That just hit me so wrong. Gawd damn there is no end to this bitch's cockyness. And her nastiness. She is just such a piece of work. Well, Kate you got rid of the dogs anyway, even when they wore their collars, why should your beat down husband stay home with you and your abuse? One more reason I hate this bitch. You're turn. Hate for Kate..right here.
And BTW, that picture is her holiday shopping and I'll bet all she bought was the paper with a coupon and fans will supply the gifts. And a volunteer will wrap the stuff. Twat.
Those collars are downright abusive. I had an ex who thought it was a good idea for my Golden Retriever. Well, one day I was holding that collar in my hand and I was close to the fence line and it swung up and hit me and shocked me and it about knocked me on my ass and I felt weird and sickly for 2 days. No shit. Make the bitch wear one and get shocked.
oh, and Sedgewick never wore it again.
I cannot imagine what life must be like if all you have to do is shop and spa.
A month ago Kate was whining how broke she was because Jon took all her "liquid" money, and now she is out filling her SUV with purchases.
Yea, I never thought I could hate someone I don't know, but I do.
how about SHE fucking wear a collar? she's a dog and she never stays home! torture to her would be staying ALONE taking care of her children and no camera crew!
Amen, Miss Tia!
This just explains how vain, inconsiderate, vile and disgusting this woman is. She is evil all the way around. Just give her a dungeon a wip and black leather. You will find the real kate without any safe words allowed. She probably even knows the proper way to choke someone.
Just pisses me off how she's STILL abusing Jon and fans call it wit. Douche that he is, he didn't deserve her crap and he'd still be there doing every single for her if she wasn't such an abusive mean cunt. She's lazy too. She's just mean.
Don't let it get to ya, qtrfan. Khate's "shop & spa" days are seriously numbered at the rate she's spending.
DD, this is a woman who wants us to pay her for raising her own children. What can you expect?
What about that other video of her complaining about Jon being on the phone all the time? Talk about hypocrisy right there! Oh,,,but it's ok for her to be on the phone all the time because it's business related.
I wonder if she bought one of those stuffed pee-poop things Pat posted on here a few weeks ago for Jon from the children, cuz we all know she comes here to read about herself. Wonder where she will be signing book on christmas morning, if Jon gets the kids for christmas or will they be spending their break with not-the-nanny. I wonder how they will work out the visitation spending time with not-the-nanny 1 - 10 and still making sure she gets child support to be able to afford the diamonds ohhh blah I mean food for the children, cuz we certainly don't want her using the money she gets from her books to support the family she helped make but doesnt want to deal with.
She's a pretentiuos pile of shite ! What the he'll
does she need wrapping paper for she doesn't
give anything she only know how to TAKE !
Yik excuse me while I vomit ;/~~~~~ Kiki
Oh ha ha, Kate. Very funny. Wow, yeah, comparing the ex to one of the dogs is just so ORIGINAL.
What's even worse is mistreating an innocent, helpless animal.
I love the bus stop photos of the kids showing more love to the babysitter than Kate. I love how they just blow her off and everyone looks miserable when she comes to pick them up. That is not acting. They are miserable around her.
She truly is in her own little narcissistic fantasy place.
I honestly don't think she's ever spent one day alone with those kids in her life. I don't give a shit what her fans say. She's not a mom.
I hear she has a nanny just to get the kids ready for bed.
Yep and another one to get them up. What exactly does SHE do?
Kate is a cunt.
She makes me sick, It is all for the kids! How many times have we heard that? Oh do her kids go to spas and buy designer clothes and jewelry. Do her kids wear new sunglasses, go to the tanning salon, get their hair done, and drive around in new cars? Oh do her kids demand a million dollar home with a pool, and stables. Do her kids need to vacation every few weeks? Do her kids need nannies instead of their parents? Kate is the one who needs all that! And she is the one profiting off her kids back!When she says what is best for the kids, she really means what is best for me!We all saw Jon was the nuturing one the one who bathed fed, changed diapers and played with the kids, the one who emptied potties and cleaned up and suffered with Kates verbal abuse constantly. Also about their college education I heard when they were born they were given all expense paid college educations from the state of PA, so why do the kids need money for a college fund? Funny how Kate never mentions that!
