I want to watch the show where they get what they really deserve and they can't afford implant updates and no man will throw buckets of money at them. I think Tamra should be a waitress at local fish house, minimum wage. Since that Viki loves to tap a keyboard, she can be a cashier..at a convenience store, night shift. Gretchen can be a stripper, she has a killer bod and is the only one that's actually good looking. I'll give her a break, since her occupation is already whore. That tubby one (not pictured) Jeana..she can be a lunchroom lady in an inner city high school. Yeah, I'd love seeing her mean ass passing out the tater tots in a hair net while the kids threatened to shank her for extra jello. And that brain dead one, what's her name, oh, yeah, Lynne..she can work in a factory.
I would tune in to every episode of that show. Let them get off work totally exhausted and go home to their rent controlled dumps and have boxed mac and cheese for dinner. Once a month they can go shopping at the Salvation Army or get together and have a hair removal party where they serve Doritos and wine from a box. I want to see the episode where they all have to pull an extra shift so they can call the Orkin man to kill the silver fish in their moldy bathroom..which they only have one of. And they learn what Cubic Zirconia is. Now, that's a show I'd watch. What planet are they from?
I would tune in to every episode of that show. Let them get off work totally exhausted and go home to their rent controlled dumps and have boxed mac and cheese for dinner. Once a month they can go shopping at the Salvation Army or get together and have a hair removal party where they serve Doritos and wine from a box. I want to see the episode where they all have to pull an extra shift so they can call the Orkin man to kill the silver fish in their moldy bathroom..which they only have one of. And they learn what Cubic Zirconia is. Now, that's a show I'd watch. What planet are they from?
i don't get the title of those 'real housewife' shows...they ain't fucking REAL housewives!!! REAL housewives, struggle with kids, husband, the house, jobs, homework, laundry, etc.....
these women have no fucking clue what 'real' means with their fake tits, faces, hair, etc....
DD..you are always thinking what I am, these woman are stupid..as you said, Gretchen is the only one who looks half way decent and now she is ruined by slutty Slade. I believe that man would kill someone to be in front of a camera..remember the show he did where he tried to find his ex housewife a fake boyfriend...the only good news is that same ex not a housewife (ho) is not on the show anymore, her voice was like nails on a chalkboard...I hate these woman. Thank you :)
I'm really irritated by the "jobs" they come up with. Oh, I'm broke, let's see, I know, I'll become a designer! That is so fuckkkkkked up.
Here's one for brain dead Lynn. Even though she couldn't pay rent and was eventually evicted, Miss Lynn got herself a face lift. Priorities, anyone?
Urgh this show is soooo stupid! These women don't know the first thing about the recession. Not being able to get botox everyday is not the same thing as living check to check. They need to go cry in their glasses of wine and get off Bravo. I wouldn't mind another cooking show instead.
they made that show already. It was called "Good Times"...only the women were black. Life IS hard. I hate how TV makes it seem easy. It isn't.
I know! I love the way they buy their teenage daughtes plastic surgery, like that's normal. "Her graduation boob job." Like everyone does that. They live on the planet Fucktard.
I read somewhere that the "housewives" pocket 30K per episode. Hmmm, I'm skeptical. But if they are making money off the show how can they all (with the exception of Vicki) be in a bad financial place?
I guess Vicki's business is booming and she is adding more staff in these tough times.
Jeanna had to sell cars, artwork, houses.
And why should we feel sorry for them???
God! Silverfish are totally disgusting!
The "wives" are definately not of this planet. Vicki goes to Italy and acts like a Ugly American, I was truly embarassed for her. She has absolutely no class, I dislike her the most.
The new one cuts her husband's meat, Slade hangs a sock off his c$#k while a 16 yr.old begs for alcohol. Jeana acts the poor part by shopping at H&M, not Bergdorf, but spends $200.00.
TamRa is just pitiful crying over the short sale. Please, she grew up poor and now she acts like it's beneath her to have to downsize.
They all need to get a clue.
