So while Jon is in Los Angeles with the stolen money, Kate is in New York crying about the stolen money and a nanny is home raising the eight kids. Kate says if everything (meaning the show and the money) fell away tomorrow, she would still be a mom. I've got news for ya, Kunt, it has fallen away. It's over. Gowd, she is so stupid. How can fans listen to her lies? Everything about the woman is a lie and in the end she says everything is still for the kids and even though she has no money for food, she is buying a new ring with 8 diamonds. It's symbolic. Yeah, it's symbolic of her greed. Go home and take care of your kids, dumbass. 8 little kids no one wants anymore, because the money isn't there. Can anything be sadder?
Oh, and the defensless children have no body guard, Kate is with the body guard in NY? WTF? Explain her to me fans, go ahead. You are retarded.
a mom? she has no fucking clue...
her nightmare would be to be at home with the children by herself and no film crews....
she probably has a bodyguard cuz subconsciously she knows she's a cunt....
Both Kate and Jon disgust me. Ugh.
please, give up the pissin' and moanin'. It's just so old and useless. Why get so upset over this family?
Give up the pissin' and moanin'? You've never been to this site before, have you?
She wont know what to do w/o an audience. I am still mad about what Jon has been doing for the past few months. And this recent bank fiasco. Kate is no prize at all either. But Kate is clueless about how to have a real job and support her kids as is Jon. THATS the whole problem. How to work, those kids will never know either.
Uh-oh. The girls showing in the photo do not seem to be wearing matchy-match clothing. That Not-A-Nanny is gonna be in deep shit when Big Mama gets home.
KIDS???? who's kids are they jons or are they kates.
Its seems that are the babysitters/ nannys/ friends/ foes and crews kids
when kate is crying poor mouth. She is wasting more time and $$$ out the window paying for help, babysitters, bootyguards ( hi steve bitchboy) limo drivers, airport rides, food, STARBUCKS COFFEE, phone calls, etc...
She is not making a profit she is lossing the profit.
They both better get a financial advisor or all the green. Is going to be in negetive debt.
Kate has never been a true mother. All she has been is a greedy cunt. I do not feel sorry for her one bit.Kate and Jon need to grow up and parent their kids instead of having the non-nannies do it for them.
How stupid can this woman be?Instead of saving the money for food etc she buys a diamond ring. The sheeple are probably saying, 'well she needs this ring she has 8 kids you know.'
When will this train wreck finally go down in flames?
I think it HAS gone down in flames. Kate just hasn't smelled the smoke yet.
I am so tired of listening to her bitch and moan about being a single mom. My SINGLE MOM worked TWO JOBS to support herself, me, and pay the mortgage on her little townhouse that she worked her ASS off for, not to mention all the other bills that came with it. And still managed to buy food to feed me and clothes for my ungrateful, whiny teenage ass. She certainly didn't go out begging and crying and pitching a "woe is me" line for love offerings, get hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of freebies, including a mansion with a free brand new kitchen.
The only thing that makes Khate a "single mom" is the fact that she carried and birthed children and is currently without a minion...I mean, boyfriend or husband. I'm glad Jon drained their bank account. Maybe now she'll really know what it's like to be a "struggling single mom".
I'm so sick of this bitch! When the hell is TLC going to figure it out and pull this evil witch off the air??
I know! I was a single mom once and she never has been. It's gross and a lie.
I am not a Kate fan at all, and hearing Jon on Larry King say she was a "good Mother" made me ill unless he meant one of his gf's whose name is also Kate, or he meant that she being away so much is a good thing making her a good mother....Either way Jon is not working why can't he, I don't know be a father and stay with the children either in the house or I in another house he can rent with the "stolen" money this way the children aren't with a "nanny" who chooses to allow them to dress the way they want and show individual personalities...Is there a visitation order set for Jon as to when he gets the children?
According to both of them, they have joint custody. I'd just like to point out that poor Ms. "I can't feed my kids" spends $1,600 a week to pay Steve to hold her purse and open her car doors. That'd buy a lot of groceries.
I bet those kids have a long commute to school. The pic looks like it's still dark out. I'm sure it's a haul to get to school. They have to get the bus in a parking lot-----that would suck.
I laughed out loud when she said she hid 110 G's for food. Like she pulled a 20 from the ATM for a pizza.
I wonder if Kate still goes to church? You know she's a good Christian.
