I just took the old ladies to the store..it's friggin' Tuesday..and they didn't piss me off. It was so weird, I wish it could always be like that, but, I'll take what I can get. It's nice to not be pissed off for one day. I didn't really need anything, but, I went in to get cigs and I found a sale basket with some really nice books for Lis. I'll put them in her growing Santa stash. On the way to the counter, I saw turkeys on sale. I thought, no, I'm sticking with my chicken plan, there's no sense in turkey for one. But, then I noticed the turkey is cheaper than a whole chicken and I was, like, what? I got this good sized turkey for $6 bucks. I don't shop in the meat aisle much, can you tell? I was like, damn. I'm having turkey! I don't give two craps about Thanksgiving, not even sure when it is. As soon as this thing is thawed out, it's going in the oven. My daughter will be here this Friday because her dad is getting remarried, so we can have it then. And Lis will be here too. Having my girls here at the same time is a holiday for me. I'm feeling rather cheerful right now! I have some more lights to put up. The sky has been spitting snow noncommittally for two days and it's pretty out. Yep, that's Stovetop..what did you expect? Casey loves the stuff. I like it too. So I guess I'll have turkey until I'm sick of it and throw it out. And for $6 bucks, I don't feel guilty. I could feed all the cats dinner, but, I think I'd be moving into strange old lady territory that I don't want to go to yet. I'm just feeling pretty cozy today. What do you have planned?
The husband and I moved 1000 miles away from family last year so we will be eating by ourselves and that's fine with us. I do a small version of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Part of why we moved ( and there were several reasons ) was to get away from family, namely his. We both heave a sigh of relief on the holidays because we can just hang out and eat with out assholes all around us. Here's to an asshole-less Thanksgiving! May yours be asshole free to.
Wow! It's really great to hear that you will have an early holiday. That is what I think a holiday should be. People you love, good food and relaxation,it doesn't matter what day of the year it is. Have a great day!
i love making thanksgiving food! homemade everything, except i love stove top and brown and serve rolls. my mom made home made stuffing once and it was foul! it's crazy but i would rather be at my mother in laws house on thanksgiving than with my cranky crotchety extended family. my mil is crazy in a good way. she's been through alot. drug addiction, 1st husband killed himself, 2nd husband lost to cancer. she has still come out ok. make that better than ok, she's awesome!i wish i could be as close to my own mother.
Chum, "eat with out assholes" is now an offical holiday. LMFAO! An asshole free day.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY a new post LMAOOOOO...Did you see Suri's coat lol..anyways, there are so many left over turkey recipes that you can make but I have to say I love the turkey sandwiches much rather have it over the traditional Turkey. I enjoy the stove top stuffing but love the homemade cornbread stuffing...I remember when I made my first Thanksgiving dinner I was 18 my grandparents came over my Nanny and grandpa said it was the best turkey ever, extremely moist...My Grandpa did ask if I was trying to make cornbread stuffing or one huge hockey puck, it was pretty dry and hard probably could have putten a hole in a wall..my stuffing has improved since then.
Valle, I'm a brown and serve roll fan. I like the wheat ones and have 'em around all the time. Yep, I loved my MIL and her dinners too. She was such a good MIL. Still miss her, RIP. My mom, on the other hand, ukkk her dinners are notoriously weird and bad. Just bad.
Think Marie Barone and her turkey shaped tofu. Fuckin' gross.
LOL Connie. Man, I look foreward to a turkey sammich with stuffing and gravy and cranberries on it. That my fav. Hell, I think I'll just eat that to begin with.
And I made my own crannberry sauce once and it was good. But, I still love the jelly stuff that's shaped like a can. Awesome stuff.
I still have pumpkins. Has anyone ever made pumpkin pie from scratch? I wonder if it's hard?
