Turns out my suspicions were correct. She was going to give it to my cousin because he likes it. He had it. Her excuse was that Bob is out of intensive care now, but, he's in a wheel chair and probably won't ever get out of it. He's really sick, physically and mentally. The only tiny scrap of imaginable independence or importance he has is tied up in that car. I have no doubt she'd "give" it away to suit her. But, the thing is, control freaks NEVER give things away. Not really. My cousin may gain a car, but, he'd be indebted to her until she feels the debt is paid..and she'd get her money one way or the other. Maybe the house needs rewired or a new roof, who knows? She's definitely going to need a gardener, because I am never doing it again. But, my point is, when you fall into her trap, you are never free.
So I looked at her and tried to put an innocent look on my face and said "Oh, really, you're giving Bob's car away? Isn't that illegal?" Man, she was pissed off then. She's like a little raging dwarf when she's caught in a scheme or a lie. She yelled "I paid for that car!" So, I said, you know, when you buy something for someone else and they put it in their name, that's called a gift and it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to him. She really went off then, telling me I was crazy and always causing trouble and he was in a wheel chair and can't ever drive anyway and bla bla. I just kept nodding my head until she ran out of steam and then I said, " I see your point, you know what's best. But, personally, I think when he finds out the only thing he owns is gone, he will kill himself. But, you can tell everybody, you did what's best for him." And then I shut the door in her face and locked it.
So I looked at her and tried to put an innocent look on my face and said "Oh, really, you're giving Bob's car away? Isn't that illegal?" Man, she was pissed off then. She's like a little raging dwarf when she's caught in a scheme or a lie. She yelled "I paid for that car!" So, I said, you know, when you buy something for someone else and they put it in their name, that's called a gift and it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to him. She really went off then, telling me I was crazy and always causing trouble and he was in a wheel chair and can't ever drive anyway and bla bla. I just kept nodding my head until she ran out of steam and then I said, " I see your point, you know what's best. But, personally, I think when he finds out the only thing he owns is gone, he will kill himself. But, you can tell everybody, you did what's best for him." And then I shut the door in her face and locked it.
I have wheels. That night the car mysteriously appeared in my driveway with the key in it. I took the old ladies on their check day run to everywhere imaginable. My aunt Ruth was loonier than ever, but, my mother was mysteriously quiet. I can guarantee you, it's not guilt. She's thinking up her next destroying move. I still have the key, and I am not giving it back to her. I have no idea why I'm protecting my brother. He's such a pussy asshole and his mental illness is no excuse, but, he's a survivor of HER. So I guess that's the connection.
it's all about her....i paid for it....i gave it to him....i need something done....you don't have a car that will inconvenience ME....
my mother was the same way....memememe....she once got mad at me because i would not go back to iowa from ohio to teach her how to pump her own gas!! mind you my father could have done that, but she wanted ME to take off work and drive back to iowa to show her how to pump gas and when i refused i was told i was selfish.....
send your mom to clinton to hook up with my mom! could have a narcissist off!! who can top the other with their narcissistic behavior! i bet they'd get along! "we're good mothers" blah blah blah....
My mother operates very differently but it's exactly the same.
The real difference between selfish people and narcissists is that lack of conscience. I know Pat has to explain to the uninnoculated readers that her mom's silence doesn't mean guilt, but the kids of narcissists get that gut-clenching tension of waiting for the next blow - it always comes, like a physical attack you have to submit to.
Wow, Anon. So well put.
Tia, I figured your mom worked the same way. We never even got Christmas gifts without strings attached and they were never anything we wanted anyway. But, somehow we'd end up with some piece of cheap inappropiate shit and be indebted. Bizzare shit.
4:06:00 PM, yeah, lack of conscience, for sure, but, they always think they're right and "it's for your own good" and they convince other people of that. I could write a book.
Some people believe that you choose your parents so you can work through certain issues. I try to adopt this belief when I have to deal with my family and as a result, I have worked through many issues that I won't have to repeat in my next life.
It's probably all bullshit, but it helps me get through the years.
Good luck Pat, may you work through your own issues with your mother and be happier the next time around!!
Well, Rooster, I keep trying, but, I feel like it's a shame it took me half a century to see what a lying controlling manipulator can really be. I wasted so many years believing people couldn't really be that mean. The unthinkable is thinkable.
I used to be nice. I used to play by rules when it came to people. I used to give everyone a chance and a second chance. I used to forgive. That's over.
Yeah, Pat, we're waiting for that book!!
Live and learn... that's what it's all about. Some of us have had to learn some hard lessons. I sure hope I've mastered it this time around cause I don't want to re-live some of this shit in the next life!
