I see energy around people, that stuff they call auras. I don't read auras for people though, I hate mystical dramatic psychics and I don't want anything to do with "show biz" fortune telling. I hate most mystical crap if the truth be told. Awful, aint it? I just want to do my job and have some fun with the small and mostly insignificant things I am able to do. I read aura's for my friends and regular clients because they know I'm weird and tend to believe me and not make a big deal out of it. It's not that dramatic, trust me, it's just a very small field of energy about 1 to 2 inches out from the body and mostly around the head and neck. Most people auras look very similar, but, I can tell if someone is "off" by what I see. But, I won't see your aura in line at the grocery store, you know? I have to actually look for it. And I'm glad for that or the world would be pretty hard to live in. I'm sort of self trained not to look. But, the way I use it at work is to get a sneak peak. I don't make it obvious. I hand them the cards and while they shuffle, I act like I'm busy with some little task and I watch them. It tells me a lot. This chicks energy was really weird.
So, I'm wondering what's up and I know she's going to ask a love life question. And she did. I usually catch those right away. She told me she and her husband were having problems and she wanted to know if she should leave him. I started laying out the old Celtic Cross spread, that's where I start, and right away I know she's lying. I wish all liars were this easy to spot. I know for a fact, before I ever even get the cards down, that she doesn't give two shits about her husband and she is most definitely planning to leave him and I wonder why she even ask? People and their stupid games.
I told her I saw two men in the cards, because I did. I described them, they were opposites in looks and I asked her which one was the husband? She's all starry eyed because I nailed their physical description, but, that part is easy for me. Those things are the psychic part, but, I don't think you'd have to be psychic at all to figure this woman out. And I'll bet most of you reading this could.
I saw a woman sitting next to this other man, the one she was so obviously in love with. It was in her face, anyone could have seen that. By the way, I don't make judgements about people based on the things I knew so far, people are not perfect. I'm not and you're not, and you just can't go around thinking bad about people based on choices they make concerning love and passion. Anyhow, this woman I saw, I could describe, except for her hair. That's usually the first thing I see..the hair. How come I can't see her hair? The client told me this woman was bald because..and I said, because she's has cancer, right? More ohhhhs and awwwws from the client. That's one of the things I usually enjoy, but, I wasn't enjoying this reading. Then I asked the big one..why is she also sitting next to you? I had such a sick feeling now. The woman said it's because she's her best friend.
I'll cut to the chase, it all came out and it turns out this chick is sleeping with her best friend's husband while her friend is dying of cancer. He had felt such guilt he tried to call it off, but, she wouldn't let him. So basically, she's blackmailing him to sleep with her. I told her what she needed to do and it had nothing to do with being slightly psychic. I said you need to stop, right now. You need to leave this man alone and stay away from him and his family. But, then I really did see her future. I said, but, you won't. You won't and you'll get him, soon. She is dying, he'll be free, you will be together. The client is all smiles now, happy as a clam. I also told her the wife has suspicions and she will die heartbroken. And in four years the client will be miserable in her new marriage and getting divorced from a man she's bored with and who hates her. I know this sounds really specific, believe me I know. But, it's what I got.
She didn't care what I said about how much he'd hate her, all she said was, wow, we're going to be together! She was so happy. And happy to pay me for telling her she was an asshole who's going to get what she wants. I actually had to go and throw up after she left. I had people waiting and I was excusing myself to go puke. Tarot reading is supposed to be fun, it's supposed to give people guidance or just food for thought about the paranormal. It is not supposed to be, me, sick because I went face to face with every day evil. What the hell is wrong with people? How can you pretend to be a dying woman's best friend when you're screwing their husband? How can you let them pass from this world in devastation and not feel anything? These are the average people we live with in this world. I wish they had to wear signs, I wish I could spot them every single time, I wish I could warn everyone they encounter. But, that's not the way it works. I'm just sitting here feeling real bad about anyone who encounters people like this and welcomes them into their lives. They're out there. And people sometimes ask me if I believe in Demons and I automatically say, no. But, I might be wrong.
a wise monkey never monkies with another monkies monkey
Okay, that made me smile.
