BeeBee was doing something cute, I failed to capture it. Bored, I turned the camera on myself and saw what I thought was motion blur. Curious, I took 12 more pictures and got the same thing in the background. Then I got out another digital camera..more of the same. Finally I set the timer and placed the camera on the table so I would not catch motion blur. Same thing. Hmm. Shortly after this was taken I heard a popping sound and the coffee pot, fridge and heater stopped working. The fridge has now come back on, I replaced the coffee pot (again), the heater is still dark and silent. I'm going to call a repair man. I have no idea if these events are related to the stuff in the background. I do know it's hard to get an inside photo of me without that stuff in the background. I usually just crop it out. That's a face that needs coffee..yeah, coffee would fix that. Heh.
That is some crazy blurring in the background! I wonder if it some activity due to the upheaval around you and your home lately. I am sending you a cup of virtual coffee. I will be doing lots of coffee today, I am finishing packing up half of everything for the ex's movers to come next Saturday.
Gawd you still have beautiful lips, how the eff did you manage that? I'm getting old lady jaw!
Yep, I think it's energy.
I have old lady everything now. It sucks. Lips and hair are holding up, everything else is down hill. So be it.
You are a very pretty lady-just the way you are.
DD I watched A Haunting in Connecticut last night. A little cheesy in parts but interesting. Have you seen it?You may like it. Anyone looking for a scary movie for Halloween dealing with spirits, give this one a shot. Too deep and too scary for youngsters.
There is definitely something going on in your house/around you. No one's digital camera does that ALL the time, but yours seems to always capture something. Very interesting.
What is that in the background by the doorway?
I glanced at this pic and saw a guy standing behind you and it looks like his hand is reaching out to your shoulder....I never see anything in these pics, does anyone else see that, or am i crazy?
dd in the other room is there a couch near the door way? Its almost looks like a a woman sitting cross legaged in the back. That was I see with some energy flowing through the room. Almost like a ghost was waving..
Dd you and your granddaughter look alot alike very sweet..
I definitely see a woman in the doorway. Seems like she's leaning against the wall.
Cute pic. You look like a nonsense, sassy, yet pensive, thin librarian type. Good pic of yourself.
That doorway leads to another door. It's a short hallway. It's the add on and it's like that because the walls in the front are so thick in this old place. There is nothing there, not even a picture on the walls. Myself, I don't see a man or a woman there, but, I do hear a womans voice frequently. And I have for decades. She calls me "mam."
Haunting in Connecticut..seen all versions. All are good. There's a great one on You Tube. Part of the A Haunting series.
yep i see a lady sitting on a couch or chair beyond the doorway....and i see the hand right behind your shoulder....
nothing menacing....i think they are visiting....though you should tell 'em not to mess with the coffee pot!
Wow you look great Pat! As for the picture, I am going to study it some more and see if I can see what others are seeing. Definitely strange!
I've looked and looked and I can't make out a figure. But, others can. There's no couch or chair there.
Pat, I'm on my laptop and I didn't see anything there until I tilted my screen slightly forward and changed the direction of the light on the screen. There is definitely something there. It looks like a woman's figure.
OH! I tilted my screen too and now I see it. It looks like a seated woman in a skirt.
I see it too. Looks to me like a blonde woman with a 50's or maybe 60's short hairstyle, dark sweater, seated near the door with her head tilted to one side -- totally posing for a snapshot!
I see the man reaching for your shoulder too. I get a strong sense that it's allll good.
OMG DD! You lost weight since the summer!
Yeah a bit. I'm on the anger and rage diet. You smoke a million cigarettes and cuss like a bitch whore. Heh.
Ok I'm finally home and I can comment FINALLY on the photos:
At first glance and without going into a deep examination, I see two figures behind you. It's not strange that you get these images of entities around you, you have that certain energy. They look friendly, and I can tell they like you, just as much as we like you.
Anon 1:32, isn't DD adorable?
You're probably living in a battery box full of all kinds of energy and depending on your mood the force shifts..?. The only lady I see is you Ma'am.
Pat, you are beautiful girl!
LOl Jarhead. Battery box. Yep.
Well, speaking of batteries. If someone has buried batteries (auto batteries) on the property, just thought of your mom & her need to keep everything, then maybe it's actually magnetic/electric energy coming up thru the ground? My sister in law once kept cows on a farm in an old barn lot, the cows kept dying off. She found out that the old farmer had made a big pit there at one time to burry hundreds of car batteries. It's a real hazard! & Dead cows! LOL
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