When I was a kid I thought my mother was honest. If I told even a white lie she'd become enraged and beat me bloody. Literally. She was crazed by lying. I remember once when she was lying to some landlord of an uninhabitable dump we lived in. I don't remember the exact lie, but, I remember being innocent enough to think, omg, my mommy doesn't remember the facts. I think I was about six. I stepped in to help her out with the truth and her face went white. She laughed it off to the landlord saying "Kids are so crazy, they don't know anything." When the landlord drove out of site, she grabbed me by the hair and screamed "You big mouth son of a bitch!" She drug me all over the yard by the hair, picked up a stick that was laying in the yard and beat me and beat me. All the time screaming that I was a big mouth son of a bitch. I am actually laughing at the memory now because I wish I could piss her off that good everyday. But, back then I was confused. I really thought I was helping and being honest. It seems to me the violent rage lasted a long time that day, as she went total banshee and she pulled out handfuls of my hair and really wacked me good. It's a good thing we had no neighbors, not that anyone would have called the cops anyway. No one gave a shit about some white trash kid back then.
But, now I know why she was such a stickler for the truth. She lied every time she opened her mouth and so she expected that everyone else was lying too. As a result of not figuring this out soon enough, I have trouble telling a lie. My face goes red, my palms sweat and I lose sleep if I tell a lie. I even have trouble with the little white lies we are expected to tell. Like, if a friend asks if her new haircut looks good...and it doesn't. I have to struggle to say something true, like, well, they sure got it even, didn't they? LOL. So I guess, inadvertently, she raised me to be pretty honest. Bitch.
So when I told her yesterday that I have no desire to chat with someone who can't be trusted, she lost it. She told me all her good qualities, she pays her bills on time, she feeds stray cats, she's a good dog owner, she helps take care of my aunt..and I said, I don't care. You're a liar. She yelled at me that I was the liar and I couldn't name one lie she ever told. So I started listing her recent ones, just the big ones like telling me she had nothing to do with the neighbors cutting down my trees and then me finding out she hired them. And a couple of months ago when she hired someone to tear off my Aunt Ruth's porch while she was at the casino and had them haul the lumber away and she told my aunt "the wind blew it down." That was the stupidest lie. She isn't even smart. Her lies are so bogus, it's like something off Mad TV. She says she has to tell these lies, FOR OUR OWN GOOD. She thinks she's not controlling, that accusation makes her furious. But, I said, when you take another adults choices away by omission of information or false information, it is taking control of their decision..do you get that???
She claims she doesn't understand what I'm saying and that I talk college smart ass gooble de gook. Her words. She's not bright, but, she knew what I was saying and just in case she didn't I made it clear. YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR. PERIOD.
Oh, yeah, she's pissed. I don't give a crap anymore. Control freaks control you with lies and try to turn it around like it's you that has the problem. Gaslighting, remember? They also pretend they don't know what your talking about when you confront them, they act all hurt. I finally said "Shut the fuck up, liar pants." She needs to stop talking to me. I have her number, finally. It's about time.
Who's the biggest liar you've ever know? What's the biggest lie you've ever been told? How did it affect your life?
And here's another thing she does..she knows she is not allowed in my house anymore. But, when Lis is here she goes over there to see her great gram. My mom will talk that kid into inviting her over here and she knows I won't start shit in front of Lissa. I just leave. I go outside and eventually Lis follows me. My mother then goes home. The old lady says I treat her bad. I told her to stop manipulating the child, because she's not welcome in my house and she knows it. She's such a cunt.
I married a man that wasn't who he said he was.
I'll leave it at that.
The dirtydisher is the biggest liar I have ever know.
My first boy friend was what I call sociopath lite. He had most of the earmarks for antisocial personality disorder. I didn't realize that at the time. I knew he lied to me through out our short relationship but when he began calling my mom during the day while I was in class to shoot the shit, I knew something was amiss. I would get home and my mother would begin berating me over something the scum bag told her I did. Of course, I never did any of what he told her and when I would tell her as much she would sheepishly say "Oh". I never quite forgave her for taking that asshole's side multiple times before she even heard my side. He told me all kinds of lies, everything you could imagine.
