What a fine rainy fall day it is, to sit around blog chatting with you guys and working on all these decorations that have been broken for years. When Lis and I got the boxes of decorations out of the loft she spyed those old owls and loved them. I don't know what they were originally for.. Halloween, patio lights? They look like something draped over a silver bullet trailer in the '50's. I kept them because they're so old. So old the eyes are made of glass. I told her by the time she comes back, they'll be ready and working. So last night I did surgery on them to remove the fat old cord. The owls are pretty big and thick and the bulbs were not removable. Oddly, several bulbs still worked. Anyway, I sliced into the tops and removed all the wire while trying to leave enough to insert a new string of lights. It was like delivering 15 babies, trying not to damage the, ahem, area too much. It took me seven episodes of Alfred Hitchcock to get it done and one required a Cesarean section. I have a blister on my thumb, but, a promise is a promise. The dribble pumpkin is next and then the flying bats. There are some other things too, it could be a long night. A long and peaceful night with hot tea and cinnamon toast. And I've turned the outside lights on now. Lights and rain...nice. So, do you guys have broken decorations you save for years until you "get around to it"? I've finally gotten around to it. I think I'm feeling a little better.
hey, let's go to taiwan together! my husband will pay the bills and feed the dogs!!!
Yep.. I've got a couple of boxes of old lights. Ya want em??
I live in Tiiiiiiiiwan! has been reported.
What kind of lights?
I have been slowly dragging out the halloween decorations. I need to sting the lights on the front porch soon. Maybe this weekend.
Love the owls
I finally got around to putting up a few decorations today. It has been raining all week until today which put a serious damper on my decorating. Those owl lights are awesome!
I just emailed a link to your blog to a friend of mine in California. She is a riot and I hope she checks you out. We used to be known for causing a ruckus from time to time on a moderated site on yahoo and were sent to our rooms from time to time for being a tad unruly.
I think you will love her.
Cool. BTW, me farking with broken decorations isn't just cheapness, though we all know I am finacially challenged. I can't replace most of this stuff without driving to the city.
those owls are so cool and unique, I can see why Lis likes them so much. Take a picture of the finished product!
I will Mags..I'm waiting for dark. It's almost here! I get so excited.
i think those owls are like from the 50s...i've seen lights like that in some of my old mags and gardening books on patios....they look AWESOME!!!!!!
i was gonna start digging out some halloweenie stuff tonight but then poli got stung by a bee and i had to take her to the vet...poli got stung at the edge of her eye and her eye is all swollen...at LEAST she is not deathly allergic to bees like Pan!
damn dogs....
Oh, no! I am have a bee allergy too. I hope they're okay. Would an epipen be okay for dogs?
Yep, 50's that's what I thought too. Funny tacky things.
pan was prescribed an epi-pen last year after she almost died after a bee sting (she is VERY VERY allergic!!!)....and during the 'warm' months, when bees are out, pan gets 2 benadryl in the morning and at night......
poli has some eye ointment and i am to give her benadryl thru the weekend to take the swelling down....
My neighbor has a big owl on a post in his back yard. He says it keeps other critters away. It must be true. I got roof rats and he didn't.
What part of the country do you live? I've never heard of them!
Anon 6:57
Where do you get a husband like that? I want me one!
We call squirrels roof rats because they jump from the trees and will nest in the attic just like rats. Are yours real rats?
I wouldn't mine if they would just leave the wiring alone. I have a horrible fear of fire.
I like to do that kind of stuff as therapy. Admit it, it gives you a good feeling to know you saved something (in your case for Lis)!
And they also make you smile. You can never have too many smiles!
BTW---how far is the city?
Remember, you said this is your time of the year! Decorate (I'm thinking a few bear traps would look scarey and functional at the same time.), help Lis with her
costume---enjoy. And if you know a few spells...I'm just saying!!
I love the owls and the time you took to restore them. Lissa learns soo much from you.
I love the owls too! Very cool. You did a great job fixing them for Lissa. I love it!!! All of it. Glad you found something to be happy about. Lissa is it!!
I think they are pretty common every where. I was away for three weeks and came home to a whole neighborhood. I never saw them, but when my washing machine leaked, the repairman gave me the news (they had chewed a hose). I about died and they not only cost me the repair of the washing machine, but I had to have the roof line and basement sealed, and the flood damage fixed.
I had dog food in a plastic bin with a sealed lid in the basement so my "roof rats" spent most of their time in the basement. I went out and bought a galvanized garbage can to store food, now and I bungee cord it closed even though it has a tight seal. What a nightmare.
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