Wow, that IS fucked up.
I gotta say, Pat, that you have a real gift but it can sometimes be a curse.
scum of the fucking earth ho bag
I think everyone has what I have, I've just learned to say what comes into my head. And charge for it. :)
Some people are so evil it oozes out of them and you don't have to be psychic to see it. This woman sounds like one of them. I'm sorry you had to come across her; it must be draining for you.
Reading that story made me want to throw up too.
The fact that she now knows her friend knows of the affair and that this is making her dying even more difficult, with a broken heart - and that she can't even see past her immediate gratification and hear you spell out for her what is in store... that is the evil right there - she will deserve whatever she gets.
i hope that lady can die as peacefully as possible with her cancer....and i hope that CUNT has a miserable existence....
some people have no soul....
That just sucks.
i know it's gonna be good (or bad)when it starts something like "I just got home and had to get thisdownwhile it's still fresh"
DD, you are your own PR and don't have to pay for it.....back upstairs to the CMA
sometimes i can see auras and sometimes i know exactly what is going to happen to people....
when my vet went on vacation 6 years ago and called me to discuss my kitty i just knew i would never speak to him again...he died of a stroke on vacation.....
i've had other things too, just knowing that something would happen to someone and then they break a leg or something--but i didn't know what was going to happen to them, just that it was 'something'....
i had prophetic dreams about myself too, which i know i've written about before so i shan't replay that....
currently a friend moved to north carolina and i have had a feeling that something is going to happen to her husband....i just envision her there alone with her kids again and again but do i just blurt out 'i think something is going to happen?' ya know? it's a weird position to be in....cuz what could you do with vague information? if it was specific i would have no hesitancy to tell her....
people who were exposed to trauma in childhood are more prone to being able to tap into their psychic powers....
Pat, what type of deck do you use? I started with Aquarian (I guess most people do?) then went to Rider-Waite.
Horrible reading. I don't blame you for throwing up. Ick. I hope you cleansed yourself.
That's a tough one, Miss Tia. What can you really say? Whatever you would want to say I am guessing she will not be able to avoid and will not be able to comprehend until it happens? I have read your blog and know to some extent what you have been through as a child. It is hard to read but the fact that I AM reading it, I also know that you have survived the worst. Survival instinct would have to kick in fast and does probably help the development of psychic powers.
Wow. Such ugliness in this world. Pat, you are spot on when you say that she'll get hers. And she will never find happiness. Not with that black soul.
and that is definitely the downside of your gift.
@Melissa...that's probably true about survival instinct jump starting psychic abilities...but a lot of times people who have psychic abilities have blind spots when it comes to themselves! i read that and a psychic i use to go told me that, as she said she wished she could use her ability to pick better boyfriends!!
and there's really nothing i can say to my friend...i just wish i could get a better vision, but then of course maybe i don't....i dunno....it's hard though cuz you want to say something but you don't want to be vague and cause unnecessary panic, stress, etc....sort of a helpless feeling....
yes, i have gotten thru the worse! the only thing is just the remaining mental chains and i am sure i will have them forever...but they are getting rusty, so hopefully they'll corrode away!!
you're a cool chick
this is a stupid thing to be upset about. cancer schmancer--everybody dies. It is part of the human condition that men will mate with any willing entity.
grow up.
That looks like a Rider-Waite deck to me. And Minnesota, I hope you're a troll and you really don't feel that way.
I feel so bad for the woman dying of cancer. How sick that her "friend" feels no guilt about this situation, especially after what you told her.
I feel so sorry for her too, Allison. I think all of us fat, mean, nonlying broads need to move up there and set that town right.
I use the Aquarian.
Was she a life long friend (the kind you start school with)? Or was she a "lately" friend? It just seems easier to understand if she is a "lately" friend. (She probably wasn't really her friend.) If she is a life long friend than she needs to rot in the gutter for years in pain. I don't know why that makes a differance to me but it does.
I think you have had to rely on yourself for so long growing up, add the health problems you endured, heartbreak and healing, not to mention the fact that you have faith in yourself and your gut, and it's not hard to imagine that self-reliance led to self-assurance and trust in your intuition. You knew something was off with the trees when they applied the Carthagenian solution to your yard.--good gut Pat!.
