A 14 foot shark grins for the camera. He kind of reminds me of my family. Later he got tired of the underwater pap and showed his real self. Sometimes family is like that and it's not smart to swim with sharks without some kind of barrier. My barrier is finally realizing what the shark is, and not taking it at face value. This aint Nemo's buddy..it will eat you.
There's been some anon on here sharing their wisdom, that happens sometimes. I get these loons who want to censor my site and my thoughts. Ignoring them never works, it just makes them bolder. Go somewhere where you can find someone who thinks the way you do, anon and leave this place. You say I didn't get anything positive from Samhain because I continue to spew hate about my family? You have no idea what I've been like for months because of my family and people like you. I have been so angry it warped me, I needed some help. I tried to find an anger management group here, but, there isn't one. I even saw a psychiatrist, I figured maybe talking to someone might help me deal, but, all he wanted to do was put me on Prozac and talk about his Led Zeppelin vinal collection. Way to go with Prozac, pffft..I have nothing against the stuff if it helps you, but, I think the way it helps is to kill every emotion and I thought there had to be a better way to deal with things. So, the bottle sits upopened and I finally worked through things myself. I am not healed, but, at least I can blog now and I'm not going to go postal. And yes, the Samhain celebration and it's positive energy DID help. A lot.
There's been some anon on here sharing their wisdom, that happens sometimes. I get these loons who want to censor my site and my thoughts. Ignoring them never works, it just makes them bolder. Go somewhere where you can find someone who thinks the way you do, anon and leave this place. You say I didn't get anything positive from Samhain because I continue to spew hate about my family? You have no idea what I've been like for months because of my family and people like you. I have been so angry it warped me, I needed some help. I tried to find an anger management group here, but, there isn't one. I even saw a psychiatrist, I figured maybe talking to someone might help me deal, but, all he wanted to do was put me on Prozac and talk about his Led Zeppelin vinal collection. Way to go with Prozac, pffft..I have nothing against the stuff if it helps you, but, I think the way it helps is to kill every emotion and I thought there had to be a better way to deal with things. So, the bottle sits upopened and I finally worked through things myself. I am not healed, but, at least I can blog now and I'm not going to go postal. And yes, the Samhain celebration and it's positive energy DID help. A lot.
Which brings me back to blogging.....I feel like I can now, I feel like there might be things I have to say that people out there will respond to and I get more mental help from the commentors on this blog than I will ever get from a bottle of pills. And I don't need people like you, anon, and your little sheeple friends twisting every word I say and reprinting it on other blogs. If I don't like someone's way of thinking about life, I don't go to their site. I don't go to BM's and I don't go to that IWHY things site either and I don't go to Christian sites and leave shitty witch comments. And YOU anon, are probably one of those idiots who'd wear the jesus love you footprint shoes and then poison your own Grandma for an inheritance. I wouldn't wear Pentagram shoes and leave that sign for you and do you know why? Because I'm not like you. Sometimes I get so angry I think I might be a bad person, but, then I read someone like you and I know I'm not. I'm just tired of being fucked over and pushed around and I'm desperatly trying to find a way to deal with the shit in a peaceful manner. YOU, on the other hand, are the causer of the shit.
Which brings me back to blogging.....I feel like I can now, I feel like there might be things I have to say that people out there will respond to and I get more mental help from the commentors on this blog than I will ever get from a bottle of pills. And I don't need people like you, anon, and your little sheeple friends twisting every word I say and reprinting it on other blogs. If I don't like someone's way of thinking about life, I don't go to their site. I don't go to BM's and I don't go to that IWHY things site either and I don't go to Christian sites and leave shitty witch comments. And YOU anon, are probably one of those idiots who'd wear the jesus love you footprint shoes and then poison your own Grandma for an inheritance. I wouldn't wear Pentagram shoes and leave that sign for you and do you know why? Because I'm not like you. Sometimes I get so angry I think I might be a bad person, but, then I read someone like you and I know I'm not. I'm just tired of being fucked over and pushed around and I'm desperatly trying to find a way to deal with the shit in a peaceful manner. YOU, on the other hand, are the causer of the shit.
Anon, I'll betcha dollars to donuts you're the same fuckhead that commented at Moon's that I was going to burn in Hell for loving Halloween while you walked with your Lord. Has it ever occured to you that I don't want to walk with your Lord? If your Lord walked in right now and said "come walk in my light", it would be a big fat fucking NO THANKS. I don't want anything to do with a God that wants to walk with you. I'm pretty sure the Christians on here have a different God than the one you made up in your cespool of a brain.
