Monday, February 14, 2011

Guntown view

That's lovely to look at. It's February, it's Valentines Day and my mother still has Christmas lights up. I was able to get the ones on the roof down before it snowed. This is all that's left and the snow is still too high to reach them. She likes that because she can turn them on every night. And she does. The greenery has fallen. There's a frisby printed to look like a peperoni pizza. It was on the roof for a year and it finally blew down and she put it in there. Nice. It ads to the charm. Like the hula hoop no one wants and the pot of plastic plants. And the bucket of plastic bags. And the 16 pans of cat food on a carpet remnant on the floor.

And every night it's lit up and I get to look out my door and see it. Yeah, I know, you wish you had a classy view like that. I know you're jelluz. I can't give you any of the useless dirty stuff that we can't throw away, the world might end. I can offer you a cat. She has lots of those. ~Shrugs~ That's what's on my mind today, thought you should know.


Roxanne said...

I always tell my kids this: I am going to go thru all my sh** and get rid of most of it, so you wont have to!!! I have already done lots and have more to do, I am 53 and plan being done this year. I dont want my kids to have to go thru a bunch of useless sh** later. Besides, I'd be embarrassed. Even when I am dead, I'd die of embarrassment.
Sooooo...I didnt watch The Grammys, gags me. But I was sorry I missed Mick (your boyfriend). So, I just watched his performance on YouTube. Can we all say HAWT? OMFG! Yes! He looks the same, he's never had an expanded waistline, I swear his metabolism must run in hi-gear 24-7. He's so energetic and fab. I love his crinkly eyes when he smiles, gawd. He is such a freakin' awesome legend. Respect the man people! No wonder 18 year old chicks line up to be with him. Who in their right mind would turn him down, seriously. I always hated Mackenzie for saying he got her in the sack when she was 16 or 18 and that he had been waiting for her since she was 10? I wonder if he had to bag her head while they did it? I somehow doubted her story too, for some reason, but its probably true. I guess Mick had to wait in line behind dear old dad. I think I have a crush on your man DD! ;)

Roxanne said...

**MacKenzie Phillips. Sorry, I didnt finish that thot.

Dirty Disher said...

I thought her story was probably true, but, she slept with Mick. She slept with Mick. I can repeat that all day. I mean, how is that a bad thing??

Roxanne said...

Yea, but dayum, she's fug. w/ was more about him waiting on her. So, I just was cruising the net and came upon The Mick Jagger Diet! LOL! He does eat healthy, doesnt drink much alcohol now and works out everyday. 28 inch waist! Lots of fish, whole grains and kickboxing and running backwards to get a tight ass. Ok, that seems to have worked(the running backwards). Then apparently someopne has referred to them as The Strolling Bones! I had to laugh. Who IS cooler than Mick & Keith and Ronny? Umm..nobody! Strolling Bones, my ass! "Strolling(I wanna Jump 'Dem) Bones" maybe!!! Gawd, they all still have good hair too, I know thats easy to fake but c'mon if its that easy, Gene Simmons would have bought the patent, ya know???? I am truly amazed today with Mick and his bod and his ability to seem 30 when he is over 65 years of age. DD, you can tell us the truth, you jumped 'dem bones, right????? hehe

Roxanne said...

PS: At a typical concert Mick will get the same work-out equal to running 12 miles. I totally believe that!!! If not more. Esp at a huge stadium. The man never stands still. Can you imagine (sex) with him? Dayum, the bed would be thru the wall, out the door into the dayum street! & still going! The man is a freak, a machine. <3

Heidi said...

Rox wants to get her freak on! Hehehe. I went to the Steel Wheels tour stop at Foxboro stAdium in Mass. It was a great concert. I do not even remember who opened for them.
My neighbor lights his entire house for the month of December. Then he leaves ALL the decorations up and out for the other 11 months.

Dirty Disher said...

My mother got my brother a rose. She said he could be her Valentine. And she had me drive her out there to give it to him. He threw it away after she left. I saw him. So, now I'm pissed, because I would have liked the rose. But..if she had given me a rose I would be pissed because I couldn't throw it out and every time I looked at it, I'd think of her. I'm envious of my retarded brother's supermarket rose and jealous that he can throw it out. I need a psychiatrist.

Peg said...

I've seen the Stones 13x.The first being in 1975. It was The Stones, The Eagles w/Joe Walsh, The Beach Boys, and Chaka Kkan (Rufus) at Milwaukee County Stadium.

The people down the street from me still have their Christmas tree up and still light it. I'm sure it's because they're too busy making their daily trip to the bar to take it down. They had the big red and green bulbs on their porch railing but for the last week have only had the red ones lit. In a couple weeks it will just be the green ones for St Patricks day.

A-Gran said...

DD, I would be jealous too. Not that I would WANT the damn thing but the blatant slap in the face would piss me off.

Dirty Disher said...

I'm always pissed off at them for some reason anyhow.