BELLAIRE, Ohio – Ohio parents who say their children endured long, complicated walks home are panning the disruption of school bus service for a Hollywood movie shoot.
Scenes for a new Denzel Washington movie called "Unstoppable" are being filmed this week in Bellaire in eastern Ohio.
Parents say children were dropped off at a shopping plaza on Wednesday when the filming kept a bus from completing its route. Gregory Jeffreys says his 12-year-old daughter wasn't sure how to walk home and it took her an hour. He says children were in danger.
The Bellaire school system is apologizing. Superintendent Tony Scott says the district should have notified parents about the bus diversion but "dropped the ball," WTOV-TV reported.
This story freaked me out. WTF, dropped the kids off at a mall because they couldn't complete their route?? We're supposed to trust our schools, they have our kids most of the day. How did this happen? What if one of the kids was abducted trying to get home, what if one of them didn't get home? Would the school then be saying, oops, we "dropped the ball" so sorry? My mouth is just hanging open.
but a movie with denzel washington was being filmed!!! they couldn't interrupt that!!!
seriously, why the fuck would a school board/bussing bend over for filming a movie? and not tell the parents?
wasn't that basically child abandonment and placing them in danger? the clue phone wasn't ringing for ANYONE? the bus driver???
I live in So Calif and this is pretty much the norm around here. Filming will shut down whole freeways for hours on end. We have to endure the inconvenience so they can make their movie. The money the city receives hardly compensates for the trouble it causes. To abandon those children like that is unbelievable but if it is anything like here they give up all your rights to get their little town on the map. It's a screwed up world!
Just try to fire anyone connected with this mess and the unions will eat you alive and call you a racist for blaming a movie with Denzel in it. Spike Lee will make a movie about the racial disparity in school systems and how "whitey" painted the buses with lead paint to poison the underprivileged kids.
Al Sharpton will hold another 20 man march to demand that all school system buses be painted with lead paint to make them equal.
The kids will receive a settlement from the Gov to support them for the rest of their lives in compensation for the insufferable trail of tears, in which they had to navigate solely by using street signs and communicating verbally (yikes! no texts!).
The school board will receive commendations and promotions for having acted quickly and identifying the bus route as the culprit, and their foresight in finding a safe mall to drop the kids off.
Amen Jarhead!!
LMAO Jarhead, we can always count on you to straighten us out.
And for a Denzel movie?? Mr A shole?
Stupid town, is all I can say.
Lawyers are calling the parents, even as we speak. Maybe even some of the kids parents are lawyers? It's not close to being ova.
PS: Jarhead, we love your 'smart'ass observations.
Jarhead, I knew it was you before I got to the 2nd paragraph!
Thats tony for you.. We had them here for almost 2 months look up Port Allegany Ny, unstoppable movie. It was told maddness around here for a long time. Shutting down roads, stores, railroad, etc. They took over everything.. Steve Robbins is his assist. It was a very intresting stay.. I never got to see Denzel But he was here.. I just got to meet Lew temple and ethan suplee.
yes, this is not right. I am a school bus driver and the drivers in this district would NEVER drop kids off like that. Permission from the parent/school/trans office is always needed when a change is made. Not cool otherwise!
1:55:00 PM, bus drivers are heros for our kids. Lis rides the bus, her school is in a diff town than the one she lives in. She started riding at 4 and it freaked me out. I was sick with worry, 4 is too little! But, I got to know her driver and I trust him completley. It's a great relief, knowing she's with him. So thank you for watching out for the kids you drive.
What's your take on the 9/11 detainees being tried in NYC vs a military tribunal?
Enemy combatants should be tried by military court system. The Uniform Code of Military Justice is geared to take care of these matters.
That being said, how does a Democracy put a Theocracy on trial?
They were well fed and show no sign of physical or mental torture when they were in Gitmo, and before anyone here says "waterboard", I have been waterboarded, as have thousands before me and after me that attended S.E.R.E. school. Not torture, I can still bathe and enjoy a swim, so can they.
They should not be alive today. I always thought that if I ever saw Bin Laden I would set him on fire and throw him off a rooftop, just like the people on 9/11 had to do.
But let New York and the family members decide if it's right or wrong. I am biased. Thanks Escrow.
Thanks Jarhead. I was watching Eric Holder speak on Fox News when I asked that question. I forgot to put him on my list for voodo doll yesterday.
Lmao @ Jarhead. You are probably right about all of that!
Another example of how Hollywood and its stars think that are above everyone.If I was one of those parents I would sue, sue, sue!
I really don't know how society got to the point where movie stars are allowed to bend any rules they want. Who decided being an actor was so, so incredibly important? I just don't even understand how it got this way.
i am so glad I don't live in that town or you seriously would be seeing me on the news, and it wouldn't be good. I'm sure all of the other mommy's here feel the same way when I say that the number one rule is YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY BABIES!
What I don't understand is why they didn't call the parents so that they could pick the kids up. If they knew that the movie was going to be filmed, find an alternate route or way to get the kids home. So dumb
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