When will they finally run out of ill gotten gains and hit rock bottom? I want to read about her application for food stamps. It should happen soon, these two hillbilly's have been living like they're Angie and Brad for a long time and they aren't going to scam any more big bucks from church speaking when they live sooooo far from the ideal Christian lifestyle they claimed. It's pretty obvious they don't have any real money or investments, they're like drunken lottery winners. Any thoughts?
When will they finally run out of ill gotten gains and hit rock bottom? I want to read about her application for food stamps. It should happen soon, these two hillbilly's have been living like they're Angie and Brad for a long time and they aren't going to scam any more big bucks from church speaking when they live sooooo far from the ideal Christian lifestyle they claimed. It's pretty obvious they don't have any real money or investments, they're like drunken lottery winners. Any thoughts?
Lots of thoughts. I might actually force myself to watch this episode. Its painful though.
ah another rating booster. They must go out in a bang. To bad they cant be put into a rocket and shot into space. It would be nice after all. No more stories, no more pictures, they kids might be able to have a somewhat better life.
Kate better double up the happy pill medication for this one. Sitting down one on one with Jon. (if that's true) I see kate doing alot of ums and shrugs.
Hey on the plus side yesterday at are local wal-mart Kates clothing from Healthtex was selling for 2.00.. Ah such a shame
How does getting free matching outfits and screaming about stains constiute 'designing?" What a load.
I bet they announce that they are getting back together...
Lauren...thats not even cool. lol, I would cry for the kids.
wouldn't surprise me, in a last ditch effort to garner ratings, if Khate built 8 shiny balloons and sent those poor little kiddies loose! up up and awyyyyyyyyyy
@Sole - With Jon and Kate I think anything is possible. This whole divorce drama could be a well-crafted plan created by their PR team. We don't know what the truth is. I just hope someone takes care of the kids.
I vote they give them each an urban snipper, assault rifle, with no directions and put them in a closed cage and then air it on Pay-per-view.
If they figured out the guns and popped each other the kids would actually have a shot at a normal life and both parents would go out of the limelight just as they came in as, famewhores making really bad choices...
Hey on the plus side yesterday at are local wal-mart Kates clothing from Healthtex was selling for 2.00.. Ah such a shame
Haha - you must live on the rich side of town. They were selling for $1.00 at my Walmart!
Here's my thought:
"Come and getcher' POPCORN!!!"
(this ought to be really good)
i might be an idiot, but i feel sorry for them. it's mixed with a big fricking load of irritation with their self absorption. but pity them nonetheless. (or however you spell it)
seeing jon and kate gosselin's faces on yet another magazine or stupid sound bite i can't help but think of that scene in the crow when top dollar is looming over skank and asking him how he feels, skank responds by saying "i feel like a little fish on a big fucking hook". and think of what that whole scene implies.
those poor gosselin kids. they certainly drew the short stick when it comes to a kid's lot in life.
i hope those two "skanks" will one day very soon wake the hell up. as selfish as they come across, i doubt that they are irredeemable in the eyes of their kids. they're loved, obviously. swiney stupid, destructive, simple-minded, short sighted dumbasses though they are. kids deserve better than that.
if those fools can't or won't get it together...i hope someone else steps in (and please, not "aunt jodi". with an aunt like her, who needs ricketts? *barf*)and instills those kids with such strength that their childhood and adolescence is happy and they come out of this as unscathed as possible under the circumstances. i hope when they are in a position to, the gosselin kids go after top dollar...sorry. i mean tlc, and give those destructive soul sucking psychic vampires what they deserve. sue tlc into oblivion. if not bankruptcy.
i hope the scum at tlc remember the children are not hindered by a contract they weren't in a position to sign.
sorry for the length of this post. thank you, dirtydisher for giving a place to vent my spleen about this.
Jon took the kids to the fire house on August 25th, the last time he was filmed. His interview is also from this day. There isn't any new information coming during this show except for the new lies out of Kate's mouth.
They are new money. Most lottery winners are broke within 5 years of winning millions. J&K lived above their means and acted like assholes doing it.They should have stayed in their old house and banked everything, but no they had to live like royalty. I hope they have to sell that stupid house and wind up in a house smaller than the one they used to have.
Let them join the rest of the world and learn to live month-to-month!!! I think at this point (where they've gotten used to not worrying about bills), that would be the best punishment they could have.
I would just like to have this whole STORY over with!!! They have had their 15 min.(more like 30 min.) so let's not give them anymore. Enough is enough!
I would like to see an episode where the house is being sold and they have to move into a smaller house. The kids would adjust--Kate,I don't think so. And also take the big New York apartment away and put him in a nice one bedroom simple apartment. LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD!!!
Lauren might have something there. They could have the big wedding all over again and then it can be called Jon and Kate Plus 8--Part 2. Why give up the MONEY COW without a fight!
DD--The best thing you ever put on your blog was the "Come and getcher POPCORN" segment. I put it on when I want a laugh!
Anon 9:46. Very well said...couldn't agree more.
9:46:00 PM, never apologise for the length of a comment. I read 'em all. That's why I'm here.
Jon & khate who ??????? Kiki
Oh c'mon DD.....I'm a hillbilly from Kentucky and I, nor have my neighbors, ever acted like Jon and Kate. Find another term, please. Genuine hillbillies read and love your blog, too. Plus, we believe you when you talk about ghosts and auras. I can smell cancer so I know there is a deeper "sense".
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