And so..every day I check to see if Haleigh has been found and what is being said about Misty. Misty and Ronald seem to be drug users, but, so are a lot of people. The child's bio mother seems to be a druggie too, but, Haleigh didn't live with her. I can't seem to get this Misty out of my head, either she is the best actress in the world or she is innocent. If Misty is lying, I think she's protecting someone else. My fascination with Misty continues, with her hillbilly dialect, her totally dysfunctional hick family and her seemingly genuine tears, I can not fathom that she would hurt any child. Am I being fooled? What do you think?
And so..every day I check to see if Haleigh has been found and what is being said about Misty. Misty and Ronald seem to be drug users, but, so are a lot of people. The child's bio mother seems to be a druggie too, but, Haleigh didn't live with her. I can't seem to get this Misty out of my head, either she is the best actress in the world or she is innocent. If Misty is lying, I think she's protecting someone else. My fascination with Misty continues, with her hillbilly dialect, her totally dysfunctional hick family and her seemingly genuine tears, I can not fathom that she would hurt any child. Am I being fooled? What do you think?
i read about this awhile back....the theory was that she married the dad so that she wouldn't have to testify against him....i think she knows she what happened to the girl and i think it was the dad....
That's the general theory, I just don't know. But, some people think a girl that young might snap from her responsibilities. I know better. I was farmed out from age 12-14 every Summer and I had a lot of kids. A lot. No one ever got spanked, let alone dissapeared. I just don't think Misty hurt the kid. She knows something though.
i don't think she hurt the girl either....but i believe she knows what happened to her....
I have ben following this case to from the beginning. I do believe that Misty was involved whether it was accidental ot not or that she knows what happened to her. There are many things about this case that bug me.
The bio mom of Hailey seems off too. Not that she has anything to do with it, but the fact that she has no idea who her kids teachers are, what time they came home from school etc. I realize that she does not have custody but at least be aware of the day to day stuff.
Who ever did this Misty knows something and is not saying it. I believe the cops know and are just trying to get more concrete evidence.Whatever the case, I really hope that Hailey has some peace now because I do not believe that she is alive. I also hope that Hailey did OD on drugs, like the press is saying, rather than die from being brutalized. Hopefully we will know soon.
lea, I agree that bio mom is off. She just up and dumparooed those kids and had no clue how they were living. Strange as hell.
As Nancy Grace pointed out, how could a child die at a party and no one fessed up with a $75 grand reward? Naaa, not possible.
I haven't heard of this case, I will have to look into it. Myself I've been trying to follow Lindsey Baum's case....she disappeared in June of this year in McCleary, WA....I hate when this things happen, I wish people didn't have that sick mind that makes them get off on children's misery....
I have been following this.
I don't think Misty is lying because I don't think she is smart enough to have fooled LE this long.
Have you ever seen The First 48 Hours? Detectives know how to get info......quickly. I find it hard to believe that a 17 yr old girl could fool seasoned detectives. And, if she lied about being home, if she was somewhere else that night, then don't you think SOMEONE would have talked?
But, how could someone sneak in that little trailer,go unheard and take Haleigh? Also, I find it hard to believe that Misty was sound asleep. She's a teenager....teens tend to stay up late, especially if her boyfriend was due to come home.
I just find it hard to believe that law Enforcement cannot crack Misty? (She isn't talking to them now, but has given several interviews.)
If Misty knew what happened to Haleigh don't you think she would have spilled by now? Living with the girls dad? If Misty is NOT revealing everything she knows, then why does Ronald trust her and not doubt her?
BTW, Haliegh's bio mom is a piece of shit.
I think it was proven the dad was at work and she was seen while he was there. I am very torn about this case. Sometimes I look at her and think Yes! she did it!, other times I see a scared young uneducated child. I doubt at this point she will be found alive and that is horrible.
Perceptions are a peculiar thing. My perception of Misty is not that she's at all dumb, just ignorant, young and uneducated.
I follow it on Nancy disgrace s show I don't
like Nancy but I do applaud her for relentless
mentions of missing children. I'm going with
my first instinct of misty she seems genuine
I know now a lot of theories are popping up and
mistys brother was arrested as was her mom
but for frivolous items. Anyway miss Nevis
is what breaks my heart she is Ron s mom and
haileys granma Ron the dad seems sincere also
ita that the ex wife is weird and she is the bio mom.
Idk who or what to believe but I personally think
Ron the dad was at work he has nothing to do
with it. Mistys tears were very real to me but
it's usually the last person to see the victim alive
to hold the responsibility & is under the most
scrutiny by the law. I also think the cops in
satsuma fl are a bit lacking in their skills. Idk
I feel so bad for them all and her lil brother
jr is forgotten in all the rigamaroll. Ron the dad
and especially miss Nevis rons mom. My heart
breaks just watching her on nancys show live.
These people are poor and that doesn't make
their case less important or unworthy. They are
not disposable in my eyes I feel they've been
treated as 2 nd class citizens just because they
live in a trailer. It's so wrong to minimize this
lil girls disapearence for the simple socioeconomic
status of her family. I do give Nancy credit
for putting the attention on the missing lil girl and
not letting the case die down in the media.
I hope she is found first and foremost they all
need to get her back and have some kind of
closure. It's been a long seven months for them.
The cinder block thing propping the screen door ajar, is telling. That was done because whomever took her knew that screen door would make noise. So, it seems that it was someone who maybe was at that trailer before..partying? But, you know that LE have interviewed everybody?
How could someone have not spilled the beans? With a reward or not.
Flunking the polygraphs is troubling.
I don't agree with the theory of them getting married to avoid testifying against anyone. There is no reason to believe Ronald had anything to do with it.
