There have been so many freaky rumors about Tom Cruise lately, but, I love the latest one. According to Us Weekly when Katie's 7 year "contract" with Tom is up, she may write a tell all worth $15 million. Never mind that this seems like chump change to Tommy. In it, Katie will reveal that Tommy has a XenuMobile, which is some spy movie car he has to keep in touch with his Scientology cronies in secret. And that he loves to dress up in uniforms and parade around the house. He thinks it makes him look handsome. He spends hours in front of a mirror checking out his face and bod. And "Tom lets Suri do whatever she wants and has already had to replace mahogany paneling twice in six months, because he lets her draw pictures on the walls."
I think the real Tom may be even more bizarre than the rumors. I want to know if he wears high heels with his uniforms and if he marches 'round the mansion with a toy gun? The magazine claims Tommy tells Katie when to eat, what to eat, what to wear, how to exercise..etc. In other words, he controls every aspect of her life. I don't know what's true or not, but, Katie seems aimless to me. She seems to spend her life wondering the streets of NYC with that kid of hers. And a blank look on her face. What a strange life....and what a strange little man he is.
I think the real Tom may be even more bizarre than the rumors. I want to know if he wears high heels with his uniforms and if he marches 'round the mansion with a toy gun? The magazine claims Tommy tells Katie when to eat, what to eat, what to wear, how to exercise..etc. In other words, he controls every aspect of her life. I don't know what's true or not, but, Katie seems aimless to me. She seems to spend her life wondering the streets of NYC with that kid of hers. And a blank look on her face. What a strange life....and what a strange little man he is.
Remember when Tommy tried to make the world call Katie "Kate?" I do. He seemed to think because he announced her new name, we'd all comply. It never took.
Remember when Tommy tried to make the world call Katie "Kate?" I do. He seemed to think because he announced her new name, we'd all comply. It never took.
he seems like a total fucking control freak.....and remember before he became engaged to katie? he like interviewed 5 different starlets who thought they were auditioning for a part in mission impossible but it was really an audition for 'wife'....and then katie went 'missing' for like 2 weeks and then she was attached to him and a scientologist 'handler' 24/7.....
I DO remember that! That was so bizarre.
Remember her Niacin overdose while she was preg and her face broke out in boils? Some Scientology pregnancy ritual I guess. I would have ran then.
I always feel so bad for katie. She always looks so run down unhappy and miserable. Even with suri she looks this way. Oh and the wedding photo's totaly fake smile on kates face.
I don't think Kate is a victim here. I see another insignificant actress who would have quickly faded into obscurity if she hadn't been scooped up by Cruise. Sure, he indoctrinated her into Scientology, but her family background would have supported her in refusing it if she had wanted. She saw a huge improvement available to her and jumped at it, eyes open IMO.
MissT-I remember how they met. They were both on the same movie lot, accident or not, anyways, Tom asked her for a ride to the other side of the lot and she took him. Her car was so trashed & full of junk that he had to climb in back & sit on top of a pile of junk while she drove him. Next day he sent his crew to clean & detail her old car. Thats an insult, I don't care if he thought he was being nice & helping her out. He was taking control from the get-go. She has to hate him deep down. I don't get it. Nicole never looked happy with him either. And now we know she wasn't. Big shock! Kate will leave him one day too. It's just too, too much. Nicole even gave up being her 2 kids mother to get away. Katie will hide Suri away & divorce him someday. If she goes all public with everything he will have less power.
His hair kind of looks like Kate Gosselin's.
Just another sad sink-hole of a celebrity. I might consider buying her book, if it looks like she might really spill the beans.
He's an asshole.
The shoes on the little one is totally wrong. Those little feet are still developing and should be in proper shoes.
Katie Holmes is a big girl -- she should be able to make decisions on her own but I don't think this is the case. Saw pic's of them in a German park not long ago. Katie looked so turned off by him. Ugh! these people are creepy.........
he is a high level OT. He does not need a gun. He can kill with a single thought.
I always think of how he handles her. His clamp-like grip on her awkwardly akimbo hand or arm and bizarre forced kissing and over-emotive laughing. Either he possesses one hell of an anxiety disorder and can barely keep his shit together in public so he puts on a bizarre persona, or there's something else going on there. Nothing would be a surprise anymore, you know?
