Here's a post to talk about anything you want..or just bitch. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to stop Christmas. The only thing I want during the season is the lights and to buy presents for Lissa. And Casey and her boy friend, they're my family. The rest of these people can not understand that I don't celebrate the birth of their Jesus with cheap insulting crap. I want to celebrate Yule and I want the old ladies to stuff Christmas. Yet, if I don't observe it towards them, I'm evil. It's confusing and pisses me off. I just want out of it. I want it to stop.
Anyway, I have lots of lights and lots of trees. That.. I like. I bought amber lights for outside this year. Lissa informed me they're yellow. Okay, they do look yellow when they're lit up. That's okay, I like yellow. So that's what I'm thinking about today. What are you up to?
i've had vertigo all weekend and i must complete some class work to turn in to get graded this week or i will NOT graduate next month! ARGH! what's frustrating is that this coursework wasn't completed before because i had VERTIGO! SUCKS!!!
i dunno what kind of lights i'm putting up for xmas...haven't decided...have a lot to choose from....
if i were you, i'd buy them crazies a token gift....get your mom a $1 sewing kit and say "i know how you love to sew" which i'm sure she doesn't....let her wonder....if she says she doesn't like to sew, say she TOLD YOU she loved to sew....hahahaha...i'm evil...
or tell them that baby jesus would not approve of such materialism as exchanging xmas gifts!
I am getting munchies together to watch Monday Night Football. I love my home team, the Baltimore Ravens. I don't know why, but I do. I hoot and holler and run through the house screaming like a maniac when they score a touchdown. My crazy mother in law loves them too. We plan football parties, make lots of good food and dips and I drink beer and belch like a man. I love it! There's no room for being ladylike or quaint when football's on. It's my time to let loose. And I love it!I'm making crab dip and Buffalo Chicken Dip. Pat, have you ever had crab dip?
LOL Tia..I was thinking that too. Get the work done, you can do it! I know you can plow through anything.
Valle, it sounds yummy. I love anything seafood. Go Ravens!!!!! <--has no idea what I'm cheering for, but, it sounds fun.
Well if we're just bitching...I am an agnostic atheist. My husband is as well but wont admit it to his uber Catholic parents. I like the season of xmas. I feel good at this time of year. I like what it stands for in a non religious way. By that I mean good will towards others, peace etc. I mean really, how many supposed Christians do you think are contemplating the birth of their Jebus while ripping greedily into all their presents? I would be happy to just celebrate the season and not do any gift exchanges. My husband wont give up the gifts.It annoys me. What the hell do we gain with all the present exchanges? Especially when, like with husband's sisters, we exchange equal amount gift cards? Just more crap to eventually toss.
UUUGGGGHHHH Im not a sports fan, but every year promise my Kodes whose a sports fanatic a "super bowl party" which is basically junk food day just for 3 or 4 people lounge lizard day where everyone stays in there jammies pig out on sausage/cheese/and crackers, tortilla rolls, chips and chicken wings, Shay~Shay is running around the house anymore saying football football hike hike hike, hut hut...Anyways Kodes came in from school last wednesday when I was off work and says to me with much enthusiasm MOM MOM MOM MOM guess what MOM MOM MOM starts spatting off names he said about 4 of them, there my friends and and teachers said they would come to my superbowl party,...I had to do the HUHHHH what do you mean, why are you inviting ppl to our house, FOR THE PARTY you said we were having...Now Im Crapping and hoping these people know he's not really having a party and wont be over cuz I don't know who they are and will actually have to get dressed.
As for Christmas gonna see if the oldest child will get the lights up at some point before christmas, I have a few things for Kodes, and Shay~Shay loves boxes still so I think im good.
Miss Tia --Vertigo although sounds fun when you hear about it the dizzy effect and all, not fun at all when you actually have it so totally am feeling for you and hope if its the ears causing it that the infection goes away soon
4:51:00 PM..that's exactly what I'm talking about. Why do we have to spend money and be broke to buy crap no one really wants. And get stuff we don't want? It's a mess.
Connie, umm, I think you're having a party. PARrrrrrTAY!
I just read that they found the body of the 5 year old girl missing from NC.
I hope her mother and the sick bastard that killed her suffer a slow tortuous death!!!
~Palmetto Girl
thanks connie! mine is due to an over abundance of congestion....i'm taking some homeopathic pills that seem to be working the best---on top of antivert, water pills, decongestants, vicks, etc....
SUCKS!! can't really do diddly squat!
speaking of xmas, the neighborhood kids have already given me their 'orders'!!!
i agree palmetto girl! i wanna take a red hot poker and shove it up that mother's ass and THEN draw and quarter her!!! that poor beautiful little girl to go thru that and die like that!!! because her mother sold her for sex! i would fucking rip that woman apart with my bare hands!
