to the fact it's the only picture they put up. That is ridiculous. I wonder if Anna knows enough to be insulted by that, or not.
Snowbunnie, I also had two emergency c-sections (followed by a final planned one!). I know others (including a good friend) who feel differently, but I could never take the risk of having a home birth experience over the relative safety of a hospital birth.
And yes, it is ridiculous that it was his decision - so full of himself - he's even an authority on childbirth. What a tool.
so I am surprised their fundamental religion, key word being "mental" here allows them to be filmed for evil TV. Right? How is that OK? Even the Amish, that wont allow the camera to take a picture are doing it. WTH> I thought the Amish believed their soul was taken by the camera, therefore making it evil, the devil. All things modern & convenient are bad & from satan. Hmmm...thats weird. So...god makes life suck, and hard & difficult. Satan makes things easier & modern & more convenient? Can we just get a grip here? People, People! Its all f'g insane. These people need to either admit they love the money, the limelight & the freebies or just go back to church. They are becoming visible hypocrites. Just sayin'
The eps was really odd, weird and awkward. It was like a bad car wreck. You wanted to look away but your eyes couldn't. I felt so bad for anna. Giving birth at home. She did good I have to say. But If my hub was telling good baby thats great. I would tell him to fuck off. I didn't have a natural birth and I didn't want to have a natural birth.
I guess having your mil around who is a experience midwife and so is the older clan girls. Helps out alot in that family.
I do agree she will be p.g once again very soon.. Best of luck Anna..
I think home birth is great. I think it should be the decision of the person shoving a human out their vagina. I had one natural birth..and it was better than the other way, for me.
i think they decided on a home birth because she didn't want an unknown doctor looking at her bits...
Pat, I was so on board for a natural birth with my first child that I was in labor for 40 hours before we had to do the emergency c-section. Very, very disappointed that it didn't work out - then I had trouble getting pg again and realized that (for me) I could care less how the next kid came out, as long as I could have another one.
Tried a VBAC the 2nd time - only 4 hours of labor this time to get fully dilated, but landed up with another emergency c-section and a uterus that came damn close to rupturing. For my final pg, my midwife and I agreed wholeheartedly with the dr that VBAC was off the table - very strange to have a calm, planned c-section!
So, that's my experience on the topic - I wish I could have had a natural birth, but it just wasn't meant to be. I (like you) know so much more now then I did at the time of my first birth. Hopefully Anna takes her experience with her first birth and uses it to decide what *she* wants during her next birth, but somehow I doubt it.
Sheesh, even Kate Gosselin didn't give birth on TV. Wait, now I gave her a new idea for next season! Seriously, these Duggars want to live in their own world but put such private stuff like this out there? That poor, naive girl. I guess she did not know what she was getting into.
Totally agree. You know why the mortality rates for child birth have gone down so much? You got it, doctors and hospitals.
Fact: Human beings are the only animals that die from child birth.Why? because we are the smartest with the biggest brains, and we have small pelvises in order to walk upright.
So many women need emergency c-sections.
Josh said to "Jim Boob" on the phone that he had not decided yet if they were going to go to the hospital. Boob, responded with, "well, that's your choice, pray about it."
Fucking Idiots. And their Creation Museum.
also, I had a mid-wife for both of my deliveries. They were great. I didn't need an OB because i was low risk. BUT, I was in a hospital....and the baby's heart rate was monitored...and I almost did have a C-section.
BTW, I love for Crabbie to chime in. LOL!
Very sad that an inexperienced dork like Josh was calling the shots. That makes Anna about as important as any cow or donkey in the barn.
Being a nurse, I am in favor of hospital births, mostly because I know there are things that can always go wrong with delivery (with no notice) and they can go much more wrong if they happen in a non-medical environment. Why would any sensible person take a chance with the lives of mother and child if they don't have to? (Don't get me wrong, I am all for midwives, in a proper setting!)
As for the issue of sex after delivery, many people are just not smart enough to know that they may risk a fatal embolus for mom during intercourse, if sufficient time has not passed for healing to occur. But. . . it is very difficult to teach people who do not want to learn, and who do not care until a tragedy occurs. Believe me, I have seen tragedy, loss of an otherwise perfect baby, etc. after a failed home birth handled by lay-midwives who had no common sense at all. I don't understand it, but I hope this generation of Duggars grows a few brain cells before they start another fetus. I wonder if pushing out that baby made Josh's "poo-poo" hurt? :::rolling eyes:::
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