Seriously tired here of hearing about how hidious Nicole Kidman is. Oh, her 50 finger forehead, her botox, her pumped lips, yeah..she's horrifing! What is it about this woman that brings on such hate? I just can't see my way past the fact that she looks a hundred times better than me to insult her. And she has a job..wtf? She's actually made a few movies I'd watch again. And she's not out showing her poon every night. In fact, I don't hear much about her at all unless there's some event. Leave Nicole alone! I sound like that Britney fan, Chriss..what was that guys name? There's a sign that people really do get 15 minutes because I don't remember his name anymore. I know Nicoles name though. I don't think much of her odd short hubby, nothing says manly like flat ironed hair, but, he's better than her first husband. The fact that she survived her first husband makes me sort of admire her. We have so many fake fame whores with no talent to pick on now, I could name them, but, it would take up all my blog space. Why do people hate Nicole? I guess I just don't get it. Are we just trained to hate everyone now?
And I'm not serious, you don't have to leave her alone. I was just curious about why she's such an object of hate. Now that I've admitted I like her, she'll do something stupid..they always do.
I love the movie "far and away" with her and Tommy in it. One of my all time favorites. Tried to get my kids to watch it. No dice.
Valle - WHY!!!!!??????
I thought that was the worst movie I'd ever seen. It seemed to go on forever with bad fake accents. I couldn't wait to leave the theatre. In fact, that's why I never bothered to watch either of their movies again, until The Others, which my kids rented and I watched with them. Now I'll go out of my way to see her but not him.
Maybe she draws criticism because people can't find anything truly wrong with her so they dredge up 'nothing'.
I actually "met" her in New York a couple of years back after her divorce from Tom. She said a few kind words to us when we were eating at a bistro. She came across as very shy, down to earth and real. I like that she doesn't parade her children out for media fodder. And so what if she does use botox? What skaggatha in Hollywood doesn't these days?
I started liking her after her divorce from the little general. She is remarkable for surviving that marriage. I think she has a solid family. Her parents and her sister seem like good folks.
Wasn't Nic's dad a psychiatrist? Would love to hear what he thought of Tom. To be a fly on the wall.
She was so good in The Others, I love that movie.
Some ppl just love to talk. I love Nicole. Cold Mountain is one of my favorite movies. She is great and so beautiful. Then her voice in Moulin Rouge was wonderful. She is one of my favorite actresses. More celebrities should follow her example.
I blame Prez Hilton. I think she snub him once and he just loves to pick on her. I give her credit she got rid of Little Dictator.
Dlisted went off on Nicole for getting her lips done but I don't see any difference. I'm just glad that Nicole got away from Tom Cruise and made a good life for herself.
I never got why she was the subject of such ire. I do think she looks odd at times due to the botox.I think it actually makes her less attractive, and I always thought she was gorgeous. I like her, always have and even if she looks a little tight and shiny, I really don't care.
When somebody *very obviously* alters her appearance (as she has done)and denies it at every turn (also as she has done) people call bullshit. It's like people expect us to believe that their breasts and lips have simply grown and their faces have magically tightened and lifted. Hello, there are photos older than two years old out there! It's a miracle!
And yes, our society is always looking for something to pick at. We love to concentrate on other peoples' crap to avoid dealing with our own.
chris crocker
I think she's a good actress. Her looks don't bother me and I can't remember reading anything about her that would have changed my mind.
I like Nicole. I loved "Dead Calm", anyone see that?
I think she's great. She has blossomed as an actress since leaving Tom.
I think she was afraid to show her true skills because it might deflate his ego.
I wish I looked half as good as she did.
Brig, "Dead Calm" scared the shit out of me. LOL
I can think of two reasons to dislike Nicole.
1. She seems to have ditched her first two kids. You never see her with them, only with her kid with Keith Urban. She has also made numerous remarks about how happy she is to have a baby "of her own". I think that is such a mean thing for her to say. (Her first two kids are adopted.)
2. She lies about having gotten Botox. It's such a stupid lie...her face doesn't move! Yet she thinks the public is so dumb we will really believe she's never had Botox. Pft.
I don't hate her with a burning passion or anything, but I do think those things are both pretty crappy and I can understand why she's not very popular with the public.
