Yesterday, Lis was here and we were reading and chatting. She said "I want this for Christmas." I glanced up to see her thumbing through the Avon catalog. She was laying on the couch, legs crossed, swinging one foot, little glasses perched on her nose. I was amused. I figured she was on the toy page, and I got up to see what caught her eye and it was bath products. Whaaaaaaat? Here's a five year old who, a few months ago, had to be threatened with military school to take a bath. Now she says she loves showers, can do it herself and she wants shower gels and bath lotion. My mouth was just hanging open. If she wants it, I'll buy it..in abundance. But, it was just so strange. She also informed me she needs lip gloss that's not for babies and some perfume. She thinks maybe she needs some scented candles for her room. I told her that's pushin' it. Maybe I can find a battery one for her and make up a basket of child appropriate items. I'm still freaked out by this.
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I can't get it. Awwww.
It's a fast transition I've found, from sweet child to sweet girl child. I have two daughters, one can't figure out how to put makeup on, drops the curling iron while attempting to use it and cannot put together a simple outfit with accessories. And then there is her younger sister... She was probably around four or five when she started "needing" things. I "need" this bath gel, I "need" this dress, etc. She wore dresses to school everyday until finally, in second grade, the teacher sent a note home saying she HAD to wear pants on gym day.
Embrace it, because it is her. She will not change and she will need you to teach her how much is enough, what "too much" looks like. I'm sure I sound like a terrible mom here, but I actually liked the "Seventeen" magazine for their makeup and clothing tips. It showed her that the black raccoon eyeliner is NOT cool...LOL
Try this link.
It's bad
Ohhhh, gawd, that Cyrus kid. It's as bad as that Kylie Kardashian. That stuff makes me ill.
Angie, I do embrace her cute attempts at being a big girl..I'm just shocked.
Your timing is perfect. My husband and I have been talking a lot lately about how unbelievably girly our 3 year old daughter is. Mind you, she has two older brothers, and I'm not super-girly by a longshot (in fact, when she was born I was thrilled but also scared to death - I had gotten very used to being a 'mom of boys').
She has lots of girl-toys (dolls, etc), but we've held off on introducing her to the Disney princess crap, etc (sorry if I'm offending anyone...). And yet...as soon as she caught wind of the concept of a princess, she was hooked. Wait until she discovers there's a whole world of that stuff out there. I'm happy for her - if she wants to be girly, I'm all for it - just a bit shocked. I'm not looking forward to the older version of all of this though...
I know where you're coming from, it is shocking and more than a little sad to realize you have such a short time to enjoy their baby years, but just think of the fun you'll have, painting toes and curling hair!!
Bernadette, Lis loves the Disney princess stuff too and I think it's adorable. Hey, at least they aren't into Hannah Montana.
Angie, I think that's it. One day she was a baby and now she's not. It just shocks me how fast time goes. But, there was a time when we didn't know if she would grow up, so it thrills me.
AWWWWW make it stop she's not old enough to be talking that big girl stuff. Thanks for making me feel even older today.
And on top of it all my 23 yr old informed me he has asked his gf to marry him she has 4 kids.
Hmmmmm how to make kids stay kids, this is something to ponder.
my 5 yr old has been into girly stuff since she was very small, and the Disney crap is like crack to her, I swear...I am going to email you a pic of her when she was 2 and did her own make up when I was asleep, it is my favorite pic ever.....snowbunnie
I remember craving pretty clothes and toiletries by that age and by age 7 was very aware of stylish women and girls to admire. There's so much going on in the minds of children, they're complete beings who lack experience.
Connie, how old is the gf?
My little grand daughter will be 5 next month. I just shake my head and wonder where did the time go.
She loves all the Disney Princess stuff too.
I see her pictures and hear her stories and forget about her medical issues, she's so vibrant. I can only imagine how thrilling every little thing she does, that proves she's getting older, must be!
I watched Edward Scissorhands with my daughter tonight. First time for her. (Get out of my head, DD! :))
She bawled just like I did (always do).
I have a soft spot for Peg, the Avon lady.
My daughter was never frou-frou, so I sort of envy you, Pat.
I'm so out of the "little girl" genre of things now, there must be a million little girl perfumes, but I wanted to show this site to you. You are just about my age (I think I'm a little older)...
but remember Love's Baby Soft cologne? Lemon-Up Shampoo? Perhaps sweet Lissa would like this sort of thing?
It's a bit hard to navigate, but oh my, I want so many things from there!
Ooh, they actually have the 50's aluminum tumblers I've been searching for.
Purchase yourself a debit card from Walmart, put a little money on it, and go crazy.
That link I gave you even has "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific"!
Okay, I'm giggling so hard I disturbed the husband from his very serious perusal of Fark.
He peered at me, I explained, he said, "Oh, yeah I remember that!"
How cute! I miss those days when my daughters were little although just the one daughter was what you'd call a girly girl. The other one took more after me. I've always been a tom boy and never cared to wear jewelry or dresses. My motto is: if I have to dress up then I'm not going. That includes weddings, funerals and special occasions. Lis is such a little sweetheart! You'll have a lot of fun watching her grow up.
Connie! You're gonna be a Grandma to 4 all at once. OMG. It's like multiples..lol. Are they good kids? Do you like them and does Shay and Dak get along with them. It actually sounds fun.
SharnaPax, thanks for that link. Gawd, that's some fun stuff. Gee, your hair smells terrific! So funny, that used to be on all the time.
Ohh, the little 50's figure candles..I still have those. I pick them up at sales.
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