MC: What do you sleep in? HS: I don’t sleep in anything. Do you sleep in a nightgown? MC: I sleep in pj’s. I have two young sons, so I have to be conscious of that. HS: Well, my boyfriend’s son is 6 years old, and you wonder at what age you should stop walking around nude. Every morning he comes into the bedroom, and you’re just nude. But he doesn’t look twice; he doesn’t think about it yet. I just toss and turn too much when I sleep, and if I’m in clothes, I get all twisted up.
I think she's all twisted up anyhow. She's not the kid's mother, she's not even his step mother. She's just some naked woman hanging out in his dad's bedroom. People act like kids are nothing, with no thoughts.
she actually looks female in that pix....
what a what a fucktard....you do not go around naked someone else's kid!!! i hope the kid's mom reads that and lays down the law with her...
"He doesn't think about it yet"? He's 6. He thinks about it.
What an idiot.
Yeah, Miss Tia, I would love to hear what the kid's mom has to say about it.
He doesn't look twice cuz he's embarrassed! I remember being really upset and trying to look like I didn't care, too. Wtf! Now I don't like her.
Oh Boy! This story really gets my withers up! Years ago when my boys were pre-schoolers they spent the night with a close friend of mine and her son. Her son was around five years old just like my oldest son at the time. When I picked them up the next morning the first thing they told me was how they had seen "Tyler's Mom" naked. They giggled as they told me that they had played in the bathroom as she took a shower. Then they cracked up laughing as they told me about her getting out of the shower and drying off in front of them. I was furious! When I called her and asked about it she said that she had not wanted to leave them unattended as she showered so she had them in the bathroom with her. She said it was "no big deal". Her son was used to it and my boys would suffer from my being "over protective". This was the same woman who told me that when her son was old enough she would send him to Asia to study with the ninjas.
MissTia I had almost the same line of thinking. Like, what harm is it for the boy to see Hillary Swank naked?, it's not like she's a girl or anything. LOL!!
If it was a male actor saying that he walks around naked in front of his girlfriends 6 year old daughter, it would be all over the news and he would be burned at the stake.
This person was actually on the list of "People's 50 Most Beautiful" list once. Wonder how much her PR people paid them for it. She's hideous.
She's just kidding herself if she thinks the kid doesn't notice she's naked.
that's just retarted. I sleep naked too, but you better believe I have something on when I leave the room...
I read snippts of this interview on another board and apparently it's all ass-kissing stuff about how good-looking Hilary is. Gross. How did the interviewer keep a straight face? I would die if I had to be an interviewer for one of these ass-kissing magazines. Imagine having to say things like, "You are so pretty! What's your secret?" to people who look like this woman or Renee Zellweger or something. And then have to listen to their endless whining about the paparazzi and have to act like you agree being rich and famous is just so hard. I would stab myself in the eyeballs if that was my job.
Being famous doesnt mean someone is beautiful. As in Renee' & Hilary. Look at guys, they can be homely or funny looking and still have great careers. But Renee & Hilary probably believe they really are beautiful, which kind of spoils it for the rest of us. We know they aren't. Minnie Driver is unattractive, SJP has fashion figured out but her nose! Can she NOT fix it now? Is it like Babs, the nose is her calling card now? And i think SJP & Babs are beautiful women, in their own fabulous way. Try to think of a feature film with an unattractive actress as the lead. You can't!!!
Sorry, but you Americans are really strange. Nakedness is natural. In Europe this is not a news but everyday behaviour.
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