Monday, October 12, 2009

Who's being fondled?

Hint.. Someone loves stinky old fish


TVsnark said...

What a surprise! I come here and click and end up at my blog!!! These pictures DO need to be discussed. If Kate and Jamie are Lovers I think that's wonderful. Staying true to themselves is important.

If Kate still plans to fool her fans into thinking she's a heterosexual woman . . . that's not so wonderful.

miss tia said...

that's a weird pose....who puts their hand on a female friend's leg like that????

Dirty Disher said...

No one I know puts their hands on a girl friend like that, except when they're a real girl friend. It's super strange. Obviously Jamie LOVES Kate. Stalkers make great free baby sitters when TLC tells you to fuck off.

Snark, I was going to post that pic and then I went to your blog and you had more and bigger. I love your blog.

BabyMama said...

Well, I think your reading more into this photo and you all have dirty minds. I would lick Kate's pussy until my head exploded.

TVsnark said...

Thanks Pat.
Hot-Spice is the talent behind the Photoshop creations. I have no urge to blog . . . .

Dirty Disher said...

You'd lick Kate's chair until your head exploded.

Dirty Disher said...

Snark, those aren't photoshopped, are they?

Hey Baby Mama said...

Tell us something we DON"T know.

TVsnark said...

No, these aren't photoshopped. They were taken (not by me) off Jamie's Facebook Page.

I can't get on facebook today. I feel lost.

Unknown said...

awkward... This would explain kate's hairdo. She is the man in the relationship. Jamie your only 6 inch from the clown car... EWWWW. Jamie is a very brave woman. Going were no man has been for what 4 years hahaha.. ah cobwebs

Dirty Disher said...

I think that's where Kate hides the money. No one would look there. Ew.

Dan Zinski said...

Dang Dish, for a second there I thought you had a new girlfriend.

Unknown said...

no problems with my side for facebook tv snarkie. Just yahoo for me. I cant get my email today.

Dirty Disher said...

Crabbie you're about as funny as Lissa's endless fart jokes. Knock knock, who's there? Faaaaaaaart. Wanna hear it again? Yeah.

Peg said...

Anyone else having trouble with yahoo email? It's either not showing up or when I open it it's empty.

I wrote on moons blog that my first gut impression of Jamie when I saw her pic on facebook was she was gay. She has that gym teacher/ Martina Navratilova look about her.

My very best friend who lives in Seattle is gay. She doesn't follow any of the Gosselin crap. I showed her Jamie's profile pic and asked her what she thought. Her words, "She's hot and she's gay."

TVsnark said...

odd . . . Yahoo is just fine here . . . Facebook is not.

shmedelle said...

Me neither.No one I know puts their hands on a girl friend like that, except when they're a real girl friend.It is odd.

I have a couple of really, really good friends...I tell them "love ya", 'cause I do. But, NEVER put my hands on friends like that. It is weird!

Dan Zinski said...

Hee hee. Farts.

Alison said...

Is this Jamie person the same one who was in that pic from a few days ago where she is grabbing one of the boys by the arm and screaming her head off at him while the other kids stand around yelling?

She looks like she admires Kate very much. It may not be even in a sexual way. More of a worship way. That is the vibe I get off her. It seems less a "You're so hot, I want to fuck you" vibe and more like a "Ooohh, I wish I was pretty and rich and popular like yooouu, Kate. Please be my friend" vibe.
Or it could be both I guess. I wish my brother was here so I could ask him his opinion. He is gay and has excellent gaydar.

miss tia said...

ooo....kate being gay would NOT go over well with her christian conservative fan base! her love offerings might dry up!

just wondering said...

Kate and Jamie met in a "moms of twins" club years ago. Jamie moved to Michigan and it is her husband's company that did Kate's kitchen makeover in the new house. Jamie and her husband divorced over the summer and she spent a lot of time at Kate's. According to her facebook page she may have the tups next summer. Don't ask me, I have no idea why.

Her facebook page, now kaput, had hundreds of Gosselin pictures. There is something screwy about their relationship.

iheartmyhubby said...

OMG! I saw her facebook page before it was taken down (which was only a matter of time.) She has FAMEWHORE written all over her face. There were tons of self-taken photos, pics of her and Kate stnading way close, and pics of the kids, even one with Jamie alone in Kate's bathroom. Wierdo!

Plus, there is a pic of the Vietnamese "helper" titled "Nanny Judy", which is odd because Kate said they will never have a nanny...

Nina said...

If Kate came out of her closet maybe she'd discover a decent human being hiding under all the scams, lies and pretenses...

just wondering said...

Now that Kate has her new kitchen she'll probably be tossing old Jaimie to the curb. Another human no longer necessary in her life.

Anonymous said...

Where's Pat gone???
Come Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Liz from NZ

Mrs. S. said...

I think there should be a Jon & Kate ban-no one speaks of them anymore. Yuck!