I got to thinking about what ghosts see. I'm progressing in my ability to call them what they are, have you noticed? I decided to quit pussyfootin'..I think there really are dead people walking around with us. All the time. And I wondered what THEY see?
People talk about another dimension where dead people go to live and how it intersects with ours sometimes and all that makes sense, but, still I wonder what their world is like? And why they are attached to places and houses. Like, do they see it like it used to be? Do they just go about thier business ignoring things as they are now? I know there doesn't have to be a death in a house to make it haunted, that I'm sure of based on things I've seen. I pretty sure the ghost doesn't even have had to live in the house prior to death. I've seen brand new houses that were "inhabited." So, I've often pondered it and wondered how it all happens. I am also assuming they can build a life and a house "over there", if they choose, if you know what I mean. Some of them seem stuck and some seem oblivious. And I think about where I'll go when I die. I hope I'm not stuck in this shit hole and I hope I don't have to run into my mother and her sister. Talk about hell. If you just wonder around, I'd pick a cool historic place to hang out so I'd know it would never be torn down. Some Overlook Hotel place, heh. With room service and a windswept beach. But, then I think, what if the other ghosts decided there was no vacancy and threw me out. Can that happen? I vote all of the above. People who think they can make rules about ghosts and hauntings are the biggest fools. What do you think it's like? Had any spooky experiences lately?
i've got the lady who lived here for many years in my house....she seems to go about her business and i consider it her house...i've seen people walking down the street here, they are just going about their business....people as in ghosts...
i think people go where they want though i think some people are 'stuck' in places where tragedies occurred....
I told you about the light in my hall that has no switch but kept coming on and the light bulb had to be twisted 3 or more times to be turned off...that was pretty freaky then after talking to you and placing dates around when the light was coming on it could have been my dad visiting us, which is pretty cool.
I recently watched the paranormal/curse of the poltergiest film pretty interesting. In Poltergiest 2 theres like a cave scene, the actors were getting weird feelings from the area people didn't want to do the scene and what not...the prop guys may have forgotten to mention there were some real skeletons in that scene they were donated or picked up from a hospital or something like that, the indian who was a spiritual person blessed the cave requesting forgivness or something and once that was taken care of that particular scene went well. There was some other really weird things about the filming of that movie quite interesting.
Tia, whenever I see a pic of you in your house, I blink because I sort of see a woman too. It's more like a brief disturbance in my field of vision, but, yeah, she's there. At least I think so.
I watched that too Connie. Very creepy. Why would they use real skeltetons and not tell anyone? So spooky and all they people who died conected with those films, geez.
DD, this morning I was stopped in my tracks by a report the Today was going to have about Stephanie Meyer, the stay-at-home mom that became a bojillionaire by writing the Twilight books. And I thot, I used to write good stories. You certainly could do this. I had to go to work so I didnt see the interview. But just like that nearly homeless woman that wrote the Harry Potter books. If you have an idea, run with it. Let the ideas flow onto the keyboard. It kind of inspired me. I have some ideas. And I know you have to have ideas. I am serious. This post reminded me of your ability to story-tell.
Thanks, I like writing here. I like the comments, I think I need that more than money. I'm planning on winning the lottery. :)
Well when times are getting tough or something bad happened/ or going to happen. My mother or I usally smells either my grandmother perfume/booze in the air or my grandfathers cigars.
One time my grandmothers perfume filled the car so much it was toxic.
In my moms house when she babysits Ava she has a picture of my grandfather. Her father that never met me. He only saw pictures of me. Well long story short when I was little I swear the pic use to wink at me and smile. Well know Ava stares at it since she was 4 months old and babbles to it. She always points to it and smiles. I told my mom once that her father visit me when I was very young. I think he has done the same to Ava. Werid fact Ava was almost born on my grandfathers birthday.
I work from home and am the only one here during the day. Our house was built in 1855. A few weeks ago while I was working I smelled cigar smoke. There was no one here but me and it was only in the room I work in. I checked out the whole house to see what it was but found nothing other than the smell in this room. It didn't scare me surprisingly. My husband said he smells pipe smoke in the house occasionally also.
Cool stories.
Oh, and next time you smell the smoke, grab the camera and start snapping. I'd like to see what you'd get!
I constantly feel like I am being watched in this house when I'm alone. I tell myself it's just the ghosts and that it has nothing to do with the fact that I am mentally ill. lol
LOL Anon. It's the ghosts. I hate the back of my house and it's the new part. I won't hang out in there, I live here in the kitchen.
