TLC has a new family reality show where people raise monkey babies as human children. I got it confused with that Kardashian show where Kourtney is pregnant and Khloe just fake married Lamar Odom. I have to find a deserted island somewhere. There seems to be a small percentage of the Earths population that is not sadly stupid and we are forced to exist in this senseless mess created by idiots. I keep thinking there has to be something somewhere that is not stupid, but, I can't find it.
The stupid have taken over the planet.
The stupid have taken over the planet.
You're looking in the wrong place. "Not stupid" can't be found on TV.
(and here we thought "Joanie Loves Chachi" was stupid! Little did we know the onslaught of reality shows that was to come)
I wasn't talking about TV.
This show was disturbing to me. Did you see the breeder's house? All those poor monkeys in tiny barren cages, constantly made to reproduce, only to have their babies snatched from their arms and sold to some crazy person who wants to raise them as a child. I can't even imagine how they separate the baby monkey from it's mother. No way does the mother give it up willingly.
It's a sad commentary on today's society, but let me tell you, whenever I need a boost of self-esteem, moral, whatever, I take a look around and damn, do I feel better about myself. My favorite quote:
Life is hard, it's harder when you're stupid.
Nevermind, maybe I don't feel better, because if you are right and the stupid have taken over, our superior asses are screwed.
Life is NOT harder for the stupid. Life is great when you're stupid. Ask 99% of the population.
2:16:00 PM..I know. It's heartbreaking, heartless and stupid.
Go south DD ... go south!
I watched this show, and I thought the monkeys were adorable, but I agree with the Anonymous@ 2:16....How could someone be that cold to just pull that baby away from the Mother? Monkeys are very protective of their little ones and I am thinking this was a horrible scene when she took it away!!!! People will do anything for money and this is just another example of how far they will go. The next sad scene was the idiot man taking the baby monkey back to see its Mother..now why would he do that??? STUPID PEOPLE!!!!
I had to turn it off when this nitwit in the picture called a psychic to see if her monkey took her medication. That scene said it all. These people really do have mental problems. I found it interesting that they all seemed to be from the south.
I think it's only easier if you're on television. I'm pretty sure stupid is a requirement for TV. I've got to stand by my quote, it's the only way I got some of my kids to do their homework :)
Yayyyy! Lets promote having exotic animals as pets. Lets increase the black market trade of already endangered animals that are hunted down,kidnapped and abused. Lets have more animals become orphaned while watching their families get murdered by greedy animal wranglers. Let more helpless animals suffer by trafficking them to all parts of the world so ignorant, dumb people can have a living toy to show off to their stupid friends and family.
Way to go TLC. You did it again.
I saw a promo for this. I thought it was joke. I guess it's not! This old man was holding a girl monkey, she was all dressed up in a frilly dress. He was saying that she is his daughter & he would defy anybody to say otherwise. I truly thought it was gag. This is ridic. And southerners always see aliens and have weird relatives. So, this in nothing new! LOL
Dressing up monkeys like people is wrong.
Signed, People who dress up their dogs
This is probably going to sound very odd, but I think monkeys are absolutely disgusting, unless they are cartoon-ish and on a piece of Carter's clothing. I cannot believe there are people who do this. Sooo grossed out over here. Needless to say I did not watch it.
Oh no...Not another stupid reality show.
where is PETA over this???
and what happens when the monkey grows up and attacks the person???
Stringham4! Are you kiddin' me? I am with you 100%! Sound odd? No way. Monkeys are wild animals. They are not housepets. Not to me. And certainly not human. And I hope they do bite the crazy people that dress them up. Thats cruel. They need to swing from vines and pick bugs off each other for a snack. And live in jungles with other wild animals. Yea, PETA! Where are you now? Jeesh. Yucky monkey shit? No thanks. I like a monkey in the jungle, not my kitchen. Same goes for racoons, possums,and all those other animals that only come out at night.