Anon, I'll betcha dollars to donuts you're the same fuckhead that commented at Moon's that I was going to burn in Hell for loving Halloween while you walked with your Lord. Has it ever occured to you that I don't want to walk with your Lord? If your Lord walked in right now and said "come walk in my light", it would be a big fat fucking NO THANKS. I don't want anything to do with a God that wants to walk with you. I'm pretty sure the Christians on here have a different God than the one you made up in your cespool of a brain.
And I will blog about whatever I want and I will say whatever I want and you can kiss my big fat Pagan ass.
And I will blog about whatever I want and I will say whatever I want and you can kiss my big fat Pagan ass.
Have you ever seen any episodes of John Safran vs God?. Great comedic points I think you would like. It's on you tube as well.
Thanks, but, I'm not interested in anything VS God. I just think if the anon believe so much, they should be in church or reading their bible instead of here reading about Samhain and shitting their pants. They are so stupid.
well dede, i visit your site everyday, come rain or shine. i dont often comment, but i read everything. i loved your celebrity blogs, and i was sad when you cut down on them , but i love hearing about your family and lisa and everything that you get up to. i also think your a great writer! im super close to my family so i find it hard to understand the relationship you have with them, but i have some friends with rough relationships with their friends and through them i can understand how much anger and frustration you can have.
you dont get to chose your family, and since this isnt a fairytale world, they dont always treat you like they should. the stories you tell explain that their actions dont exactly help to having a 'great' relationship. finding 'god' wont make them nicer people, just as it might not make you happier. im an athiest myself, and i have no problem with people being religious, so i find the arguement a bit silly. but if it helps people get through rough times, then more for it.
what i see you doing, through whatever you believe, is helping you realize that its not your fault, its theirs, and that you can only do so much. you can only live for yourself, your responsibility is only for yourself. so go on, be a bit selfish, you deserve it. do as YOU please. i think your great and i think you deserve happiness. as long as you got little lisa in your life, it will be swell!
Another great post DD so glad your back :)
In case all you Anons did not comprehend
the message let me help you by making it
simple and direct by saying these two words
well said DD!!!!
i got more help from knowing people who have had similar experiences and/or feelings, but mostly from working things out on my own, than from any shrink....and i went to a lot of shrinks....i never ever went to a psychiatrist because all they want to do is put you on pills that do like said, deaden all emotions...those pills make you a zombie and then you lead nice little worker bee lives for the government and don't question things and are complacent....
taking pills never gets to the ROOT of the issues....((and yes i know there are people who truly need those types of pills and benefit greatly from them and i am not addressing them with these comments, it's for the 80% of the rest of the population that psychiatrists and major pharmaceutical companies want to 'deaden'))....i have told people for years who question why i'm not taking pills for my post traumatic stress (besides the occassional valium when i get really anxious) is that THERE IS NO PILL THAT WILL UNDO ALL THE FUCKING SHIT YOUR MOTHER DID TO YOU!!!
if there was such a pill, i'd be first in line...instead they want you to take pills that make you numb, you don't think about what happened, how to COPE....and you never learn those coping skills you need to get thru life, instead you get dependent on pills that have horrendous side effects....
COPING takes precendent to pills....but insurers don't want to pay for months of counseling...
argh! sorry....going on a rant...i shall stop...but that fucking anon needs to go back to the sheeple filled church and leave us all the fuck alone!
I think that shark is pinching off a loaf.
I missed the critical ANON comments. Go elsewhere ANON. Readers actually care about each other here.
I have followed you for years and your site has been a haven to me.
I sent you pics recently (you inspired me to play with photography) and you just wrote me back.
You knew me as Sprite. I dumped the nickname because the ex-boyfriend turned into a stalker and followed my trail...he also gave me the name...with luck he won't see this.
Vent your spleen or share your personal stories. I find your writing therapeutic and comforting. I check in here with you when there is too much noise in my own life.
You are strong and smart and very brave. If I ever win the lottery, I am hooking you up for life!
Thanks for everything DD. Don't let the ANONS of the world keep you from the good you do your readers and yourself. All that matters is that you and your girls are well.
(formerly, Sprite)
Well said, Crabster. How is my favorite pair of sugart*ts?
Hey DD (Pat) we love you and your blog! :)
I love your insight on things and your gift for blogging.
Beth, if the ex follows you here, he will be one sorry SOB. He won't know what hit him.
Miss Tia, your insights are always welcome, because I know some of the things you've been through with your family. We we're raised by lunatics and now we have to find our way. Somehow.
