CHIPLEY, Fla. – A baby missing for five days was found alive in a box under her baby sitter's bed, and authorities said Thursday they plan to charge the sitter, her husband and the child's mother.
Investigators who searched Susan Elizabeth Baker's home near this rural Panhandle town found 7-month-old Shannon Dedrick tucked under a bed surrounded by items meant to hide her, Washington County Sheriff Bobby Haddock said. The baby, who was taken to a hospital but appeared healthy, was placed in protective custody.
But, that's only the tip of the crazy here. I had to read THIS twice before my brain even kicked in because it's so weird. So, the babysitter, Susan Baker, had ANOTHER child go missing years earlier who was never found?? And she had also contacted the Governor pleading for help for baby Shannon? And welfare workers checked and found the baby living in squaller and her parents high and left her there?? There was also this tidbit.." Susan Baker did serve prison time after authorities investigating her stepson's disappearance discovered a 6-year-old girl in their home had been badly beaten. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison but the sentence was suspended after 80 days. Authorities could not say how the girl was related to Baker."
I am so weirded out by this whole story, my mouth is just hanging open. Anyone care to comment or sort out this episode of the Twilight Zone?
I am sorry and feel mean saying this. But that baby looks like an alien. I know, I know...thats mean. I saw this on Today and that poor baby, jeez. Hate me all you want. Thank good ness she is ok and will never be with her stupid mother. Thankfully most kids grow into their weird shaped heads. Its one of those cases where you have to say "What a sweet baby"...because you cannot say "What a beautiful baby"...no, you cannot. She's fine & safe. There I said it. Sorry. Now hate me.
There are so many unanswered questions to this weird story. There is no telling what all these horrible people have done.
And, I don't hate you, Rox. ;^)
But, Rox, that baby is seven months old and only weighs 11 pounds! That's so bizarre!
OMG, while I'm on this, and MAD..why is a baby weighing only 11 pounds at seven months left alone with parents who are unstable? Why didn't social workers remove this kid? Are the parents really mentally challenged, like I've seen in reports? If that's true, why weren't they supervised? The babysitter! OMG, her stepson vanished forever and she went to prison for beating a little girl and her sentance was suspended to 80 days??? WTF? Reports are that the girl was so beaten her fingers were all broken and Baker got 80 days????? A ton of officals dropped the ball here. No one is protecting the children. NO ONE!
That poor baby looks like an alien because it is malnourished.
Failure to thrive. There should have been people helping that baby. Big red flags should have gone off to protect it.
The back of her head is probably flat...I am sure she was just left in a crib or swing...or box. She's never had any tummy time in her sweet life.
Man, I am barren and losers get to breed.
Elizabeth, awwwww. I feel for you, you sound like my daughter who desperatly wants a baby and would be the best mom in the world.
I thought the same thing, Pat, seven months and eleven pounds is a huge red flag that there is obviously a problem with the child, whether it be an illness or lack of nutrition. I can't wrap my head around this kind of thing.
What the FUCK is wrong with people?How could a social services person look at this 11 pound baby and say, hey, its looks good?
I am so sick and tired of hearing about child abuse and child murder cases. Every day there is one or two cases about a childs death or severe abuse. And these are the ones that make it on the news. This is why sterilization should be legal. Sterilize the fuckers who do this to a child the first time, so we dont have this shit happen again and again. 80 days for beating a little girl and 15 years for having too much pot in your posession. What the fuck is wrong with this justice system?
Post should be titled: "Clone of Deliverance Banjo Boy Found Alive."
I didnt notice the baby was that old. I figured it was a new baby. And the flat back of the head would explain alot & if the parents are mentally challenged then , well, there ya' go. Lots of problems with this baby, it is probably developmentally behind as well, from the looks of things. It needs to be adopted. So weird about all that stuff that happened & no punishment really. It is bizarre.
Crabbie, I knew you'd chime in on this. Sadly, what you said is true. Thats exactly what I was thinking. definitely not a normal baby. Maybe thats why the mother rejected it? Were they just going to let it die hidden away? This has happened many times. Its sad.
Well, I had a lot to say, but as usual you all said it already.
DD, there's even more to that AP story. But this part in particular chaps my ass:
"Court records show that Elizabeth Baker was charged in South Carolina with assault and battery with intent to kill and assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature in 1987. After being convicted, she was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The sentence was suspended to 80 days."
WTF? How does a 10 year sentence get reduced to 80 frigging days?
Duh, that quote was in your piece. I was so incensed I was just seeing red!