I do not hate Christmas, I hate what it has become. Give give give and you better go into debt doing it or you are not showing you love.
This year it is going to be scaled back. One reason is money and the second reason is I will not be allowed to go shopping (will be recouping from back surgery).
Tia, you are right! Vertigo does suck.
I'm officially past my due date so I am sitting around fat and uncomfortable waiting to go into labor...
Can't wait until I can sit around and drink beer again - my hubby is a football fanatic (Vikings - and he is loving this season) I haven't been able to get my head around Christmas yet this year - too much going on.
Palmetto Girl, I was so hoping they'd find that baby alive. To think, know, that her own mother sold her to perverts is more than I can bear.
Annie, your post cheered me up a little..I hope we get an announcement soon....and a pic! OMG a new beebee!
Excessive snoring and yelling in his sleep. The weight issue is an issue.
Otherwise, wonderful. I'm completely conflicted. MiniMe loves him. Getting away from Mini's sperm donor is a bonus. Being a young widow is NOT something I want.
Hope this isn't too cryptic. Trying to type fast as he snores behind me. He's bored. I don't know where to take him cuz of the huffing and puffing and looks from others. My brother asked if it's ME or what others think. I don't know. It's a bit of both.
The awkwardness is beginning. First two days were better than now.
More later if I get a chance.
Seems the older I get the easier it is to make a break with traditions. Stopped with the extended family get togethers a long time ago and started concentraing on my own (and hubs) immediate family. And then several years ago I made the big break... no more Christmas! That was a hard one for the kids even though they are grown up. I just got to the point where the whole gift giving thing seemed like such a waste. I still give the daughters money but they know better then to buy me something. I'd rather they came over and helped me with the yard work. My last hurdle has been Thanksgiving. I had initially decided not to have it this year. But daughter #2 just got engaged and really wanted her fiance' to experience a Thanksgiving with this new family he's marrying in to. Sigh. But after this year there will be no more Thanksgivings... not in my house.
So many traditions that I used to enjoy when the kids were small just don't do anything for me now. It's just a lot of hard work and a lot of bother.
I do enjoy listening to Christmas music and seeing the lights. But that's about it.
Snark, he sounds pretty awesome. The weight, hmm, I know it's not vanity from you. I dunno, kiddo, I think a few good years with someone you get on with is better that a life time without them. I am so glad mini snark likes him..that's a BIG plus.
Besides, there are never any cut in stone promises about life expectancy. This I know.
Matilda, that's amazing. I think you're a hero.
All my bitching is on Twitter.
Snarky, I was wondering how all that was going.
Breathe. See what happens.
I love the lights and baking cookies , roasting
chestnuts visiting my dad and listening to
him retell his old stories of when he was a kid
or some fun stuff I got up to as a child.
Like this one time he took me and my sister
to the park and bought us icecream and let
us play in the sand we got dirty ate too much
junk and played to much and what does my
mother do when we get back ? She yells
" Bradleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I told you to watch them NOT entertain them !"
WTF?! My mother still does not believe she even
said it she is in a liar she has amnesia when it
suits her but every Xmas my dad retells the stories
at the table and she is mortified by her exposure
of her true shrew self ironically her first name is
Angelina and as my dad Brad says -she's a devil
In disguise. Daddy jokes that Elvis wrote the song about her ! It wouldn't be Xmas without pissing off my mother!
I do t know how my dad had managed to put
up with her for almost 50 years now !!! & btw
my parents are the original Brangelina and the real
ones not those two in LA morticia and prettyboy.
I buy my dad stuff he likes to eat that my mother
won't let him have like pecans & butterscotch candies.
My hubby and I prefer to not get or give gifts
instead we spend the $ on a family trip and go
away and spend the time with our sons and
over the years it's been very worthwhile to
keeping us close. When Xmas comes and
schools shut down and work places close
take the time and be with your kids together
whereever u are in the world. A Xmas tree to
us doesn't have to be a colorado blue spruce
a lit up palmtree on the beach is just as nice.
Who said you have to have turkey ?! Shrimp
is just as good ! And to my mother who says
I'm wasting my $ on these trips WTF ?! ?!?!?!
" you can't take it with you Maaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
-Kiki :) I feel sooo much better after this post.
Sorry it's a bit long DD & on your bday too.