They can all go FUCK OFF ! What a bunch of
skanks the worst one is that fugly toothpick
Laurie she used to work for Vicki now she
is married to George she has more $ than Vickie
ever will and Vickie is pissed off she couldn't
wait for her useless hubby don to buy her a rolex
so she buys it herself. What a Ballbreaking Bitch.
Her daughter briana is the only one with sense
on the whole show she became a nurse. Vickies
partyboy son is a joke Micheal schmicheal ?!
Don't even get me started on lauries kids the 2 older
ones the lil Sophie she's a sweetie :) too young yet.
Her daughter is a spoilt pig and her sons a addict.
Lynnes kids are drinking behind her back she's a
lazy cow too. Jenna s girl is a spoilt brat as her
son Shane the lil one is the one with the arm for
baseball Cara is mean and Shane is worse. Matt
left her and them he's a mess too Jenna can't
let go of her glory days when she was thin and in
playboy come on that was like 30 years ago !
The way they hold on and grasp for dear life
to this idea of youth is beauty pileeeze !!!
Most of them were ugly when they had their youth
the society they live in frivoulous and that
Botox is a necessity beats all. If only they made a
pill or or injection for stupidity greed & can cure
these bitches and get them to STFU !!!!!!!
Lisa kn Ita Gretchen is the only real pretty one
but that slade Slimey is no good !!! He'll
bring her down too the gutter and good
riddance to the singer Jo / Molly maid pornstAr.
I wish Jill nyc& nene atl would beat all their asses!
Now that would be a reality show I could watch! These bitches make me sick! Wahhhhh I have to downsize from my million dollar house, Wahhhhh I had to sell artwork and cars to keep ONE of my many houses. How about the real world where people do not know where their next meal is coming from? Fuck off you entitled fucking bitches!
I really enjoyed the comments. Roar on ladies.
who is running the zoo these women escaped from? Thats crazy. I don't watch it but I have in the past. Honestly, most of them look the same, as in Hef's Ho's! Same-Same. WTH? And thats a good idea? NO! All the husbands hate & cheat on their wives. Why? Because they are trying to find a real woman but they never will anyway 'cuz they are as fake as the bitches they cheat on. It's just insane and as real as those boobs in the pics! I hate this. Why is this sh** on TV? Is there just nothing else the networks can afford anymore? Bravo effed up when they booted Heidi & Co over to Lifetime.
Maureen you can totally type cock on here..lol. I am the profanity queen. Oh, yeah, I love how Viki economises by going to Italy. What hooie. Yeah, she acted trashy. "They don't speak English, gawd!" Insulted that the guy thought she wanted low class California wine. Cripes on a cracker.
And someone needs to tell them that even though they brag about regular boob job updates, they're chest flesh sags in between and it makes me gag. Tamra thinks she can sell her old implants on eBay. What?
Have surfed this show a few times. Can't seem to stomach an entire episode of these fake skanky gold diggers. I saw part of one where Vicky's kid, (supposed to be perfect) was touted to be getting a summer internship that would impress everyone and set her up for a brilliant carreer. Then when they actually interviewed the girl, it turned out she had a summer of "doing nothing" and partying planned. "So that's what I'll do". Bet she did too. None of these women are worth a plugged nickle.
DD has got the best idea. None of them know how to really work, make do, sacrifice for others, or live any kind of meaningful life.I'm all for "re-education camps" for these annoying hos. That I would watch.And if Vicky has all that money, why can't she do something about her face?It hurts to look at it!
Did someone say Doritos and boxed wine? Where's the party?!
I would MUCH RATHER watch a show about housewives struggling to pay the bills and working two jobs. I'm sick to death of these "rich people going shopping" shows. It's so boring. I once read "Shopping is fun to do, but not much fun to watch" and that's so true IMO.
I don't watch this show but fromt he way you described these women, DD, they sound like ten-year-olds. "I need money. Maybe I'll become a movie star!" Yeah, that's realistic. If you've ever watched "America's Next Top Model" you will see lots of this. The model hopefuls are always saying things like "I need to become a model so I can take care of my family." Whatever. If you really want to take care of your family, go back to school and get some training that will allow you to land a steady job, don't run around after a one-in-a-million shot of being a supermodel.
AMEN, DD. That's a show I would watch, too.
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