4:13:00 PM, you are so wrong, it made me laugh. Go try to find someone who will acually care what you say. There's an entire Internet for you to play your litte retarded games on.
Snark, I know some of your story, though I also know it's too painful for you to put it all out there, but, yeah, you married a stranger and got burnt. It happens to smart women all the time. I think it's because good people have trouble recognizing true evil.
If I was around my mom now, I would have to say some pretty awful truths too. But she died a year ago. And I hadnt had any contact with her for decades. My adult children never met her. Good thing too. Why is it mean old so & so's live to be very old? Nice guys, like my dad, die when they are young. He was 52. The age I am now. Yikes! If I could say anything to her it would be how manipulative she was her entire life, she stole from my grandmother her entire life and even after grandma died she still stole from her, she beat me with a belt when I was wet & naked scarring me,she threw iron skillets at me all the time, she would throw out anything I made for her as a gift, she whored around and made me ashamed of her when I was a kid, I refused to be seen with her in public. She lied repeatedly about her 3rd husband getting killed in firey truck accidents, he stole my grandmas new Chrysler back in 1977 and sold it. He told her he totaled it and she didnt want to see it so she signed th title over to him for the junk yard! Yea right! WTF? I was soooo pissed about that. He was a ex-convict that my mom picked up hitchhiking one night after her late shift at the factory. He was later convictd of child molesting. I hope he died in prison. My mom was no saint! She always fed us but once she divorced my dad it was downhill all the way. I dont lie, I also cant lie. I dont see the point in it. It's despicable. A liar & thief are the same thing. DD, were our mothers twins separated at birth? LOL!!!
4:15:00 PM, it's painful that your mom wasn't your defender. It tells me a lot about her. Just sad.
My daughter asked her new boyfriend if he is a serial killer and he replied "NOOOO!"...he's a nice guy but his answer made her laugh. You can never be too safe! LOL...
Rox, there should be a special hot place for moms who bring child molesters into their children's life. Yet, it's so common. Vile.
PS: My grandma always said my mom wouldn't say shit if she had a mouthful. And that was very true. I never heard my mom say anything worse than the occasional "Damn". She did not curse. She was raised to be a proper Georgia lady. Something happened along the way tho. Scary shit!
My best friend has a great "read" of people. Her mother-in-law was married to a man that just "gave her the creeps" and she didn't know why.
After he and the MIL divorced, he went to the local police station claiming to be Jesus and shot up the place.
Same friend. Her dad befriended a neighbor and my friend "just didn't like him." Didn't know why. 30 years later DNA came back matching him to a teenaged girl who was raped and murdered. My friend's dad took him to the police station to turn himself in.
This same friend was with me when I met my ex. She knew him too and she's STILL kicking herself for being snowed by him
On another note, my new friend will be here in two days!!!! Yippeee.
My sister lies just to lie. The sky is blue and she will swear it's purple. I have never figured out why she does this. The biggest lie ever told to me was by her. I have never gotten over it. I have to ask my niece for the truth as her mother wouldn't know it it if hit her upside the head. My brother is the total opposite. Mr Honesty.
Pat, I am still astonished at how much alike we are and have in common, from ramshackle houses to the filth of hoarded newspapers and piles of clothes and cockroaches to mothers from hell.
My mother was the biggest liar I have ever met, and that's saying a lot.
I recall being very, very young, perhaps four, and she was nattering on and on about how I would burn in hell if I lied about anything. I'd burn and the pain would never stop. She waxed poetic about the horrors of hell. Even that young, I was questioning the concept of hell and religion, but I if that was true, so be it. I said, "But how could the pain last forever, wouldn't it just stop at some point because it couldn't burn anymore?"
Oh no, she said god had special magic ways that would make me hurt. I said this god doesn't sound very nice at all, and I didn't want to have anything to do with this god. A beating quickly followed.
How can a mother say that to a child?
Not the biggest lie, but she claimed to all that she had quit smoking. She just stopped, yessir, not a problem for a person as strong as she. All the while, her purse is sitting on the floor beside her, open, and three packs of cigarettes very visible inside.
Then there were months and months of watching her sneak cigarettes into the bathroom. It became a game, really. Late one night while she was asleep, I took every cigarette from a pack and painstakingly drew a skull-and-crossbones on each one, then replaced them in the pack.