I do not believe you hate Christmas. You want to enjoy the simple things about it without being tortured constantly and it is not just Christmas it is every holiday with them. You have no peace in your life with your family always around. Is there anyway to put more distance between you and them? Even if it is just a few miles? Thank you for your thoughts everyday, I read your blog everyday without fail.
ok, just say you are a Jehovah's Witness now. You won't be celebrating any holidays ever again. Just say it, it will work. LOL...it might even keep the old ladies away. Hey,just tell them - in the name of Jesus you are now a J-Dub! No more x-mas, no more anything. LOL
Miss Tia. Having vertigo has ruined my life. I have mennieres disease. Have you been checked out for that? I thot I had vertigo for a long time. It was more serious. You need to get checked out girly. You may need Rx for it.
Valle? Are you already drunk? hahaha
no, i don't have meinneires [sic?] thank goodness!! i just get vertigo when i am way congested---it's related to sinus issues....i have RX antivert and i am taking all kinds of decongestants....
i am so thankful i don't have meinneires...i dunno how you live with that!!!!
i usually get vertigo 2-3 times a year.....i try to keep on top of my congestion but sometimes it sneaks up on me...
I Love the lights/trees/ bells/ pinecones/gingerbread and the other shiny/good smelling things. The rest of it? bah..humbug..it is all commercial humbuggery. Jesus was born in the Spring anyway. I say, keep the Winter festival aspects, forget the expensive, guilt inducing gifts. Those who celebrate the birthday of Jesus should celebrate as a religious occasion on his actual birthday. Makes much more sense.
As a Jewish girl in a very Christmas orientated society, I'm not a big fan of the commercialism or exchanging gifts.
For Hannukkah we are getting a "family" gift. A Wii.
Mommy's got to sing Beatles.
Christmas. Feh. My husband and I could care less. If we really want or need something we don't wait for the holidays, we just get it if we can. Xmas is for kids. We don't have any of those. We're going to Mexico to drink margaritas under an umbrella on the beach and go surfing.
I'm making homemade laundry detergent, link here:
I've used it for 3 years and love it - cheap and easy, so I give it away to anyone who'll use it.
I"m looking for a good portable washing machine. Anyone heard of this?
Or know of another good one?
I do love parts of Christmas, but left the tacky decorations and gifts behind years ago. It's always been a great reason to bake and eat all kinds of things I wouldn't the rest of the year. I love the scent of pine needles in my house, that's worth more than all the caramel and chocolate combined.
hey anonymous, I'm not drunk yet but will be "pregaming" real soon :)
Valle, it's five o'clock somewhere!
Regarding crimes against children?
One strike and you are OUT. No living for years on the taxpayer's "dime" in protective custody, wiling away your time appeal after appeal.
Take 'em out back and shoot 'em I say- or better yet, Old Sparky. Fuck that "cruel and unusual punishment" BS. They deserve nothing, nada, zilch, but to die and meet either their maker or the plane where really evil people go.
It. Pisses. Me. OFF.
I like Christmas without the extended family, and yay, this year will be like last with only the three of us :)
I love giving gifts to those I love in general, no matter what the holiday. Bought Hubs a good gift today. Now I can't wait for Christmas morning :)
I love Yule too, but son isn't pagan so we do a small thing for Hubs and then the rest we save for Christmas.
I have been wondering how it is going.
Thanks for the mini update and can't wait to hear more~!
People who plan weddings and think the fucking world revolves around it.
I got an invite from a couple, both of which I have never met, and my husband knew the bride 20 yrs ago...they were neighbors---not even friends. We live 12 hours away. Why do they think we give a shit??? How can people be that self-absorbed??
Oh, if I didn't have kids I wouldn't do any of the christmas crap. Don't believe in any of that god/jesus bullshit. But, it's fun to buy my kids presents....they don't get stuff all year round.
Christmas has become progressively more and more depressing as the years go by. This year will be the pits. My husband has been diagnosed with dementia +. He's 59 yrs. old. Life for me right now is total SHIT. I'm very bitter at the world! Sorry to be a downer!
Bayou Jane--you can bitch all you want. So sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. Take good care of yourself, it's in you AND your husband's best interest. Make time for yourself and accept help from people you trust. (you humble me, and remind me what's important)
If we get to bitch here I will bitch because I have an infection in both my ears...my eustaschian tubes are plugged up with fluid. Have been for three weeks now. Whenever I swallow, my ears pop. It's annoying as hell. I wish it would go away.
As for Christmas, I like some Christmas music, and I like to look at Christmas lights (so pretty), but that's about it. I hate the crass commercialism of Christmas and all the people fighting for parking spots at malls and jamming the stores running around going crazy and yelling at cashiers and each other because they can't find whatever gift they need. It all gives me a headache.
