At the same time he was telling a national TV audience that he wanted to put the brakes on his divorce and establish a better relationship with his wife, Jon Gosselin was secretly emptying their bank account, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively." (Way to toot yer horn, radar, fresh fucking intelligence.)
Bwaa ha ha ha! He left her only a $1000 dollars and she says she can't pay the household bills with that! The account for the children was not touched. Probably because that contains the 12 dollars they made with a lemon aid stand. Kate got a "high powered" lawyer to send Jon a letter demanding the money back. ( I assume he sent the letter to Mabel's Whore House, somewhere in Nevada.) Jon should send a letter to Kate demanding 10 years of his miserable life back. She will go to court Monday to file papers to get the money back. How is she supposed to pay her silver haired hooker, err, cankle licker, err, body guard? Life's a bitch, maybe BabyMama can take out a loan for her besite westie? Yeah, sell the baby, BM. You can always gulp some Clomid and get another one. Maybe a more Asian one. In return Kate will let you lick the crotch of her crusty unnawears.
good for him!!!
she's a disgusting pig (though he's not much better, he seems to be getting a clue though)....look at how she looked before tlc and now after....she thinks she's a 'star' and she is ignoring her children while she flies around talking about she's a mother...she has no clue the meaning of the word 'mother'....
I know. I hope he's farting money in a Casino and getting blown by 6 expensive whores today.
Well, if he had access to the account then obviously his name was on it and in the banks view, if your name is there you can clean it out with no repurcussions. I don't believe he did that, certainly not based on Radar's word. It's his money as much as it is hers. And if she didn't have enough to pay the bills, where the hell is the rest of it? I seriously doubt they live pay check to pay check.
Yep..I'm sure there's more to this story. It sure made me laugh though, thinking of Kate's face. Hee.
i bet tlc pays most of the bills, as they're using a lot of electricity with their equipment....and/or they pay the bills out of the kids' bank account....
i bet kate is using the kids money to pay for the divorce too...
To be a fly on the wall... with a cell phone to snap the pic of Kate's head exploding. Priceless!
Looks like Kate got a new necklace and her eyes are all f'd up
Radaronline a.k.a. Katedaronline.
I just read the letter Singer sent to Mark Heller. Nothing but lawyer talk. One thing I find interesting is that Singer's office is sending a copy to Kate's PR person, Julie May.
He's on his way to Bolivia right now, with a suitcase full of hundreds, and a fake moustache and a forged passport with the name Lon Bosselin.
Exactly, good for him. I think that it is very funny. I just wish that the amount in the account was publically known.
Kate is a piece of shit and I do not feel sorry for her one bit. She is a media whore who needs a major karma backlash. All Kate needs to do is sell that stupid house and buy one that is more affordable and she would have the money back.
She is a media whore who needs a major karma backlash
Oh, she will get hers. Those kids aint gunna be under her thumb forever.
One day she will be a lonely old shrew with gray roots under that spiky bush. She will bitch and moan in her dementia that there are no grandchildren that know how to help her, or to admire her wrinkled, fat-canckled, Winnie the poo tat.
I don't know a lot about divorce, but I would assume that as soon as they filed for legal separation, the lawyers (courts) would have put a hold on all accounts. Or at least put some kind of watch on the bank accounts. They both had lawyers--someone f***ed up!
"All Kate needs to do is sell that stupid house and buy one that is more affordable and she would have the money back."
You mean the KIDS' house? The KIDS needed more space - that's THEIR house, according to Katie Irene.
Someone needs to kick her straight through to the next millenium. We will all be gone, but that evil shrew will still be around, unfortunately.
Just when I think it can't get any better!
I hope she's still clipping coupons. Sounds like she's gonna need 'em.
I'm really shocked that somebody like Kate would give anyone access to her beloved bank account. I would also have figured that she and Jon would not have a joint account since they split.
Either way, I don't appluad Jon for taking all the money. Kate does not deserve this money but neither does Jon. They are both whiny douches who have exploited their children, and they both deserve to be flat broke, unless they go out and get real jobs that don't involve filming their kids on the toilet.
I wish all the money from the show went to the children and NEITHER of their greedy parents had access to it.
If this really happened than Karma is a Bitch. She got hers in spades.. Poor Katie cant even buy one earing or anything at the loft. Ah such a shame. How are you going to be organic food now kate?
Jon should run away to asia. With all the $$$$. Run a fishmarket and never look back.
He can send his kids fake eddy hardy shirts.
Exactly how is this funny? The guy is a dick. I am not a Kate fan, at all. Do not watch the show. But he's a huge dick. He will have to return the money or face jail time, I would be on that. She said she did remove the money previously but put it back after the lawyers arbitrated for them. I dont have any money, so I dont get it. But if my ex got into my bank acct and removed my little dab of money w/o my knowlwedge, it wouldnt be pretty. I hate this Chinaman. I dont get why you guys are all on his side. What he did was wrong. I am not on Kates side either. But that doesnt make what he did ok. Not even close. A thief is still a thief. And he's a sneaky bastard thief. Even if he did steal from Kate Gosselin.
The account had to be only one of *many*. The Gosselin's wealth has been estimated to be 10 million+. People with a fraction of that keep several active cash accounts. 200k is chump change by comparison to 10 mil, and I think that's why it was so easy for Jon to gain access.
And of course Kate's going to pull the "how am I going to pay the BILLLLS???" crap, it's something we all relate to and will garner massive sympathy. (her PR gal's earning her money.. "PR" gal?!)
Long story short, they're rollin' in dough and this account was probably nothing more than spare change to them. Pfft! 200k is the least Kate owes him for all the bullshit he endured as her whipping boy.
I hope he spends every dime tho... and exactly as everyone's saying; fast cars, fine wine and 'spensive wimmen!! woo hoo! Drinks are on JON!!!
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