Nice post =)
I've made pumpkin pie from scratch. I used a gingerbread crumb crust. Made pumpkin cheesecake too - it was fricken awesome. Pumpkin pie is one of those pies you can buy at the store that is almost good as homemade. So buy one, spend time with your girls and enjoy. =)
(it's pretty easy)
I'm going to spend the USA thanksgiving day
watching the macys day parade looking for
Katie j on tv set with her rwa sign and it's
also my birthday. We had thanksgiving on
the first Monday of october. Kiki in Canada :)
ps I love stove top stuffing and Connie they make
a cornbread mix now it's very nice i added
some green giant niblets to the mix and it
was extra cornie connie ;) - Kiki
Naaaa, no story bought pie is as good as home made, it's the crust. I am good at pies. Totally NOT domestic, except pies. I think I might try the pumpkin. I have to go clean them up anyhow. Pumpkins and Christmas lights look so stupid together..lol. I keep putting it off. It's chilly out there and I'm feeling lazy. So far, I have the wheelbarrow moved to the front. That's it. LOL.
Oh, Kiki, damn, I love cornbread. I have some mix in the cupboard...now you have me hungry for cornbread. And beans. Yum.
Mashed potatoes and gravy and homemade stuffing. I could bypass the turkey completely. Anyone make their potatoes with cream cheese, half and half and butter? All the yummy seasonings? If you want the recipe, let me know, it's a heart attack waiting to happen, but so good, you don't even care...much :)
I forgot to say WOW 6$ for a whole turkey !
Mcdonalds charges $9.20 for a nine piece
mcnuggets meal omg ! DD do u make your own
gravy too ? My favourite food and drink and
soup and savoury is gravvvvvvey !!!! ;) Kiki
Almost Made From Scratch Pumpkin Pie
(I think you could substitute fresh pumpkin-just be sure to pack it tight)
6 TBS Brown Sugar
2 TBS White
1/2 teas Salt
1 teas Cinnamon
1/2 teas Ginger
1/8 teas Cloves
1/2 Cup Dark Corn Syrup
3 Slightly Beaten Eggs
1/2 teas Nutmeg
1-1/2 Cans Pumpkin
1-1/2 Cups Evaporated Milk
1 teas Vanilla
Bake 425 for 15 Minutes
Turn down to 375 Until Ready (knife comes out clean)
Me too I love cornbread with a spicy hot
jalapeño butter ( chop up mince dice a bit of
jalapeño pepper and stir it into some softened
butter and a pinch of paprika for colour )
that's my recipe for the spiked butter to spread over
a warm square of cornbread right outa the pan !!!
Dammmmm it I made myself hungry. Now !!!
I think the only thing Thanksgiving is good for is time off work and school. We go to a brunch at the Buckeye Hall of Fame in Columbus every year. How is that for sentimental LOL I also love Christmas lights and my house is already lit up to rival Clark Griswold;)
Angie!!! I totally make my mashed potatoes with cream cheese & butter! It's like dessert! I only use Milnot in them, no milk. Tons of real butter and at least 1 block of cr cheese. It's amazing. I always worry about the bad part when I am eating till it hits my mouth. You kinda forget when it tastes so good. BTW: My husband is having his top teeth pulled the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I don't think he will be eating hardly anything. But if anything at all, it will be my mashed potatoes & gravy! Love it! I'm hungry too now. I haven't bought anything yet tho.
NIssa! Send me a pic of your house! I love the lights. That's what I'm doing now. I finally got the pumpkins hauled off. Saved small ones for pie. Took down the tipsy pot, moved the firewood. And now I'm untangling all the trees I found at the curb and yard sales all Summer. Whew. It takes so much work to get to the fun part.
Dumpster trees...lol.
Cream cheese in taters, oh, yum. I love that.
Thank you, Coyote. I am so hungry now. LOL.
This is going to be only the 2nd time in 32 years of marriage I won't be cooking a whole dinner. Since my mom is 82, we are going to spend TG with my mom and my 2 sisters and their families. I have 2 brothers and another sister but they're assholes so they're not invited.
My husband gets a small turkey from work so I'll make that and some stuffing the day before so we can come home to leftovers. DH and my son like turkey,bacon,lettuce tomato, and swiss cheese sandwiches.
The first year I didn't cook was when my dad died in November. We all brought dinner to my moms. The 2nd time was the first TG after my son died.
