I hate my neighbors on both sides....and the front and up and down the street. I hate almost everyone in this neighborhood because they all claim to be dog lovers, but, they all put their dogs in pens in the backyard and they bark day and night. They think nothing of paying money for a new cute dog and leaving it out back with the old not so cute anymore dog. I'm thinking, really? You can't afford day care for your obnoxious kids, so they're left alone to terrorize the rest of us all Summer, but, you can BUY another dog? I am seriously going to go out and take pictures of all these barking dogs who never get the time of day from their half wit owners. You'll be shocked at how many I'm surrounded by. And in case any of them read here, hey Fuckhead, a Yorkie is NOT an outside dog.
I have some errands to run, leave me your WORST NEIGHBOR story and I'll read them all when I get back. I love reading that stuff.
OK, I'll bite. The town I live in doesn't have a leash law. And everyone owns dogs. Ay any given time either day or night dogs are running in packs throughout the town and in the streets. My neighbor - a widow in her 90s - is always throwing table scraps out her door for the dogs. So it seems like every dog in town is constantly milling around her house at various times looking for food. These self same dogs come into our yard and leave piles of shit everywhere - or they piss on my young trees and bushes. I've had to put up fences around my plants to keep the dogs from killing them. God, I hate this town! You can't complain to the city council cause everyone on it is a big time dog lover and see nothing wrong with having the town over run with animals.
My husband and I had just moved into a house and hadn't met any of the neighbors yet. One evening we were watching tv when a man came to the door. My husband answered it and the guy began yelling, calling us every name in the book and accusing us of stuff that we not only didn't do, but that was just plain weird. I knew at that point that he was a neighbor but I didn't know from which house. My husband tried to calm him down and get him to make some sense but he kept on screaming. I am a very shy, non confrontational person but I snapped. I got in his face, screamed just as loud and told him to get the fuck off my property. That we hadn't done anything to his yard and if he set foot in my yard again that I would call the cops. We went outside in a few minutes to try to understand what he had been raving about. He was still out there. My husband tried to calmly address this lunatic's issue again and the nut job began all over again. I actually chased the fucker into his yard and screamed at him. I knew that if he was going to start something physical, which it seemed like he might have, that I was going for his nut sack and I wasn't letting go. His wife ran over and calmed him down, apologizing for his behavior and sticking up for us. We never had anything to do with the psycho from then on.
Got another one for you, Pat. It's about my daughter and SIL's neighbors. Their house is halfway down the block. Every house to the west of them including the one directly across the street is inhabited by drug dealers and previously convicted felons. The kids have always kept to themselves and never tried to cause any trouble for their neighbors even though they've witnessed drug deals going on almost nightly. Then one day there was a big drug bust and 2 of the neighbors were put in the slammer. After that happened the kids starting to experience a lot of vandalism and figured their neighbors thought they had snitched on them... which wasn't the case at all. The vandalism escalated to the point where they had to instal outside security cameras and a high tech computer system and the cost of 1,000 dollars. This pissed off the neigbors even more and they started hurling insults across the street whenever my daughter and SIL were outside. One of the neighbors has started standing in the middle of the street whwenever my SIL tries to leave or come back to his house. This will go on for several minutes before the fucker moves out of the way. I feel so bad for the kids cause they can't afford to move unless they can sell this house. And no one is going to want a house with neighbors like that.
Life got you down? Let Mambo Dog cheer you up.
I liked Mambo dog. At least that thing (or should I say bitch) has talent.
there is not enough space to go about my neighbor---she who fakes cancers, ms, makes her kids fake illnesses etc....but the WORSE thing she did is blocked me in my driveway the day Molly got loose and of course by the time i got down the street Molly had been hit by a car and was dead :( to top THAT, she taunted me for weeks "haha your dog is dead" "hope your new dog dies"....
I don't talk to a single one of my neighbours. Nope, couldn't even tell you their names.......