I am not at all surprised by the story because it's so common. Look at John Edwards and his family.
I had a reading by a man named Sean Harribance about 9 years ago. He told me he also could see my aura in the same way you decribed, with colors and life phases signifying health and other stages. He was absolutely correct about most things.
pat, I wish you could do a reading thru the internet!
Some day I coming to Guntown for a reading. You're not that far away from where I live.
I don't understand trolls. Who would take the time to read a long post like that just so they could say something mean?
It will all come crashing down on her and by then, even if she is remorseful, it will be too late, her soul will be tarnished.
Wow. I wonder how horrible people live with themselves.
escrow...and remember said monkey can rip your face & limbs off!!
I know stuff before other ppl do too. Like when Susan Smiths kids were killed. I called that shit from day 1! I knew what was going on. Somehow, I think women, not men have this ability. Probably so we can catch our kids in a lie! haha...seriously tho I also think most women have some abilities to just know things. I do it all the time, I cant be the only one. How many mothers knew their daughter was preg before the daughter even knew? LOTS! It happens. We are women, we know stuff.
Reminds me of f'g scum shit Ryan O'Neal trying to seduce his own daughter at Farrah;s funeral. What a shit bag. Some ppl have absolutely no conscience. & I always figure he made her have anal sex and gave her the virus that caused the cancer. THATS how it happens. & I blame him.
I've had a couple of premonitions in my life so I do agree that we're all born with the ability to see into the future. I wish it was more refined in me. And I think it would be so cool to see someone's aura.
One thing I've learned over the years is to trust my gut when it comes to people. I'll usually get a vibe very soon (like within several minutes) after our first meeting and it's either positive or negative - there's no in between. All of my bad associations with certain people over the years could have been avoided if I had just trusted my instincts. I'm much more careful now.
That lady needs to be cursed with vagina dentata. Someday she will get hers back in spades even the husband will.
My mother use to read cards DD. she was pretty good with it till Evil came into the house. She became a born again christian and got rid of everything.
minnesota, I am one angry cynical bitch, but, I hope I never think it's normal to pretend to be someone's best friend while they're dying and I'm screwing thier husband.
SharnaPax, you read cards too?? That's like number 37 in our list, eh? LOL. I thought most people started with the RW deck. That deck drives me nuts. The strangest deck I have is Aleister Crowley. It's actually Noelle's but I keep it here. It's locked up. Sometimes I take it out when I want to freak myself out.
I'm a new reader (glad I found you!) and I see things too, but I've never had the courage to go seeking answers or refine my talents; though I'd like to. Any tips, you all? Thanks!
P.S: The husband knows she's dark; and knows he's wasting his dying wife's last days. He hates himself too, for his weakness.
I see...asshole people.
She & her soon-to-be man are just terrible, terrible people. There's no excuse for that kind of hurtful selfishness. They know that his girlfriend is dying - why can't they wait just a little while to give her some comfort in her final days. I hope this pair of losers get what is coming to them.
I understand why you threw up. How sickening.
She & her soon-to-be man are just terrible, terrible people. There's no excuse for that kind of hurtful selfishness. They know that his girlfriend is dying - why can't they wait just a little while to give her some comfort in her final days. I hope this pair of losers get what is coming to them.
I understand why you threw up. How sickening.
SolitaryAngel, welcome! I hope you become part of our group. And you're comment was right on.
Rox it's our womens intuition. I kinda think
a lot of moms have it not all women though.
Avas mommy ita that vibe is your gut feeling
same thing happens to me right from the first
meeting keep that in check u can use it to
decifer which of your kids friends are up to
no good. I found it indispensable when my
boys were going thru their teens. You have
the gift inside you allbeit lil Ava is a bit younger
than my sons. Keep it honed & don't ignore it.
DD Can you put a curse on her and the sick
lasts husband? They are both so despicable !
Ronnie, I know! Right? That level of deception is unforgivable.