I don't mind her at all and happen to think she's a decent actress.. absolutely. She's come a long way from her early days to (imo) classics like "Cold Mountain".
But WTF was she thinking attending a major event like the CMA's in that gown? Her (horrifically augmented) boobies are straining at the bit for air against that 2-sizes-2-small bodice.
I just don't get it. She's got all the money in the world.. why wouldn't she invest a little in a good stylist?
She simply traded one 'odd, short hubby' for another.
I wonder if it a media ploy from the crazyTom camp to put out negative press about her? She looks great. Who cares she has botox. Nicole is not nearly as plastic and annoying as Demi.
LOve Nicole---hate her lips. I thought she was better before.
Glad she got rid of that short growth she used to have at her side!
she's got an even better movie, one of her first called Bankok Hilton. its awesome. she doesn't do botox, you can see her crows feet and forehead lines in some photos, also in this one you can see lines on the side of her mouth. i think she looks botoxed because she has such a high forehead. as for the opo out boobs in the photo, its fashion, everyone, including my neighbour, wears those boobs on glam occassions. also tom more than likely estranged her from her kids because of the scientology thing. but on the other hand maybe she sees them a lot but because she keeps a low profile, its not openly adversited in front of the paps. maybe people in america don't like her because she's not american.
so you are deleting comments if they are offensive rather than monitoring dd? that will probably frustrate those bastards even more. have you thought of somehow changing their messages to misconstrue what they are saying? in other words screwing with their minds? i guess it all depends how much energy you have for those people. at least you can use them as punching bags on a bad day. i' really pissed today because similar types of people vandalised our shop sign this weekend. we won't put up another one cause we can't afford it. i'm so sad about it.
Chris Crocker..thats it! Thanks.
Lia, I only put this place on moderation when there's a really annoying troll multiple posting. I hate waking up to it. Otherwise, I'm usually here.
I've always liked Nicole. "Dead Calm" also scared me, too--the shampoo scene. Hold it, have to put my back up against the wall. LOL
I think she's beautiful--such fine features and beautiful hair.
It never bothers me when someone gets plastic surgery. It's her body and she doesn't owe anyone an explanation. Wish I could have afforded it, but today everyone is doing it so it's no big deal. Nothing wrong with trying to look better.
Her milky white skin always amazes me. That's natural.
It's toms scientfoolery group trying to get back
on her some how cuz she left him the lil wizard.
I like her in the others and hated her in eyes wide shut
again the lil wizard and his zenu curse.
She is well rid of him Keith is a kinder not so
egotistical maniacial nut like lil wiz and his lifts in
all his shoes lol kiki :-))
It's toms scientfoolery group trying to get back
on her some how cuz she left him the lil wizard.
I like her in the others and hated her in eyes wide shut
again the lil wizard and his zenu curse.
She is well rid of him Keith is a kinder not so
egotistical maniacial nut like lil wiz and his lifts in
all his shoes lol kiki :-))
I'm happy she has her red hair back. Blond washes her out.
I agree it's Tom's camp + the snubbed Perez who are largely responsible and everyone else jumping on the bandwagon.
So many entertainers have had work done and deny it. It shouldn't impact her the way it does. Is anything in Hollywoodland real?
I liked her in Moulin Rouge
When 'Eyes Wide Shut' came out, she was suddenly a sex kitten. She had herself surgically altered to appear as she was shown (makeup, photoshop) on magazine covers. Before that, she was normal. After that, she started shelling out the bucks for surgeries. She hasn't stopped. She denies every procedure. The end.
so funny..... yesterday i said that maybe americans didn't like nichole because she is australian then today i was listening to a radio program (here in australia) and they were on about the same nichole thing, botox, bad films etc. etc. we do suffer from tall poppy syndrome here in australia (for anyone who doesn't understand what that means is we like to shoot down 'achievers' we seem to hate them). so its probably just nichole or americans hate because australians hate her or even vice versa. pity though because she really hasn't done anything wrong as far as i can see.
dd i really think that if you get a troll you should use your creativity to turn around their message as, i know, only you can. it will fuck with their minds more than anything else, and you will have fun! btw your blog is getting more and more amazing as time goes on.
I like her too and I think she looks great.
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