Oh, she was mad. The jig was up. Fun times, fun times.
I moved out as soon as she brought his ass home. I stole his Marlboros tho. I prided myself on that at the age of 14 and never getting caught! haha...They ran off anyway and stole cars and had warrants out for them in the west. We heard about some crazy shit. Dirty Mary & Crazy Larry aint got nuthin' on them! I can't even begin to spill about her. It would take a book to tell it all. Thank you for allowing me to vent a little here. I never lived with her again. He never bothered me but did chase my older sister around. She also moved out after that. Of course my mom lived on the river Nile and said she was a liar! HA!
DD, are you there in that situation because you have no where else to go, basically?
My heart breaks for you because I know all too well what you're dealing with. Therefore I know all too well that the only thing you can do to help yourself is to GET. AWAY. She will never stop hurting you, never stop waiting for her chance. Never. What if she decides to trump up a fake abuse report to CPS re: Lissa one day? What if she does something to injure or kill you? She's QUITE capable of all that as I'm sure you must be aware.
She will never see things your way, she will never feel remorse and never change. She CAN'T, she's a psychopath.
All you can ultimately do is remove yourself from her ability to hurt you.
I think you know that and would, if you could. Can you at least confirm that you feel stuck there so that people like me, who know the truth of dealing with a psychopath, will know that's why you're still there? It makes no sense for you to stay there otherwise.
Monica, can you tell us what the lie was or is it too personal?
One thing thats really crazy. My mom dragged me to the damn dentist all the damn time! Like she was obsessed. I have to say she did not neglect my teeth. Maybe it made her feel better about all the other mean ass shit she did to me.?
Snark, are you gonna let us know how it goes? You'd better, we're invested now. :)
4:28 has a good point! So, if you ever see or hear about a life insurance salesman being at your mothers house, run for the hills! Cuz if she takes a life policy out on you its anyones guess what could happen. I am not joking.
SharnaPax, yep another way we're alike. The Jesus threats. Bad kids burn in Hell forever, do you know how long forever is? Firey Hell, that's where bad girls go. To be burned and tortured by Satan until the end of time. Oh, crap. How well I know that routine.
Rox, I am well aware she would kill me for insurance.
4:28:00 PM, exactly. I have to go to work or I could go into more detail, but, no, I have nowhere else to go.
Biggest lie ever told!
My mom & grandma lied about my mom having a baby when she was 16, in the 40's, a boy. I never met him. He was adopted. As far as they were concerned he was never born! Oh yes he was! She also had an illegal abortion at a backwoods voodoo shack in Georgia the year after she had the baby & gave it away! My bro & sister dont even know about any of this. They are older than me. My dad told me all about this after he & my mother almost got back together back in the late 60's. Why didnt I ever tell anyone that I knew? My moms sister confirmed it years later. Why did I feel the compulsion to keep her dirty secrets? I dont feel that way anymore. Why did they lie forever about that?
Wow so sorry to hear how badly your mother has treated you.
My mother ran off when I was about 11 yrs old.
I admire that you give her one day a week. No one would blame you if you didn't.
Just proves you have a good heart.
Dysfunctional parents suck.
My dad was/is a liar. He lied about having an affair. He lied about his living situation. When I was 16 I went to visit my dad during spring break. I was staying at his condo where he lived with "the other woman." He gave me a tour of the place and told me he was sleeping in another bedroom. This was after I had snooped around and found that the other bedroom where he was living was actually a storage room. Yeah, right dad. (insert eye roll.) Her closet was filled with his clothes. Doesn't look like a room-mate situation to me. Technically he was still married to my mom. Looser. No wonder I'm 38 and scared to death of getting married.
I think the lying caused more pain. Hey if you aren't interested in being married to my mom anymore end it. The lying was so degrading to my mom. Just be honest, get a divorce and move on. Instead he was lying about where he was living, about whose car he was driving and on an on. It makes me mad to see my mother treated so disrespectfully.