I know, Casper. Me too.
Sorry, I know this is off topic, but I just saw pics on JustJared of Katie Holmes bottle feeding Suri on her lap. Is it just me, or is that strange!?! I mean, it's sweet that she's sitting in her lap and all that, but with the bottle she just looks like a giant infant. I don't know - my daughter is within a few days of Suri age-wise, and I can't even imagine doing that.
Did I misread or did that Yahoo story also say the parents are related? Poor kid has all the odds stacked against her.
I just can't believe stuff like this is allowed to happen. I really can't wrap my head around all the mistakes that were made in this one case alone.
Bernadette, that is FUCKED up. I snagged a pic and I'll post on it soon. Thanks.
I have to tell you I am sad and sick of all the useless social workers, and how little they do for children. If there is something that keeps them from being effective then it needs to be fixed.
We just had a very sad case in Cleveland. A little 5 yr old boy was beat and thrown against an object that hit his head and he died.
But, his poor little body was covered, every square inch with burns, cuts and bruises in all stages of healing; even on the soles of his feet. The reason his mother beat him was because he tugged on her dress to get her attention!! Can't really blame the social worker because he was never seen by a social worker. So where was all his family , neighbors, etc??? WTF?!! This kid was not only abused, but he wasn't loved by a single soul. Really makes your heart hurt. And guess where he was born? In prison!!
These types of stories really get me down. There are a lot of mean fuckers out there.
What? This happened in FLORIDA? No way.
Seems to me alot of children come up missing in Fla. Whats going on down there? Lots of people moving in & out of the state I suppose. Its almost every week. The warm climate must provoke bad behavior.
OK Jess...thats what me & Crabbie were saying today. There is def something wrong with that baby. And the Deliverance reference is right on the money.
Well, I wanted to say he reminded me of an inbred but that was unnessary to say. I figured the truth will come out. Dayum.
Isn't Florida the state where a child was lost and never found in the social services system a few years ago? BTW we were taught to say that a baby was "fine" when no other words were fit to describe a baby who was certainly not cute. This poor child needs to be removed and placed with someone who will give it love and attention.
Baby may appear healthy certainly doesn't appear happy. Scary, It has been proven over and over again lots of criminal minds start there first months of life on there own with no bonding of love and nurture. The SYSTEM is not just failing its creating broken people. I guess more jobs for law enforcement and correctional officers. Sad and appalling.
at this baby was found alive and will have the chance at a decent life (hopefully!)....
social services are WORTHLESS...they won't do ANYTHING about my neighbor making her children fake illnesses, "we don't investigate that"....countless ER visits with her kids and "we don't investigate that"...she has the one kid convinced he is retarded but he can't tell his father (Who lives there) because "daddy hates retards"...the child is NOT retarded....
even her sister in laws have called children's services to report some of the stuff she has done to her children...THEY WILL NOT DO ANYTHING!....
soooooooooooooo frustrating watching 3 kids lives be destroyed by their mother and no one who SHOULD do something WILL do anything....
I was very happy when I heard this sweet little baby was found alive.
But seriously how does a 7 month old only weigh 11 lbs. and no one can tell there is a problem?
The most helpless beings in the world are children and animals and anyone who abuses either should be locked up and the key thrown away forever.
It just breaks my heart to hear about the terrible things that people do to their children.
Miss Tia,
Your neighbor sounds like a possible candidate for Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Social Services should definitely investigate that.
I am relieved this child has been found and shocked a 7 month old would be allowed to weigh this little for so long. My Dr. was going to admit my newborn to the hospital as a failure to thrive because he didn't gain weight for two weeks after birth! 7 months and 11 pounds?! WTF! There's all kinds of weird on this story.
frimmy, without a DOUBT my neighbor has munchausens! there's even a retired nurse in the neighborhood who has called children's services (i think everyone around here has called) and told them clinical symptoms, etc and they will do nothing!!
rounds of FAIL!
Fla. is famous for losing children. I don't remember how long ago it was, but a child got totally lost in the foster parenting program. I never heard what happen to the child. I believe it was a little black boy, but I can't remember the details. I just know everytime I hear of a child missing in Fla. I think about that.
And I'm not blaming Fla. Just saying!
This sweet baby is dead in the eyes - she has no feeling. She most likely has never had any love or cuddling EVER. There were reports of abuse as early as 2 weeks after her birth. It broke my heart watching her being cuddled by law enforcement on the news. That was probably the only loving human touch she has known. She showed no emotion because she doesn't know any different.
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