I really do think he's gay. And I don't have anything wrong with that except for the fact that he denies his orientation. Why? He's icky,icky,icky.........
isn't it true that they don't even share the same part of the house? I totally believe this. He is a freak and a control freak. Control freaks usually have plenty to hise, or else why would they feel the need to control everything. Whta happened to that book that guy was writing telling all about Tommy & his weird costumes & wrestling with dudes?? I still believe it is all true. Maybe the guy got killed, cuz the book has never came out!!
Tom Cruise Dated Cher in 1985
Every drag queen's dream. A Tom Cruise reality.
I always like Val Kilmer better and now he's gross.
This is priceless:
"The story was false," Mr Cruise's lawyer, Bert Fields, said. "He's not gay and the judge so ruled."
The judged "ruled." Classic.
I want to point out that Liberace also sued when reports were made that he was gay. Yep. Straight as an arrow.
escrow: If Val could get it together, it would be the best. Dayum, that volleyball scene in Top Gun...whoa Momma! When Slider does the Atlas pose, I die!! All oiled up & seksy! I know its a gay wet dream scene but I love it as well. LOL...Val was hawt as hell. So was Rick Rosavich(Slider)..Yumm
What's wrong with Val?
He got all bloated & really big. Totally out of shape, still has that face tho. It's just a fat face now. He needs to hit the damn gym, he could still be hawt, he's not too old yet! Don't count him I say. He does voice overs alot now.
I belonged to a celebrity gossip message board circa 2005 when Tom and Katie first got together, and the stuff I read on there was gold. Rumor had it that after he split up with Nicole Kidman, Tom had a whole list of potential Hollywood girlfriends, and would have his PR people call them and tell them Tom wanted to be with them. So creepy! I remember some of the actresses on the list were Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Garner, and Jessica Alba. They all turned him down because they thought he was creepy. How sad for Kastie Holmes that even Jessica "I just stand around and look pretty in all my movies" Alba is smarter than her!
Does anybody else remember when Katie appeared on the cover of "W" magazine right after she started dating Tom? She had a scientologist handler with her during the interview COACHING her. The handler told Katie, "You adore Tom" and Katie repeated, "I adore Tom". This was right in front of the magazine writer!
Long story short-Tom is a freak, and Katie was crazy to get with him. I guess she figured it would give her career a boost. So much for that idea-she has become a national joke instead.
Oh, Val's fat..I thought you meant something bad. He's just a middle aged fat dude, what's wrong with that?
Alison, I heard Katie say she had a Tom poster over her bed growing up. History, eh? Crush turned nightmare.
I still think Suri looks like Katie's ex-fince. And now, she just looks beat down all the time. I hope she is making bank with this life, because she certainly does not EVER look happy!
DD-I remember reading that someone who knew Katie when she was younger said that the story about her having Tom's poster on her wall as a teenager was totally false. Just another PR move to make Katie look like she had a dream-come-true romance with the angry midget known as Tom. I wouldn't be surprised-these two lie about everything.
YES, Corina.. you're thinking of Chris Klein. Suri does bear a strong resemblance to him. Kinda fun speculating on that, heh.
And I think they probably lie about virtually all aspects of their lives too! Nothing the Lil' General has anything to do with would surprise me!
Val K might be drinking a bit too much now also...still doing movies tho...but way out of shape.
Pat, I love it when you call Tom the Little General. Best moniker ever for that guy. You should put it in the urban dictionary.
hope come 12:01am on the 7th year she is out of there -- but it also said she had to produce 2 children -- uggg don't wait Katie -- walk now, take Suri and never look back.
That man is wacked. She needs to have a meeting with Nicole and realize she needs to go now - don't wait another 4 years -- so she gets nothing -- she doesn't need anything from him.
The blank look we often see on Katie's face is one I've often seen while visiting Clearwater, FL, the scinos national headquarters. They look vacant.
Recently, while there, I happened to be in a store some scinos were in and I noticed that a couple of them were doing the Little General horse laugh. It really startled me because I'd never seen any expression on their faces before.
Katie should get out. No amount of money is worth what she is going through. What was she thinking? She had many boyfriends who had money and she had an up and coming movie career.
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