A reader alerted me to this..thanks, Bernadette..and I had to go take a look. It's Katie Holmes taking a break to feed Suri her bottle. ~Eye roll~ You, know, a lot of kids have a hard time with the bottle breaking and stay on the bottle longer than most of us think they should. So, if it was just the bottle, I'd say, yuk, but, it's not my beezwax and Katie or Tiny Tim will get to it when they decide. BUT..this isn't just any kid we're talking about here. Oh, no, this is Suri the Amazing Cruise. You know, the kid who's mom called her "a strong woman." The kid who's mom said she prefers classic literature and reads it to herself. The kid who's mom says she speaks several languages. The kid who's mom claims she is her fashion inspiration and who chooses all her mothers clothes. Yeah, that Suri.
How many times have you seen Suri in her favorite silver high heels? The one's with the main strap cut off .. I don't know how the kid keeps from breaking her neck. Oh, or how about the many shots of Suri in her red lipstick. Suri may rule her kingdom, but, she's still sucking a bottle. Oh, did I mention, she's three? Yeah. Do you think maybe Suri's mommy is a bit of a bullshitter? Naaa, it couldn't be! It's so hard to run an empire when you're wearing Pampers. ~Wipes away a tear~ Sniff, Suri you are my inspiration too. You keep being a strong woman, dammit!
Lmfao. I think Katie lost her soul when she married Tom. That whole "thing" is just weird.
I started disliking Tom after what happened with Nicole.
Three years old is too old to still be sucking on a bottle. That's just a sign of being a lazy parent.
Tom and Katie are seriously strange.
Me too Monica, I didn't like him anymore after the way he treated Nicole. I think she's great.
Katie always looks so exhausted. She was pretty before she met Tom. Now she is haggard as hell.
Tom gives me the creeps. He has crazy eyes and a crazy laugh.
I have no doubt Suri is a huge brat who has never heard the word "no". Whatever Suri wants, Suri gets.
Jelus haters, you just wish you were as strong a woman as Suri.
I'd forgotten about that "strong woman" stuff - ridiculous. It's like they're completely out of touch with reality. She's a beautiful little girl - I hope her life turns out better than we're all expecting, but I doubt it.
I was told by my ped no bottle after 1 year. Mine was 14 months and told me "no" so that was it.I don't know, I guess it won't hurt her.
I don't understand this AT ALL. I have always felt it important and a big purpose of parenting is to make kids independent. The sadness I might have felt in "loosing the baby" was my problem not theirs and I got over it.
SHE IS SITTING IN A PUBLIC PLACE! with a small child on her lap, not a baby. To each there own i guess but this looks dysfunctional to me.
This 'strong woman' would like vodka in her "ba ba" please. Oh and a twist. Thanks
Reading literature my ass! Suri probably cannot even speak right because of sucking on that bottle. I would also bet that Suri has a pacifier at night too. Hey Katie, She is a little girl NOT a woman. All you are doing you idiot is giving the impression that 3 year old girls are woman and should be treated that way. Thanks for giving more excuses for the sickos out there.
My niece was fed on the bottle till she was 3 and still using the dummy till she was 3 1/2.
But she also ate food.
Not for lack of trying to break her of it but because she was and still is so bloody headstrong and a complete controll freak.
You can NOT tell her what to do you have to make it like it's what she wants to do, and she always has to feel like she is in controll.
Brat behavior I know but I think she is just very independant and Far to bright for her own good.
Ever thought Suri could just be a normal Bratty 3 yr old or just a very bright 3 yr old who knows how to play her parents.
Oh and if you think you can't read at that age your kidding yourselfs!
I first read to my niece when she was 6 weeks and she COULD read and understand words by the time she was 3. She could also count to 20 and count in 2s to 10 and backwards.
If you take the time with kids when they are young you can give them a very good headstart. Miss 5 is now well ahead of her class at school.
But she is still a very headstrong little brat!
I read somewhere that Leah Remini (King Of Queens) still gives her
4-year-old daughter a bottle. Leah's big on the Scientology thing, too, BTW.
Barley drink in those bottles or not, 3 and 4 is way too old for bottles. My kids' pediatrician also told us no bottles after 1 year. It was never a problem for my kids. They took to sippy cups fine.
I just don't get the appeal of Scientology - it doesn't make sense to me (much like Kaballah).
Well one good thing is that they'll be able to afford the HUGE orthod. bills sucking on a bottle for three years will cause. SOOO bad for ptoper tooth development.
Gezz Katie should give up and just have another spawn for tom. Give up the bottle suri its not good. Im trying my best to get rid of ba- bas for my daughter. She is 15 months old and has one in the morning and one at night. Soon it will only be the night one. I hope to get rid of it forever.
She also never puts a jacket on her child. See the pics on radar today? Suri's on set and is walking around with little ballerina shoes and a dress while Katie has on a very thick large winter jacket and boots..so does everyone else on set. It's just strange.
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