So I got excited when I got it done and could get to the fun stuff. I managed to untangle some little trees and put them in pedestal pots on either side of the door. I got the new lights out and went to get extension cords..and found none. By that time all the stores were closed. WTF? Where do all the damn extension cords go anyway? I had a big box of cords in the closet, in my friggin' way all year, and I went through it and found guitar and amp cords, a wah wah peddle, 28 phone cords (wtf), some computer cords, power strips, USB cable and assorted other bullshit and no extension cords. I threw the box in the shed. Every year I buy what seems like a dozen extension cords and they disappear like socks in a dryer. I'll probably find them next July and lose them by September. I also realized after I got the lights around the porch roof, that somewhere in my junk is a bunch of really nice evergreen garland I bought on sale after Christmas last year. Which means I have to redo all of it. Or pretend I didn't buy it. Don't ya love decorating? I think a crack head having an epileptic seizure would be more organized than I am.
I still have to buy Christmas lights. Maybe this weekend. Its the whole extension cord thing I'm not looking forward too.
I'll let you know if I accidently shock myself somehow. :)
Okay, Naseem, I wanna see it when you're done. I know you have a better set up than I do. I have no outside plug and no money to call the electrician for a non emergency. I drilled a hole in a windowsill and jammed a cord through it and then sealed it with spray foam. LOL..totally ghetto. Works though.
every christmas when I decorate I'm like clark griswald with the lights and cords. I had too many light strings attached and then would blow one of the little fuses in the light strand and i would have to try and get that little friggin fuse out and find another one in the junk drawer to replace it. (wow that's a sentence!)i also buy timers so i don't have to go around and plug/unplug every day. I get up on the roof, put lights in the trees, in the windows, everywhere! Last year i got trees with big bulb lights that play music and the lights flash to the music .I love them. I love decorating for Christmas. I usually end up crying because half a strand on the roof will go out once the ladder is out away , then i'm on another ladder trying to poke then with a broom stick so they'll come back on. I turn the musical trees on extra loud (they have a remote!) to bother the schizo acrossed the street heh heh.
Valle, I want a pic, seriously. OMG, I hate it when half your string of lights goes out. Cheap motherfucking china made lead filled cocksucker bastard sonsabitches!!!!!! And it's always the roof ones. During an ice storm.
Yeah, one year I was one the roof, my husband was on the ground watching (or course) his friend came riding down the street and he hurried up and climbed halfway up the ladder like he was helping!I ratted him out to his dudes. This is a youtube video of the trees like I have .Not my video though.
just watched the video again and can't wait to put them up!
I thought of you today when I bought 2400 more lights, that's 8 boxes worth! Jim asked when I thought I had enough, I told him when the neighbors complain LOL
extension cords & matches, I can never find a match to light a candle. I saw on Today this morning that if you unplug things when not in use you can save a ton of money! Unplug your phone charger was a big one. Current is still passing thru it. It was like saving 32 cents an hour or something. Thats alot of money!!! So, unplug those lights and damned extension cords!!!
We did all of our outside decorating yesterday and I have to say it looks pretty dang good! Going to post pics soon.
My friends said I was crazy because it's too early, glad to know I'm not the only one. I want to be able to enjoy it all for a good amount of time and get it done before it gets unbearably cold out.
P.S. Got baby's due date today --- 7/7/10 and I'm 7 weeks today! 7-7-7? Jackpot?
PS: The total savings was for unplugging everything not in use, not JUST a phone charger! That would be ridic. Sorry it just came out wrong.
Ohhh, Nissa, I wanna see yours too. OMG, you guys, I'm just trying to get the tiny porch done and it's crazy.
I went to work today and the shop is closed. Weird. Day off, I guess. I got cords, there's no excuse now.
I'm not unpluggin' nuthin'. I'm lettin' 'em shine until Jan 2nd! Boooo ya.
OHHHHH! Biz, buy a lotto ticket, got that 7 thing going. LOL. Aww, that's so exciting. Will you find out ahead if it's boy or girl??
Buz? hahahahaha :)
Yes, we will find out ASAP if it's a boy or girl, but that won't be until about late Jan early Feb.
We are all thinking blue around here tho!
Hey, I changed my typo..lol. I saw and went wtf? A little boy would be perfect, but, Sammy having a little sis would be so cool too. You'd have lots of girl clothes. Either way, it's exciting. I wonder if Sammy understands yet?
Congratulations Biz!! You are in for some big fun!!
You crack me up! Now I'm wondering where the hell all our extension cords are. Thankfully (or dickishly) my husband cut our nice tree trimming bushes by the front of the house so it saves me time. He said they were the reason our basement always flooded. Riiiiiight.
My son's birthday is 7-7 too!
Great for remembering when you have to rattle it off!
Also good not to be pregnant in the heat of the whole summer!
My baby is 18 now!
m, is he related to my mother? I can't figure out how shrubs would make a basement flood.
Lucky number 7 for Trish and Biz. My kids and grand kid were all born on the 23rd.
i always loose extension cords....always....i dunno what kind of display i'll have this year...ain't going up til first weekend of december cuz i have too much school work to do til then!
Yours is always cute, Tia and kid friendly.
I can't wait to see the pics of everyones decorations.
Every year I wish we would have snow for Xmas but we are usually wearing shorts.
Hey Biz! My son was born 7-17 and he weighed 7lb 7oz. I didn't even think about it until all the gamblers in the family said he would be lucky. Good luck to you!
Every year we hope for a white Christmas. Not this year please! We're taking the kids and staying at a hotel at the ocean that has an indoor pool, hot tub, TIKI BAR, snack bar, game room, all that good stuff. Friends and family are going with their kids as well. Every year we look for something to do,never really find much.I'm finally looking forward to New Years Eve where I will be drunk fat and happy. As Vicki would say , "WOO HOO!"
Normally, my husband decorates the house, the fence, the dog houses, etc, but I'm not sure we will decorate this year. My father-in-law is dying, and we just heard from my mil, that the hospice nurse came out to evaluate him, and thinks it might be about two weeks.
He has been going downhill for some time, but he is such a tough-ster, having been declared dead after the revolution in Hungary, the death march, etc., it has not seemed real until now.
I think this is going to be a very subdued holiday season for us.
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