Monday, February 28, 2011

Interesting read..

Interesting read today in Witchvox by Morgan St. Knight called Vampires, Paganisim, and You. It's mostly common sense stuff about how people lump different groups together because they don't know anything about them. It also goes into real Vampires and their habits as well as psychic Vampires. But, I was struck by a quote possibly attributed to Anton LaVey, "that a psychic vampire is an emotionally needy, manipulative person who insinuates themselves into the lives of others, taking up their time, energy, and attention, and essentially reducing the victim’s quality of life. The psychic vampire can be a physically debilitated person who makes others feel guilty for not being more attentive to their needs, or an emotionally needy partner who uses sulking and tears to badger their significant other into submission."
Ahhhh, indeed. HERE is the article.


miss tia said...

YES! That is an actual quote from LaVey! and he's right about psychic vampires....

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, there are the kind that steal actual energy though. But, I liked what he said, we all know those people.

miss tia said...

yep we all know those people and it's hard to recognize them sometimes until you're drained....then it's hard to get recharged....

miss tia said...

oh i like the tarot card of the day addition!

Dirty Disher said...

Do you? I'll wait and see.

miss tia said...

i just read the article....he says there are many good books on psychic self-defense but doesn't list any....

haha...i bet that witch store by me has a starter 'psychic self-defense kit' for $75!!

notherrealname said...

I've called people like that "emotional vampires." It may not be accurate but I know it means someone who feeds on your emotions and needs emotional upheaval to thrive. Can't stand to be around them.

Dirty Disher said...

My mother.