Carin Froehlich, with help from her grand daughter, likes hanging her wash outside in her Pennsylvania home, but, neighbors don't like it and city officials have contacted her and basically ask that she cut it out. There's a whole article
HERE, this has been all over the news. And she received two anonymous notes from neighbors saying they did not want to see her underwear flapping about. "They said it made the place look like trailer trash," she said, in her yard across the street from a row of neat, suburban houses. "They said they didn't want to look at my 'unmentionables.'" But, Carin hangs her underwear up inside the house.
City officials have nothing to do but monitor a grandma's clothes line? And what's with neighbors like this? Those bitches should have my neighbors. Junk cars, barking dog, gun fights, untended kids, unlicensed day cares, drug deals, karaoke at 4 am, police calls..I could go on. How the frick does her laundry offend them? People are so stupid sometimes.
i read that yesterday...wtf?! i'd fucking wash MORE clothes and hang out even MORE! and i bet some of those dumb fucks bitching about it believe al gore about global warming and probably drive a prius, but oh noes! can't look at clothes on a clothes line!
LOL, you're such a rebel.
It would be fun to go to a used shop and get a basket of totally skanky underpants and hang them for days. Oh, and add a nice touch of some pantie liners stuck to the crotch...lmao.
i was thinking skid marked guy's tighty whiteys....
I agree. Wtf is wrong with demonstrating (inadvertently) that you're a clean person? It's just that people will bitch about anything and MOST people are truly stupid. Truly. Threads of common sense are all they possess.
No laundry hanging outside when you live ina strata property either - just stupid.
i got a call on me once saying my pool was green. guess what? it was. I was trying everything I could (after working all day ) to get it right. I called the county and invited them over to see the ton of chemicals I had trying to get it clear. They declined of course. I then opened my back door and yelled "FUCK THE NEIGHBOR WHO CALLED ABOUT MY POOL!"
I love hanging out my wash, it smells so fresh and clean when it's dry. If there is no city ordinance or neighborhood docks, then screw the neighbors.
Drive thru Amish country sometime. If you din't see beautiful clors and quilts hanging on every clothes line you would wonder whats wrong. I think clean laundry hanging out is kind of dreamy & pure. Like cold, fresh milk flowing out of a bottle. It's wonderful.
Love it, Valle!!!
We had a clothes line out back when we moved here, and I used it for a few years, but found that clothes sometimes bleached inadvertently, in the sun. I enjoyed the way they looked, and actually took pictures of all my son's spiderman underpants, etc. blowing in the wind, etc. I thought it was really pretty and homey, but we eventually took the clothesline down (it was a major project as both poles were well-secured in concrete).
Her neighbors are too stupid for words. They need to loosen up and lighten up. What she is doing is a good thing.
I live in one of those housing developments. It was in the by laws and we had to sign off on it when we bought the house. Yeah, I get it. It doesn't look pretty but where the hell do we draw the line? It's not like people want to erect a giant pink and purple penis in their front yard. Now that would just be tacky. Especially if it was a water fountain.
Sunday morning had something about this delima in the USA. I think it was in c.o. Something dealing with housing rights. One woman was going off about how trashy this is. I think its great. For the environment and cost. Plus laundry outside smells so good. Specially in the country.
I bet you if this lady who is bitching if her fav star started hanging out their laundry. She would be right behind them.
i was just thinking, if it wasn't so expensive to pay for gas and electric, maybe people wouldn't feel the need to hang their clothes out. our service in Maryland became deregulated last year (the company said it was necessary) .our bill went from about 150-200 to 300-500. DOLLARS! it's terrible. meanwhile the company reported record profits. NO SHIT! of course they did.
I too bought in a covenant controlled communties once only because I bought the house from the builder $28,000 under market value. Boy, that pissed off the neighbors. I went to the only HOA meeting and announced that I bought not because of the HOA but in spite of it. Again, made no friends BAWHAHAHAHAHA Got in trouble with covenant nazis because my daughter loaded my front lawn with pink flamingos for Mothers Day BAWHAHAHAHAHA and left them there for week. My final finger to them was when I lost my job and let the place into foreclosure BAWHAHAHAHAHA I like it up here on the hill. Fuck the covenant nazis!!!! I hope I live long enough to see peak oil come to fruation and everyone will be back to scrub boards and line drying.
I hung my laundry out to dry all summer long...I live in PA.
Reading this lady's story brings up something so stupid. People really have nothing better to do than cry over drying clothes.
How ridiculous. I live in a small town in PA (not near this woman) and everyone hangs out their wash. In fact, one of my neighbors sometimes leaves her clothes on the line for weeks at a time in the rain and everything. It doesn't bother me at all. I think it's humorous, not offensive, to see people's underwear hanging on a line.
Her neighbors sound like snobs, and the cops suck for even getting involved in this.
I use to hang out part of the laundry, esp the sheets. Now there is nowhere to tie a line :(
Not sticking up for the neighbors, but if you look at the picture on the link ... it looks like her clothesline is just feet from the sidewalk, at the front of the house. I did a 'people search', found her house ... she has a backyard. Why not put a line up in the back and then everyone can find something else to bitch about.
I can relate. My neighborhood is so tight-assed it's not even funny!
(I love you, Tia! You're the BEST!!!!)
I read the article.
Team Clothesline.
I started to hang my clothes out on the line to "get back" at our electric/gas company for raising their rates 40% one year. (yeah, I'll show them) Anyhow those asshole neighbors must not know how sweet smelling sheets are when they are baked in the sun. I put my wash out today (sunny and windy) and it was dry in less than 20 minutes!And I hung my panties out there too! I bet all those neighbors have those HUGE bank foyers with all that wasted space up top. Sounds like a good place to open up that pretend window and hang some clothes!
What bullshit! I'm mad because the weather has turned bad and cannot hang my wash out much anymore. It saves energy and money...important to those on a fixed income. Imagine how much energy this country could save if more people hung their laundry instead of using the dryer? Last time I read, it cost at least 50 cents to dry a load and if you don't get out of the dryer immediately..you do the re-fluff thingy. Added bonus to hanging your clothes outside is it smells so GOOD.
Sorry, but PA must be full of Kates.
Plus, it is there is something relaxing about being outside hanging the wash...gives you a minute to think.
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