I also watched the Roloff's last night, I hadn't seen them in a long time. Man, their kids are out of control! Did anyone else see that? One seems to be flunking out of school and can't finish a thought. The little one is destructive and..odd. And they're all slobbing out the new mansion..yeah, mansion, that's what it is. And if you want to pretend they bought that mansion selling pumpkins, go ahead. Hey, at least they have something to fall back on when reality TV hits the shitter.
But their kids really freaked me out. Anyone who's raised a teenager knows they do things you can not anticipate and I don't have the answers, but, I'm sure glad I wasn't on TV making my mistakes. Last night, Amy and Matt discovered a table in their family room had been burnt. Really burnt, like half a side of the table was crispy black. Matt wanted to call in their youngest for questioning..he seemed like a good suspect to me too. But, Amy said, no, you can't accuse people. WTF? If I walked in and saw my new house all trashed to hell like Amy did and a burned table I guarantee you someone would be in jail so I couldn't kick their ass. Naaaa, Amy said, you can't get upset over it, you don't know who did it. What?? It's a FIRE!!!!!! Does anyone else think this is strange??
But their kids really freaked me out. Anyone who's raised a teenager knows they do things you can not anticipate and I don't have the answers, but, I'm sure glad I wasn't on TV making my mistakes. Last night, Amy and Matt discovered a table in their family room had been burnt. Really burnt, like half a side of the table was crispy black. Matt wanted to call in their youngest for questioning..he seemed like a good suspect to me too. But, Amy said, no, you can't accuse people. WTF? If I walked in and saw my new house all trashed to hell like Amy did and a burned table I guarantee you someone would be in jail so I couldn't kick their ass. Naaaa, Amy said, you can't get upset over it, you don't know who did it. What?? It's a FIRE!!!!!! Does anyone else think this is strange??
I think Amy doesn't care as long as she can tell Matt he is wrong. I hate people who are driven to be constantly right even when the are blantantly wrong. I smell another TLC divorce drama. Or the kid will burn the house down and the headlines will read "Another TLC family goes up in flames." lmao
I haven't watched LPBW for over a year now. The pilot episode was very interesting and I liked the family. But it all went downhill from there. Amy is a bitch and treats Matt like a dog. Matt is always dreaming up new ways to spend money. The kids are out of control... except for Molly. I do like her.
A reality show family changes once they have a fan base and plenty of money rolling in. I don't watch any realty shows anymore.
No i miss it. Since I dont have a Dvr anymore and cant pay for it. I had to watch hero's and than my hub has to watch WWE. I missed everything for the past 4 days...
Ah the poor little yup yups burnt table. I'm surprised that they still allow their kids to be alone. They are WILD ONES. That little jake is a helling because everyone forgets about him. Its all about the older boys, Matt and Amy oh and slight sister of theirs.
I watched it as well. Amy lets those kids run nuts. I would not allow my house to look like that. The kids are disrespectful. It falls on the parents to make them mind. I can't get over Amy being so non chalant over the burnt table. I would want to know who my future pyro was. I don't see any of them being ambitious and actually following through on anything.
Like I've said before, I'm not mom of the year and teenage boys perplex the crap out of me, but, I'll be dammned if I ever found my furniture burned up and said, oh well, ignore it. Holy crap.
I watched it and was amazed at how out of control those kids were. I am not the perfect mother but there is no way I would let my kids carry on like that in my house. The little one was jumping in and out of the windows, they left litter all over the house, they were knocking the snot out of each other in the barn, the new carpets were filthy...I was thinking WTF? We were getting so pissed off at them that my husband had to leave the room. It was a good lesson on how kids are disprespectful for our girls who were watching with us. Amy needs a freakin' clue too. I always thought that Matt was the slacker but last night changed my opinion.
If my brother or I charred a table in my parents' house, our worlds would have instantly changed in a not-fun way.