So, if he didn't have anything to do with it, why would he want to protect her?
I'm thinking it was someone who had been there before (someone that they didn't really know, a friend of a friend.)
A lot of accusations that these two are druggies. Anyone know what type of drugs? If it's meth...meth-heads don't sleep.(Unless they crash.) If it's opiates they use, then maybe she WAS passed out, and someone KNEW that..snuck in and took her.
I totally agree with you that they have been treated like 2nd class citizens. Did you see Geraldo's interview attacking Ron, a few months back? What an asshole he is.
If I didn't have a mountain of medical bills, I'd send him a check. I hope other people are.
Sorry for flooding the comments.
Shmedelle yes I did what a fucking turd he was
to Ron. I hate the impression that you have to
have some $ to have value. There is no crime in
being poor it's unforgivable to be cheap !
And Geraldo is still an opportunistic turd !
I don't see any flooding. Say what ya need to. I think the parents used both speed and downers.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Misty is innocent. Oh, and the cement block..I thought it was used to prop open the door because whoever took the kid knew they'd have their hands full on the way out and that door closes by itself. The troubling thing about that is that whoever took Haleigh turned on the light. If I was sneaking in, the last thing I'd do is hit the light. Strange.
DD... you are right. Why turn on the light if you are sneaking in to snatch that little girl? Also, Misty claims that not only was the screen door propped open with a cinder block but that the inside door was also ajar. A news crew had entered the house and showed that the door would not stay open by itself and in fact would slowly shut. I don't believe Misty harmed that child. But I think she's hiding something.
Cinder block thing. yes, arms full, but also the screen door would slam loud.
But, if they turned the light on...that throws the rational for not wanting to make noise with the screen door, out the window.
So, either Misty wasn't home. Which I tend to NOT believe, even though she flunked the poly, supposedly. Or, she was home. But, if she were home...the mystery is how could this have happened under her nose? She had to have been passed out on something.
I think that if she wasn't home when the kid was snatched....someone would have said by now, "yeah, she was with me".
It had to be someone who knew that family and the trailer well. Maybe, Misty was passed out on something...and they knew that they could brazenly go in there and snatch her?
I'm sure LE thought of that. (Even if the cops down there are a bunch of Barney Fife's...still, isn't the FBI involved?
We know this shit does happen. Poor Jessica Lunsforn.
I don't believe Misty harmed that child. But I think she's hiding something.
I don't think she did anything to her either. But, I find it very hard to believe that she is hiding something...for 8 months.
( DD, I agree.I don't think people are dumb just because they say "don't" instead of "doesn't". Or, have poor grammar. That is just education. So what.) Those who jump on that, and call her a stupid hick, are assholes who fail to grasp that others have not been dealt the same lucky hand in life that they have been dealt.
Can I just ask why everybody hates Nancy Grace so much?. I'm not trying to defend her, I seriously don't know. I just keep hearing that she exploits people. This seems like an odd reason to hate her since everybody on television does that. I am sure there is more to it than that. Whenever I see her she is just talking about "tot moms".
Anyway, this case reminds me of a case I saw on a true-life crime show. The father killed his child during the night, and the live-in nanny saw the whole thing. She was scared he would kill her too, so she never told anyone. She ended up leaving the state. The cops tracked her down after like 10 years and finally got the truth out of her. I'm not saying this is what happened in Haleigh's case, but it could be something similliar.
I agree that if you have money you get a lot less hassle from police about being guilty. Look at that little girl Maddy (drawing a blank on her last name) who disappeard when her stupid parents left her alone in a hotel and went to a restaurant. The cops fell all over themselves insisting the parents (two rich cardiologists) had nothing to do with what happened to her. They even official cleared the parents without ever finding any real evidence somebody else was guilty. It's such bullshit.
This is so odd that you are saying this. I didn't know anything about the case until last week when Nancy Grace did a show about it. The next day I mentioned it to a friend and said the same exact thing you did. Either she is the best actress the world has ever known or she is innocent.
There is reward money involved and the theory of being at a party and Hailey ingesting Oxycontin is ridiculous. Someone would have claimed the reward by now.
Your theory of protecting someone is interesting because it would explain failing the polygraph tests,yet still be as distraught as she seems.
I love Nancy Grace myself. I love the bitchy way she won't let people lie or take up her time with stupid shit. She calls them right on it in a rude sarcastic manner and that's what they deserve. She takes no shit from anyone.
Hillbilly heroin (Oxycontin) is a very small pill. If a 5 year old got it in her mouth she might not be able to spit it out no matter how bad it tasted. But, there is no way Haleigh died at a party and no one told. Bulllllshit on that story.
It was also odd the way the father(Ron)? was dodging the questions from Nancy towards the end of the show. I can't remember what the ? were but I felt they should have been easily answered.
Why does all this weird crap happen in Florida? Cops is always filming there, too.
When I'm living there in the winter,I am much more aware of my surroundings and live very cautiously,much more so than when I'm in NJ.
Personally, I haven't believed a word that Misty has said. I pegged her as a liar from the moment she opened her unfocused eyes. She is hiding something. She's hiding something big and I hope she burns in hell for it. I don't like her. I don't trust her and I'll bet she was behaving in a completely irresponsible way when that little girl went missing. I have no sympathy for Misty, quite the opposite.
Brand new update DD!
Can't get the link..what is it???
Okay, got it. Thanks for that site. Huge family fued, huu?
3F, you are a very intuitive person. I hope you aren't right, but, you do seem to be right about people a lot.
Misty looks GUILTY to me!
Fake tears . . . no I.Q.
She was probably jelus that she had to share her man with another child.
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