I was looking for LARGE bags of candy, I need at least 600 pieces, and I wanted something the kids like. My friend at the shop has already bought 20 pounds of candy and she has the good non chocolate stuff covered. I'm going to have to settle for Tootsie Pops for the chocolate part, that's all thats left unless I want to spend $50 bucks..and I don't. But, the one store that carries large bags has these peanut butter kisses and I actually saw a woman buying them. Come on, Mary Janes and peanut butter kisses are NOT on any childs sugar want list. That's horrible. You can wrap those suckers up in all the black and orange in the world and kids will still think you suck when you drop those hard bastards in their plastic pumpkins. Why do people feel the need to screw over little beggers on Halloween? Just turn your lights off if you feel that way, there's no need to be mean.
That's funny DD. I used to get pissed when I would get these as a kid. But now I kind of like the stupid things...lol I still don't like scalloped potatoes though...no amount of time will fix that one.
I'm with you on this, why would you waste money on crappy candy? That's almost as bad as the people gave out apples. Man, did we hate those guys.
oh gwad old people candy. eww.. I always hated getting apples, cookies, old fashion candy and pennies.
In my old neighborhood one guy who was a denist gave out toothbrushes and toothpaste. Kids were shocked to see this. Ya its a nice gift but its not the spirt of halloween.
I usally make goodie bags out and hand them out. But this year is my daughters somewhat first year of halloween. I'm super excited. Since she is only 14 months old im thinking of putting a sign on her saying trick or treat. LOL... I still havent pick out a costume yet either.
If the old people like them, they should buy them for themselves. People who give out pennies, old soft apples, tooth brushes, should be jailed. At home I'm giving out chocolate bars, full size. (and I don't even like chocolate) Hell yeah. AM, I hope we get a pic of your baby dressed up!
Dsydreams, you got scalloped potatoes in your treat bag!? How sad. Hee.
LOL...no, just reminded me of other things I hated to eat! But we did get apples...ewww
Full size candy bars...YOU ROCK!!!
i would never buy kids yuck candy.....i DO buy them candy that i don't like, that way i don't eat all of it!! :P i'll buy snickers, plain m&ms, 3 musketeers, etc....candy i know the neighbor kids like....we don't get many trick or treaters so i make up bags filled with lots of candy and a few 'tricks' for the neighborhood kids...tricks usually include coloring books, crayons, stickers, etc....
I used to get a whole lot of these when I was a kid. They definitely were the least favorite candy to receive but I ate 'em anyway!
OMG Those are the EXACT candy I was talking about in the candy thread you posted. I hate those candies with a white hot passion!
I'd like some Fun Dip. Put that on your list too! :)
I would practically shit when neighbors would dump those nasty little black and orange peanut butter candies in my trick or treat bag. It was always the stingy bastard on the block who had them too. After that you learned to avoid his house on Halloween. Or worse were the apples or the pennies!
Ahh Halloween memories. I grew up in San Francisco where we had blocks and blocks of awesome trick or treating. I had a large haul of quality Halloween candy for weeks. We would sort out the bad stuff and check the good candy for tampering. Fun times. I loved Halloween when I was a kid.
Post Halloween me and my sibs would have a candy exchange, swapping out less liked items for favorites. Those candies were so generally unattractive and unpleasant tasting that we just threw them out. But full size candy bars!!! Awesome!! Everybody's favorite!!
I am relieved and happy that you are back. Sounds like you may have succeeded in containing the Crazy ..at least temporarily. I am impressed!!
Unfortunately, Crazy often seems both immortal and unstoppable.I deal with a similar situation, and it is exhausting and emotionally draining.
Thank goodness for Fall and it's myriad pleasures and distractions. Candy FTW!
Those and those damn circus peanuts, blech! I usually give out reese's cups. They seem to go over well. One year I gave out full packs of Trident since I worked for the company that made it. I put them in with the candy. I thought they'd go slow, but the kids went insane. I heard the first group yell, she's giving out FULL packs of gum over there!!! Who knew :-)
Coffeebean, that's funny. The word does get around when someone is giving out a good treat. Watch out for those 3peaters!
Sadly, my seashore town rolls up the sidewalks by Halloween and I do not get any Trick-or-Treaters. I go to Philly and do it up with my daughter and grandson. Plenty of action there!
I would never hand out peanut butter kisses to the kids but I do like them. My sons always complain when they come over and see one of my candy dishes filled with "old people candy" as they call them. I also like circus peanuts.
I'm a chocolate buyer for the kids just the fun size though, haven't won the lotto yet. I use to take my kids to this one house when we lived in California they always handed out raspberry zingers I loved them the kids didn't oh well, was disappointed one year when they gave the vanilla type out, then the awesome house which gave out the regular size candy but the kids wouldn't share those with me. Have to say though I kinda like the peanut butter thingy s in the orange and black wrappers but like I said I wouldn't buy them to hand them out.
In Canada potato chips are all the rage.
It balances out the chocolate bars and
the kids have a mix of sweet & salty treats
to snack on after Halloween. Those yikky
candies made of molassases have been banned
up here years ago by the Canadian dental groups.
They are well known for causing cavities and
yanking out dental fillings in children hence the ban.
I haven't seen them in stores for over a decade.
Another great treat to give out are mcDonalds
gift certificates for the kids to get a free :) meal.
I buy those in books and tape a certificate to the
bag of potato chips. Usually I need about 100-120
for my neighbourhood to shell out & I should be
receiving a gross 144 of assorted Halloween pencils
& with toppers attached to include in the Halloween
loot bags. I enjoy making up the bags and have already
got so many Halloween themed stickers ( I bought
out my little dollar store ) I put some stickers in the
loot bags and I use one to seal the bags closed.
Once the pencils arrive the fun begins & I will
be able to assemble the halloween treat bags.
