'They could have found another way to describe us. I don't feel it's appropriate.
'They could have just written "couple". The only other people eating apart from us was a large group.
'I do class it as racism. I felt like we were being classed by our colour and nothing else. It spoiled what should have been a celebration.'
Anyone who's ever worked in a bar/restaurant know that sometimes table numbers aren't enough when you're busy. I'm glad no one ever saw some of the things I wrote on tickets. Call me slow, but, aren't they black? Doesn't that make them a "blk couple?" I would have written "dmb lookin guy" on it. Or maybe "bitchy GF". If I was in a pub with all black people and got a bill that said "white wmn" I would not be upset because that's what I would be. What do you think?
FFS -it is not as if a negative slang was used.
Would they have preferrred "African American couple"?
Get over it.
I think African American is a stupid term for black people.
I think African American is stupid too. It implies we all need to refer to ourselves by our heritage's pedigree. Which makes me a Spanish Irish Scottish Germanic Canadian. Or...I could just say I'm Canadian because my family has been here for four generations so why do I need to reference my forefathers?
re: The couple in this post:
I think they'd be just as happily outraged being called African American, considering they're English. Blkcouple is what they are. I don't see the problem.
I think slugs should be outraged that they got associated with lettuce in the name of the pub. Their diet is much more diverse than that and any kind of stereotyping is stereotyping. And what kind of damn slug are they? Let's be excruciatingly specific about that from now on please.
Hey, Pat, I put a gerbera daisy in my pic to send you some positive garden vibes. They're such happy flowers.
Thanks Frim..I love it.
LOL At Kanye.
Complaining about being described as black implies they are ashamed of being black. How sad for them.
Um.... I am in this business and we are aware of the delicate situation that this can cause so we ask for a name on the party. We are over the top about gathering guest data. But we are fine dinning. Guests at casual places may not appreciate the nosiness.
Yes my ticket could say "bad tie", "bad hair", "fruit loop top"... "ugly lips" "gay couple" "super Hottie", "mr. windy" "miss cleavage"
These folks should not be offended. There is way to much sensitivity going on. I could go on and on and on.
FYI- We have Fresh Gerber Daisies on Every table every night. In an effort to have a Classic Steak house feel. I will send photo. or go to Jbruners.com fun coincidence Frimmy.
Noelle, I would stop by if I'm ever in MO. Looks very nice!
Hello! Who cares.
Why are they bitching anyway? Its not like they were going to leave a tip and this was their idiotic way of explaining way. Dod they even pay the bill?
It is what it is. I agree with you Pat.
It just seems today, lots of people are looking for any and all reasons to get indignant. People, GROW UP! If the server had written ugly fools, that is something to get pissed off for. But, you ARE black, yes? Then WTF is your problem? Read the paper some time- how often are the crimanals described by their race? Facts are Facts, regardless of you looking for a pity party. YOU ARE BLACK GOT OVER IT!
Anyone remember the lawsuit against Southwest Airlines where two women said they felt insulted by an air hostess using a children's chant to get passengers to hurry into their seats before take off?
"Eeny meeny miney mo", then blah blah something she made up to get the passengers to hurry up and get settled.
I was stunned anyone would take that to court, but the passengers won their suit.
Using that line of reasoning, all men should sue each other and whoever else uses terms like "prick' to hurl insults.
Gerberas are my favourite. It's got a lot to do with petal texture and their colours. I get a little potful from my kids every birthday.
I was reading over at Newsweek, that some African Americans are pissed that Brangelina are not caring for Zaharia's hair properly.
One poster said, she has "African American" hair......
Ha! I guess that's somehow different than, "African Canadian" hair. LOL
Ok so if they are not black, then what are they? It's not like they were called derogatory names. Sheesh people need to get over themselves already.
And yeah, not all blacks are african american either so it is a stupid term used to describe the black population in general.
oo Shmedelle nice pic! Yea verily, hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
High five to the noodly appendages!
you will love this one pat!
My class (3/4 black) had a discussion why it was alright for for blacks to use the "N" word and not whites. (I don't allow words that I can't use in my class, including curses and anything that I would get in trouble for saying.) What it boiled down to is slavery. It's almost a badge of honor for them to use with each other--a club.) They also said, "You're white. You wouldn't understand."