Pat... you really should write a book! I love your stories!
But forgiving her will set you free. I know it sounds corny as all get-out, but really, it works. I did it this summer to a friend who really, really hurt me. Instead of waiting for an apology from her to make me feel better, I forgave her for being an asshole and it freed my heart for the people I truly love. We're still speaking, but it's not the same relationship we had in the past. Oh well, her loss because I feel better and she'll always be a miserable piece of lonely shit.
First I apologize for this since it has to do with me, but can someone PLEASE help me understand this. My sister and her son are living with me, along with my 23 yr old son who does not have a job right now so he just recently moved in with his gf, my ex and of course my little ones. So my sister who has a part time job and is on my cell phone family plan and who has ran up the minutes causing my bill to be up to 300.00 for the past 2 months causing my ex to pay more then he should blah blah blah whine Connie whine. This is what I don't get. The only person besides me who is paying for anything is my ex and he also watches the kids my daughter who is not his but he takes care of as if she were his own, infact he takes better care of her then he does our son, he cleans and cooks too and takes care of things for me due to my health issues. So I have been bitching lately about the bums lying around the house freeloading...these ppl are living off of me but yet they call me the BITCH, while my sister is the Hero who loans my son money and buys his cigs and beer....FINE how bout paying your friggn phone bill that your sticking me with, I say either you people start paying or give me your phones and move out, thats when I get the why are you being such a BITCH all you do is complain...ugggg excuse me you people are taking food from my young ones its been frustrating and thank you for allowing me to vent. I really dislike family
when i released the vast majority of my anger towards my mother, THAT really helped me....i would never do anything close to 'forgiving' her as what she did to me is inexcusable....even if she contacted me today and acknowledged what she did to me was wrong i'd tell her to fuck off and never contact me again....
i can't even tell you how i got to where i could release anger....i think i just got fed up and realized it was hurting ME and didn't phase her at all....and by staying angry, it perpetuated her control over me....by releasing my anger i would garner some control over my own life...
i typed her a letter filled with every single thing she did to me and how it affected me 30+ pages typed on BOTH sides....i called her every name in the book....
and then i mailed it to her and when i stuck it in the mail box i just felt relief...i left like i weighed 200#s less.....
i still have issues and anxiety, but the anger i had internally towards her is gone...
and the xmas gift thing reminds how the last xmas spent while i still associated with my parents i stayed in ohio and we mailed each other our gifts....i phoned her xmas morning and told her to open a gift i sent her first, and she went on and on how i was SELFISH because i wouldn't open a gift she sent me first!!! she got so mad she hung up on me when i told her that was not selfish of me....then she got mad when i didn't immediately call her back!
and the gifts were shit too! i like zebras but she sent me something cow printed and claimed 'well it's black and white you don't expect me to know what you like'....
I have problems too. My TV only has two HDMI slots so I can't have my computer, cable box and Blu-Ray player hooked up w/HDMI all at once. God damn it I hate life sometimes.
Why do you people let these horrible people use you? Kick them out, cut them off, get rid of them. They are trash. Stop giving them things and doing things for them. If they are as bad as they sound, you should not have guilt over it. How's that for a life lesson? You only have one life that you can be sure of, stop fucking it away by letting assholes manipulate you.
Honestly, where does this sense of obligation come from? If these people were minor pests, that's one thing, but they are a bunch of cruel shitheads with personality disorders. They couldn't give a shit about you, make no mistake.
Anon 5:13
Iv'e been through a similar situation.
What it comes down to is that
it's them -or you and your kids.
They are users and abusers and the only way to make it stop is to get rid of them. Drop them from your cell plan. One phone call is all it takes. Then evict them. Call the police if they don't leave. Make a stand.
Your kids are your treasures, and deserve to come first. Always.
I can be a Bitch but that's not my name......
That's what i was going for.
Tell them that...and then show them just what an Onery Bitch you can be!!!!!
Pat you can forgive your mom when she's dead. Until then, you need to protect yourself. I LOVED that you said: personally....I think he will kill himself...
Good for you!
Absolutely LOVE it!!!
Personally, my favorite line of your story was, "She's like a little raging dwarf when she's caught in a scheme or a lie." (And I am height-challenged.) LMAO, Pat, LMAO.
Seriously, I hope you're working on that book...
Good for you, DD. Hearing these things about your mother gets me all riled up. She really is some piece of...um, work, isn't she? I'm so sorry that you have that as your mother. We always expect mothers to be decent human beings, at least to their children. When one's mother behaves in a hurtful fashion, that is such a crushing blow but so many people think they have to take it. I'm so glad to know you are standing up for yourself and for your brother.