So, its the dogs fault? Ok. I get it. Wow. Thats the lowest. She is officially awful. & speding money at Target looks like fun. I can't even afford Target. Very little to No x-mas this year at my house. For realz. I support myself and had to take a wage cut as soon as they called me back from being laid off for 6 mos. I am not going to enjoy any of it. Except Charlie Brown specials. LOL
Those poor kids have had their (should be) private childhood moments sold as "entertainment" to any perv with a tv. For money so their mom can roll like the rich and famous. She is a shameless child panderer and should be prosecuted for child abuse. Khate is both stupid and cruel. Yeah, I hate on her for what she has done to her kids.
Jon is douchey, but at least he seems truly love the kids, and be willing to actually care for them himself. Like a parent-which Khate has yet to pull off. I say give him full custody and exile Khate.
anon 7:01: If any of those kids stays around PA for college I will be shocked. Thats the only way they would get the free education. & they have to be smart enough. If they take after dear ol' dad, they will be going to voca schools.
PS: Nothing against voca, my daughter did that & went to beauty school. She also attended a state college for a couple of years prior. But a state college has very specific requirements. They have to qualify with grades. They are very lucky if thats true. College costs by the time they go will be totally out of reach for most young ppl.
RIP Ken Ober
The collars can be good if the electric fence covers a lot of space and the dogs have loads of room to run. My parents have one installed on a few acres of land. However, the dogs NEED specific training before just slipping a collar around their necks...they need to know where the fence is and what will happen if they cross it, and the only safe way to get across is if your owners carries you etc. etc.
I can't see Kate putting any effort into doing that, unless they had someone to come in and work with the dogs. Ugh.
Anon 8:08 I can't see Khate putting any effort into anything but her own personal pit of need and greed. Now if she could make money off pervs watching the (long gone)dogs all day, eating scraps, pooping , etc, she might be willing to get them back and hire a dog not-a -sitter.
failing that...
& speding money at Target looks like fun. I can't even afford Target.
Do you hate everyone that shops at target?
Kate has not an excuse for everything she does, and so do the sheeple..they are ALL in denial with each other. Kate thinks its ok to get on her phone and ignore the kids, and if one makes a sound they get the snot smacked out of them, but she didn't tell about that PHONE incident (beating) did she? The denial of water will not be discussed..not unless she wants to explain it away and make excuses !!!
Khate has an excuse, didn't mean Khate 'not'....
maybe other people wouldn't have needed a shock collar if she wasn't such a douche
I loved Ken Ober on "Remote Control".It was like teenage Jeopardy for not super smart kids
I am going to throw my 2 cents in regarding electric fencing as well - we have 5 acres electrically fenced and it has been wonderful for our two large dogs.
The company from whom we bought it, came and trained the dogs over two week's time. It is also important that the shock is correct for the dog's size and weight.
I have carried their collars across the barrier and it is not that bad of a shock, IMO - for the level in which we have it set. Actually, the dogs don't even need the collars any longer as they will not cross the barrier. It allows them a hell of a lot of freedom to run, play and cavort safely. Our pups love it.
Now if we could put a collar on Kate and turn up the "Volume", I would totally be for that, any where, any time!
Come on! Can't ya'll see! Her wit is improv....you know she's an actress!
Loves and Hugs
anony 7:01 -
Also about their college education I heard when they were born they were given all expense paid college educations from the state of PA, so why do the kids need money for a college fund?
The kids have college funds set up by PA, but the state didn't fund them - unfortunately for the Gosselin's. When PA opened the funds they asked taxpayers for donations. So, unless the kids get scholarships, the taxpayers were VERY generous w/donations to the funds, or J&K hit the lottery, it's gonna be difficult for them to afford to send the kids to college.
I cannot stand how she doubletalks.
Example: Most people who get a free vacation to Hawaii would be ecstatic. Not her, she turns it around that she somehow has achieved a goal. "It's always been a goal of mine to go to Hawaii."
Fuck off!
Watching "The Cunt-fest" on TLC. Wow--she really thinks her vagina doesn't stink.