My sister, who is insane at the best of times, HATES Christmas and would always throw some kind of fit around this time of year. Ughh, not good memories of that...
My favorite Christmas CD is from the 80s. It's by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton and is called "Once Upon a Christmas." It's awesome, it's my favorite Christmas music.
You always put a smile on my face Pat. Glad you are enjoying your lights and I bet you your house will look amazing. You know what is important in life and I admire you for that.
Myself, the damn puppy is running me ragged lol and I added 5 hours to my work week, so between the 2 of these things, I seem to keep pretty busy.
All is good here though - take care.
You know you can't stop Christmas from coming that has been tried,a grouchy green guy called Grinch. Remember.......the little dog Max was forced to pretend to be a reindeer.....It ends WELL... Big Whoville made up word circle chant.......awwhooovoray...
Drive your neighbors and family nuts this year. Turn your house into a blinking lights nightmare complete with music! :-)
I agree with Karla's suggestion. Deck the place out like the Griswold's house on Christmas Vacation. That should piss everyone off. LOL
Miss Tia: I am so glad that you know you don't have menniere's. It is devastating. It's a bitch. Be glad. I also take meclizine(antivert).I am so happy you dont have it. Once, I joined an online mennieres site to chat & discuss. I got kicked off! LOL!!! They didnt' like that I was seeking treatment and all they did was discuss the war & recipes & mope & whine. There are treatments. I was asked to leave after I insisted there are treatments & was indeed seeing a specialist for the treatments. No cure but treatments. They really hated that. It was hilarious. I was kicked off a site by invisible weirdos that must enjoy being sick. Hell I don't!! And I told them they can do something about it. It's worth the effort. My results have been minimal but I am still doing it. Some ppl just like to moan & cry. I work 40 hrs a week and many of them were stay at home moms/wives with time on their hands. Dumbasses. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.
thanks rox! i made a dr. appt. for tomorrow (couldn't get in today) cuz my congestion is not abating and that's what causes my vertigo...i have like 8 hours of classes today and i dunno how i'm gonna get thru 'em! ARGH!
it doesn't surprise me you got kicked out a group! i discovered years ago that those chat/groups never stay on topic and they don't WANT to be on topic...and then sometimes you get people faking illnesses on 'em too for attention (:cough: my neighbor :cough:)....
my dr. once suggested vestibular therapy and i nixed that! a friend also gets vertigo for congestion and she did that therapy and it gave her her worst attack of vertigo EVER....but she stuck with the therapy and it did no good! she still gets vertigo when she's congested and the therapy doesn't make it last any less!!!
i'm glad you are getting treatment! i can imagine having this constantly!!! :hugs:
Moon, I agree with you (big surprise) but, people who commit crimes against children get light sentances and special protective custody. It makes no sense.
The Griswolds..lol. No thanks, but, funny.
Snarkie, I have become curious about Hannukkah and I need to go look some things up. It all seems very mysterious and I've often wondered if Jewish people have as much commercialisim with the season as the Jesus people. And as much crazy bad family stuff. I suppose they do, but, Hannukka seems calmer somehow.
Miss Tia; I am getting another series of gentamycn injections into my eardrum. A series is 6. I am 1/2 way thru a second series. It's supposed to kill the part of the inner ear that feels the imbalance on that side. It is supposed to become dead. I am hoping for success this time. The shots feel like they are coming out of your eyeball! LOL...
I have never had sinus problems but I know it can make you very very sick. Just everything is wrong when you are having that. I think when something is wrong inside your head (insert joke here) then nothing feels correct or balanced or tastes good. Hugs right backatcha girly!! Good luck with all that class today! Argh! xo
i cannot imagine getting a shot in my eardrum! OMG! made it thru my classes! YEAH! have a dr. appointment tomorrow....
thanks your support rox!
Cool thing:
My family never got commercial with Hannukkah. It's a mellow, calm holiday.
We give the kids gifts but it is never any where near the craziness of that Christmas thing everybody else goes nuts over.
It's the festival of lights. Celebrating the miracle of one evenings oil lasting for 8 evenings.
Trying to get over vertigo, myself. Seemed to come on after having probable H1N1, and hasn't gone away despite repetitive treatments with vibration to that side of my head. Supposedly the crystals in my inner ear are out of place.
I'm not sure what I will do next, or how to pursue it.
I really can't take more time off of work, or spend the time unable to do anything much at home. After each treatment, I am not allowed to look up, look down, bend over or sleep in bed. I have to sleep in a recliner or sitting up on the couch. It sucks. Would be worth it if I felt better for more than a day afterwards, but no such luck after three treatments.
Life would be so much easier if I could just feel a little bit better. At least steady on my feet.
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