Fuck Roman Polanski. And shame on and a big FUCK YOU to the Hollywood stars and big wigs supporting him. You can't settle a crime like rape out of court. Even I know that. And I just found out that he still owes his victim the settlement. Nice. Not only can he drug and rape a 13 year old child, but, then he feels he doesn't even need to pay the settlement. Yeah, his arrest was soooo unfair. Just throw his ass in jail until he finally dies and let me never read another thing about it. We can all send him some soap on a friggin' rope. A long rope.
it's sickening how people defend him...and his attorneys say he'll fight this---but all from europe not this country....
fuck him....and it's disgusting that sharon tate's sister was even defending him saying it was consensual sex---SHE WAS 13!!!!
I have so little patience with sex offenders, much less ones that target kids. Let him rot in jail, or worse...
People who defend him should read the police report. It's her words of what took place; and it's horrible. I saw a clip of Whoppy Goldberg defending him!.
I am so disappoined in Whoopie. No longer a fan.
Obviously what he did was horrible, and he should have been punished accordingly, but it has been 32 years since this happened. The victim wants the case dropped. Why not just force him to pay up the settlement and that's it? We don't need to waste tax dollars on this guy. There are much bigger criminals who should be locked up, for much more heinous acts. Besides, do you really think he would have been locked away 30 years ago??? LOL...yeah right! Not only was he a big shot director, but the court would sympathize with him due to the Manson murders. So although I agree he is a scumbag and should be punished, I think its a bit pointless right now.
Despicable that he got away for this long, living-it-up overseas while the world kissed his ass.
May he rot in jail and have to fend off the molesters himself.
Can I hear an Amen??
DISGUSTING VILE HUMAN. He needs to man up pay up and get payed back. A eye for a eye.
just wondering,
Here's a big AMEN. Prison populations don't take kindly to child molesters--they'd have their way with him, the bastard.
DD, I am also disgusted by Polanski and the celebrities that are supporting him. He drugged, raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl and these people think that it is acceptable. What type of society do we live in where this is considered ok?
I would like to see if Winger, Harrison Ford and others would be so forgiving if it was their child that was brutilized.
I want to vomit just thinking about this and how Polanski is considered a God because he makes movies.
Nicely said. I'm surprised how many people (including Crabbie) think this whole thing should be ignored.
I find it crazy that Hollywood was after Kanye West's head because he interuppted Taylor Swift's speech-a bunch of celebs spoke out against him and called him a bully, said he was a piece of shit, etc. And yet this guy DRUGGED AND RAPED A CHILD and they are all saying, "Oh, let it go, it's okay, he's such a great director". What the fuck? I don't like Kanye West, but jeez. Talk about screwed up priorities.
I , too am so disappointed with the way this man is being defended by other celebraties ! I am sure that Whoppie would be singing a different tune if this had been done to HER daughter !!! Polanski needs to be punished no matter how long ago this happened . Crimes against children should never,ever be tolerated ! I know that alot of people don't believe in God or heaven and hell , but I do . And I believe that one day we all will have to stand before God and will be accountable for the things that we have done in this life . And I wouldn't want to be standing before God saying .... oh and I sodomized a 13 year old way back when but that was a long time ago so ..............let's just forget about that one . Personally I think he's going to be on the end of Gods' foot headed for a lake of fire . Just my personal opinion .
so all those people who support this scumbag....if they have 13 year old daughters would they be 'honored' if he raped them??? would that be okay with them?? would they say it was consensual?????
he needs to go to hell and face the manson murderers.....he once gave an interview trying to claim that was why he raped this girl, because he was still dealing with the grief over sharon....now i have no doubt he was still dealing with that, but you don't deal with that by sodomizing a 13 year old!!!
According to the victim, the sex was not consensual. She saw what was coming, and she begged to be taken home, pleading asthma. He gave her drugs, alcohol, and raped her instead. The passage of time does not diminish the crime.
She has been repeatedly humiliated by lurid accounts in the media, accused of being "Lolita", and generally blamed for what happened to her. No wonder she wants it dropped.
He needs to pay her the settlement, be stigmatized as a child rapist, and go through the judicial system as such.
Hollywood Justice...where rich and famous get free passes..should not apply...
I think that's why most of them spring to his defense..they don't want to be held accountable for their acts, either, and figure getting him off will help solidify their invulnerability.
Regardless of the victims "forgiveness" and any settlement, it is not up to the victim to decided if Polanski goes to court/jail or not. The crime was rape, he is guilty and it is now a state matter. To throw it out now is a gross miscarrige of justice and a slap in the face to those of us who don't rape children.
ziggy, rape is not about sex, it's about violence. If he's willing to do this to one person, he will do it to another, maybe even kill them. He needs to be out of the general population so the rest of us are safe.
Excellemt point. These Hollywood halfwits are so morally bipolar it's pathetic.
I'm sure ANYONE would sing a different tune if their daughter was drugged and raped.
Bastard should suffer...
At least you can all still like Bill Maher and Janeane Garofolo who blasted the Polanski petition signers.
What the hell did Whoopie say in his defense? I missed that! Damn... and I always liked her. I thought she had some common sense.