I would love for her to take my order at McDonald's............
I watched it. Didn't see Jon interviewed. Just "poor me" Kate Gosselin. She's a bitch. It made me sick to see Mady and Cara massaging her feet at the ice cream place.
New times Roman font and others where the 'g' looks like an 8. My son age 7 is reading to me and says "mom in know that is the word 'danger' but it could be
'Dan ate her'......
She is just such a wit.
I hate her and Jon BOTH for the situation with the dogs. Shock collars are so cruel.
You are right, yes they are. I looked into it because i had a little yipper...after research I decided it was cruel.
I hope TLC gets slammed by Jon in his countersuit. They trashed him tonight and he is still in the title and it is touted as JON and Kate, not just Kate. How can they possibly get away with trashing him that way and he can't defend himself. I hope the world turns against TLC. I sent them a message telling them I know they don't care, but I and my family will never watch another program on TLC, and that I plan to tell anyone I know who doesn't know about this horrible station that they should boycott it. There is nothing of interest on there anymore anyway. This company needs to go down. God, she is such a BITCH!!!!!
I have never watched a single episode of that trash, and I think I am healthier because it.
Jarhead, I am with you 100 percent.
Used correctly, the collars are a very good safety tool. If the dogs were running off the property, they were fortunate not to have been hit by a car. Even if I had very well trained dogs (not like the two Gosselin dogs), and I let them run off leash, I'd have an electric fence--more as a precaution.
The only problem I can see with them, especially with a little dog, is that they don't stop another animal from coming onto the property and eliminates an escape route for the dog with the collar. Never having used one, I might be wrong in my perception, and I'm sure someone will inform me.
8:38: Chilllll...nobody said they hate Target or anyone that shops at Target. I said it looks like fun. She certainly was loading up. I have never had the forethought to Reality Show-prostitute my kids or anyone else for my own gain nor would I want to. This is a tough economy and I just said it looks like fun but I honestly can't afford it. If you have a problem with that the eff you.
"Do you hate everyone that shops at target?"
I think I'll throw in my two cents here. Love Target shopping, hate Kate who shops endlessly when she has no job.
Ugh...frankly, I can't get upset about her saying something bad about Jon anymore. I have a few choice words for him myself. He's such a selfish immature douchebag.
I'm not saying she's better, so don't rip me a new one.
I can't believe we still don't have a target
in Canada yet. We lost our kmart over 10
years ago. Wallys is all we have and its
always jam packed with people. Sears is
still consisent and has good sales up here.
Our major (2) dept stores have gone under.
Eatons a family built business and
the Bay a 333year old plus furtrading company
that started up in the Hudson bay territories
up north along the explorers / trade routes
that samuel de Champlain canoed along and
established the colonies. It's quite sad to think
all the history involved and sold at auction to
the Target group ( the aquired the Hudson bay co )
However we are still waiting for out first Target
to open up here in Toronto. Kiki in Canada
LOL at Ronnie. Awww, no way. You have a point. They're both rotten, but, I don't hate Jon.
I'll take a photo of our shopping area and show it..be prepared for the words John and Deer.
It has been so funny watching her crying on interviews now about Jon leaving her...that she "made some mistakes". Boo-hoo, wants him back.
Jon is no catch...but I think Kate has realized that she will probably never get a date, much less ever find a man that will take her abuse.
I hate this vile bitch. She is a lazy, crazy ass cunt. Her whole fucking life is a damn LIE. I hope the IRS comes in and audits her ass and they find all that cash in the shoeboxes the dumb shit has hidden under her bed. She should do some decent time behind bars for her con. No Camp Cupcake for her - she needs to go to a nasty ass prison with women who will put her in her place in about two seconds.
Kate said "Alot of people have a lot of contempt and hatred for me" in response to a question about why she needs a bodyguard.
Hmmmm, I wonder why so many people feel you are beneath contempt? That would've been my next question. That reporter had the perfect moment to make her, the reporter's, mark in the world. She should've called the bitch on every single lie and contradiction she could find. Some of us could've supplied her with the ammunition.
I never want to see her cruel, sarcastic, evil face again. I hope that she goes insane and has to be committed.
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