I have worked as an RN for over 15 years. As a young nurse, I would have patients tell me that they just had relatives come visit them. I usually worked nights and thought they were confused so I reoriented them. (No one had been in the unit.)
Experience taught me start asking where those relatives live...and the patient usually says something like, "Oh, Daddy died 20 years ago," or, "My brother was killed in a hunting accident 8 years ago."
Guess what, those patients seem to die soon after seeing a visitor. No, it wasn't because I was a crappy nurse. I am not religious, but I believe there are spirits that visit us.
Ever heard of the "Third Man?" I have heard a man's voice near my ear a few times in my life that has kept me safe...
Having worked in ICUs and ERs, I can tell you that the air changes in the room when someone dies. I feel it and it is so hard to describe. It doesn't make me feel evil, I usually just feel a sense of peace and sadness someone lost the person they love.
The body is a shell and the essence of the person is gone...to where I don't know. It's really powerful, and when the family is in the room, sharing stories about the patient, it's really beautiful. I feel good in that situation when I can ask the families what the patient was like, since I had never met him/her. It really is beautiful when people can stand around lovingly and reflect, even laugh about their memories.
I even felt a sense of peace when an accused child molester was taken off life support after doing a good job of trying to kill himself by drinking anti-freeze. His adult daughter (who he had abused) and his brother were in the room. Many of the nurses criticized the daughter for visiting her father. He was a mess, on a ventilator and never regained consciousness. I thought it was good for her to see her abuser helpless and powerless. In my mind it would help her that yes, he was a monster, but he was just a man and didn't need to remain the boogy man to her. It worked for her. and, no, I didn't push her, just supported her in what she needed to do, say goodbye.
Sorry for the long post. Feeling sentimental. There aren't a lot of places you can talk about this stuff.
I have seen a wheelchair fly across the unit on it's own power. I am a believer that anything is possible (except JC--that's a fairytale to me).
I had something happen back in March. It wasn't creepy but very real to me. My husband and I had tried fertility treatments for couple of years and in March, I had a dream where my Grandmother came to me and said I would have my baby. I could hear, feel and even smell her in my dream. It was a very peaceful experience. The next day I was going about my business when my Mom called and said she got an urge to go through a trunk of hers and found a box of things my Grandma wanted me to have. There was a card in there telling me to always believe and she would always be with me. I got chills over that. She wrote that for me when she was dying with cancer. I still believe she really did come to me in my dreams and helped me get my baby. I know some people are non believers and have a right to their opinions, but I don't question things of that nature as I went through it.
To anyone that has a loved one in a coma...talk to them. I always talk to my patients, comatose or not, and tell them who I am, explain the stuff I am doing (Ie, giving a bath, suctioning, changing linens or IVs).
Who knows what level of awareness anyone has. It's a one way conversation, but I don't care. I think it's respectful, treating someone like a human being not as an object in the bed.
I had one man wake up and get off the ventilator after a long illness. I had been his nurse for a few weeks. I would tell him about the pretty sunrise when he was in a coma...his bed was in the room with the best view.
I don't even remember his name, but I pushed his bed as far as I could toward the window and we held hands and watched the sunrise the morning after he woke up. He knew my voice. It was so incredibly beautiful. He knew me.
My long deceased grandparents visit me in my dreams all the time. They drop in to visit and I catch them up on what is happening in our family. My maternal grandfather danced me around a cocktail bar in one dream. I told my mom about it. She said he would dance me around the room as a baby and that he was a jazz lover. I have Artie Shaw on my i-Touch...from the conversation that dream created with my mom, I learned that my grandparent's song was Frenesi. It's very cool to know something so personal about grandparents you didn't know.
DD, I have a storage 'room' (size of a large closet) just outside my bedroom. And it is literally outside. No access from inside the house. Ever since I bought the house I can't bring myself to spend more than a few seconds in there. And I prop the door open every time I do venture in there. It's only used to store a couple of yard tools. It's always colder over there which is odd since it's on the SW corner of my lot where it's the hottest. I live in the SW and even when it's 110° that area is at least 20° cooler. I can't explain, I just get weird vibes. Most people I've mentioned this to think I'm nuts but one friend says he gets an eerie chill too, but he senses something sinister. According to neighbors, the previous owner (who died at a hospital) pretty much kept to himself. He was a cross dresser and had a flair for dramatics (to say the least). He weirded out a lot of folks in my ultra-conservative neighborhood but no one remembers anything bad happening here. Other than that room, there's really been no other occurrences or anything out of the ordinary with the rest of the house. Any thoughts?
A friend of mine and my exhusbands was electricuted and died in my house.
I have talked to him several times since he died.