DD ita with Ronnie you had to throw up to purge
that negative reading and get it off u. Kiki
Kiki, I wish I was psychic enough to spot evil losers all the time. But, I don't, I still get fooled sometimes in my own life. I guess that's why this clarity shocked me. It was so so bad and mean and evil and on the surface the woman looked normal. It made me think, gawd, they can sit right next to you, to any of us. And we have no clue.
DD tooooooo true these fucking sociopaths
are all around us. I'm lucky I can spot them
and I actual attach a personality type label to
nearly every1 I meet. My boss at the hosp is
a type a the woman from the lab is a passive
agressive I don't really like them bit the ones
you have to really watch out for are the
rare types of paranoid pd types they are always
suspiciuos and have trust issues who literally
believe in the bible as the word of gawwwwd !
If u ever meet one of these. Run the other way.
They are the type that when they say that they
love u to death believe them they have the capability
to kill you they are the highest alert I get.
As opposed to the common histronic pd aka
the drama queen or king always late never their
fault someone else to blame a real mess.
So many I see everyday. There are no stupid questions
only lots & LOTS of STOOOPID PEOPLE !!!
DD I really like the choice of topics today on your blog
you are on FIRE !!! Kiki :D your friend in Canada
DD tooooooo true these fucking sociopaths
are all around us. I'm lucky I can spot them
and I actual attach a personality type label to
nearly every1 I meet. My boss at the hosp is
a type a the woman from the lab is a passive
agressive I don't really like them bit the ones
you have to really watch out for are the
rare types of paranoid pd types they are always
suspiciuos and have trust issues who literally
believe in the bible as the word of gawwwwd !
If u ever meet one of these. Run the other way.
They are the type that when they say that they
love u to death believe them they have the capability
to kill you they are the highest alert I get.
As opposed to the common histronic pd aka
the drama queen or king always late never their
fault someone else to blame a real mess.
So many I see everyday. There are no stupid questions
only lots & LOTS of STOOOPID PEOPLE !!!
DD I really like the choice of topics today on your blog
you are on FIRE !!! Kiki :D your friend in Canada
What a piece of shit
That is so sad, it makes me want to cry. I am having a hard enough time with divorcing my ex, that I can't imagine losing someone you love, much less cheat on them during their last time on earth. The level of hate in this world is astonishing. Wow. It would be one thing if they found each other after the wife passed since they were friends, but wow.
the sad thing is that most women have to deal with at least one "friend" like this at some time in our lives. i'll bet some of you here can attest to that. i now i can.
they don't really want our partner. they just want what we have. and since they can't can't be what we are, they try to destroy what is tangible. this bitch's psychic avarice...it's not about this man. she doesn't really want him. it's about being consumed with jealousy that she is not this woman. and she doesn't have it in her to ever be. more likely she wishes that she has what her friend has by the very nature of her sick friend's existence. goodness. plain and simple. so, what the black hearted little wench can't have, she'll destroy. she'll ruin the innocence and serenity that is in a good woman's heart. she'll get her's though.
there is not much that i truly hate in this world, but i sincerely hate women (and men) like this piece of sludge. no wonder you got sick dirty disher. people like her are like a sepsis infection. or worse. i wonder how long this poor sick woman has known her, and just when she developed cancer. i do believe that the dangerous vampiric type of evil people can suck all the good energy out of us and prolonged contact with them can make us very sick. seems like she is surrounded by these energy vampires. just look what the poor woman married- her husband's actions suggest a selfish narcissistic bottom dwelling slug. and it might not be a newly developed personality flaw. but, it looks like he will get exactly what he deserves in the end, too.
it is disgusting that at the end of her life she has to suffer the consequences of having blind faith in two degenerates that she had the misfortune to trust.
please excuse another long post. this one really hit home. for reasons i won't bore you with. but maybe if we all collectively send this sick woman many many peaceful thoughts and love, even if she doesn't know where it's coming from, she'll feel it.
much love to all of you and i hope that none of you ever have to deal with scum like this in your lives. thank you for sharing this with us, dirtydisher. i hope you were able to quickly purge the filth of that black hearted wench's presence and feel much better.
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