He would have turned 18 tomorrow. I hate November. My 32nd wedding anniversary also falls on TG this year.
After you've cut all the meat away from the carcass, why don't you wrap it up all nice, take it next door, bang on the door like there's a fire, and when they answer, tell the old hags that you cooked them TG Dinner?! Then say, "those damn boys must have eaten it all. . ." Muah hahahahahah!!!!!
Mmmm Cornbread! I made 2 huge pots of chili this weekend and taught my girls how to make cornbread to go with it. It was so yummy good! Today is my 13 yr olds birthday, and she picked mac and cheese and chicken nuggets for dinner tonight. Not what I would have picked, but its not my birthday. :)
I have enjoyed your blog for several months now, and have been a little apprehensive at posting, as so many of you seem to already know each other. Kind of like being on the outside looking in I guess, but I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I have enjoyed your comments, rants and insights. Thank you for taking time to share part of yourself with the rest of us. It reminds me that I am not the only one with a crazy mother who should have been committed a long time ago.
I love Thanksgiving. This year, I will be relying alot on my kids to help me with the cooking as I have been sick, and really dont see being 100% (or even 50%) by next week. Fortunately for me I have kids who love to cook. Besides the cornbread and chili this weekend, I taught my girls how to make the praline pumpkin dessert we all enjoy so much. Homemade mashed potatoes are a favorite here too, and yep, we are a full stick or more of butter people. I have never tried it with cream cheese before. Ill have to ask if anyone whats to try it once, as we will probably be making mashed potatoes 4 or 5 times over the long weekend. Thanks to whoever mentioned it!
Well, I go back to lurker mode now. Thanks for being a fun stop on my daily internet trip :)
Peg, how do you get out of inviting the assholes? Don't they bitch and cause trouble?
MomOf4InPA, welcome! Feel free to join in anytime. It won't take long for you to get to know us, we're a pretty open bunch and tend to put it all out there.
Uummmm, turkey and all the fixin's! Can't wait. And yes, do make your own pumpkin pies...they are sooooo much better than store bought and very easy. Just be sure to cover the crust edges with strips of foil for most of the baking time so they don't get too browned.
Here's my favorite stand-by recipe to fill one 10 inch pie shell, or two shallow 8 inch shells.
1 c sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp (each) nutmeg, ginger and allspice, 1/4 tsp cloves, 1 1/2 cups plain pumpkin, 1 1/2 c undiluted canned evaporated milk, 2 eggs, 2 Tbs cornstarch.
Just mix all the above till smoothe and fill the pieshell(s). Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, turn oven down to 375 for 35 minutes, and then turn down again to 350 for the last 15 minutes. It's done when a knife inserted in the filling comes out clean. Yummy warm or cold.
Ahhh the crust...ok I was talking about the filling. Definitely the crust is better homemade but I suck at pastry. Pumpkin pie filling, homemade vs store bought is pretty good. Fruit fillings are all starch, water and sugar and not a lot of fruit. You can't really fake pumpkin. (Although interestingly you can fake plum sauce using pumpkin as I noticed one day looking at the ingredient list on the bottle).
I throw dried cranberries in my stuffing homemade or stovetop. I thought it was an original idea but since then I've seen some recipes using that as a variation. I love stuffing. I have a great recipe I've been using for years. It has hazelnuts in it.
I love the canned cranberry sauce and I'm usually a make it myself kinda person but why make it if you can open a can and get something perfectly good?
My MOL used summer savoury - home grown on Prince Edward Island - as the only seasoning. It was the best. I miss her. Reminded me of the shorter old maid sister in the movie Arsenic and Old Lace. Except MOL only killed people with kindness.
Sorry I started rambling there...