I watched it...Couldn't believe how non-chalant Amy was over a burnt area of the coffee table. They work hard cleaning the area up and over night it is trashed, my parents would have killed us and hauled us out with the junk we left behind then would have hunted us down again for getting blood on the carpet from where they killed us and killed us again. But what do you expect when Matt (who is trying desperatly to be a parent but is over-ruled) has to get one of the hired hands to clean up Amy's trashy basement area. I myself do not mind if my kids have friends over, however outdoor sports belong outdoors and if you make a mess clean it up, there called rules they help a house have order.
I think all reality TV does is prove to the rest of us that we really are better off with our own quiet little lives. Why people want their family drama displayed to the world is beyond me. Other than money for college, what's the point?
FINALLY, someone ranting about the 'saintly' Roloffs! Forget the Goseelins- the Roloffs are as bad or worse.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who think they're weird. Bizarre kid raising. Matt seems like he wants to lay down the law, but, he's not allowed to. So, instead he's in charge of wasting money building stupid shit like castles. Fuck.
The boy who is little (Zach?) gives me a serial killer vibe. Something is really off about him. I don't know what it is but it's definately there.
As to the Roloff's - the parents are DOLTS. They are not bright and their their two older sons are not bright and seem pretty shiftless/aimless to me. They are going to graduate from high school and seem to have no plans or enthusiasm for their futures. How said is that? Is this part of the whole "entitlement" thing of people in their generation? Those boys are just doofuses and Amy is just a chronic nag. They are messed up. The only one I have any hope for is Molly, the daughter.
I did not watch last nights epi and I missed a few of them too. I forget when its on.
I noticed right from the beginning that the family are slobs. I can see if they live in a small place with no storage etc, but to renovate and then still have a dirty house boggles my mind. I would kill for that house. It is very beautiful and worth a lot since it is in Oregon. It just seems like no one appreciates or respects the property.
It looks like a very laid back parenting style that give kids few rules no matter what the age. The parents letting Jeremy having a girl in his room alone when he was young seemed too irresponsible for me. I realize that they in their teens, but it just seems like Amy & Matt give then more freedom then they should at that age.
I do somehow feel that since Amy & Matt had a controlled life growing up maybe thats the reason why they are very lenient parents.
I love how asking who burnt the table, ("accusing", is some how worse than actually burning the table.
And that burn job was no accident. Someone had to of held the flame over the table for quite some time.
I would have choked all of them.
I love how asking who burnt the table, ("accusing", is some how worse than actually burning the table.
And that burn job was no accident. Someone had to of held the flame over the table for quite some time.
I would have choked all of them.
If the table were burned outside that would be bad enough (and you know it wasn't burned outside), but to burn it in the house and say nothing about it is nucking futs! It seems like at least 2 people in that family need mental help! And plenty of smoke alarms!!
About 30 or 40 fire extinguishers wouldn't hurt either.
This is crazy to the nth degree.
I don't watch the show, but just by reading the comments, I realize we have another NAZI MOM here. Is it only reality when the mom is stronger than the dad?
For some reason I get the feeling this is TLC trying to drum up some more drama for another one of their shows. The first show had Amy and Matt talking divorce.
What mother in her right mind wouldn't question who burned the fucking table? Amy constantly wants the kids to think she's a cool mom. They're both horrible parents. But Amy fights Matt every step of the way in disciplining those kids. Maybe she's afraid they'll refuse to film if she's too strict?
Good Idea Matt and Amy and TLC to show these kids to the world at their worst behavior. Yes, they are a family of slobs. They have been since day one. Would you want to show that to the world? Anything for a buck.
I agree that for whatever reason, Amy seemingly wears the pants in that relationship. She does seem to beat Matt down but I can see how he's a bit weak and full of shit sometimes too. That brings out dominance in some partners. I can also totally see why he was caught DUI too the poor guy needs to let loose. Heh.
Whatever really goes on behind the scenes in that family, no one knows. The only thing we do know is - it ain't housecleaning LOL
Those four kids alone should be keeping that house way cleaner, and Amy and Matt should be on their asses about it. Instead they get cars and trips and the life of riley on the farm. IMO it's lazy, irresponsible parenting to refuse to teach and enforce some basics of cleaning and organizing. In truth, no one likes to live like that and no one should have to. It's just not cool. Yet what motive or inspiration would the kids have to ever do otherwise?