My mum's not on the same scale as yours but she's really let me down over & over again, we have a friendly but distant relationship. Of course, it's impossible to discuss with her and have a chance to get past things because she has Selective Memory Syndrome and can't ever admit fault. Sigh.
I may be one of the, "uninnoculated" but I always read and hope things improve for you.
I wasn't being politically incorrect with the "raging dwarf" statement. She's 4'10, she says..which I think is a lie. She's a fucking dwarf.
Connie..one phone, YOURS. Fuck those people.
Considering how every single day seems to bring with it a fresh batch of unadulterated HELL for you to deal with-- I just don't get how you're continuing to run errands for her-with her. I don't care if it IS once or twice a month! I'm sure you've got your reasons, but I'd avoid that woman like the PLAGUE! And I know of where I speak. I was forced to cut my own mother-thing and 2 of 3 siblings off 20 years ago. Like you, I was in a situation where I was forced by financial circumstances to continue to reside nearby for several years until I was able to really get away.
The way I see it, every time one of those toxic sub-humans is within 10ft of me.. strong as I am.. I'm making myself vulnerable to their psychic attack. And it feels so good to finally be well and truly free.
I know you'll get there too. I'm holding good and positive thoughts for you until that time comes.
Don't know if you are still looking for advice but I wound up in your situation once. My friend got kicked out of her apt. and I said she could stay with me for a couple of months. Fast forward 3 months later and she and all 5 of her kids (including the 2 adult children and their friends who did not have permission to live there) were all hanging around my house so much that I moved out and paid rent and utilities on both houses so I could get some sleep. The final straw came after I screamed at them (after asking many times) that they needed to keep the door shut when the A.C. was on. I told her she'd have to move and offered to pay for 2 weeks in a hotel. The police were called and some of my buddies helped her move out. And although none of her other friends would help her when she was evicted guess who turned out to be the dirty bitch?
Now I offer money if I have it but I don't even ask my relatives to stay with me. Something always works out for people like that without your assistance.
In the interest of honesty, I do have to also add that my dad and stepmom would probably say that I overstayed my welcome when I was living with them. I'm no angel. Make up a reason why everyone has to go and blame it on someone else if you have to but get them out of your house before you lose your mind.
Since things are already on the bad side, I would cut that phone off so quick. Like another reader said, it only takes one phone call. If you don't, then you have no one to blame but yourself.
And I don't know why you and your ex split, but he seems to be going above and beyond what he needs to do! What gives? Does he want something or is he just being kind? If he's being kind, I hope you tell him how much you appreciate him--if not, then you're acting just like your sister!
Every time I read this site, which is every day, I have have decided to start telling my parents how glad I am to have had them. I knew when they were alive how great they were and now I know they were more than great--they were AWESOME!!!! I wish there would be some kind of way I could share them with everyone. My sister and I didn't dress in expensive clothes and we didn't get a car when we turned 16. We knew our parents couldn't afford it. But we also knew that our parents did without a lot of things so we could have more. They never told us this and they never talked about money problems in front of us. We always felt secure and safe and sometimes I feel guilty that all kids didn't have parents like mine. I am truly sorry for those of you who have suffered and IF my parents had been like yours, I don't think I could ever forgive them!! It is unthinkable to treat a son or daughter of any age like that!!
DD--just wanted to let you know that your mom may not appreciate you, but you literally have a world of people who do!! I hope you feel the love!
Sorry ! But I have one more thing to say.
Crabbie Baby!!! I feel your pain and I'm here for you. Let me know if your life doesn't get any better.
You, like Pat, keep me smiling!
Hide the car and tell your mom you gave it away! See how she likes it!
Keep playing the game.
I let my ex know ALL the time that he doesn't have to do anymore then his share which would be 1/3rd of the bills and taking care of our child together, and how much I do appreciate everything he does letting him know that I am VERY aware he does way more then his share of things....I don't like conflict and am thinking of ways to be hateful to make them miserable last night I put parent control on my son and sisters cell phone, it made me smile a bit placing the passcode upon it so when she goes to the mediamall to down load another ring tone that I cannot afford and is unable to hahahaha, I told her last night I was looking for another place to live for me and the kids when she asked why I said cuz I'm finding raising my kids and you is more expensive so just the two younger ones and Kevin will know where I live, she kind of chuckled not knowing if I were serious or not. Im still pissed off at myself for allowing her to do this, and pissed off at her for doing what she's doing knowing how it is affecting me. Im just gonna go through the rest of my time smiling and finding ways to annoy her and my son enough to see how bitchy I am.
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