Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marriage sham?

The Enquirer has this "new" story about how Gene and Gilda's marriage was a sham and how it was the most unhappy time in his life. I don't know why they think this is news or a secret. Gene Wilder has written about it in his books and said it in interviews. Gilda was an insecure genius who was demanding and controlling. Gene certainly knew that even before he married her. He stayed with her while she was sick and has said his life became nothing but portable toilets, vomit and diarrhea. Watching someone die of cancer can't be pretty. He remarried two years after Gilda died and his current wife works on the Gilda foundations which Gene and friends started. Gene and Gilda were married in 1984 and she got sick soon after and died in 1989. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time to live a fairy tale. I wouldn't call it a "sham", more like a shit hand. He behaved with honor and now he's free to live his life.


miss tia said...

i think he behaved very honorably and he keeps up with the gilda house foundation and he doesn't have to do that....

Frimmy said...

I agree totally. He quietly continues the charity work they started without grandstanding. He has every right to keep his head held high.

DD I had a lot of trouble trying to post here, blogger kept redirecting me and giving me a message that they couldn't complete my request yada yada. Is this normal? It's been happening a few times over the last week.

TheGoodDoctor said...

I remember Gilda appearing on the Gary Shandling show right before she passed, and she spent most of the show in a hospital bed. It was sad but she was still hilarious.

Dirty Disher said...

Frimmy, blogger is sick today. It has cocksucker flu. We have to wait for the Google doctor.

Roxanne said...

OK, I read Gilda's book she wrote about her illness, lent it to a friend who promised to read it and I never saw it again, anyways, it was a great book. She couldnt concieve, thats how she learned of her ovarian cancer. Same thing that killed my SIL. Its a hell of a disease and kills with much malice and evil, its a slow and painful, horrible death. I saw it 1st hand, I know. But Gilda wrote about trying special diets to cure it, the enemas, her chefs, & Gene. Largely, the entire book was about her fight with cancer. Gene was there till she died. I used to think about her alot when I was mowing my yard. Now, I wonder why? I think she loved to garden. Either way, he cannot say it was sham, unless he was gay. Otherwise, it was just plain old bad luck. I loved Gilda and he should never discuss her in any other way except in a positive manner. She was also married to the SNL band leader at one time. GC Smith(?). He was her 1st husband. She died on a Saturday, fitting. I watched SNL that night, Steve Martin struggled with the opening and fell apart. It was so sad and painful. & She died a horrible death. Nobody should talk about her in a bad light. I loved her.

A-Gran said...

I agree with Roxanne. Why bring this up? What is he wanting to prove? I'd prefer to keep my memory of Gilda untainted.

miss tia said...

enquirer is full of it this is a link to the book's listing on amazon....there's 3 reviews....they all state the book is well written, how hard gene is to write about because he's lived a private life and how the section about gilda's illness mirror's gene's own book....

seems the enquirer is trying to make something out of nothing....must have been a slow news week....

Anonymous said...

That was an evil heartless article. Sometimes you've got to feel bad for these celebrities.

Corina 1.0 said...

He certainly acted more honorably than say, John Edwards.