“Effective immediately, no production crews are to enter Jon’s family home for any reason. In the event that anyone enters the marital property, Jon Gosselin will notify the local authorities to effectuate police action against any trespassers."
Jon Gosselin has finally stepped up to the plate and played his trump card. TLC issued this statement "We are aware of Jon Gosselin's recent statements, and remain deeply disappointed at his continued erratic behavior. He and the family were shooting as recently as last Friday, without incident, and his latest comments are grossly inaccurate, without merit and are clearly opportunistic. Despite Jon Gosselin's repeated self destructive and unprofessional actions, he remains under an exclusive contract with TLC. Direct filming of the children has been currently suspended, pending further conversations between both parents."
LMAO! Yeah. I am sure TLC was taken into consideration in the custody agreement. Not. Real life has a way of crashing in on reality shit, finally. Jon Gosselin, you have my complete support.
LMAO! Yeah. I am sure TLC was taken into consideration in the custody agreement. Not. Real life has a way of crashing in on reality shit, finally. Jon Gosselin, you have my complete support.
Did they actually accuse Jon of being opportunistic????????
This statement from the empire of opportunists?
Yes, they did. Kate has releaseed this statement.."I'm saddened and confused by Jon's public media statements. Jon has never expressed any concerns to me about our children being involved in the show and, in fact, is on the record as saying he believes the show benefits our children and was taping on Friday with the kids. I check in regularly with each of the kids to be sure they want to participate in and continue with the show and will continue to do so. I do the show for my family because I believe it provides us opportunities we wouldn't otherwise have. Jon used to share that belief until as recently as the day the network announced the name change of the show and indicated that Jon would have a lesser role in the show. It appears that Jon's priority is Jon and his interests. My priority remains our children and their well being."
He's doing it to play them! They fired his ass off the show. So, now he's pissed! Thats all & I agree with TLC, he's doing it for selfish ends. I hope the show stops now too. Good! Go away Gosselins! Sick to death of it all.
Kate has a history of lying so why should we believe that statement from her. Love offering anyone? She just wants a paycheck and doesn't give a shit about the kids.
Jon was filming on Friday and then TLC announced the new name of the show. Tit for tat. TLC looks bad here. Not getting permits is sloppy.
On another Gosselin related topic, I was looking at some pictures on Radar and there is one of the boys that really concerns me. The little boys just seem so lost. The little girls are either smiling or have worried looks. Mady seems to know what's what. Cara seems like she is afraid while Kate does her thing for the camera. What horrors go on at the Gosselin house...those poor kids.
I believe this is Jon's way of forcing Kate into mediation in the courts and having GALs appointed to the children. Finally!!
Finally those lil kids can retire at the ripe olde age of 5 !
Free at last from filming ! Kiki :)
Penelty, he he.....
If only they could spell.
Sort of reduces the credibility.
In her statement, she said,"...I'm sadden..." LMAO!
Yeah, right. More like bat shit pissed. But, we know she didn't write that anyway.
OH my goodness with the stopping of the show does this mean Kate will have to stay home with her kids and actually be a mom to them maybe will she be getting a book called "being a mommy for dummies" maybe the prop guys can leave some cameras here and there in the house so she can be the pretend mommy. Jon was saying he was wanting the show to be over for a few seasons now its been Kate that has been pushing the show.
I guess I'm on Jon's side but honestly I don't think for one second he's done this to protect his kids. He is doing this because TLD fired his ass, so he's playing games with them to piss them off. I'm sure that if TLC offered him his job back he would pimp his children out again in one second.
He's doing it because he's known for a long time that it's wrong and now it's finally the right time for him to slam Kate and TLC like the pieces of controlling shit they are. I know exactly how he feels.
Why wont these asshats go away??
DD do you think he really cares about the kids? I hope so. *Somebody* has to care about those poor children, because Kate sure as hell doesn't.
I guess I just don't trust either of these people anymore. I will wait and see if Jon keeps this up or not.
If this is for real and Jon no longer wants to pimp out the kids, I wonder if Kate can get around it? I don't know if she could make a deal that the kids would still be filmed while she has custody. I seem to recall that this is what Denise Richards did for her crappy reality show-that she and Charlie Sheen's kids could be filmed when they were with her, but not while they were with Charlie.
Jon is pissed because his well is running dry and he might have to get a real job and go to WORK which his fat ass sees as a four letter word. He is such a piss ant. His cutie girlfriend might put the old boy out to pasture.