The neighbor I escaped from. When I first moved into the triplex he came out of his unit which was next door to mine and introduced himself "hey, Im Joe Ive lived here for 2 years now and the landlord pretty much has me running the place so if you need anything you let me know" This was a LIE the landlord didnt want anything to do with him still doesn't to this day. November I heard his oldest daughter with her friends who are twins and total jerks making fun of my Kodes who at the time was 5 she and her friends 11, Kodes just wanting to play them yelling at him calling him retarded and saying ewww don't touch that he did and now you will be retarded, I went out yelling OMG you kids are saying the cruelest things just leave my child alone all he wanted to do was play. Joe came out of his place pissy telling me i shouldn't call his kid mean I said I didn't I told her what she was saying was CRUEL he followed me up to my apartment yelling at me. New years eve his music was so loud and he was jumping or whatever in his place it was literally knocking things off my wall, knowing it was NYE I asked please can you tone it down just a little some ppl like myself still have to work, 3 am he was still at it, I called the police. February his youngest took my sons scooter without permission and left it in the drive way I came home with my son asked him to please put his scooter up by the house, little girl comes out she is 4 telling him she is using it he goes to take it, it turned out to be a tug of war she knocked him down he stood up and knocked her down then kicked, Joe comes out not paying attention to his child picks my 5 yr old up by the color of his shirt lifting him up off the ground shirt so tight around my sons neck his face is turning red, me saying put my child down him shaking him, I say again put my child down, he then dropped him, I told kodes get into the SUV, Joe calls cops saying my neighbors 10 yr old son (my son is 5) kicked the crap out of my daughter she's bleeding everywhere from the face (she had a fat lip and her lip was bleeding from where it was bit)yelling in the phone OMG OMG you need to hurry she's leaving, me saying Im not going anywhere you man handled my child and your daughter is at this moment playing with her dolls he calls for her MOJO come her baby come sit by daddy, and to the police he says oh you know she is my neighbor we will work it out...to late the police were there. Nothing was done, I asked kodes if he wanted Joe to go to jail, he said no....April they get a miniture pincher If you get a dog that dog is your responsibility not the landscapers job to clean up your dogs shit they didn't ask you to get the dog...Im just glad I escaped!!!
Neighbors from hell! They would leave bags of cat shit on our front door step. They assumed it was our cats that were using their front yard as a bathroom but they couldn't prove it because there were tons cats in the neighborhood. They also left typed, anonymous letters threatening our cats taped to our front door.
One time they caught one of our cats and took her to the pound. We had no idea where she had gone. Well, a week later we found her in the dog pound waiting to be adopted/euthanized.
Not only did they attack the cats, any little thing that they didn't like and they were out in front of their house yelling at us. For some reason they moved about 10+ years ago.
Ahh. And all of the above reasons is why everyday I'm thankful for living in the woods. I don't even know the neighbors' last names. 10 acres of nice and quiet woods.
Our first place after we married was a nice little duplex that the landlord's daughter lived in with her boyfriend. Almost immediately after moving in the nightly fights began. The walls were so thin we could hear every word and every slap. One night he threw her into the wall so hard that the pictures fell off the wall on our side. I felt so badly for the girl that I went to her and gave her the "Girl, you deserve better than this" conversation. She told me I was crazy and that there wasn't any abuse going on. The hitting continued and even escalated. We would have company over and all of a sudden you'd hear, "You fucking whore!" And then bam, bam, smack. We complained to the landlord and then things got REALLY interesting.
My gawd you all have some crazy ass neighbors. Thats why i live where I do. I have no neighbors. I live between corn & beans and they dont give us much trouble.
Matilda, no leash law? That's farked up. I thought every place had a leash law.
Tia, I know your neighbor is psycho. That's so mean, what she did. You can't forgive people like that.
Connie, jeepers creeers..that's nuts. I love it when adult men want to fight 5 year old boys. WTF?
Let's see...the neighbor who lived below us for 6 years - ironically, her name was Joy. Looked like Jabba the Hut - used to take over every washer and dryer in the basement, all day, every day. Apparently if her daughters touched an article of clothing she felt the need to wash it (I think she thought it made her look like a good mother).
We came home one day to a nasty note on our door about our living room A/C dripping on hers and making too much noise. Fat beotch never took the time to look out the window and see that we didn't even have a living room A/C.
She also came up to our place once flipping about how our son running around was making too much noise. The only problem was that he hadn't learned to walk yet - I guess he was crawling too loudly.