I never saw the Anon comments, either. But I really like how you deal with things, DD. Put that shit out there and let there be no question as to how you feel! I am the same way. And anyone who would educate themselves on Samhain (like I did) would see that it is NOT evil. I would like to participate in a Samhain circle one day. It looked like a great way to recharge your spirit! Speaking as an ex-Bible beater I can say that I know that many of the things I "feared" or thought would "damn" me (or others) were mostly things I was ignorant of. And I was never encouraged to learn about such things; just to hate those things (and, in turn, the people) and to feel inclined to "save" the people who were involved since they didn't think like me or how I was taught to think. I am happy to say I have closed the book on that sort of life and I am happy to live my life now to the best of my ability and I hope I can teach my children the same thing.
Hi Pat. I liked John Safran vs God and watched every episode. He is an Australian Jewish comedian who takes a look at world's religions and comments on them. In his act he asks people to choose one for him. very funny and insightful.
I find peace here. I cannot explain it, but I do. Blog about whatever you wish; it's YOUR blog, after all. And I am still waiting on that book!
Jarhead, he hits all religions? Even us Heathens? Okay..I'll check him out.
It seems to me that the anons who hate on nature based belief systems like wicca do so because they are unsure about their own religions. Also, it's because they are f*ck*ing stupid.
DD ,I too look forward to reading what you blog..if everyone would just live and let live, everything could get better (HA!) My family (dad) was no where near the level of your family, but I still have to cope with my own shit, somehow. That's what is hardest; I have no idea how to cope on my own! I never learned how to. I take the pills, rather than deaden me, they help keep me from dwelling on all that past crap 24/7. I would be dead, or I would have killed someone else with out them. Christianity lost me when twice, I asked for help, and all I got was a sales pitch to build a new church, and my granny got kicked out of the church where our family had been members for 50 years, because she couldn't make the pledge amount she pledged. I really think the God-fearing conservatives are so against anyone who lives like they want, is they don't have the balls to live how they want, and indtead, live how they think they are supposed to live. Thanks for letting me vent. I love your writing DD! More please!
Yaaah, Pat! Way to tell them! :)
Good for you. I wish those people stopped telling us how to live our goddamn lives. I avoid religious conversations like the plague when I'm with my born again christian friends, who also have broken their own moral rules they preached to me about while going to church and bible studies every week. I'm sure they would buy those shoes.
CAn't you put up some sort of sheild or wall of mirrors to deflect negative energy?
I saw ANON's comment and wondered why they're here too. I think the people who snark anonymously must be doormats in real life...so they take out their frustrations on strangers. Gives em a temporary feeling of power, I guess. Fuck them though, DD...keep writing and we'll keep reading. I agree with Cut. I find peace here.
umm.... last I looked it is Your Blog DD. You can post whatever weirdo, hair brained, hateful, pagan, lovely, beautiful,sac-religious, gross, boring, whatever your in the mood to blog. You can hate your mom, dad, brother, cousin, and neighbor's chicken. You are entitled to express whatever displeasure strikes you.
Anon Reader if it offends you move on. go read something you enjoy. I will continue to ignore your ignorant waste of energy I have no time for it.
DD is not pushing her views on those of us that read here. Its more like coffee at the cafe. A big vent if you will. I am not in love with every topic. I just let those who enjoy it enjoy. I wait for my favorites.
Dish it is your blog and its your shitty life. I laugh my ass off often sometimes at you/families expense. I know some of these folks(DD's family) and exasperating would be putting it lightly. Blog ON!
In light of all the nice I just pulled out of my ars. I can join in a vexing. bring it on!
DD, thanks! your support and others on here helps more than words can express....
i believe cut said it, but there is peace here....i think we all support each other and have a great community here!
it has really helped me meeting others here who have cut off their families....prior to this i never knew anyone who had done that....i mean i had read about it, but i never had known anyone personally (and i know we're netfriends, but i do feel i know many of you personally).....it really helps to be able to share and know that others can empathize because they've been there!
thanks for having this blog DD!!
You are so very, very smart, talented and insightful. I too come here for a sense of peace, a laugh or two and a chance to read your wonderful writing.
Not understanding the basis of the world's religions is just willful ignorance and quite frankly, to me, shows the very people who preach about love, peace and forgiveness are usually those that are the most full of hate and anger towards those that don't buy into whatever crap they are selling, kind of like those Jesus flip flops (I want a pair that says "Bite me".)
Writing and sharing of your soul is a truly cathartic practice. When I first started visiting your blog periodically when you were a regular on Musings, I didn't read a whole lot as I am not much of a celebrity watcher. But when you switched over genre to your gardening blog and now a personal musing blog, man I was hooked. When things got crazy in my life, one trip to Disher's always has calmed me and put me in a different frame of mind. Many others say the same thing and that, my friend, is true magic. You have a talent for it.
