Skankatoto also provided the information that Jon had confessed to "hacking" his wifes accounts. Really? He can hack? Oh, yeah, he used to be an IT guy, excuse me while I laugh here. I guess Skankatoro is a good listener, she learned to keep her Dumbo ears open with a dick in her mouth and a hot tub bubbling. I thought she was just another skank wanting attention and a few bucks from the cough, reputable, ROL. But, now Saknkatoro and a former body guard of Jon's (wtf, body guard?) are swearing there's a Jon Gosselin sex tape out and they've seen it. Supposedly, Jon was set up, in secret, by "some people" and filmed having sex with a Craigs List hooker. With much cocaine use involved, according to Skanky. This is a not so clear violation of some demented "moral clause" in the TLC contract signed by Jon. As far as I know, Skankatoro has not been named in the back and forth legalities between Jon and TLC. But, the bitch sure is giving someone their moneys worth. Who are these "some people" that set Jon up in a hidden porn film, if it exists..and it doesn't matter at this point if it's imaginary..the damage is done.
Skankatoto also provided the information that Jon had confessed to "hacking" his wifes accounts. Really? He can hack? Oh, yeah, he used to be an IT guy, excuse me while I laugh here. I guess Skankatoro is a good listener, she learned to keep her Dumbo ears open with a dick in her mouth and a hot tub bubbling. I thought she was just another skank wanting attention and a few bucks from the cough, reputable, ROL. But, now Saknkatoro and a former body guard of Jon's (wtf, body guard?) are swearing there's a Jon Gosselin sex tape out and they've seen it. Supposedly, Jon was set up, in secret, by "some people" and filmed having sex with a Craigs List hooker. With much cocaine use involved, according to Skanky. This is a not so clear violation of some demented "moral clause" in the TLC contract signed by Jon. As far as I know, Skankatoro has not been named in the back and forth legalities between Jon and TLC. But, the bitch sure is giving someone their moneys worth. Who are these "some people" that set Jon up in a hidden porn film, if it exists..and it doesn't matter at this point if it's imaginary..the damage is done.
This may seem like a disjointed post, and I know I'm gonna get shit, but, how can anyone listen to this Skankatoro and who's paying her to bury Jon Gosselin in the media? I think she should be investigated and kicked off our planet. They can put her in a twat rocket and send her to the planet Skanktiod to peddle her mouldy wares. Skanktiod is ironically shaped like a used meat flap and it smells like rotten fish. She'd fit right in..she could become the Queen of Skanktoid. TLC is evil personified. And yeah, I'm rooting for the underdog, if it hasn't been sent back to the breeder yet.
This may seem like a disjointed post, and I know I'm gonna get shit, but, how can anyone listen to this Skankatoro and who's paying her to bury Jon Gosselin in the media? I think she should be investigated and kicked off our planet. They can put her in a twat rocket and send her to the planet Skanktiod to peddle her mouldy wares. Skanktiod is ironically shaped like a used meat flap and it smells like rotten fish. She'd fit right in..she could become the Queen of Skanktoid. TLC is evil personified. And yeah, I'm rooting for the underdog, if it hasn't been sent back to the breeder yet.
morals clause?!?!?! i thought those went out of fashion in the 50's with the studio contract system?????
You'd think huu? TLC is pulling a real shit fest here.
It just pisses me off because Jon may be a douche sometimes, but, he's just an average guy and Kate is not mother of the year. The spin the media is giving it makes me sick.
TLC=torturing little children...
i think TLC is gonna look worse than jon with the shit they're pulling with him....they don't want him to do like ANYTHING...who the fuck are they to control every aspect of his life and i bet he (or even kate) understood a word of those contracts....those people who sign up people for reality shows are VERY manipulative...i know cuz i talked to one and they really try anything....
What I'd like to know is why she seems to be the only person in this shit fest that doesn't seem to have been subpoenaed. Even the bodyguard she refers too has been subpoenaed. She is being paid off.
John is not even average. He's despicable. he is no better than Kate. And if this ho made an immunity deal, she probably wont be in any trouble for anything. I believe this to some extent. The Craigs List hooker is the only part I question. Sex Tape tho? You kiddin', he would be sooo down with that shit. He thinks he's a f'g rockstar. I wish he'd disappear forever. *Blech* Sex with him? O gawd no, hellz no!!!