Pat, I will email you what she did.
my husband.
i have a friend who moved away . a great person, would do anything for anyone, but would lie about the most random shit that there was no need to lie about. She told someone she shoplifted a curling iron from kmart right in front of me even though I was with her when she bought it.
i said my husband, but now that I think about it, I must add his mother and brother also.I love my MIL, but man, I have heard her spin a tale!
Can't persoannly recall any whoppers I've been told. But... my ex lied about me BIG TIME while we were going through our divorce. As far as I know he's still lying about me to anyone who will listen. Dirt bag.
Whenver I think of liars the first thing that comes to mind is Bill clinton's proclamation "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". If he had just admitted to it right from the beginning I could have have some degree of respect for the man. You know... tell the truth and take your lumps. He's another dirt bag.
My ex failed to tell me he was not divorced when I moved in with him. Just one of the many lies.
My ex-BF/fiance of two years and I were going to get married in June. I found out in May that he was still married to his "ex-wife". He had everyone in my life, including my parents, deluded. I kicked his ass to the curb and then he stalked me...hopefully he won't see this post and start all over again.
For 2 yrs, nothing was real...when I think of all the manipulation and games he played with me... It's so disturbing. I can't believe I didn't see how he was pulling all the strings.
DD-this is the same ass wipe I sent you pics of when I went by another name.
Would it be horrible if I crossed a line I thought I would never cross?! I have tried to maintain my dignity...but here goes....
Matt, you had a small penis. I was being nice when I said it was average. You are lacking in girth and length.
biggest liar i know is right across the street from me....she's lied about having cervical, uterine, bladder, liver, breast, skin, kidney, spinal, and a few other body parts cancer....currently she's lying about having m.s. or for some people she said she's paralyzed from the waist down....she lies about EVERYTHING and she can't keep her lies straight....she is not even honest about buying something..."oh it was donated to me" when she's got the fucking receipt in her hand....
my mother was also a liar....and just like you DD i would try to interject with the truth.....and boy would that piss her off....and just like you DD, i got dragged around a room by hair once....then i got beat because i got my tights dirty while she dragged me....i also kicked her too, she didn't like that....
i am brutally honest as a result....if a friend asks me how a hair cut looks i do try to say something tactful if i don't like it....like "well if you like it that's all that matters"....
all that lying shit caused me to basically trust no one...if someone who is SUPPOSE To take care of you (ie a parent) does not, you will always have trust issues...compound that with lying and it makes it more 'fun'.....
my mother would lie about why she wouldn't go somewhere---she always blamed me---because my mother was seriously agrophobic---is that the one where they don't want to leave the house? it was a huge honkin' production for her to go anyway....and you never went anywhere at night! NEVER! i cannot tell you how exhilirated it was for me to go out at NIGHT when i finally escaped her and went to college! WAHOO! living it up going to the store after dark!! :D
This is about the lie your mom told you about your brother's car--who has the car now?
My ex boyfriend of 4 years is a compulsive liar. He told me all these lies to make him seem 'cooler' than he really was. When we met he had told me he lived in a nice house/neighborhood, and that he had traveled outside the country many time, his dad would pay for it, that he had one of those 'cool' ninja type motorcycles, and that he had a cousin who was a model and that was always trying to get in his pants. He held the cousin thing on me for a while, he even pointed her out to me in a local mag, she had the same last name as him. I hated that poor girl for all the years I was with him, who turns out she wasn't even related. He lied through his teeth about her and the trips and the house, not only to me, but to his best friend as well.
First I realized he was actually living in the city outskirts where there was no utilities, and it is a dangerous zone of the city. He brushed it off saying that they had to move all the time. Ok so no big deal. OHH and he even said that his mom was a real estate agent and that they moved into the houses, upgraded them and sold them. I found out all his lies through his grandmother one time talking to her, who is one of the most honest people I've ever met. I asked her about each one of the situations. She had no idea he was telling all these lies. All the while he would manipulate me and make me cry when I'd find out something about him that he was wrong for doing/saying, or simply a joke that he didn't 'get', and make me feel guilty and threatened to leave me, since it was all my fault and I needed to 'fix' it in order for him to stay, whatever it was.
