Monday, February 14, 2011


I thought I might do a post on Valentine gifts, so I typed it in and THAT was the first suggestion. THAT is a BlackBerry Torch 9800 and it costs $530 fucking dollars. Are you kidding me? Who the fuck is your Valentine? J. Paul Getty? The next option was organic roses at $80 bucks. Fuck. Organic? Are you eating the gowddamn things?
I got a crayon picture from Lissa. It's a portrait of me and it looks like a frog's head on a ghost body. A fat ghost with a frog's head..and she painted it all red with a spikey sun over my head. I thought it looked happy and I put it on the fridge. What did you get?


calpernia19 said...


Dirty Disher said...

Aww. Want to be a red frog headed ghost? I can arrange that.

miss tia said...

i got a valentine from ABC girls!!! (friend of mine) in the mail today and a CD from another friend! :)

OT for DD: i had a spirit last week that was like an orb of light in my bedroom and i felt i was being watched in my sleep....kept waking me up....i made sure it wasn't light coming in from outside and it wasn't....was an orb of light originating from uh, from nothing 'earthly'....i told them to come back in the morning or the next day and they kept like watching me when i was asleep so i finally told them to fuck off i was trying to sleep and they went away....i have zero clue who they were or what they wanted....

i sort of felt bad as i try to always be respectful of spirits--especially ones i don't know! so when i got up i said 'hey sorry i was trying to sleep and that was rude of you but i'm up now what did you want?' and nuttin'....

YESTERDAY though my puter room door opened and shut several times on it's own while i sat here at the puter---of course my camera was downstairs....i said "okay you got my attention, what do you want?" i saw no light, but obviously someone was doing it....and all they did as an answer was slam the door! i walked out door right after that and i felt a little cold spot but no chills (like a creepy feeling)....poli & pan were on the landing looking like "WTF?"

uh.....ideas????? i know mrs. moss lives in the house, as she lived here 50 years or so and i see/hear at times and sometimes she'll leave a light on and sometimes someone else who i won't mention publicly will stop in and play a prank on me---usually via the wii.....but the light and the door?!?!??!??!

never had a door open and shut before.....and i've been REALLY stressed lately if that has anything to do with anything....

miss tia said...

sorry that was long....

Dirty Disher said...

That's okay, it's interesting. It would be a good time to take some pics. See what comes out.

miss tia said...

okay, i'll take some pix of the hallway today.... and i'll keep a camera upstairs!!! i figured i would have to take a pix while it was happening to capture whoever it was....

not my usual prankster....i think someone might be piqued i told them to fuck off, but seriously, don't watch me sleep or wake me up!

Anonymous said...

So far I got two children with fevers and horrible head colds....

Anonymous said...

Sigh.....I miss getting crayon drawings.

A Blackberry is kind of a crappy Valentines Day gift. Very un-romantic!

just wondering said...

Coffee and a hot cinnamon roll in bed. What more could anyone ask for?

Dirty Disher said...

JW..damn. That sounds good.

Angie said...

I'm getting my bathroom painted. God I love that man :)

Dirty Disher said...

What color?

Angie said...

Grand Stand Tan is the name, a beige-y tan, kind of a cooler tone. It's a small bathroom and it had a red plaid wallpaper on it, so the lighter color has really made a difference in how it feels.

Roxanne said...
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Peg said...

We don't do Valentines Day, never have. I don't think I've ever seen Valentines Day more commercialized than it has been this year. It's really sickening they way they are trying to shove it down peoples throats.

Heidi said...

Tomorrow is my oldest's b-day. I think that is why I still decorate and make a big deal about it. Hubs made breakfast and I had the coffee brewing early.
It is close to 50deg f here in CT. Colder tomorrow then near 60 on Friday! I am going to air the house out and dust!

Roxanne said...

I think Valentines Day was invented to help people see hop in spring coming back to life. It gives you a little break in the middle of terrible February. Its commercialized, but big deal. Its over soon enough and then on to Presidents Day car sales. & furniture sales...they seem to stretch the "holiday" sales out for a couple of weeks! I hate car ads more than anything. F*** you! I can't buy a car, nobody can that has an honest job so go back to Detroit. Other than that, I kinda like V-Day. It breaks up the nasty winter. Its warm here & snow is melty too. Some will stay till July tho!!! LOL

twinner said...

Not valentines niece's 19 birthday is on the 15th. She babysits for a little boy E who is 5 years old. His father asked him what he wanted to get my niece "A" for her birthday. He said he wanted to get her a friendship bracelet. Dad had no clue what that way, so he called his soon to be ex wife (they have a civil relationship right now) and asked her to get it. She was thinking he ment like a string one or a silly band. So they go to the mall and E walks into the most expensive jewelery store and started looking at engagement rings. Mom gets him out of that store right quick and takes him to one of those stores that sells less expensive jewelery and stuff. He had the girl behind the counter show him every ring in the case and he finally chose one that had silver hearts all the way around it. He was so excited, yet shy to give it to her. I asked him if A had to marry him now and he said no, but had a sly smile on his face.

Bayou Jane said...

Angie, I'd love your man too if he painted my bathroom! Just sayin'.

OT...It is 72 degrees here and I have the AC on. It is supposed to be like this all week. And then it will probably rain for 2 weeks---but I'm not complaining now!!!

Anonymous said...

My surgeon gave me a lovely take home prize--I got a bowel prep for surgery's called Golytely and it's the gift that keeps on giving.


CJ said...

Got a valentimes message from the kid... Ma, remember to tape Westminster, the pups & I want to watch it.

The kid gave up her cable last summer when finances got really tight. I am now taping over a couple old movies that no one will ever watch again... you can't buy VCR tapes anymore :(

miss tia said...

so there's no confusion, beth in 2:05 is NOT beth from seville! i talked to her the other night and she's doing well! :)

and for the 2:05 beth, i hope your surgery goes well....

miss tia said...

9:05, not 2:05....duh!

Noelle said...

That Torch I bet no one pays full market value stupid phone providers bundle a bunch of shit and make you sign a contract and get a "great rebate on the phone"

I did not receive a gift. I did see a whole bunch of lovers eat out and have a great time. That is gift enough. (just made myself nauseous)

I've been putting on that front for three days. I think I might be a real sap.

A-Gran said...

Beth, I've had that golytely stuff before. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving....

Frimmy said...

VDay gift giving is so perfunctory for people. It's more a holiday for Florists, Jewelers and Hallmark stores. Coffee and a hot cinnamon roll in bed sounds like the best gift ever by comparison, ya know?

Jessica said...

I got these earrings from Nathan. They're super pretty and they weren't expensive, my two favorite things. They're much prettier than the picture. They match the necklace he got me at Christmas and The Ring...which I know "nothing about", even though I've worn it a couple of times. I know he's going to ask The Question "sometime after Valentine's Day" I might have a picture to send you soon DD!

He got a personalized call from Antoine Dodson and some running pants. Hardly romantic, but that's what he wanted. :)

Jessica said...

Sorry I forgot to link the link, haha:


Unknown said...

I got laid on sunday. Does that count?