Brig..exactly what I was thinking. This is some dirty game.
How can there be a morals clause? This is a REALITY show. TLC - that means REAL LIFE.
Most of what Skankwhoro has talked about is hearsay... "something told to her by another, rumor". Hearsay is not normally admissable in court. That might be the reason why Skankwhoro hasn't been subpoenaed.
Morals and TLC do not belong in the same sentence.
Skanktoro is the classic, "gold digger". Her little scheme fell through so now she's working another angle.
Jon's an idiot and he may well have a sex-tape and snorted a few lines of coke in his time but who really cares?
She looks more stupid for persueing him and doing all these half assed interviews and her "mustache-Ma" is even worse.
They are all pointless trash IMO.
Still trying to figure out how a "real life documentary" could have a morals clause? Do the kids have a morals clause too??
"Hey Leah, when you poop you need to smile. Otherwise it's immoral."
"Joel, when you whack your brother in the head, make sure you do it with good morals."
Skantero is disgusting. Jon is dumb but I don't think he's dumb enough to go to craigslist for a hooker.
I have a new blog. Cause I got sick of the old one. It's called The Daily Crabbie. I'd appreciate it if all you complaining witches would at least give it a look. Except the ones who hate me. You can continue fucking yourselves.
LOL Snark. Love your take on it.
a model for what? The "before" picture in a rhinoplasty ad?
I know, she's one bugg fug skanker. She's TLC paid whore.
the stripper thats saying she screwed Josh Duhamel is fug too. Whats the deal with the fugs coming out saying they have slept with somebody. I can say it too. I could say I slept with Joe Perry back in the 70's. he wouldnt remember (Dayum, I sure as hell would, wooo!) and who would prove me wrong? Anybody can say anything. It's just words.
I think some people will say whatever someone else wants to hear for a buck. Sad for her.
She needs to shut up already. I don't believe anything she says.
Jon and Kate need to go away.
I just don't know what to say anymore.
Why wasn't Stephanie subpoenaed by TLC? Most everyone in his life was so why did they leave out Stephanie and her mustached mom. I wonder if Heller will subpoena Stephanie? If she lies her ass is going to jail.
You people are obsessed with the Gosselins. You wish you were half as good a mom as Kate. Get a life.
I would love to slap the ugly right out of her
and slap her mothers mustache right off her
fat fuck face. What's next is her father gonna lay
a claim that Jon prmiaed him a job too ?!?!
WTF is with these people ?!?! Somebody slap
some sense into these degenerates. Skantoro
is a walking ad for Vagisil extra strenghth yic !
Aren't those caps in Johns mouth? Paid for by TLC or donated by the dentist that was on the show? Thats how far back since I watched this family. I do believe those are caps and he didnt pay for them. I remember that episode. I hate this shitface.
Hey anon 7:18 if you could just be me for a
split second you would think u won the life lottery !
You know not what you speak of so stfu
and FUCK OFF of DDs wonderful site !
You anon cowards always hide out here
sheeesh get lost take a hint already !!!!!
We're all "jelus." This makes me want to do a why we hate Kate post. How do you like that, anon?
This girl is an aspiring model? Yeah right. She's not even pretty.
The idea of watching a Jon Gosselin sex tape makes me feel like throwing up.
Yeah, I wish I could beat my kids into submission.
I feel so sorry for your children, if you have any. IF you think this woman is a GOOD MOTHER you are delusional.
I would love a why I hate Kate post!
The reason I like your blog is because it is not all about the Gosselins.
It is not the main focus. I have to admit that's what brought me here but I read your blog for months before I posted anything.
This is your blog to do with what you want.
I read somewhere today and it may have been Radar, that all this was fake about Skank and the bodyguard. I don't think this is going to hurt Jon too much. Skank is such a skank that no one believes a word out of her filthy mouth. Someone should remind her that if you want to see yourself in 40 years, look at your mother. God, that should scare the shit out of her. She is trash through and through.
As for Kate being a saint, anonymous, what a crock of shit. And why are you posting here? Has Baby Mama already closed up shop since KAte is circling the drain? So sad for you guys that your hero Kate and her number one shit fan, BM, are going down.
Well, waiting and wondering is over -- the new queen of planet Skankoro has finally been issued a subpoena. I know I'd like to get my hands on a copy - I wonder if TLC will arrange to leak the transcript of her deposition.
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