Thursday, February 24, 2011

He needs killed

Raymond Kvacik, a 74-year-old Elgin man has been charged with putting sleeping pills into his female home health caretakers’ fruit juice and sexually abusing one of them while she was under the influence of the medication.
Are you kidding me, you nasty dirty old man? Someone comes to fucking help your ugly old ass and you drug and rape them? The person who figured out what he was doing, should have just offed him. Nasty dirty filthy old cunt.


miss tia said...

he LOOKS like a nasty filthy old cunt!!!

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder what he did when he was younger???

~Palmetto Girl

miss tia said...

good point! and SCARY!

Melissa said...

Sick piece of shit.

just wondering said...

Ok.. I'll do it.

A-Gran said...

Oh, Palmetto Girl.... that's the most horrifying thought I've had all day! :(

Noelle said...

Super creepy! Lock him up and throw away the key. Cut off that health he won't last long. Grosssss!

SJ said...

Kindof surprised that a person who needs home health care would be with it enough to execute this plan, and have the sex! Wonder if this was a cna, or what. He looks disgustingly perved!

Peg said...

This was in our local news. The first thing I said when I read it was "you nasty old fuck!" They caught him when the police decided to go undercover as a Home Health worker and he tried to drug an undercover officer. They should chop his old dick and balls off.

Anonymous said...

Gross, gross, gross.

That's just nasty. My cousin works as a CNA and she has told me some stories of old perverts hitting on her but this one takes the cake.

- Usagichan

Melissa said...

Oh how I wish you would add a new post so I would not have to see that face anymore.

Palmetto Girl, your comment made my skin crawl but how right you surely are.

And the fact that the police got involved and went undercover is pretty incredible. How many complaints had they received before deciding to frame him... Sick Fuck. Bleed him to death, slowly and painfully.

A-Gran said...

Reminds me of when I was working in a house with 3 mentally retarded men. One of them had a sweet crush on me and told me if I was ever frightened during my overnight shift that I should just crawl into bed with him and he would protect me. The other guy would pick me flowers and was sweet too. But the THIRD guy was a horrible pig and was always making lewd remarks. One day I came out of his bathroom after cleaning it and he was lying there, naked as the day he was born with his tiny little pecker sticking straight up in the air, smiling at me like I should be thrilled to see that thing. Ugh. And before you think I'm being a bitch to a retarded guy, know that the reason he was brain damaged was because he fell off of a car in college while drunk and 'car surfing.' He was always trying to beat people up too so they finally moved him. Thankfully.

Maureen said...

I guess he had a prescription for Viagra. Men never lose their sexual appetites, no matter how old they get. The difference now is that they are able to act on their fantasies. Whoever invented this nasty pill should be incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

He's a demon possessed zombie.