Matilda-Whoopi said something totally ridiculous about how what Polanski did wasn't REALLY rape. I think the way she put it was, "It wasn't rape-rape." Yes, Whoopi, there all kinds of rape, and some of it is the GOOD kind, not the rapey kind, right? *sarcasm*
It is just gross how Hollywood is coming to this pervert's defense, but I think I know why. Celebrities, in general, have huge egos and see themselves as being vasty superior to non-celebs. Therefore, they feel the need to defend only people they see as equals to themselves. They see themselves in other celebs. I think their train of thought is pretty much, "Polanksi? Why, he's a genius director! He's an artiste, like ME! I totally understand him! I get him! The girl he had sex with, well, she's nothing. What's she ever done? She's just some tramp."
I believe this is the same reason so many celebs came out in defense of Britney Spears after she started acting like a crazy person circa 2006/2007. Any idiot could see Brit was out of control and had no business looking after two small children, but all the celebs were saying, "Nooo, she doesn't have a problem! It's just the mean paparazzi who are making her upset! She's a good mom and she should have custody of her kids!" If some non-famous, non-rich girl had acted the sameway Britney did, nobody in Hollywood would defend her, ever.
good points alison!
and also people supporting him mention how his mother died at a concentration camp and his wife was murdered....
well, thousands/millions of people had their parents perish at concentration camps and they didn't sodomize a 13 year old....and thousands/millions of people have had their spouse murdered and they didn't sodomize a 13 year old...
he skipped out on 48 more days in jail and deportation....WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?
LOL send him to prison. Let me tell you the inmates will get some jusice on his ass. Inmates hate chesters! Even inmates have children or nephews/neices. This"genius" will pay his dues.
Bill, he would be held in PC wiff the tree jumpers, eh?
Who's supporting him? Whoever does has just admitting they support child rape.
More than half the Hollywood community. I read that some (don't recall who) have actually said that the victim had to have known what she was getting herself into and that if she didn't want to she "should have had enough sense to not go with a man to a private home (it was Polanski buddy, Jack Nicholson's house I believe) late at night."
Unreal. What they fail to relate or apparently recognize is the fact that the victim was a thirteen year old CHILD. It doesn't matter if she walked Hollywood Blvd. at night or lived the most sheltered, priviliged existence.. she's still a child.
My own granddaughter is 13. And while she's smart as a tack in many ways, ultimately, she's still a child and prone to making mistakes and mis-judgements-- like ALL kids that age.
Would she do what this girl did? Doubtful, and I certainly hope not-- but who's to say what ANY child will do in certain situations and/or unusual circumstances?
And that's just it; That's why we have laws protecting children from predatory adults. And Disher's right-- it's not up to the victim to decide whether or not a case should be prosecuted. If nothing else, to protect other children from becoming victims.
Polanski needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
His victim was a 13 year old virgin who wanted to break into show bus. Polanski told her he was filming her for that purpose. She was no street walker.
I think he should have been sent to jail 30 years ago. However despite sympathizing with the victim, I have to put myself in the shoes of his family - how would I feel if my dad did not get a fair trial simply because he was a famous movie director. Both Samantha and Roman were victims (different degrees) - anyone who has seen the documentary knows that the judge Laurence Rittenband was much more interested in publicity then a fair trail. He was going back on a plea bargain as a show to the public. I think you also need to look at it from his point of view. What he did was terrible, but the trial was mishandled and despite what people think even people like him need a fair trial. Just because I support him does not make me a bad person, and the fact that his trial was mishandled I would be furious with the justice system if I were the girl's mother. Also let's not forget that there is no proof that he is a serial rapist - someone said that "once you rape you do it again". If you did not know his history, there is not much media that surrounds Roman Polanski - any rape charges since the late 70s? Let's say you did not know about the rape or the Tate murders, what would you really know about Roman Polanski? I don't think he is a "serial rapist" so even if he is out on the streets, I do not think young girls need to fear for their safety. Obviously there is no excuse for what he did, but I also think the victim's mother was unstable - she seemed to be similar to Lindsay Lohan's mother - she seemed like the type of mother who would drive her daughter to the Playboy mansion and expect nothing to happen (watch the documentary - it gives another view of the saga and even has the prosecution agreeing that he did not have a fair trial). Also how come no one has taken issue with people like Jimmy Page? He had a public relation with a 14 year old (he was in his late 20s) and like many of the rock stars of the 70s would do anything to get with young girls - I read all these biographies and the groupies back then were almost all underage and the "perps" were just as bad as Roman. Drugs, sex and rock n' roll. I don't forgive the guys, but at the same time, I don't think it is all black and white. Fame is a great thing, but can also be used against you. This is my opinion, and many people who think like me do so because of these reasons - it has nothing to do with because he is a famous director and we want him to be free - it's because he was also screwed by the system. Sometimes the system works, sometimes not (OJ Simpson) and sometimes it is not fair. My two cents
did the girl with jimmy page say NO again and again and even fake an asthma attack in attempt to get away from him???? big difference....
As much as I don't like Kanye . . . it is a great comparison. Hollywood coming to his defense disgusts me. Kirstie Alley is speaking against him and doesn't care about "hollywood."
John Wayne Gacy painted wonderful clown paintings. Does that mean that all the boys he raped and murdered were "consensual?"
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