My 19 and 21 year old sons at home do way more than those kids. They always did. We have a big house too and but it's clean and tidy. I do still have to tell them to take care of certain things sometimes. They don't push it too much but kids will take advantage if you let them. If you offer it on a golden platter, then more fool you.
But soon, my kid'll be out on their own and responsible for themselves. I've drilled it into their heads that they have to live their own lives and live with their choices. That's how competent adults are created.
What Amy's teaching those kids is that nothing's ever gonna be their problem as long as Mom's around. IMO this is the opposite of doing right by your kids, which is to prepare them for life. Not keep them dependent.
Having said that, I would not want to piss Amy off. I think she could kick my ass. :)
I did not watch but OMFG!
My youngest had decided she wanted to play with matches in the house. This was quite a few years ago.
We could smell the burning and I busted in her room. I laid into her like I had never ever done before.
Do you want to burn down our house so we have no place to live?
Do you want to burn down our house and possibly kill one of us?
She was bawling her eyes out but I did not comfort her or anything. Told her to stay her ass in the bed for the rest of the night and DONT YOU EVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN.
She never lit another match..a couple years later, we taught her the safe way to light them outside. Come to find out, she wanted to learn how to do it.
Sometimes you have to take off your friend hat and put on your Parent hat.
Amy`s must be at the dry cleaner.
What are talking about? "Worse than the Gosselins"???? No way. They ARE the Gosselins in about 7 years!!! Out of control teenagers, sex, drugs & rock & roll, only in a cleaner mansion. Duh! Matt & Amy's marriage ain't gonna survive the reality curse. Its happening right before our eyes. And I have not watched it for over a year. Sad really. Oh well. They can cry into their big-little people pile of cash!
I've always felt Amy wanted to experience her childhood again - relive it in ways she didn't the first time around. And from the things she's said, like wanting to travel and not caring if Matt would be able to join her or not, not cleaning but perferring to play instead, wanting to be a part of her kids fun instead of being the parent, etc.
This show demonstrated she wants to fit in with her kids' friends instead of parent. Unfortunately for her kids' future prospects she's got it all wrong. Time has long passed for her to lay down the law, expect things from her kids, set rules and boundaries and follow through and most importantly - have discipline for herself! Many times in past seasons it was HER desk and kitchen that was the pigstye of the house and it looks like she hasn't made much progress.
Since the show was taped LAST December I wonder what the twin boys are doing. Are they in college or are they working part time jobs and living at home, still taking advantage of Matt and Amy? Are they still trashing the house with no consequences? Are they still disrespecting the family? Has anything been done about disciplining Jacob, the youngest? His foul mouth along with his foul attitude and lack of respect for authority and his elders is going to bring him plenty of problems the older he gets. The way he talks about Matt is disgraceful.
Are Matt and Amy still married? Are they living in a loving relationship or is she still disrespecting Matt in front of the kids? Is she traveling somewhere while he is trying to manage alone at home? I don't think there is anything wrong with separate vacations for spouses, but Amy's outward contempt of Matt, his opinions, his physical limitations and medical issues is disturbing and certainly not exemplary behavior to be demonstrating on tv. I'm sooo sick of TLC putting dysfunctional families on pedestals.
Amy has always been veery messy, and whenever Matt complained or tried to get help and cleanup. she really bitches him out. I'd say thanjyou... but not her. She always takes the kids side. I think it is anything to piss Matt off. He does have some crazy ideas, but he is supporting the family, and has some darn good ideas. If they aren't divorced by now, I doubt if they will be. If so, it would be after all the kids are out of the house and she actually has to look at him and communicate with him.
I say we get Joe Bob and Michelle Duggar out to Oregon to take that household over and get everyone's attitudes in shape and get the house cleaned up. That would fix them!!
Amy & Matt seem to have been at odds with each other for a while now. I don't think they will be together much longer unless they are somehow able to address their issues.
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