Pat ~ The next time you get a turkey on sale - give it to the butcher and have him cut it in half. I've done that with whole turkeys and turkey breasts. Throw half in the freezer and cook the other half. I love leftovers, but can only eat so much of it ;)
I've cooked Thanksgiving dinner since the first year I was married. (1972) The numbers went from a high of 23 to now 2. The asshole is gone, most of the relatives are dead, some live too far, my son doesn't have enough time off from work to drive home. So, it's just my daughter (and her large dog) & I. Ever make Thanksgiving dinner for a Vegan? It's the kid's favorite meal. Drives 7 hours across the state for it. She eats everything except the turkey & gravy. Crazy kids. It'll be nice to have her home again, she hasn't been back since Christmas. And, she takes home a cooler full of leftovers, taters, stuffing, veggies, pie, the jellied cranberries, apple bread. We fight over the stuffing.
I'll get some tonight and e-mail you! It kind of sucks because we have no snow and they look so lost out there in the 50 degree sunny weather. I get excited when the lights are peeking out through the snow. I also love my lights in the house! I would keep them up year round if Jim would let me LOL They just brighten the place up and it is so depressing to go back to boring after the holidays.
PS. You all are making me very hungry LOL Can I come for dinner?
I love reading about everyone's Thanksgiving traditions and recipes. My husband and I both had divorced parents and spent our first few Thanksgivings driving between 4 houses in an effort to keep our parents happy. After our son was born (17 years ago), I put an end to that and we started doing our own thing. Now it's one of my favorite holidays because the only people we spend it with are people we invite.
DD..you should do a post dedicated to favorite recipes.
Evil cut otd youtvsuggestion had me laff so hard
I cried picturing DD at her mothers door with
the carcass on a platter all covered up in foil !
Lol :-))
crying and choking on my cough in Canada
Nissa sure u can anytime ;)
Frimmy I love pei in the & I watch that nice
Chef at home Micheal smith everyday On food network
momof4inpa hello and welcome from :) Kiki in Canada
ita DDs site is the best place to hang out and we all
have such a comraderie going on some days we are
on fire such as this topic I was so hungry I had to go
find something to appease my intense craving for
cornbread this afternoon. I had to make do with
a lil packet of potatochips :) oh well cest la vie - Kiki :)
Evil cut otd youtvsuggestion had me laff so hard
I cried picturing DD at her mothers door with
the carcass on a platter all covered up in foil !
Lol :-))
crying and choking on my cough in Canada
Nissa sure u can anytime ;)
Frimmy I love pei in the & I watch that nice
Chef at home Micheal smith everyday On food network
momof4inpa hello and welcome from :) Kiki in Canada
ita DDs site is the best place to hang out and we all
have such a comraderie going on some days we are
on fire such as this topic I was so hungry I had to go
find something to appease my intense craving for
cornbread this afternoon. I had to make do with
a lil packet of potatochips :) oh well cest la vie - Kiki :)
DD-pumpkin pie from real pumpkins...easy peazy. Crack your pumpkins in half, sccop out the seeds and strings. Put cut side down on a cookie sheet and bake/roast at 350-400 degrees until soft...usually about and hour. Scrape the flesh from the skin. If you don't like it stringy you can put it in a blender or food processor. Use you favorite recipe for pie and just replace the fresh pumpkin for canned.
You are getting the tail end of our weekend storm of 8 inches and first subzero temps. escrow
Michael Smith rocks, Kiki!
My dad would always cut it up in chunks like a cantloupe without the skin and seeds and stew it on the stove in a big pot. After that my mom would freeze it in portions and use it just like canned pumpkin. I always thought it was better.
Pat, we just plan our dinner and don't invite them. There's not much they can do. We don't talk. Fortunately all the cousins have not let the parents arguments enter into their friendship with each other.
We don't get along with my brothers or sister so we don't try and put on that fake family front for the holiday. Though I know my mom would like all her kids together. It's better to have a peaceful holiday. Fuck them.
Years ago my sister and I decided that Thanksgiving dinner is perfect because it has the four basic food groups (in my family) -
1. Meats and Gravies
2. Potatoes and Breads
3. Butters and Creams
4. Sugars and Chocolates
i am going to a buffay with my best friend and then we go to the xmas tree display and then i'll come home and make a video of all my tree pix with music like i did last year!