Off topic but has anyone heard about the woman who was attacked by 5 raccoons? Just heard it on the news. Seems they really tore into her legs and the poor woman has some pretty nasty wounds. I thought about Pat and her story of when that coon got into her house and attacked her.
Sure wish a bunch a crazed coons would attack Kate.
Ahem, DD, do you KNOW how expensive organic grapes and saltine crackers are for 8 (count 'em) kids? And there's only enough free Juicy-Juice to last till the end of the month. GASP!
Well DD looks like your plan for Kate fans to explain her to you went horribly wrong. She has no fans. I watched the interview too (I love Matt Lauer) and you are right - she DID steal the money first and they made her give it back.
I thought she's already been attacked by coons and that's how she ended up with her chewed-up hair.
BTW, What 5 year old gives a shit about seeing the Statue of Liberty?
It's like saying the kids were torn up that they couldn't go to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. LMAO!
DD just a lil correction Steve makes $ 1600
a day not per week. If he's with her for the whole
week that's a helluva lotta coin she could by
herself a grocery store and ohhh Idk mmmm
try working !!!!! Get a F -N franchise for starbucks
I'm sure she has enuf stashed away to become
a big bizzzzznizzzzz bitchity bitch and WURK!!!
Hell knows she will never go back to nursing !
Who the fuck would want to see her at their bedside
she has all the mannerisms of methusala &
medusa combined !! I'd love to get her in front
of judge Judy trying to play her one woman act
she would chew her up and spit her out like the
BALONEY she is. And phoney baloney at best.
If judge Judy is busy then nancy grace would do.
Notice how oprah & dr feeeel are not in touch
anymore. They wish they never had her on the show.
This Fugly KUNT could have all the $$ in the
world billions & trillions but still she will be
always & forever MORALLY BANKRUPT !!!
Thank you Kiki. That's what Snark said too. $1600 A DAY. That's just stupid. I never heard of anything so stupid.
Matilda, where was that coon attack at? Do you have a link?
I seen a little thing about the money issue and clicked while reading from the site "OMG" I seen this and lmao..."Whenever we have a conversation and 'solve' things, he hangs up the phone and does something different. I simply cannot reach him," Kate explained. "I think he's receiving bad counsel. He's always been one to listen to the one next to him."
Of course the one next to him use to be her and she would tell him ALL the time what to do...as long as it was she who steered him things were fine, now it's that bad counsel that he has, that and he may have finally grown a pair.
Over on Moons site, they're talking about something his lawyer wrote that accuses Kate of still hiding 100's of thousands from Jon. Kate's a lying bitch and this is gonna be the end of her shit.
Connie, I hope he gets the kids, the mansion, the money and she ends up in a nut hut where she belongs.
DD, I mean that they are still on tv giving interviews and many people are still buying her books and giving them money, like donations etc. The Gosselins are also still getting free clothes, merchandise, food etc from companies. Unfortunatley, this gravy train will never end.
I love the new header.
Has Lis seen the owls lit up yet?
Anon 4:15 - LMAO! You're sure right about that!
Pat - This coon attack happened in Florida. I don't have a link to the story. I heard about it on Headline News this a.m.
1600 a DAY!?!?!?! And she has the nerve to complain she can't pay the bills? WOW. I didn't know it cost so much to get laid.
I don't feel sorry for her. Nope. Not one bit.
I'm so sick of Jon and Kate going to the media to complain about each other. Other people get divorced too it doesn't have to be splashed all over every magazine.
Pat here is a link to the coon story.
There is "broke" and then there is "Hollywood broke".
"Broke" is when you are struggling to afford enough food for your children, struggling to pay the rent, struggling to keep up car payments so you don't have to sell your car and walk everywhere with small children. "Broke" means you don't buy anything nice for yourself unless it is dirt cheap on sale and even then you don't do it often.
"Hollywood broke" is when you can no longer afford the zillion-dollar perks and designer clothes you used to buy every day. You have no trouble paying for your house, for food, for a car, et al, but you piss and moan about being "broke" because you can no longer afford to waltz into Saks Fifth Avenue and spend $10,000 on clothes in one afternoon. Examples of this: Lindsay Lohan, Tori Spelling, and oh yes, KATE GOSSELIN.
Kate Gosselin is Hollywood broke and she ain't fooling anybody who is really broke. STFU Kate.
Amen Allison!
I love the new header too Pat!
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