When I confronted him about his lies (almost towards the end of our relationship) he let out a nervous laugh and told me the excuse of how I always had something interesting to talk about and he was feeling behind and wanted to 'impress me'. That's too bad, I'm not a person who gives a damn about what you do, where you go, how much you have. It all went downhill from there. I never believed a word that came out of his mouth ever since, and never let him or anybody manipulate me like that again. When I finally stood up to him on his manipulations, which lasted up until I met my husband and moved away, he would act surprised at how much I had 'changed'. I'm serious, he would call me every single day to cry on the phone begging me to stay and come back with him, going as far as putting the phone on his chest for me to hear his heart beating hard. I was afraid to answer the phone until I left because it was upsetting. I was done with him and I'm still done. I'm not even friends with him,not worth the trouble. He's still lying about things to everyone. Turns out, I found out he was beating his new girlfriend after I left. She was pregnant twice and twice the babies got beat and killed in her womb. She left him eventually and I'm actually friends with her now, good kid she is. Thank goodness that didn't happen to me, not that I would have let him.
DD it's my mother of course and shed lies about
almost everything from the timeon the clock on the wall
to how old the food in the freezer was :-/
sheeeesh she still lies today about anything to
get her sympathy. I can't stand it when a clock
tells the wrong time what is the purpose of having
a time piece telling u the incorrect time ?!?!
It's all due to her and her constant lies Im
even against white lies. My gf had her hair cut
and she didn't even ask me but when I saw her
I exclaimed what have u dine to your hair!
She hated it but all her other gfs were telling
her it looked great?! BS I told her u know their
lying right ? She knew that's why she hated it.
It made her face look so fat ! I suggested that
she straighten her locks and it added lenghth
which now looks much prettier it will soon grow
back and she is grateful that someone told her
the truth. Oh the gfs that told her they liked it
are just jealous of her beauty and wanted her
to keep it short to ugly her up a bit she now
knows who her real friends are. They speak the
truth and offer help to repair a slight they don't
have a hidden agenda to trick u or deceive u
by standing in a lie. It's a shame when it's your
own birth mother :( real sad but hey it's true.
Tv snarkie I'm so excited for u I hope all goes
well u deserve much happiness after that liar
who neglected to inform you of his divorce left.
I wish u well and just be yourself from the get go.
If it's meant to be it will be and you will be glad you
tried. It's not the things we do that matter most
in the end it's the missed oppurtunties that we
regret. Go for it girl and see what may be :)
This is life the one we get Njoy the new experience !
Take care and let us know we are all rooting for ya.
My mother is the biggest liar I know. And yes, she was big on the "lying is a sin" trip during my childhood. She is an expert at the art of lying now.
She comes up with the most convoluted stories just to cover her own tracks. But, I have ways of always busting her. (Usually my Dad.) I'd rather she just tell me that I wasn't invited to Sunday dinner than to flat-out lie to me and then I have to see pictures of it later. Busted! It's no fun being the black sheep of my family and never being invited or included in anything.
DD, this has become my favorite site - I check it everyday. Pay no attention to the judgemental haters who feel the need to come on here and bully you. They suck!
Elizabeth --- Ha ha ha. Those tiny wieners you just can't forget, can you?
Lies told to me...god where to begin...My sister was in a mental hospital for addiction problems - in her case food addiction problems - and her husband told us part of the program was that no visitors were allowed so we as a family respected that. Then I started hearing sob stories about how my sister was sick in the hospital and none of her family bothered to visit her. That was the reason we were lied to. So he could tell everyone we didn't care, including my sister. That has to be the worst one because my sister lost her mind during that time and she's never come back and she won't ever because he's still there to make sure she doesn't get better.
Men have lied to me about being divorced, about their real name, about their job and about how secure they are as men and all of it bullshit.
I've sworn off relationships with men. I can't seem to pick them.
My mother is a controlling lying manipulator as well. I've sworn off mothers too.
I really wish you had somewhere to go, Pat. You've sure given us a place to go and I thank you.
jeez, I thought I had it bad cuz my mom was a sort of verbal abuser.It has definitely fucked with my self esteem, but did I really have it that bad compared to some other people?I guess there are different levels of mean .
My partner is a compulsive liar. He gets it from his mother and father. I'm giving him one last chance. I told him next time he fucks up, I'm fuckin up his whole world. Either he is behaving or is getting better at it. Either way...