Your family stories I love and cannot wait until you put them all in book form. I really believe from the bottom of my heart that book and those subsequent will be successful. You have a huge talent, and I am grateful that our paths have crossed in this life time.
You are, for me, a kindred spirit, and I thank you :)
Finally!!! The Dirty Disher is back!!! LOL I didn't read the Anon comment....sounds like they're dumber than a bowl of mice! I love reading your blog...it's fascinating! Especially about your family. You are a great writer, and yes, bring on the book. Keep doing what you're doing....HOWEVER you want to do it. We support YOU.
DD, I want to let you know that I think you are great and support you and your blog. As others have said, it brings me peace and I really enjoy the "family" on this blog. I don't know if you remember me from my daycare posting awhile back at Moon's. I wanted you to know your words of advice helped more than you will ever know. I am a fan of your writing and encourage you to keep on keepin on. Thank you!
That's what typing on a phone gets you!
Comment above was me.
Corina, that is a terrible story. What kind of church was it?. I laugh when I see ornate enormous buildings representing "the people".
I almost wish the stalker ex would show up because I would love to see you handle him.
He posted so much hate at me on other sites we both read. I went underground. I waited him out, he moved abroad. To believe I almost married him! But guess what? He was married for the entire two years we were together! I really didn't know, everyone was taken in by him, even my folks.
At the time, I wished I had your "moxy" and could rip him a new one, DD-style.
I am not going to let him keep me from commenting in a place I always felt safe, so I am posting under my own name.
I don't give the ex much thought at all. He took enough of my time, he doesn't deserve a second thought...I won't give him any more of myself.
moon hit the nail on the head with the phrase 'kindred spirits'....there's a lot of kindred spirits here!!
I saw the anon comment and just thot "WTH?" is that? Who is that? Nobody on here talks like that!!! I'm sure it made their day to put down someone so they could be made to feel so much more superior. Thats how it is. Its their needs they are meeting, not yours, not mine. They need to boost the ol' ego. Maybe they haven't been going to church lately, maybe they cheat on the spouse, maybe they steal Foodstamps, or maybe they abuse a child. W/E they do, they need to put it on others. I dont care what others say anymore. I'm 52 and I if you dont like me then leave me the hell alone! Tats exactly why we left the jehovahs Witnesses. They are a bunch of hypocrites! We have found out soooo much sh** since quitting. We followed the rules and it was difficult. That religion is not just a religion, it is your life 24-7-365! It is never ending & intrusive in all aspects of your life, personal, sexual, financial...everything. I dont care about religion. They are all the same & hypocrites. All of them. I am looking from the other side now and I see it clearly. Let them wag their fingers, then tell them to shove it up their ass and sniff. It will still smell like shit!
Pat... I agree with the other posters 100 percent. Can't add much else to anything that's been said. Just wanted you to know you have my support and I love coming here and reading what everyone has to say.
Anon 1:58... I agree with the Jehovah's Witness thing. Some people in my family converted to JV's when I was a kid. Consequently I decided to give it a shot when my own children came along. I dutifully had my home study sessions, went to their church every Sunday and was so miserable and guilt-ridden with all the crap they laid on me. But the biggest problem I had was that they believe they are the chosen people and if you aren't a JV then you won't be resurrected in the second coming of Christ. Total BS. Oh, and if you go as far as being baptized into the JVs and then decide to leave the church you are forever and ever ostracized by the other members. Thanfully I never was baptized but it wouldn't have mattered anyway since I don't want to have anything to do with those zealots.
beileve it or not Jarhead, it was just a church that rented out a school. SOmeone had gifted them with a building but they had do updates/remodels. First I got a letter saying that let God move to make a pledge, and do things such as take a second job to meet the pledge. Stooped going for a bit but went back ONE Sunday, and signed up for the small group meetings that had. Later that week, a lady called from the church, and asked to come over to meet me. Ok, Small groups right? NO! It was a sales pitch; the proof for me was when she said " This is SO not a sales pitch".
My family were memebers of the oldest Methodist Church in town. After all this crap happened, and mmy experinces working with people who were allegadly "good Christians" and what hypocrits they are, just got to be too much.
Crabbie's comment made me go back and look at the shark pics. I'll take his word for it.
I didnt see the "anon" post, but I say,Open the bottle for the love of which ever God you believe in and take a pill! Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
It is remarkable, it is rather valuable piece
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