I have no fear of him. The first time freaked me out real bad. I was like WTF I wasn't sure if it was real or if it was a dream.
He is very friendly. I never thought to ask him why he is hanging around here. I think I will ask him the next time I see him.
These are all so interesting to read!
I don't know if I can add much, and I'll try not to write a novel.
I've lived in many houses. Some of them were quiet, many weren't. While I've certainly seen things while awake, for some reason I see a lot more in my dreams, which are very vivid. I guess that's where my real sensitivity lies.
This one isn't recent (although I do have a couple of recent stories concerning the little cottage we live in now), but it's a sample of the odd dreams I sometimes have.
My first husband was a pilot in the Air Force. Once out of college, he was assigned pilot training on a base in Alabama. We went there, and began to settle in. Our household items hadn't even arrived yet, so we bought a mattress and put it on the floor in the bedroom.
That night, a black man came and sat on my side of the bed. He whispered to me that suicide is a wonderful thing. He said there was a gun in the closet, I should get up right now and put it to my head. He kept crooning about how good it feels to pull the trigger. Over and over. It seemed like he was there a long time.
I woke up in panic, but the desire to get out of bed and go to the closet was so intense, I actually hung onto the side of the mattress to keep from getting up. This lasted for quite awhile.
The thing is, we didn't own a gun, never had. Pilots in training weren't issued weapons unless they were scheduled to do the firing range, then the weapons were turned back in. But I wanted to get that "gun in the closet" so badly. Before you ask, I was 21 and really had no depression to speak of at the time. Things were brand new and we were starting out, everything to look forward to.
The next day, I told my husband about it, and he characteristically blew it off as my imagination.
However, he couldn't shrug it away when we were getting to know our neighbors in the next few days. We were told that a month before we arrived, a sergeant two houses down from ours had committed suicide. A gunshot to the head. He was black.
Sharna when I read your post it give me goosebumps.
have you ever known a dog to see ghosts? I think they see things we cannot. Our dog will sit up, peked ears and watch something, but nothing is there, then she will get up & smell the area. Then she goes back & lays down after she knows it is gone I guess. She doesnt bark but she is aware, very aware. Everybody except me thinks they see things in my house. Part of my house is waaay over 100 years old, many things have probably been born & died there. I have no problem with anybody, as long as they dont steal from me or try to frighten me. I have seen nothing myself. I believe my family tho and the dog. LOL
Casper, do not go in there. Seriously, your story gave me chills. Do not go in there.
SharnaPax, your story made me wonder how much spirits can influence us. I've known houses where no one could ever be happy. It's strange, isn't it?
And it reminded me of the back of my house, which I hate. The neighbor sat in a lawn chair right outside my window and blew his brains out. It's his widow and her BF who cut down my trees, the trees that blocked his death spot from view. I'm bothered all the time back there, someone's always watching, constant noises.
Don't worry, I won't go in there again! It freaks me out that my bedroom and this 'room' share a wall, albeit solid block. I've even asked my brother if there's any way to tear it down but again, it's block all around except the door. But would it be better to just have the door removed or will I be stirring something up?
Rox, animals most definitely see and sense things!
One house we lived in when I was a teen, it was probably the worst house. I liked to stay up late, watch tv with the lights off. Our little dog would lie on the floor beside my chair and sleep.
Often, though, she'd stand up, stiffened all over and the hair on her back and neck would raise up. She'd lower her head, ears flat, and this deep, rumbling growl would come from her. She's look off toward the dark dining room and growl, follow something with her head like she was tracking a moving object.
Normally she was the sweetest, most loving little dog in the world.
Also, she'd never, ever come in my bedroom. I'd invite her in, but she'd stop at the doorway then scurry off. It was definitely a strange room.
DD, I wonder about that, too. I just don't know.
Casper, all I can tell you is when I read your post I had a bad bad feeling. When you talked about the wall though, I got an idea. Email me.
My deceased Mom goes back and fourth from my house to my brother's house. He lives on the next street from me. She slams door in his house; follows me right on my heels, and whispers my name right in my ear or the back of my neck. I have the smell thing, too. I also hear my Grandmom and mother laughing at me. A lot.
I know that my dear friend visits with me in
dreams. It feels so real like I just want to go back
there and spend more time with them I go
back to sleep to continue the visit. It's kinda
funny how your mind doesn't recall certain aspects
of the person even looking at a photo won't
bring these lil things back but the dream visits
are just like being there! I really miss the simple
sound of a laff or the way they chuckle and
guffaw. I'd give anything to hear it for real
again. It's hard sometimes to miss someone
you absolutely love and loved you absolutely.
