Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chuckle of the day

"Hey, honey, can you take a break from selling your macrame and make some of those special brownies? I'll load the hooka. Far out."


Noelle said...

I just hope she hasn't gotten rid of that Paisley Jacket. Wow that is classic awful! More awful with the shirt chosen underneath. eeeew. cant even comment on the hair.

Chuckle indeed.

Anonymous said...

wow, a 2 term president and a senator/secretary of state there! Of course a Rhodes Scholar as well. They both look like career college students. Plain, simple, no frills people. Hillary is very plain!! The macrame' & special bownies made me LOL! true!

SharnaPax said...

Way back before Clinton was even governor, my fiance and I were in college, sitting on the balcony of the student union, chatting and watching the people below.

Fiance was taking some law courses, and Clinton was on campus doing a guest lecture or something or maybe even teaching, I can't recall. It had to do with law, though.

I didn't have a clue who he was but Clinton walked by and my fiance pointed him out, "See that guy? Biggest a-hole I ever met."

Dirty Disher said...

Noelle, is it okay if I like the jacket? Heh.

MonicaW42 said...

I started voting Democrat because of Clinton. Our economy was good and things were different. Now that was a time I was sad that only two terms could be served.

Dirty Disher said...

Me too, I like them.

Anonymous said...

Clinton is no different than other president/politician. He just got caught with his pants down, so to speak. Actually, he's just like all men, period!!! He just got caught. I also miss the days when he was president, the economy was doing great. Many companies flourished during those times, the company where I work did too. Even tho they are staunch republicans. Those were the years when the company boomed and made all the money! I wish Hil would have been nominated, then we'd have her & Bill running things. I think a woman would run things very differently. I dont care if Obama is an educated black man, I voted for him. He has doen nothing to help anybody. If a polka dot man or woman was president, I wouldnt care. We just need fixed, ASAP! I will love that peron forever. THATS why ppl still love Bill. He did FIX things! I miss him.

Anonymous said...

Run for president Bill!!! I swear you would get elected!
Bill Clinton 2012!!! Go Bill!!!

SharnaPax said...

I'm not saying I didn't like Clinton as both governor and President. He did a lot for the state, especially in education, but I was living elsewhere when he was governor.

I even did volunteer work for the Clinton Democratic Headquarters locally. They gave me a bunch of cool memento stuff, and my (then) FIL got an engraved invite to the inauguration (can't remember if it was one of the balls, or what).

I was proud to have the first president from our state, but then he had to embarrass us a few times lol.

I'm just saying that many people who knew him when he was up-and-coming didn't like him too much. He got better, though.

And Anon at 3:02-- no, there is a lifetime limit of two terms as president, established by the 22nd amendment to the constitution. Clinton can't run again.

Anonymous said...


valle said...

eyebrows. nuff said.

Unknown said...

I do agree with my hub on this one. Clinton is one of the best speakers on many topics. I still think H.C helped him alot in the terms. They are a good power couple.

Dirty Disher said...

SharnaPax, I think America embarassed itself with that whole Monica thing. I am not political, but, who cares who the guy diddled? What's that got to do with his job? It was so stupid. Yet, he just had to say "I did not have sex with that woman." Oh, gawd, Bill.

Anonymous said...

Rox, NO ONE can fix our system. They are just propping it up at our expense when they need to let the whole system collapse so we can start again with the gold standard backing the paper money.It won't be pretty and Obama knows and is terrified to tell Americans the truth. Eventually the system will fail. Whether we live to see it remains to be seen.


Dirty Disher said...

Escrow, I think you might be right. I'm so far at the bottom, when it happens, I'll be on top. Ha.

ronnie said...

I like them too. Love the pic!

Anonymous said...

I actually miss that old huckleberry Bill Clinton. Hillary's been shoved to the side in the Obama administration. I prefer Hillary over Obama.

Alison said...

I liked Clinton. I was only a teenager when he was in office. I remember when he ran against Bob Dole. What a joke for poor bumbling Dole. I remember when Dole fell off that podium during a speech and also how he said "Hi San Franisco!" to San Diego and got booed. Good times.

The thing about Clinton is, he is not handsome but he has loads of charisma. You can't buy charisma. You got it, or you don't. He does.

Hillary looks a lot like Chelsea in that picture, I actually thought it was Chelsea at first.

Alison said...

Oops. "San Francisco". I'm just like Bob Dole today. ;)

SharnaPax said...

Oh, Pat, I don't think you understood me on this one. I'm from Arkansas, therefore the personal "embarrassment".

I don't care who he screwed, I just wish he'd known what grace and discretion meant.

I've termed his particular idiocy as "JFK Syndrome". He thought if JFK could get away with it, so could he. The times had changed far too much for him to get away with it.

Ah well, it's all done and over, and I'm actually no longer political! lol

Dirty Disher said...

I gotcha, I was just throwing in my 40 cents, as usual. Heh.