It really blew their minds when I informed them there were many white Africans.
The discussion was a long one and I must admit it was very informative---but still a cop-out!
They (most) refuse to become their own "person". On the other hand, some of these kids just said all they wanted was RESPEST. Don't we all!!!!!
It's a very sad situation for the Black community. There is little direction, motivation, or realization that unless the individual children of broken homes wish for change; there will be none.
A lot of hype and not a lot of pride. How many homeless Asians do you ever see in the streets?, those guys have a tight community that looks after each other and takes pride in education and order.
It seems that more people are using the 'poor me' excuse for everything. Poor me I am black, poor me my parents are poor, poor me I have to work for a living. I can't get that job because I am this color, this gender and the world hates me.
Get over it and get a spine.Period.
I'm sick and tired of BLACK people using the race card every single chance they get. I grew up in an inner city, went to school with BLACK people from K-12, and had to listen to them piss and moan about "the WHITE man's always keeping us down". What does that even mean??? BLACK people have every opportunity that white people have - I don't care what they say.
I guess we'll just have to listen to them blame everything on the WHITE man and slavery until the end of time. Ugh.
I can't believe the news in that English town actually gave them the coverage! Slow news day, anyone?
Blacks dont even like the term "African Americans"...because they are Americans. Thats all. Who happen to be black. Right? I am white. Who cares? I just dont get it anymore. I do think the black race somehow perpetuates the race thing by bringing it up all the time. It gets them somewhere. It is an advantage in many ways. Think about it. Its true. And why would anybody want to eat at a Place called the Slug & Lettuce anyways? EWW! Thats England for ya! Those people are weird. Why not just say "The British couple" in the corner? because everybody is British there! Theres no difference. Black is a color, if they were green I am sure the ticket would have said "Purple Couple" with the weird faces. What if it was a pregnant black woman? Would she be mad at being called pregnant or black? Both would have meant to differentiate her from others. Next time just say ugly dude or fat ass woman. Thats just an opinion, not a racial statement. Gawd! Get over it is right!
HEY Leave the Drk Brown people alone...they have the right to say they are not blk and maybe they were really offended at being called a couple, I myself wouldnt want to be caught dead with either of them. Although they say to be politically correct it would be advised to say African American well I was not aware that all black people were from Africa that in its self is a major assumption...If we get classed by ethnic origin most of us would be up shit creek, I consider myself in the class of heintz considering I have so much 1/8ths this and that I pretty much cover all ethnic orgins.
PS: many official documents require the race be stated. Are they offended by that as well? Do they refuse to fill in as requested? They ain't "clear", or "transparent", they are a color. As is everyone.
Ok then Connie! I am Irish, Scottish, English with a bit of
Portuguese thrown in. I will from now on be offended if I am ever referred to simply as a "white woman". There will be hell to pay!!
African only if your ancestors came from Africa. Not every black person hails from Africa therefore it would be inappropriate for someone from the Bahamas to be called "African American" rather than "Bahamaian American". Black would describe what they looked like not their origin. What do they call people of color in other countries? African Swedish or African British?
Anon @ 2:16 - I think the "Bahamaian Americans" came by way of Africa also. Slaves were shipped there also to work the plantations. I think all black people are of african decent.
Wait! What about people from
India? Many of them have skin that would be classified as "black" in our society, many of them are darker than most african americans.
Sheesh, we do get caught up in the minutiae, don't we?
I wonder if they would have been angry if it said "attractive blk cpl" -- betcha not.
To keep this thread of thought going, let's go back to before the formation of the continents. Let's go back to Pangea. We are all from the same place. The saying "brothers under the skin" is very true. My kids at school flip out when we talk about this. skin color comes from where the people migrated. Hotter climate--darker skins. Colder climates--lighter skins. Then I make them figure out why! It is one of the few discussions that "ALL" kids will get into.
It's also one of the few times I really feel like a teacher!
If it had not been this they would have bitched about something else.. ...I am not saying that because they are black...people are just bitchers in general!!!
Uch. Meaningless CRAP. All of it.
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