This is just wrong on so many levels. Maybe PETA will have enough power to finally kill TLC.
I hate monkeys. I'd never hurt one, of course, and I think it's terrible and wrong to take the mother monkey's babies away, but still, I just hate monkeys. They creep me out so bad.
As for this show it sounds like the people on it are mentally ill. And I'm not trying to be snarky, I mean it. There is something wrong with dressing up your pet in childrens' clothing and pretending it's a child. I call my cats "my babies" but I'm not so delusional that I would try to put pants on them and introduce them to people as "my kids" with a straight face. That's fucked up and it's not even nice for the animals. Let them be animals-they probably hate wearing those stupid clothes.
I would never want any harm to come to any animal by cruelty including monkeys. That being said, I'm totally with the couple of posters on the subject of monkey's being disgusting. I can't stand the sight of them, the smell of them, the sound of them and I even intensely dislike toy monkeys. I absolutely hate that we are told they are related to us and how primates in general are anthropomorphized. Their babies are marginally not ugly but there are thousands of baby animals that are way cuter and have my "awwww" vote.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It's been a long time coming.
the only monkeys i like are SOCK MONKEYS!!! Sock monkeys ROCK!!
oh and the 80s band The Blow Monkeys!! Dr. Robert was dreamy!!!
I have a sock monkey 'doll' hat for the cold Canadian winter...it's my exposure therapy. And it makes people smile and cuz they're looking at it and I'm not.
I'll let the remark about the people from the South go this time. We're not all Rhodes Scholars, but then we're not all dumb asses either. I have 17 years of education and I want you to know the 3 years in 10th grade were the best years of my life.
Just saying!
I'm just playing with you! I don't take offense about Southern remarks. But just to let you know, I stopped watching TLC when it stopped being the LEARNING channel. Now I wath "The Trailor Park Boys". Now that's real education!!!!
i saw that, lol. i thought it was strange, odd, interesting & disturbing. that poor little baby monkey, what was it? 2 weeks old & taken from its mother? that isnt right. at least give the full amount of time. i guess they take it early so it bonds with the new 'parent' instead of its real parent. sad.
I've been singing the songs from Rocky Horror all day!!! When are we going to have a real Halloween chat! I loved Tim Curry then and I still do. Unfortunately, my bustierre doesn't fit any more and alas there are no midnight showings!!!
So true. I attend college as an adult, and the 20 year olds are FIGHTING with each other? Swearing, faces, ugly girl fights. When does real life begin??????????
I guess TLC's first experiment, to have freakish parents raise 8 humans like a circus act of trained monkeys didn't pan out so well so now they're trying for even freakier folks to raise monkeys as humans....I swear more than a few of the TLC execs need to be locked up and the keys thrown away...
I've heard that many monkey owners remove the teeth because of biting problems. I wonder if TLC will cover this cruel and further abusive treatment or if they'll continue to promote horrible trend.
yup I watch it to. I'm all for having pets. But not exotic ones.( just reminds me of Pairs H and her tribe of animals)
I think it was sad that the one lady lost in touch of all her kids. We were wondering what happened that her kids and why did they leave? Its sad she had to find something to fill in that void. a monkey. The other young couple around my age. I think they thought it was just cool to have a small little monkey that looks like a little old man.. Than the other lady with what 3 or more monkeys. She was a little odd..
All I was thinking was these monkeys going banana's on their owners sooner or later. Like a film I saw one time. Were a monkey killed his handicap owner.
Just wait TLC will next have the new craze.. Familys with micro pigs. They are small and cute.
Did anyone see spider people? I saw something when I was watching mermaid girl.
Is it just me or TLC should be called FREAKSHOWS.. FSN freak show network for short..
I get along well with monkeys..don't know why. Monkeys who bite and throw poo, don't bite or throw poo at me. I'd never want a monkey (not since I was 10) because they're too human. Maybe that's why they never bite me?
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