Alison, I really think he's known it's bad for awhile (the show I mean) but, he's been in hell. He really has. Sure, he's probably enjoying slamming it to Kate and TLC, that's only human, but, I think he really is doing it for the kids. I hope I don't have to eat those words.
Not to be grammar police, but he spelled "penalty" wrong.
And yeah, its about time. What in the world is Kate talking about, discussing with 5 year olds whether they want to stay on the show or not?
When I was five my mom's only "discussion" with me was did I want to wear panties that said "Thursday" or "Friday" on a Monday morning. I don't believe her story that she wears the ring so the kids don't get upset. I don't think at five I even noticed if my mom wore a ring or not and I sure as hell didn't know what the symbolism of it was.
DD I feel you are projecting your feelings onto Jon. I understand where you are coming from but I don't think the image you have in your mind is really who Jon is.
He has done this entirely for selfish reasons (i.e with his paycheque gone who will pay for his partying and his expensive apartment). If he was stuck in hell and he hated the cameras around his children and ... blah blah blah ... why can't he behave like he actually gives a rats ass about his kids. You can't tell me TLC and Kate are to blame for neglecting his kids too?
9:59:00, you might be right. I think you're half right. But, the show was always Kate's dream.
True, I think Kate pushed it especially at the start but there is no way Jon is doing this for his children. He is doing this because TLC has put him in a very tight spot. They kicked him off after his asshole behavior (warranted in my view) and they are blocking him from doing any other shows in the near future. He is only using his "kids' well being" as collateral for getting out of the contract completely so he can do the whole Divorced Dads nonsense with Michael Lohan.
If that isn't despicable I don't know what is.
I saw this somewhere:
SAVE the 8!
Way to go Jon its about fricking time. Now if we could get Kate the bitch off tv.
I am not a Jon and Kate fan...never was. But to me it seems Jon knows he screwed up and he wants to do the right thing for his kids. But he still wants what he wants and how will he get it without the kids. Take away the drama and Jon will have no job again. No money. No honey. I wish he could find a girl "with money" to take care of him just so he could ram a stick up Kate's ass. After all, she will last only as long as the kids are cute and willing to put up with her. I really think the kids have more fun with Jon. All I can say is, in 15 yrs., we will have a mess of really f***ed up kids. And if enough of them mess up, you know TLC will have a camera somewhere.
Sorry DD, I know you don't like "CAPS", but it had to be said!
It's about time!!!!!
Jon and his lawyer were on Larry King last night. They claim they had informed TLC of Jon's intentions to stop the filming way before TLC's announcement they were dropping Jon. If Jon is telling the truth then I have a lot of respect for him. But it may be shown that he's lying and the only reason he's trying to stop the filming is to gain more leverage with TLC to further his own ambitions. Time will tell.
Watched the Larry King show with Jon on it a lot of things he said did make sense he basically said he wasn't man enough to speak up in many situations he basically allowed Kate to run everything but for anyone who has watched any of the show could tell who wore the pants in that house whether he was on board from episode 1 or not he didn't have the balls to speak up he was a lap dog. Now he's away and feeling empowered and lawyered up. For his own materialistic egotistical purposes holding out to be placed back on the show with more money or more control of the show or not he's finally standing up for the children by saying hey stop the filming of my kids...even if its for the time being it's a good thing in my opinion.
I disagree with most of you. It's about the money. We all know that. Plain & simple. Its almost another celeb extortion case! He is gonna hold his kids hostage till TLC decides to rehire him. His kids come in second to the money. He just wants to keep the cash flow coming. How else can he keep his NYC apt? He is even stalling his divorce in an attempt to get back with Kate somehow. Again, she controls the money and the show, he can't let it end. He doesnt know how to work! He'd rather be with her than have to work. Ain't happenin' dude! Just cancel the show. This is insane. They can get jobs, like the rest of us that didnt choose to have 27 kids!
Go JON! I think he's known this show was wrong for quite some time but just didn't know how to go about stopping it. He got lawyered up and found got his clue and off we go!
I for one think this is great.
The kids will never have a normal life. But they can start having a some what normal life.
I just hope jon is doing this for the children. Not for revenge or fame. Its time for him to step up and stick to his guns..
I hope that this will end this show. Some way or some how..
Reality Show curse. Another nasty divorce!
Muahahahaha! I love it!
couldn't have said it better....If he is so concerned with his kids welfare, why didn't he do this 4 years ago...I wish they would all go away already...His timing for taking a stand cracks me up...jackass
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