I love you, honey! Hi, baby, I love you! ...the twins can barely remember the line as they smootch the top of Hef's balding old head. His remaining comb over sticks up and he reminds me of a naked baby bird. The most strenuous thing he does all day is change his smoking jacket and chuckle. How can they not be in love with him? Totally believable. But, it's way better than watching Cake Boss which is playing opposite The Girls Next Door. That dude is so mean he makes me cringe and the last thing I need right now is his negative energy. At least Hef and his grand kids, err, girl friends are having fun. Last night they held a disco roller skating party at the mansion. It was 70's themed so they invited Barbie Batshit Benton. Old Barbie is getting a bit thick and her hair looks like it was styled with a blow torch and they have to shoot her face through 5 fog filters and she's STILL a bitch..go figure. Barbie falling hard on her ass was the highlight of the show for me. I actually laughed, something I haven't done in awhile.
Next week the girls are having a Ouija board seance! I'm pretty sure the ghosts of the former mansion whores will show up. If not, maybe they can have Barbie Batshit fall out a third story window.
Why do these ladies want a job as hefner's girlfriends?
I won't watch them, I was pissed to hear they were continuing the show w/o Holly, Kendra, & Bridget. That was my guilty pleasure and yes I actually liked them. These girls are worse IMO. Yeah, HK&B were airheads, but these new girls might as well be braindead. And their sisters! Yuck. I never understood the twins thing.
DD I posted a cute pic of Sammy, should make you smile :)
What's Lissa gonna be for Halloween?? Is she coming over to trick or treat?
LOL @ Sam in her jams. Yeah, Lis will be here. She is going as a pink Bat Girl.
I liked the old Girls, but now the show is just really fake. At least the other's were funny and did stuff. I imagine this is the last season. Hef should've quit while he was ahead.
The other girls at least had a personality, even though Holly was a true bitch, but, these new ones are so dull. The twins aren't the worst though, that Crystal thing is. She's like listening to a plate of cottage cheese...with sandpaper.
I don't like any of these girls, including the original ones, because at the end of the day they are all fucking a man old enough to be their grandfather in exchange for money and a lavish lifestyle and I can't respect that. I don't see how they are any better than hookers, yet nobody would give hookers a show because people would complain it was immoral.
That one girl Kendra is delusional. She said in an interview that the girls dating Hef now are "whores". Um yeah, and what were you when you dated Hef, Kendra? The true love of his life?
Ace of Cakes is so much more fun! The people that work at that shop are funny and seem like they get along well with one another....whereas Cake Boss is all angry family. I don't know- having a big family is NOT an excuse to be cruel or constantly arguing. I have 9 siblings and we would never talk to each other the way the Cake Boss family does. Plus, they pretty much perpetuate every Italian stereotype.
He looks like the freakin' Crypt Keeper.
The Crypt Keeper is at least entertaining, though! Despite his endless bad puns (I think they used "boys and ghouls" at least 1000 times during the course of the series). Hefner's just a bumbling, boring old fool.
I watched the old ones for the girls. They were fun. Looking at it now is embarrassing. I can't understand what Hef sees in the mirror that we don't. He can barely walk let alone fornicate or anything close! And, why would anyone want to. Only way to kiss him is if he is your Dad. He's not. He should put some clothes on and act his 80+ yrs of age and stop making an old fool of himself.
I know he is a nice man, I will probably get slammed for criticism of him, but that is how I see it.
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