The only way we kept ourselves sane was knowing that we were saving for a house and would get out of there eventually, while she was a 'lifer' - had been there for 20 years and wasn't going anywhere - or so we thought. Literally a month before left we found out that they had bought a house and moved out - pisses me off to this day that we weren't the first to go!
Nasty neighbors. Thought I was alone with this.....
11 years of hell. Stole my son's sled, video record our kids in the pool and then send us pictures, called the cops because our chairs were 'too close to the lot line' during a labor day party, have not cut their grass in 3 years, send letters to our lawyer from their lawyer that we dump leaves on their property (really? need a lawyer to send that letter?), called the conservation committee when we cut down a tree on OUR property.... yeah, THEY WORK FROM HOME SELLING "ANTIQUES" ON EBAY.....
tricia---make sure the IRS knows about their ebay business...they have anonymous tip off forms on their site....if they aren't reporting that on their taxes they'd be in trouble...and the irs DOES investigate businesses on ebay, so they would never know if it was a tipoff or just a random investigation....
why does it seem we all have psychopaths for neighbors?!
I have a schizo neighbor who has been tormenting us for almost 5 years. He has called the police on us multiple times, child protective services, the fire marshal, the dmv(?) , the county executive's office, tried suing us for 10 grand, followed us to dinner, grabs his crotch in front of my daughters, lays in the bed of his truck facing our house to watch us, walks back and forth in his yard, ranting about how we broke into his house and stole his cordless phone , damaged his hot tub, damaged his truck, the list goes on.We have obtained multiple protective orders against him, which he has violated. He has served to date, for all of his harassments and threats ,wait for it....... a grand total of 6 days in jail! now that's the system working for ya. I'd be better off taking care of him myself. Or calling "Pookie" like Sheree on the housewives show lol.
oh that sucks valle! i once had schitzo neighbors who lived in an apartment house owned by the local nut hut place and the nut hut owners would talk to ME saying i needed to have empathy!!!
i told them off! i cannot have empathy for someone walking around with a butcher knife outside when the high school 1 block away got out!
and then they had another guy who for DAYS would sit outside and chant "all women are whores all whores must die" ...i called the police, who called the nut hut, who then AGAIN talked to ME saying i had to have empathy....i fucking told them off AGAIN and this time i had my attorney send them a letter stating that they would be liable for any injuries their tenants caused and it seemed that these individuals were a danger and would they want the media to report this??
that letter was a great $250 attorney investment because within 30 days of them getting it all those schitzos MOVED! i'm sure they put 'em somewhere else...but it wasn't by me!!
i have ALWAYS had weird neighbors...ALWAYS...i wanna live in the country with NO NEIGHBORS!!!
Valle, enough, time to call pookie an them.
Tia, I've had the nuts from the nut hut outside too. Found one camping in my lawn chair in January, wacking and talking dirty to a dead plant. I was told to have more empathy too. Fuck that.
omg! those fuckers and their "empathy" talks! and they act all condescending and TRY to make you feel bad! and those people who give the empathy talks would never EVER live by any of those people themselves!!
i think anyone who advocates for some of those people to live in the community (i am sorry if you cannot tell reality from delusion you should not be in society) need to live by them!!!
Miss Tia,
Great idea! They make an average of $5000 a MONTH on ebay!!!!! No shit!
I know their ebay site. I can see my house in the background when they post pictures they took outside. I can also see the INSIDE of their shitty shack when they post other items~ Gotta love the internet!
$5000 a month, and they bought the house for $40,000 with no water or sewer.....
tricia---are they still lacking water and sewer?? that can't be legal per your health dept.
Tricia ~
This is the IRS link for reporting fraud. You don't have to do it online, you can mail in the information. AND you don't have to include your name.
You just *know* assholes like that aren't paying Uncle Sam his share... I say, report 'em! As someone who gets reamed by the taxman every year I hate non-payers with a passion.
(if you don't want to turn these lowlifes in, lemme know the pertinent info and I will)
Yes, they do have water and sewer now. House was shitty when they bought it, and it still is! They never open the windows, even in the hot summer. Grass overgrown, yard filled with broken chairs, metal, trash. No paint on house, all windows replaced by ones they found at the dump. NEVER a visitor,I think they are hiding something!
cj: thanks, I'll check it out!
