Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nice advertising there

I'd better stop posting these things, someone might think I'm one of them wimmen's libbers.


Unknown said...

I say "hell yes" to womens lib! That ad is bullshit on so many levels! Thanks DD, I need to get my blood moving this morning...LOL


Dirty Disher said...

It's awful, isn't it? I mean, geez, can't a woman do something nice for a man without bowing before him and being shown "it's a man's world?" I guess they thought us wimmen needed a clue.

Dirty Disher said...

And I kept wondering why the dude wore a dress shirt and tie to bed. I don't wonder why he's in a single bed. Nope.

coffeebean said...

That's one dumb ad. Nothing wrong with women's lib. I love guys who love strong women, they are secure with their own sense of self.

Unknown said...

Oh mighty powerful husband who makes all the $$$$$$$$. Here is your coffee in bed. I hope you enjoy.

Glad times have changed some-what. Know a days that add would have some woman in bed wearing a tie and a smile. With the man surveing her breakfast.

miss tia said...

he's in that 'give me a blowjob' pose....she should pour that coffee on his head....either head will do....

Dirty Disher said...

LOL mean. That's why I like you.

Alison said...

It's so obvious these ads were made by men who were terrified women would some day rise up and stop taking their shit. They way they pushed the "Men are superior! You must teach your wife this! Make her obey!" crap seems fear-driven, not to mention just plain sad.

I feel like showing these ads to my ignorant grandmother, who is convinced the world was perfect when she was young, and is fucked up beyond belief now*. She will never admit to anything being better now than it was when she was my age. Well, grandma, at least I don't have to bow before my husband while serving him breakfast in bed!

*I actually agree the world is fucked up now, but I also believe it was fucked up back then too, just in different ways.

TVsnark said...

Found in Mom's Attic?

I love that site and I love old advertising.

Cut On The Diagonal said...

I love that site too.
As for the pic; she put Ex-Lax in his coffee.

NeonTetra said...

I thought it was an ad for ties. And therefore makes no sense at all. Breakfast in bed, right. Never would happen in my house.

Anonymous said...

MissTia: You hit the nail on the "head" so to speak! THATS exactly what this ad says to me!! And nothing else. Not making me want to buy the asshole another tie, unless it's to choke him with! Wow, this is so terrible. Hot coffee on his junk coming right up!