DD once I was puting on some lipstick in the
mirror and thot I saw my friend in my pupil of
my eye I have very light brown eyes like an
amber honey colour they are one of a kind
and draw people to me complete strangers
are mesmerized but I'm not trying to hypno or
glamour ize them but they seem to get caught
up in them ?!?! Idk can u see someone u truely
love and dearly miss thatvit physically aches can u
see them in your own eyes ?! I will love my friend
until the day after forever with all that I am. Kiki ;)
Cut, how often and have you ever done any EVP work? Curious.
It never occured to me to try to record anything. I wouldn't even know how.
I have only one experience and I don't know even if it's atrue experience.
Three days after my mother was buried, that night I had a dream. It was the most vivid dream I think I've ever had. At some point my mother put her hand on my arm. I woke up at that moment and for the longest time I felt a very warm handprint on my arm. When I think about it, I still remember the exact place she touched and can tell you how she placed her hand.
I also think like Julie said...The body is a shell and when the person dies, it releases thier essence. That's exactly how I explain it when someone asks me if I believe in "ghosts". The body is such a miracle with all its working parts. I can't believe there is nothing left when we die!
Great post! I love antiques and sometimes I have gotten rid of pieces because (ghosts scare the shit out of me even the thought of them) I have gotten weird vibes off the pieces especially those with mirrors in them. It may just be my imagination but sometimes a piece will just give off such a bad vibe that I get rid of it asap. Is it possible that some may cling to possessions? Or am I crazy? LOL
you sound like a great nurse Elizabeth!
it reminded me of people who have near death experiences and they say they floated up above and could see everything going on in the room....
and remember when sam kinison died? they said he was arguing with someone about 'going' but he wasn't really conscious...
i have a book SOMEWHERE from the 1880s about 'the golden dawn' about the next life....
dd--if you see her in a pix in an area let me know and i can go relook at them....i only see her occasionally out the corner of my eye, but she is dressed in 1940s garb and usually just getting ready to go somewhere or just walking thru a room minding her own business....
there was a couple who lived here like 50 years....then she passed away and her husband sold the house.....
i took a pix of my friend's house down the street after she moved to california and it was the first snow and i emailed it to her...the house was vacant and she showed the pix to her kids and her son (he was 5 at the time) said there was a person in the upstairs window and it looks like it!!!
i forgot to put on my last comment that storage shed gave me the creeps too when i read about it!!!
i belonged to a community on LJ called 'ourbedrooms' and people took pix of their bedrooms (duh) and there was one where the girl posted pix of her whole apartment and there was over a dozen of us who got an extremely bad feeling looking at the picture of her bathroom....it made me feel ill....she didn't know what happened there but she said she never felt comfortable in there!
This is way more interesting than any celebrity gossip! I love reading your blog!!
My grandfather commited suicide when I was about 2-3 years old. I didn't know how he really died until recently, he had so many demons being an alcoholic and an abusive father while under the influence when his kids where younger. He was a great dad when he wasn't drunk. I remember him perfectly, tanned, grey hair, so handsome, fixing me my bottle when I was a baby and changing my diaper. It is strange that I actually have recollection of what he looks like and what he did to take care of me even though I was at such a young age, it's so vivid. I remember him on his slacks and his white shirt, always polished-looking. I loved him, and I still do.
My mom always felt him while in the kitchen, she would always feel his hand resting on her shoulder, and she kept a stamp-sized photo of him in her portable sewing machine. She would always tell me how she knew he went with peace in his soul because he had a serene smile before she buried him.
Both apartments where we lived in my younger years got broken into. They took of course TV's, vcr, etc. The sewing machine was ALWAYS within reach and on plain sight, but somehow the burglars always bypassed it. We are convinced my grampa protected her, that sewing machine was my mom's source of income for many many years, it was what fed us when my dad's business wasn't doing too well. We are convinced that he is always watching over us.
Have you ever read the Diana Gabaldon series? It's about a modern day English physician...she walked through stones in Scotland and went back to the 1600's. it is cool because walking through stones and going back in time is interesting. The main characters are the best, they are like old friends. I love Claire and Jamie. Because Claire is a doctor in modern day, everyone in the 1600's think she is a witch. She heals people and really freaks them out. Jamie has had to save her from being burned as a witch. The books are very long, but I love them. I have been reading the series for about 15 years.
Hope someone likes the series. I just bought the newest one at CostCo. I am saving it.
Sorry the book recommendation is random. I was just reading people's stories and thought someone might like the books too. I love reading the comments here.