Forget the bad neighbors, I want to learn how to make $5000 a month on Ebay!!! Hell, I'm willing to go to their house and clean it for them to learn how.
---re: their house being in bad shape, not mowing grass, etc...check to see if your city's health dept. has ordinances about that....report them for that too!! they'll have to fix the property up!
Tonya--they go to 'estate' sales and buy house loads of other people's junk, pick thru it and sell the good stuff on ebay....my favorite items they sold were used underwear from the 40's (vintage!) and an enema bag (plastic not broken!)Yes, people bought these items.
Their house is full of shit, and so is the van parked in the yard.
One neighbor growing had a horse training facility in Texas. I worked for him sometimes bailing hay and exercising his roping horses. He had champion rodeo calf ropers and team ropers.
Anyway, he would tie them to the fence, shock them, do all kind of mean shit to them. When he walked in the stall the horses' nostrils would flare and heir eyes got real big.
He was an old, old man, but mean as a rattler and strong as shit. His hands and his nose were enormous and his fingers were stout. He said he used to be a blacksmith and chain maker before he got "into horses". I remember thinking "shit! Pops is crazy!".
I saw him break a guys leg once because he cut in front of him on horseback at a Rodeo chute. He pulled the guy off his saddle and stomped on his leg. I remember thinking "shit!, I can learn a lot from this man!".
He died of Lymes disease finally. When I told him I wouldn't work for him anymore because of the way he treated horses, he said that if I allowed myself to be influenced by emotions then I would never accomplish my goals. He had champion roping horses, but was alone and miserable to the end. Whenever he saw me in the road or at the store, he would cuss at me and call me a quitter. Small town though, so everyone knew the old man and would laugh.
Wow..just wow. I have lived in many different places and had some really shitty neighbors..one of them being my landlady. But I thought I would break it up a little and tell you about my neighbor across the street. We have nicknamed him PsychoBob.
He is something else.
We have lived here almost 12 years. In a two year span we watched him paint his house three times. That seems not so bad right? He had overhead lights, and he would paint the house at night!
He did gorgeous work to his front yard. Gorgeous. But that damn yard rules his OCD ass. He has little hand held motorized clippers. He gets on his hands and knees and trims the border of grass. He takes out a ruler and measures to make sure it is the same length as the rest of the lawn.
He climbs on his roof and brushes the leaves off...he does this at least 4 times in the fall. Every leaf as to go!
The house next door went into foreclosure and it wont sell anytime soon. The back yard has now become Psycho`s side yard. He is giddy. He has trimmed trees, he has seeded the lawn, he treats it like his baby. It is not his!
He knows about my back and surgery coming up..so I told him. So he feels better now. He was fretting because my yard was going downhill. It was ruining his view I think.
There is so much more but those are just some of the highlights.
Oh I got one..He is out in the yard doing whatever..a BIG thunderstorm is rolling thru. He is still working. His wife finally dragged his ass inside. A couple minutes later, a tree next door got hit by lightening. That is how weird this dude is.
Yeah, anything goes in this town. We have less than 200 inhabitants and a pyromaniac for a fire chief I kid you not! When he was a teenager he was caught torching houses here in town. Our mayor is the town drunk and the city council does absolutly NOTHING. The infrastructure is falling apart and whenever a house goes up for sale it stays on the market forever because nobody wants to live in this shit-hole of a town.
my neighboor gave poison to three of my cats! I just wanted to shoot him!
Open a liquor store, a strip joint, and a pawn shop Matilda!!
Jarhead, I think I worked for that dudes twin brother in Ariz. Mean bastards.
a word of warning about the IRS. While tipping off the IRS seems like a grand idea, it can turn around & bite you in the ass for years. be careful. It could turn out they only investigate YOU!!! Has happened.
Thats a sad story really. Those poor horses. That man was just plain mean. He was alone because he was mean. He must have liked it that way.
Jarhead... Those are good ideas but they'd probably get burned to the ground. That self same pyromaniac who is the fire chief here in town bought a house and it burned down before the year was out. The insurance company did an investigation and could find no probable cause for the fire. And a few months later the only store we had in town burned to the ground in the middle of the night. The cause? Nobody knows. Buildings go up in flames around here. Yeah, we put extra insurance on our house just in case.
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