Here's a Christmas gift sure to please all the parolees in your life. It's the Pissinator! Complete with a, cough, realistic penis guaranteed to fool every near sighted parole officer watching you take an obligatory leak. Tubing runs up your body and a fresh hot bag of clean pee is stored in your armpit. Warmers keep it at the right temp. How is this legal, you ask? The company advertises the device as an "ultra hygienic wet sex simulator (a.k.a. urinating device) designed for sensual pleasure." They say even your own mother wouldn't be able to tell it's not your penis or pee. ( I refuse to type everything that is wrong about that claim.) Genius. It's $129.00.
Why does it crack me up so much that that thing is circumcised??
OMG!!! I opened up & Wham! Right in my face, kinda NSFW!!! LOL...
Cut..Oh, it will crack you up alright.
It's white and a penis. What are they saying? All DWI's are white men? Just askin'.
Is Tommy Chong behind this?
I never thought about color options.Or DWI's.. LOL.
4:01, Tommy only sells bongs, and he went to jail for that already. LOL..you think this is a bong? I hear Jack Nicholson is a big dildo prankster. Ever see "The Departed"?
That's it! That's my mother in law's stocking stuffer this year!
i know first hand about this. Had a friend who got busted with wacky tabacky. Had to pee clean for a year. Bought this online.They come in white, black tan and spanish ish colors! he paid $200. it also comes with fake pee that you add water to and it contains the same proteins as real pee. it's disgusting cause you know you're getting pee on you eventually. but it did work . he said the officer stands behind you while you pee.
and i wonder if they make one for chicks and how that would work ?
My fav singer used one of these during his concert. When he was playing for tomahawk he pissed all of the crowed. Needless to say he got in big F-in trouble. I think you still can find pictures of it somewere online. People almost thought it was a real.
valle said...
and i wonder if they make one for chicks and how that would work ?
OMG! Too funny! My mind started going crazy with visions.
hahaha...I was thinking this post had something to do with the prev Tommy posting. Just sayin'...but seriously, I did.
In MJ's "Scream" video. Janet is shown(acting like) peeing standing up, like a guy. I always took that to mean "Eff you & the horse you rode in on". If she could have, I think she would have flipped off everybody as well. It comes off as the same thing, to me. It was def a statement. But I guess with practice, it can be done. LOL...
Actually, Tommy Chong sells more than bongs, or at least he did. He also sold some sort of "clear pee" thing that would supposedly eliminate drugs from urine. I think he actually did some jail time related to the product.
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