Adrian! I love those books by Diana Gabaldon. I just finished The Fiery Cross and cannot wait to read the remaining books. They truly are like friends, as silly as that sounds. As much as I cannot wait to read them, I too am sitting on them so I don't finish too quickly!
Does anyone hear have a white noise sound maker? Ive used one since I was in college. Sometimes you hear the freakiest things coming out of it. Maybe its just subconscious thinking or things going on in your brain. But I swear sometimes I hear talking, laughing and one time santa clause bells.
SharnaPax your story reminded me about my mother telling me about little tiny demons shadow figures and a roman soldier coming into are house following my father around. Picking at him. She said it was the devil.
Casper your story reminded me of amityville horror. Its a gate way to something. I wonder if he did vodo, black arts or something.
Elizabeth I really like your stories. Your a great nurse. To bad more nurses are not like you.
I believe there is definetly another level of existence but don't understand what kind of dimension the deceased inhabit. That's always been a puzzle to me because sometimes ghosts interact and seem quite aware of the living. While other times they go about their own agenda and seem oblivious to their current time and place. This could be explained by the "string theory" which states the possibility of 11 dimensions. Maybe it all depends on which dimension a soul inhabits. I just don't know.
i have a white noise machine i sleep with and i've never heard anything different out of it....
the thing that sometimes really disturbs me and i don't know why, is background 'crowd' sounds on older tv shows/movies....there was one dvd set i had of a tv show, i believe it was the honeymooners, and when you had the dvd on the 'menu' page there was no music, just a soundtrack of dozens of people talking where you can only make out one word or so in every conversation....
it just disturbed me....chilled me....i've heard that on several other dvds too and to me and i just envision (or should i say 'enhear'?) the afterlife sounding like that.....
Tia, that's the stuff I hear all the time. It's messed up. I could write a whole page on it.
yeah, i hear that and it just chills me---i'm not really frightened, but something just registers with me and it's hard to explain, i think you understand what i'm trying to articulate!!
you want to make out a conversation and you can't...and it's like they're talking to you.....
Matila, TAPS expalaind the difference beteen a residual haunting and an intelligent haunting. Makes sense to me. The first one is a recording of the past, caught in time and on a loop. The second has intelligence and can communicate. I'm sure there's more varieties, they also go into human and non human entities..but, they consider non human to be demon like and I don't.
Tia, I've spent my whole life with it, I consider it a real problem and it's worse now. I've been to so many doctors. Sometimes the words mean something to other people..it's hard to explain. I think it's people..dead people. AND it's motor neuron damage and titnitus. Try telling a doctor that. It's messed up.
Adrian, never hear of it, but, I'll keep my eye out for it now, thanks. I work in a book shop.
oh i know without a doubt it's dead people....trying to send a message to others and i guess some people are portals between the worlds....
some dr's understand those things! i bet if i told my dr she'd believe me! but i know that's rare....
where's dr. bombay when ya need him? ;)
but i couldn't handle hearing that all the time!!
I'll check out TAPS. Sounds very interesting!
I love TAPS. Have you seen the episode when they go to San Diego and are on an old WWII era aircraft carrier? They had so many EVP experiences with one spirit that seemed to answer questions.
I think the TAPS international people are good too. I love the british guy. He is so cool and calm.
Both the TAPS, RotoRooter guys seem like really nice guys. I bet they are good husbands and dads.
What do you think of that Penn State Paranormal show?
I am interested in what you think of the older man who is a psychic. He has his own show about children with psychic abilities. Do you think he gives them good advice? Just curious because you see the world differently and I trust you to know if someone is doing good with their gifts.
Water on the Moon - I bet astrologers aren't surprised. It's a water sign planet. (my ruling planet, so I'm interested)
Pat, do you see being in human form the beginning of life? I don't. I had a great experience when I attended, as part of a small crowd, the death of a motorcyclist at the scene. It was proof to me that the essence is strong and true and assured me that living here is probably the most difficult of trials.
@Ava's Mommy, I don't believe in the devil. I do believe in evil, though.
I believe in energy/spirit being trapped; whatever the cause, it can be trapped in the air, in objects, in a house. It can be confused, it can be good, and it can be very bad.
I don't believe it can kill you or even cause a lot of harm. It *can* cause a little harm, from things I've seen and even experienced; it depends on the strength.
Beth, sorry it took so long..I like PS, it's a diff kind of format. He's a real God/Devil sort though so I have to take it with a grain. I like the psycic, he's not way out there.
2:48:00 PM, deep. I don't know. I think this is a journey, this is not the beggining or end. I have my doubts about the human part. I think there might be more out there than Earth.
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