The kids around here like them and the parents
really like them cuz they know me by my signature
themed bags of treats a technique I use to hand out
the goodies when you get a load of children at
the door all at once. I love Halloween I'm so happy
it's on Saturday this year so it can last longer as it
not being a school night. Hopefully it will not
rain and or snow fingers crossed. Nothing ruins
your fun more than being cold & wet and having to
don your winter coat and boots. Next week on Monday
October 12 is Thanksgiving day in Canada.
So Im also buzzy with that but I'm really looking
forward to Halloween as well. Kiki :) in Toronto.
I still remember the neighborhood
people who gave out full size candy
bars and the ones who made treat bags (40+yrs ago) They were the best! And one old lady who gave
out quarters. Back then we could
go to Lillie's Eastside Grocery the next day and buy 5 full size candy bars.
Oh I 4 got to add about the apples and pennies ?!?
If a house is giving out apples up here u can expect a
visit from the police and pennies WTF?!?!
Both are strange and unheard of in Canada.
Btw & this is another topic in itself but there are
several differences in can - USA homes
canada. - Usa
milk in bags. Milk in cartons or jugs
shoes are not worn in. Shoes on all day
the house. Inside the home.
Pay off the house Asap ! Refinance mortgages
mortgages NOT deductable. Mortgage is tax deductable.
Free health dental hospital opn. HMO
no toll roads or bridges all free. Toll roads ie niagarafalls
Bridge charges 3$ to enter us
Etccc... Etc.
I would go through my kids loot to find those little black and orange nuggets.
I give out full size microwave popcorn and the kids are thrilled!
Yuk, we have something called Halloween Kisses here which is a disgusting taffy...only mean old ladies give that stuff out, and they all think that the kids love it. I have yet to meet a kid who likes that crap!
I love giving out cans of pop because there are so many parents on this block that refuse to let their kids have pop. That is really, really entertaining for me.
The kids whose parents I really don't like, I give 2 cans: one to drink on the way home and one for school the next day. And then I stick a full-size bag of licorice in their pocket (we have to wear winter coats at Halloween, so lots of pockets). Hee hee, I love Halloween!!!!!
The only thing those disgusting PB kisses were good for was pelting my little brother with them when he stole my candy - the good stuff.
I loved all the chcolate bars on Halloween. I hate candy, it's gross. All I wanted was the chocolate. Except Coffee Crisp. For some reason I always hated Coffee Crisp and so did all my siblings. There was this old couple in the neighbourhood who always gave out Coffee Crisp bars every year and me and my sibs would always want to skip their house because their house was way back in the woods and they had a long, spooky driveway, and it wasn't worth it just to get the icky Coffee Crisp. Heh. (My mom always made us go anyway, to be polite.)
Anonymous 11:40 pm ~ Are you my daughter? That is exactly what happened at our house. Little bro would eat all his good chocolate, then steal his sister's good stuff. She could make hers last until Valentines Day.
My niece is almost 3 and openly argues against halloween because "the candy scares her". She says that good candy lives in the drawer anyways and she can get some anytime she wants.
Well, I am one of the weird people who actually loves this candy! My sister and I both do! Whenever my kids get them for Halloween, they always give them to me. But, I do know that most kids hate them, so I don't pass them out. I pass out the good stuff like snickers and skittles. LOL
Well, I love salt water taffy, but, I'm sure not giving that to kids.
Thanks DD, Now I have Total Candy Paranoia!!! I was one of those people who give out the orange and black peanut butter taffy, hey, they are yummy!!! plus, I'm a bit cheap! so, I'm at the store last night and now can't decide on which ones to buy! I am thinking I will give out chocolate Googly Eyes, I like the name, is that a good choice? Oh, by the way, when we were kids the place to trick or treat was Toluca Lake Estates (we were poor brown trash, mom and dad would truck us in). You might get lucky and get a Full size candy bar from Bob Hope and Family!!
another thing that sucked getting as a kid was boxes of RAISINS....what kid wants fucking raisins???
LOL...chocolate anything is good. I don't have many trick or treaters here so full size bars won't cost me much. Tia, yeeeeuk on rasins. At the shop last year Laffy Taffy was a huge hit, but, then I got hooked on it. Sigh. This year at the shop we have tootsie rolls and pops, now and laters, dots, smarties, jaw breakers and bubble gum. Suckers for the babies. We bagged up 40 pounds yesterday and we're only half done. Geez.
I have to admit it..I love these things. I do not give them out though. I would snag them from the kids treat bags.
Put them in your pocket to warm them up and you dont lose any fillings..LOL
Gosh I hate tootsie rolls! Taste like watered down chocolate YUK YUK YUK!!! I also hate hersheys milk chocolate. To me it tastes like rancid fat, eeewwwwweeey!!! What ways to butcher, assasin and murder chocolate!
Great to see you back DD! Hope you are doing well. I have been around but under the weather.
The great thing about Halloween when I was a kid was that I lived in a development so as long as my mother would walk with us, we would go all over. My dad is a firefighter so he would stand out and make sure everyone was safe. As soon as we got home, he would make us dump all our bags out on the floor and look at all the candy for open pieces, etc. Then my mom would tell us to grab a bunch of what we wanted and she would freeze the rest of the chocolate so we all could have it later through the year. We always shared and my sister was young and cute so she actually got more than I did!
DD, my son will be 1 next Monday and I am planning on dressing him up as Thomas the Tank Engine. If we send you pictures, would you consider a thread of Halloween kids costumes? I always enjoy seeing the pictures of kids you post.
Sorry DD...but I have always, even as a kid, loved those things. Still do! Now I have to go buy me some!
yeah, f these things indeed! only thing worse was getting a box of raisins, a toothbrush or a couple of pennies.
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