I have found that the people who lie the most, are the most paranoid about people lying to them. They hate it when people lie to them because in their twisted brain they think that they are the only ones allowed to lie. It is part of their superiority complex, they think that they are entitled to lie because they know what is best for everyone. Kind of like lying to a 3 year old about boogers making their tongue green, they think it is for your own good. They can't seem to see how they are infringing on your freedom and taking away your freewill. They think that what you don't know won't hurt you, but I feel that restricting the amount of information I have about anything impacts my ability to make an informed decision about the choices available.If I knew they had chocolate I wouldn't have chosen vanilla. If I knew you were a serial killer I wouldn't have chosen to go on a road trip with you. Kind of like that.
Hoarding filth, cockroach infested everything, bat shit crazy mother who went nuts and tried to beat us kids to death...yep, that's me.I have major food issues that i didn't have time to write about yesterday. My dad molested us until we hit puberty.And he was by far the more functional parent.
I have often said that any day in my adult life, no matter how horrendous (cheating/abusive husband/crazy boss/etc)is a huge improvement over any day in my childhood. Now i don't take crap from anyone!!! But it has taken me waaay too long to recover enough self-esteem and courage to fight back. Better late than never.
I read your stories and i cry because they are my story too.
I have never been able to talk to anyone about this. I feel very comfortable and comforted in this community of friends.
On the topic of lies...how about all day everyday about everything. Total alternate reality. And living the lie
of being a normal suburban family with all the shit going on at home.
Tip of the lie iceberg....but that will do for now.
P.S. I can't now lie either. It makes me nauseated.
i have to say this story really hit home all of it except for the beating. my mom still does this to me & now she is doing it to my son because we have no other choice but to live with her. she had now gone so far with the guilt trip to put herself into the hospital, you know no one loves me no one cares if i eat ect... now i've know for sometime about this but sometimes it's hard to get away.
11:48:00 PM, it's impossible to escape when the liar is your mom. Miss Tia is the only person i know who's done it and she moved far away. I can't move. I am tied here because of Lissa.
11:35:00 PM, you can talk here. You can say it. I know about sexual abuse too and I may get brave enough to blog about it someday. You guys help me a lot.
Clarabel, poignant and funny. Gotta love that you have a sense of humor still.
i'm tied too.. my ex is d... and i can't move away.. it is so sad when your mom lies all of your life i try so hard not to do it to my son maybe a small white lie but even that makes me feel bad
Frimmy has sworn off mothers - that made me lol!
But I'm doing that too.
You people are so wonderful. All of you.
I'm astounded I stumbled upon DD so long ago and just silently lurked and read.
Thank you, Pat.
A few things..
I have an assload of homework to do this morning, and have to go into work @3 too.
Tiny wieners are unforgivable. Hot guys with little dicks, I've had my fair share. One of the reasons i haven't had a "date" in many, many years. Also my last boyfriend has a giant one, and ruined me for average guys and I'm afraid of getting stalked. I don't have any back up and don't want strangers around my kid. I had enough sex in the 80's and 90's to last my lifetime, thank you.
I use the fake krab to make brown rice sushi rolls for Syd, she loves them, after I eat the fake krab, my face swells a bit, I think it's the MSG.
Now I forgot what I was going to comment on!
Bye girls.
How is it possible that a grown woman with a college degree and a job has "no place to go"? For pete's sake, go rent your own place across town.
Everytime my sister opens her mouth I know it will be a LIE and I am not just saying that because we are having issues right now. The woman will look right at you and tell you a bold face lie, I stopped calling her on it, because that just caused more issues, so now when she speaks I just take it like she says it because I know that it is not true. I hear her on the phone talking about me hoping the person on the other line remembers there is 2 sides to everything and she's leaving out quite a bit, my 23 yr old son and she are really close so that is putting a strain on the somewhat relation I have with him, because Im not willing to tell him the rest of the story...im not going to throw her under the bus to benefit myself, and hopefully the whole truth will come out without me saying a thing....Its been a very bad, sad, stressful few months that Im working on now cleaning house so to speak. The doors slamming, being called the fuckn bitch will all end hopefully soon.
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