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RealityWithoutApologies to watch the vids, it won't play here. But, basically what I got from Kate's little chat with Meridith Veira is that SHE had already stolen that stolen money at least once before Jon did and was ordered to put it back. So Jon's plan to fuck her over was hers originally. But, she gives the excuse that she does indeed need at least a hundred grand to pay for grapes, crackers and paper plates. All I'm getting from this is that Jon is finally controlling her. He's shut down HER show and left her with no "liquid" money. Yeah, she can't beg for love offerings anymore because EVERYONE HATES HER. She can cry all she wants to, for now, she's not in charge anymore. I'm sick of her saying he left her alone with their kids. That's ridiculous.
I seem to like that picture of her. Heh. K is for Kunt.
i bet people will ramp up their love offerings to her since she went crying broke on tv today.....
and i read how she said her kids were wailing and crying when told the show was shut down....wtf?! though i suppose the camera men, mic holders, etc are the closest things to playmates/friends those kids have.....
I wouldn't doubt that's true. The TLC film crew is the closest thing they have to family while their bitch parents are both off in other cities fighting about money on TV. Money the kids earned.
exactly.....who is with the kids right now while kate is doing interviews and jon is in california????
What a stupid necklace, is she 12? Who wears initial necklaces anymore??? I hate her.
oh please...boo hoo. so she's telling us all they had left to their name was $230k?? So what business does she have driving around a $68k SUV??? Maybe she should sell that back and use that $$ to buy food for her kids. What a lying sack of shit.
And another thing, I just cannot take her seriously with that hair. Anytime she says anything, I am thinking "WTF is up with that stupid hairdo??" The woman is obviously delusional.
Oh boo hoo Kate is poor... what really happened to all the $$$ is my question? Why is she complaining about this amount? When you could lose this much in the stock market.
This money was the kids to. Doesn't she have a book-keeper that handles the books and receipts yet?
Well Kate it might be time to cut your staff in 1/2 and starting cutting coupons. Welcome back to the REAL WORLD...
and why does she have a bodyguard? who's paying for that? who's paying for her hair? doesn't she have an entourage? did you read about what a diva she was at some ice skating show???
fuck her....she needs to take a min. wage job at walmart and STFU....
Yes, she does have an extensive staff. And she's never been alone with the kids a day in her life.
I don't hate her.
She's rich and you're not.
she might have money to make her rich, but she has no soul.....
I call bullshit.I believe that Kate said that, but I find it untrue. Those kids were not crying when they were told the show was off. They were probably jumping up and down with joy until their cunt mother said that now they will have to give all their toys, clothes, friends and not-nannies away because of daddy then they started to cry. Kunt probably also told the kids that it was their fault because their were 8 of them too and 8 makes mommy so exausted and poor.
Hey Kate, sell your fucking house and BAM you have money. Simple answer to your pathetic life.
Muahahahahaha! I can't stop laughing about this! Serves the bitch right!
bored this is for u.
I bet u thats what the kids were during behind kates back. The F-U dance ha ha
She has beady looking eyes. Creeps me out.
Naseem, she has a wonky eye and it is the sign of the devil.
Kate looks like a drunk whore coming off her overnight shift. Gotta get me some Starfucks so I can drive home.
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