I guess since turkey is a tradition for Thanksgiving, companies know that even at a lower price, the more they sell, the more the profit. Makes you wish the pilgrims had celebrated with a side of beef!
costco has a huge pumpkin pie for i think 6 or 7 bucks. HUUUUUUUUUUUGEEEEEEEE
also my 9 year old asked me to stock up on cranberry sauce. i hate how it slides out of the can in one solid hunk and makes that slurp noise as it slides out.
Well, my grandma has decided to shun my mom and I because we had the nerve to be upset with my father when we found out he was having an emotional affair. We normally do all holidays at my parents' house, but now she has run her mouth to all the family that live out of town and they are coming in to town to celebrate at her house. With counciling, my parents are working it out, but my grandmother somehow thinks that SHE is owed an apology! Good times...
Valle, cranberry sauce is super easy to make. Just water sugar and cranberries, cook and strain. I don't like anything else in mine. They taste much better than the can stuff. I love to dip turkey in it.
BTW Wal Mart is suppose to be selling Turkeys for 5 bucks. Costco's pumpkin pie is great and so is the Apple. I still would rather homemade pies.
All sorts of Thanksgivings past. Big, mostly at (ex) MIL's house, at my parents, at my brothers'. But everything changes. MIL (ex) and my brother both recently passed away. Crazy Mom has moved to east coast with a sib. Most my family lives far far away now. It's down to me, two of my 4 kids, and their dad (my ex).
It's real basic & simple, we share the cooking...but sometimes i do miss the glory days of the huge family groups, the tables overloaded with yummy food
of all sorts.
Best Thanksgiving...In Mexico at a lovely old hotel.
Worst Thanksgiving...when my Granny's Turkey gave us all salmonella.
I have good memories of Thanksgiving as a kid..we're a small family. When I got married, I moved to Venezuela for 14yrs. (don't get me started about Chavez..God, what an asshole!), and I tried for awhile to do Thanksgiving for my kids...but it's a Thursday...reg. work day...so just got tired of the aggravation. Now I live in Spain (last 6 1/2 yrs), and I wish I could do turkey day desperately! But, :) I do make turkey and cranberry sauce for the Christmas Eve dinner!
I will be spending Thanksgiving with my folks. And this year I am going to try to make pumpkin roll from my moms recipe.
I have noticed that turkeys are selling for 29 cents a pound in some stores.
Momof4InPA! Hello! Please join in! We love to talk & share experiences as you know. And sometimes just bitch it out! It's a real hoot. I have loved DD's site for nearly 3 years now. Wow! Is it that long? Is that possible?? Happy Thanksgiving Day recipes! I will keep them in mind. And yes, please try the cr cheese in the potatoes, you will never go back. Mashed potates just taste bland w/o it once you have tasted it.
We were also planning to have chicken instead of turkey but I decided we would give turkey another try this year and maybe it won't come out dry. My relatives from NYC may or may not come by but as long as I'm with my family that's all it matters.
Hope you enjoy the turkey dinner with your girls!
Thanks for the warm welcome Pat, Kiki, and Roxanne! I am really glad I found this site about 6 months ago. You ladies laugh and cry and rant and celebrate together, and it has been a pleasure to be an onlooker to it.
psst- Happy Belated B-day Pat!
Thanks, and I'm glad you're joining our group! Feel free to send kid and/or pet pics for Sundays.
When you think you have had enough turkey, cut the rest off the bone mix it with a can of cream of celery soup (cut with half can of water) and serve it over rice. I love it.
I miss the old Thanksgiving when everyone (granny dad grandpas uncle) were still alive, and we had it at grandparents house. I miss them so much this time of year. Now, we get together when we can because my sister and nephew usually have to work T-day at the jail.
Naseem, 2 words for cooking turkey: Oven bags! takes less time, and never had a dry turkey yet!
Welcome momof4..DD and the rest of the folks are funny, and I klove reading about their lives.
10:30 p.m. Just nuked a sweet potato, stirred it into some brown sugar and butter, added marshmallows.Been thinkin 'bout it ever since this post today
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